My Daoist Life

Chapter 102: The crisis of the martial arts class


[New Year is approaching, Laoyu will be in the discussion group of "My Buddhist Life": 1958151 send red envelopes to give feedback to brothers and sisters who support Laoyu, join the group quickly!]

The classmates in the class have no opinion on the few in our martial arts class. There are still many boys who want to join in, but the tuition fee of 200 yuan has become an obstacle. After all, I'm just a student, and I'm just a sixth-grade student. A sixth-grade student recruits students at his own school. This is a joke in the attached primary school. Therefore, Teacher Zhao is also under great pressure.

"The results of the test depend on your usual hard work. If you don't work hard, thinking about cheating in the test will definitely not work for me." Teacher Liu, the head teacher of the second experimental class, is a middle-aged woman. He is older than Mr. Zhao and his qualifications are older than Mr. Zhao, but not only is he not as beautiful as Mr. Zhao, but also his teaching level is not as good as Mr. Zhao. Therefore, in turn, Teacher Zhao was pressed into the second experimental class. But she tried her best to surpass our class. Her stern eyes told me that she was very strict in proctoring. But does this have anything to do with me

Ten minutes after the test papers were issued, I had nothing to do because my test papers were already done.

"The student sitting at the back, don't move around." Teacher Liu with the watermelon head said naturally it was me.

"Mr. Liu, I've finished, can I submit the papers in advance?" I asked.

"Ah?" Mr. Liu was taken aback and walked up to me, and found that I had already finished all the questions on the test paper. But right, she didn't bother to look at it. нéíуапGě.сОМ

"Then hand it in." Mr. Liu collected my test paper.

"Teacher, I also want to hand in the papers."

"I also hand in the papers."

The coach of our martial arts class and six students handed in the test papers one after another. Even some students in the class who answered the questions very fast also handed in the test papers. If this is because I took the lead and lowered the average score in the class, will Teacher Zhao give me good fruit to eat. But can I be blamed for this kind of thing

For a few exams in the Duan Exam, I would do it for ten minutes before handing in the papers, and the students in the martial arts class always followed me. However, the other students in the class seemed to have been warned by Teacher Zhao and could only grind until the get out of class was dismissed. I knew that Teacher Zhao wished that a few students in our martial arts class would fail the exam, so she took the opportunity to make me cancel the martial arts class. In every meeting, she is always the laughing stock of everyone.

After the exam, I went on devil training as usual.

"Coach, how was your test today?" Wang Guixin asked.

"Will you be handed in so early if you have a bad test?" I said disdainfully.

"Then how many points do you estimate you can score?" Wang Guixin asked again.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If I'm not sure about getting full marks, will I hand in the papers ahead of time?" I think Wang Guixin is a bit long-winded.

Wang Guixin did not expect me to be so immodest. Actually I was right. In addition to Chinese, most students in the experimental class have the strength to score full marks in other subjects. Unless they are careless, there is simply no question that can beat them. After all, they have surpassed their peers by too much.

"I also think that the questions in the Duan Exam are very easy. Just look at them. Unless I accidentally miscalculate the questions, it is impossible to make mistakes." Cheng Cheng said.

"I think so too. I thought it was because I made progress, but I didn't expect the questions to be so easy this time. Every time we take part exams, don't our experimental classes use more difficult questions? Math questions are often straightforward. Take the math Olympiad question. Why is it so easy this time?" Zhou Xing was also very strange.

Lin Yi also smiled and said, "Hey, I thought I got the test paper wrong at first. I'll know the result tomorrow anyway."

"Why are you talking so much, is it not enough practice? It seems that I have to increase the amount." I saw the members of the martial arts class chatting non-stop, and I was a little angry.

Seeing the strong displeasure in my tone, the members of the martial arts class immediately stopped talking.

"This set of basic boxing skills is almost done. Today I will teach you a new set of boxing skills." I glanced at a few members of the martial arts class and paused.

The set of boxing skills I am talking about is naturally "Xingyi Wuxingquan". However, both "Taizu Changquan" and "Xingyi Wuxingquan" are no longer the original version, but an upgraded version after being changed by me. After all, the boxing skills that appeared in the popular boxing manual are no longer what they used to be. After I made such a change, there has been an earth-shaking change.

As soon as they heard about more advanced boxing skills, the students in the martial arts class immediately became excited, completely forgot about the morning exam, and no longer bothered about the results of the exam.

Xingyi Wuxingquan is originally a relatively difficult boxing technique. The movement is about reaching the limit of the body, and each movement is extremely difficult. After my modification, this difficulty is even more extreme. Without such a long period of training, and through my use of vitality to temper, the bodies of the students of the martial arts class simply cannot withstand such a high intensity.

But even so, when martial arts class students started to do this movement, it was still extremely difficult.

"Fat man, sink down a little more. You must touch the back heel with your hands, and your knees can't be bent. If your knees are bent, do you still need you to practice? Even the elderly in the seventies and eighties can do it." I picked up a small bamboo stick in my hand and tapped on Fatty continuously. several times.

Cheng Cheng smiled and said, "Coach, the fat man's belly is so big that he can't see his toes at all. It's not that difficult for him to do this."

"Do you think your movements are very standard?" I asked, and then pointed out Cheng Cheng's questions one by one, "Every time you grab your heels, your knees are slightly bent, do you think I can't see it? Also. There is something wrong with the posture of leaning down..."

I also slapped Cheng Cheng several times on his body. Although he didn't exert much force, it could be seen from Cheng Cheng's grinning demeanor that it was not so pleasant to get this stick on his body. At the beginning, these students would have rebelled long ago, but now they have been able to adapt to this intensity.

I don't know what's going on. Seeing that the students are not doing well, I feel a little anxious in my heart, and I can't help but hit people.

It was a little late to go home because of the new boxing practice.

"Jingyang, why did you come back so late today?" the elder sister asked casually.

"I'm not an alarm clock, how can I be on time every day." I don't know where the anger came from in my heart.

My sister was stunned: "Jingyang, how did you talk? Can't you ask me a single question? Well, starting tomorrow, my sister will move back to the dormitory and live there."

Seeing my sister angry, I woke up like a dream: "Sister, I didn't mean it."

My sister was not really angry with me, "Jingyang, have you been having trouble controlling your emotions recently?"

I thought about it and nodded.

"Actually, don't worry too much. It is normal for you to be a little rebellious and violent at your age. But it is like a seed. If you let it grow up, you will get lost in the violent emotions. In the future You will destroy yourself. Therefore, from now on, you must learn more about the Taoist practice of cultivating your mind and cultivating your nature. You will have more comprehension. As your ideological level improves, you will be able to control your abilities. The ability to control yourself." When my sister said this, I slowly understood.

I nodded: "Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now."

"It's alright, I'm already called my sister, how could my sister blame you. I checked some information for you, and you can take a good look. In fact, Taoist meditation doesn't require any kind of method, you just need to be more enlightened at ordinary times. The truth is that your mood has naturally improved. You have no problem, your problem is that your ability is beyond your age, but your mood is similar to your age. Mood has a lot to do with life experience and life experience. Your mood will keep up with your ability." My sister put a stack of documents in my hand. Because of my business, my sister didn't give a lot of thought.

I took the information from my sister's hand without saying a word, tears welling in my eyes. It was also because of my sister's patient persuasion this time that I was able to sink my heart and look at those Taoist things. What my sister found for me were some easy-to-understand vernacular texts, many of which were translations of ancient Taoist masters' writings. Although they may deviate from the original scriptures, they were able to be easily understood by me.

"Jingyang, isn't your class taking the Duan exam today? How was the exam?" My sister asked during dinner.

"Ok. It's easy," I said.

"That seems to be a good test. I used to worry that you wouldn't be able to keep up with the progress of the experimental class, but now there seems to be no problem." There was a gratified smile on my sister's face.

The first class on the second day was Teacher Zhao's Chinese class. The students in the class were a little nervous, because Teacher Zhao would announce the results of the previous day's exam in the class.

"Yesterday's exam results have come out." Speaking of which, Mr. Zhao looked up at every student in the class. I noticed that Mr. Zhao paused a little when he saw me.

"Here I would like to mention the examination discipline of our first experimental class. No matter what kind of test you will take in the future, no matter whether you have finished the questions on the test paper or not, no matter how confident you are, you cannot submit the paper in advance. Huang Jingyang, you can do it. Is it?" Mr. Zhao obviously knew that I took the lead in handing in the exam yesterday.

I didn't care, Cheng Cheng immediately stared at Meng Qian, the deputy squad leader likes to complain the most.

I stood up: "It should be possible to do it."

"It's not that you should be able to do it, but it must be done. Even if you pass the exam, doing so will affect other students in the class." Teacher Zhao couldn't tolerate my ambiguity.

"Then I'll do it." When Mr. Zhao did this, I knew that the students in our martial arts class did well in the exam, and Mr. Zhao could not cancel the martial arts class. That's what's embarrassing me.

The students in the class were very dissatisfied with my irresponsible attitude towards the exam, especially Meng Qian.

"This time, if our class didn't win the second class, it must be because the martial arts class was holding us back. Not only was it slowing us down, but it also affected our exams. Handing in papers so early has caused some students in our class to suffer. Interference. Humph!" Meng Qian whispered to her tablemate. My skill is so high, how can I escape my ears? (.)