My Daoist Life

Chapter 104: Evil weapon


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"A magic weapon?" I took the thing in Lin Yi's hand, which I was all too familiar with. I remember when my sister first arrived at Bajiao Primary School, she brought a similar jade pendant. This thing is too different from the jade pendant. It is a bell, but inside the bell, I see a very disgusting black aura.

"It's full of stuff like this. Coach, do you know it?" Lin Yi asked.

"I haven't seen this thing, but I've seen something similar to this one. Has anyone in your family been sick recently?" I asked.

"No. If there is any, it's my father. I guess my father is going crazy." Lin Yi said.

I was a little surprised by this. Although Lin Yi's family was noisy, there was no problem. Unlike Teacher Lin, after taking that jade pendant, he had nightmares every day. By the way, Lin Yi's mother seems to have a black air about her. Maybe she should have been affected. But it doesn't look too serious. But Lin Yi was completely unaffected.

"Do your whole family live here every day?" I asked.

"Yeah. But my mother often goes back to my grandmother's house. Especially after my father bought these instruments, they often quarrel, and my mother often runs to my grandmother's house. In fact, my mother is still very worried about my father. It's just that my father is now He's obsessed, no matter how much my mother persuades him, he won't listen at all. Instead, he blames his mother for not supporting him in his career. What kind of career is he?" Lin Yi said angrily. нéiУāпGê latest chapter has been updated

"Are you wearing anything?" I asked.

"Yeah. My dad once met a Taoist priest and asked for an amulet for each of our family. You see, this is it." Lin Yi took an amulet from his neck.

I took it over and took a closer look, and sure enough, the problem was with this amulet. Although the amulet is hidden in the cloth bag, I can feel the breath of vitality from the cloth bag.

"What's wrong? Is this amulet also fake?" Lin Yi asked quickly when he saw my serious expression.

"This amulet, you put it on. Don't take it off. Otherwise, there will be a big problem." I said quickly, then turned to Wang Guixin and the others and said, "Wang Guixin, you guys go back quickly. Don't stay here for a long time. "

Although Wang Guixin and others did not understand what was going on, they still obeyed me. One by one, they walked out of Lin Yi's house.

"Coach, is there something wrong with my dad's 'magic tools'?" Lin Yi asked.

I nodded. "It's a big problem. Fortunately, your father got this amulet from nowhere."

"Actually, you don't know. It was because of this amulet that my father became interested in the magic weapon. My father was not in good health before. He often took injections and medicines, but it didn't work very well. Since wearing this amulet, His body slowly got better. That's why he became interested in this magic weapon." Lin Yi still wore the amulet around his neck.

"Didn't you just say that your father asked for amulets for your whole family? Did your mother wear them?" I remembered that Lin Yi's mother had a faint blackness on her body.

"My mother said that my father was a feudal superstition. She didn't wear her amulet." Lin Yi walked into his parents' room and found an amulet from the bedside table.

"Can I take it apart and take a look?" I took the amulet, which was exactly the same as the one Lin Yi was wearing, and there was an aura of vitality in it. The Taoist priest is also very clever.

"Okay. My mother doesn't like to wear this anyway. She likes to wear necklaces, and she said that wearing an amulet is too dirty." Lin Yi found a pair of scissors.

I carefully cut the cloth bag open, only to see a triangle folded from a piece of yellow paper inside. After taking apart the triangle, a strange rune was drawn on a piece of yellow paper the size of a cigarette box. This rune has a very strong vitality on it. This is a brand new discovery for me. I used to only know that ancient characters such as oracle bone script and seal script can condense vitality. Now I find that there are such strange runes that can also rely on vitality. This character is not weaker than Oracle. The ability to attach may even be stronger. After all, these runes have been worn by the Lin Yi family for some time. Part of the vitality has dissipated.

"No." I frowned, and I felt that it wasn't this character. The character isn't even as powerful as Oracle. Not the ability of this rune itself. The problem is with the ink used to draw the runes. I don't know what ink was used to draw this talisman, and the color is bright red. Some fine particles can be clearly seen on the drawn runes. This particle contains a strong vitality.

I have no idea what these particles are. If I can use this thing to write oracle bone script, it must be much more powerful than this amulet.

"What's wrong? Coach." Seeing my serious expression, Lin Yi asked quickly.

"Nothing. I just think the material used for this rune is interesting." After I was going to go back, I asked my sister to see if she had any way to find out the material of the rune.

I folded the amulet, wrapped it in a cloth bag again, and handed it to Lin Yi: "You'd better send this amulet to your mother, and make sure she put it on. It's good for her. If I didn't guess If it's wrong, your mother has been having nightmares at night a lot recently."

Lin Yi nodded and put away the amulet.

At this moment, Lin Yi's father came over. He was tall and thin, his eyes were not very big, and his expression was sluggish. There was also a faint blackness on his body.

"Xiao Yi, who is this? Didn't I tell you not to bring anyone into the house?" Lin Yi's father gave me a cold look.

Lin Yi said angrily: "This is my classmate, or my coach. Let me tell you, our coach has real kung fu. People have seen it, these magic tools of yours are not magic weapons at all!"

"Humph! I told you, don't tell others about the magic weapon in your family. Do you take my words as a deaf ear?" Lin Yi's father's face turned blue, and he stretched out his hand to slap Lin Yi.

I raised my hand and grabbed Lin Yi's father's hand tightly. Lin Yi's father's hand stopped less than one centimeter away from Lin Yi's face. Lin Yi was so frightened that his face turned pale. Seeing that I had grabbed his father's hand, he quickly hid behind me.

"What are you doing? Let me go?" Lin Yi's father said angrily.

I didn't let go, but increased my strength: "You can be a father like this! Do you think you bought a magic weapon? Take a look at the amulet you are carrying. Inside Has it been turned into pieces? If you continue like this, you will not only kill yourself, but also your son. Maybe you don't have your wife and children in your head at all, and you beat your wife and your son again. What kind of father are you?"

"Ah! Let go! My hand is about to break!" Lin Yi's father said in pain.

Lin Yi tugged at me and looked at me with pleading eyes, obviously not wanting to see my father in so much pain. As soon as I loosened my hand, Lin Yi's father immediately held his wrist with his left hand and kept rubbing it.

"Who are you? Why do you care about our family's affairs? Don't care about our family's affairs! You should leave my house quickly. Otherwise, I will call the police!" Lin Yi's father said.

"You are so stubborn! You don't even know when you're about to die." I quickly ripped off Lin Yi's father's collar, forcibly tore off the amulet, and cut open the cloth bag. Sure enough, the amulet inside had become black crumbs.

"Have you seen it? You're lucky. If you hadn't bought the amulet, your family would have been killed by you long ago. What kind of magic weapon did you buy? It's obviously harmful!" I picked it up. A so-called magic weapon, when it enters the vitality, immediately a black smoke jumps out from the so-called magic weapon.

"It's clearly your fault!" Lin Yi's father said.

"What the hell did I do? Lin Yi, go get your mother's amulet, take out the amulet inside, and put it on a magic weapon." I pushed Lin Yi.

Lin Yi opened the amulet, took out the amulet, and then found a "magic tool" from the study, and touched the amulet with the magic tool.


With a bang, the amulet and magic weapon exploded. The magic weapon collapsed to the ground, and the amulet turned into ashes and scattered on the ground.

"See clearly? This is the magic weapon you bought! There are three amulets, and these things are harmful things. I don't know where you got them back. I can tell you. If you don't stop. Your good family, including your neighbors, will all be killed by you. Have you had nightmares lately at night?" I couldn't allow Lin Yi's father to refute at all. My emotions are also very emotional, I can't see such an irresponsible dad. Unconsciously, I also vented my emotions. Although I have never resented my parents. But there are emotions buried deep in my heart.

Lin Yi's father was dumbfounded. He was just blindfolded by his dream of getting rich. There was a time when unlimited sex could blind the eyes, making people unable to see the treasures in front of them. It is only when you lose it that you know how precious it is.

I know it will take him time to digest this, but I can already see a hint of remorse in his eyes.

"Your wife has been attacked by this evil for not wearing an amulet. If it is not treated in time, the situation will get worse. Your situation is even worse. If you are willing to repent. I can help you. I am not because of you. It's because of Lin Yi." I eased a little.

"Dad, you have seen it with your own eyes. This is not a magic weapon at all, but something harmful. The coach has told you so clearly, you should repent! Stop dreaming of making a fortune." Lin Yi left In the past, he took his father's arm and begged, tears welling in his eyes. (.)