My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 99: turning point


On the fifth day of being a sparring partner, Young Master Sun has basically adapted to the rhythm of walking. He goes to bed early and gets up early every day to keep exercising, and his food intake has increased a lot. Although he would do right with An Bu every time, he always failed in the end, and he still had to do what he should do.

An Bu felt that he was actually having a good time, like a brat who wanted to get attention, mischievous, disobedient, but also smart and transparent, with a pure heart, but the way of expression was "slightly" intense.

By chance, An Bu discovered that Sun Zhuobai was actually a game genius. He has played several popular competitive games and participated in several professional e-sports competitions. He is a world-renowned game master. If it is not for physical reasons, with his strength, there is definitely hope to create more brilliant records.

An Bu is not good at playing complex video games, because of her color blindness, she always does not distinguish between enemies and friends, and often becomes the legendary "pig-like teammate". Sun Zhuobai took this into consideration, and took her to play games when he was free, watching her attack neutral monsters and be instantly killed; form a team with a red name, and be instantly killed; add blood to the enemy, and be instantly killed... Laughing so hard.

"I've never seen a player as stupid as you, hahahaha..."

An Bu glanced at him calmly: Xiao Mian, do you dare to stab the old corpse? The old corpse will perform a live resurrection with full blood for you to see, it won't scare you to death. She can't die in reality, and she is not allowed to die a few more times in the game

"Sun Shao, tomorrow is my last day at work, so don't be reluctant." Anbu said with a smile.

Sun Zhuobai's laughter stopped abruptly, he was stunned for a while, and then he said nonchalantly: "What is there to be reluctant about? I wish you could get out of here."

An Bu continued: "After I'm gone, you have to keep exercising and don't be picky about eating, otherwise your hard work during this period will be in vain."

"You're so wordy!" Sun Zhuobai stood up abruptly, and ran out of the game room angrily.

An Bu looked at his leaving figure, but what she was thinking about was Jian Ningxuan. As soon as this job is over, her cat owner is probably going to propose to her, and she still doesn't know what to do. If you agree, you must tell him your identity, will he accept it? If you don't agree, the cat owner will definitely be sad. Or, should we delay it for a year or two

On the other side, Sun Zhuobai returned to the room and called his father.

"Hey, my young master actually took the initiative to call me, is it going to rain red?" Grandpa's laughing voice came from the phone.

Sun Zhuobai ignored his teasing, and said bluntly, "Dad, help me keep that woman surnamed An."

"What's a woman named An? Do you know how to be polite?" Grandfather paused, and then drew his tone, "This matter is not easy to handle. The other party agreed to only work part-time, and has no plans to be full-time."

Sun Zhuobai said disdainfully, "You're usually worth two to five to eighty thousand yuan, but when it's critical, you stop cooking."

"Aren't you itchy, kid? You weren't even born when I opened up the territory!"

"Of course I wasn't born. You were poor and frustrated back then. My well-educated mother didn't even know which garlic you were."

Grandfather was choking on him so much that he vomited blood, and after a while he gritted his teeth and said, "I see, just wait for the news!"

After speaking, he cut off the call angrily.

Sun Zhuobai raised a smile and said triumphantly, "You are too old to fight with me."

After solving this matter, Sun Zhuobai felt a lot more relaxed. Although he often complained about his father, he was still very confident in his ability to handle affairs.

After get off work, Anbu received a call from her grandfather, hoping that she would stay and continue to be Sun Zhuobai's training partner.

An Bu tactfully refused, but Sun's father tried his best to persuade him with earnest words, and invited him with a high salary, and finally negotiated a result that was acceptable to both of them, that is, one day of sparring practice every week, and the time was arranged by An Bu. If you don't want to do it, you can resign at any time.

In fact, the real reason for Anbu's agreement was the news that Sun Zhuobai inadvertently revealed that Sun Zhuobai was going to Country M the day after tomorrow to live with his mother who worked there for a while. Anbu was worried that he didn't know how to avoid Jian Ningxuan's marriage proposal, and there was a good opportunity in front of him.

Back home, Anbu told Jian Ningxuan that he would accompany his employer to Country M the day after tomorrow.

Jian Ningxuan: "... isn't your work ending tomorrow?"

"The child's health is not good. His father is worried that he will not be able to adapt after going abroad, so he hopes that I will stay with him for a few more days."

Jian Ningxuan remained silent, and his whole body became extremely gloomy.

An Bu felt a little distressed, hugged his waist, and comforted him: "It's just a few days away, when I come back, I..." Maybe I have already made a choice by then.

"I see, you take care of yourself." Jian Ningxuan kissed her forehead, and didn't ask her to change her mind, nor did she show the loss in her heart.

"Mr. Jane, you are so kind." Such a considerate cat owner is the dream of all shit-shoveling officers.

Jian Ningxuan: Since it's so good, why don't you mark him up? Flying around alone, I don't know how to stay at home and concentrate on petting cats.

In the evening, Jian Ningxuan returned to her room, took out the gift box from the drawer, looked at the ring in the box, and looked forward to the day Anbu would wear it.

Alas, the waiting was a sweet torment.

The sapphire on the ring flickered, and the poor Ringwraith was hurt by the exorcist again, and let out a silent cry: Let me go! I choose to die! (Let me go, I choose to die!)

Early in the morning the day after tomorrow, Anbu followed Sun Zhuobai on the plane to country M.

After sending off Anbu, Jian Ningxuan drove away from the airport in a sullen manner. Halfway through the drive, she received a call from Fengche: "Boss, how are your preparations for the proposal? We are waiting to watch."

Jian Ningxuan: "She has gone abroad."

The windmill was silent for a few seconds, and then said in shock: "Boss, you've finally been dumped?!"

What does it mean to be "finally" dumped? Have you been expecting him to be dumped

Jian Ningxuan said coldly: "Her job has changed temporarily, and she will be back in a few days."

"Oh, the baby is scared to death." Fengche patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "So, the boss's proposal plan will be delayed?"

Jian Ningxuan let out a muffled "hmm".

"Hey, don't, what does it matter if Mrs. J is abroad, the boss can chase after her and propose in country M." The mouse's voice came from Fengche's phone.

When Jian Ningxuan heard the words, he suddenly seemed to be awakened, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He ignored his subordinates' chatter, quickly ended the call, and drove to Mingxiang Community, intending to book a ticket for the next day and fly directly to country M.

However, the moment he made this decision, the exuberant vitality in him gradually became thinner, and finally turned into a dead energy.

Anbu and Jian Ningxuan have lived together for so long, which has actually subtly affected his luck. This effect is usually not obvious, but if it is stimulated by some external force, a series of chain reactions will occur.

It was impossible for Jian Ningxuan to buy the pair of antique rings in his life, but because of the appearance of An Bu, he made a completely different choice. He originally planned to propose marriage in China, and with Anbu by his side, there would be no accidents, but she went abroad, and because of this, he changed the location of the proposal...

An Bu got off the plane with Sun Zhuobai and others, and there were already drivers waiting outside the airport.

Sun Zhuobai's mother did not come to pick them up in person, but sent a car to pick them up to the villa. Sun Zhuobai took it for granted, with no expression on his face.

The villa is located in the affluent area in the outskirts of the city, where the air is fresh, the environment is beautiful, and all kinds of entertainment facilities are available.

"Young master, welcome home." A housekeeper around fifty years old smiled and greeted him, and said respectfully, "The room has been tidied up, it's still the one you used to live in."

Sun Zhuobai pointed to An Bu behind him: "Arrange a guest room next to me for her."

The butler gave An Bu a surprise look, nodded and said, "Okay."

Sun Zhuobai led Anbu into the villa and asked, "How is my villa?"

Anbu's pertinent evaluation: "It's not bad."

For an old corpse who has even lived in a castle, this simple villa can only be regarded as mediocre.

Sun Zhuobai sat on the sofa, looking arrogant: "Take care of me well, if I am happy, I might give you a set."

An Bu: Hehe.

"Go to sleep first, prepare your swimsuit tonight, and swim with me." Sun Zhuobai waved his hand and said in an orderly tone.

Ever since he knew that An Bu had accepted the new work arrangement, he had started to get nervous, and he had brought out the young master's demeanor to the fullest, and he only missed putting up a billboard saying "The young master is the boss" on his body.

Anbu didn't bother to argue with this kid: "It's easy to catch cold when swimming at night, let's wait until you gain a few kilograms of meat."

Sun Zhuobai gave her a dissatisfied look, but did not refute, got up and went upstairs.

Seeing that Young Master Sun was so obedient, the housekeeper couldn't help but look at An Bu again.

"Mr. Housekeeper, please take me to the room. I want to pack my luggage." An Bu said politely.

"Okay, please follow me." The butler said while leading her upstairs, "You are Miss An, my name is 'Parry', please take care of me during this time, young master."

"You're welcome, it's your duty." The butler used E language, so An Bu also replied in E language.

Parry saw her with a natural expression, coping well, and had a good impression of her.

After leading her to the guest room and introducing the basic situation and daily life of the villa, Parry left.

Anbu looked around the room, and was quite satisfied with the environment here. She was not in a hurry to pack her luggage, but took out her mobile phone and called Jian Ningxuan, but it showed that it was turned off, which surprised Anbu, because Jian Ningxuan would charge it on time every time, and the mobile phone would never turn off for no reason.

Did you forget to charge it this time? Or lost your phone accidentally

Anbu muttered to himself, but didn't take it seriously, and planned to contact him online later.

She didn't know that Jian Ningxuan had already boarded the plane to country M, and was rushing towards her with joy, planning to give her a big surprise in country M.