My Daoist Life

Chapter 105: attitude reversal


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How could Lin Yi's father wake up all of a sudden? However, he also began to have doubts about these "magic tools" of his. [Full text]

Seeing that his father was still indifferent, Lin Yi ran over to call his mother.

"Mom, come back soon! Our coach is here. No, you must come back today. It's very, very important." Lin Yi's mother probably didn't want to come back, so Lin Yi burst into tears.

"Uncle, I was originally an outsider, and I didn't want to meddle in my own business. But Lin Yi is my student. I don't want anything to happen to my student. The magic tools you paid a lot of money for are all harmful things. I advise you to destroy these instruments as soon as possible. Otherwise, the harm will be endless. Now you and your wife have suffered from it, and even Lin Yi will definitely suffer in the future. I can drive out the evil energy in your body now, This time, I'm for Lin Yi. But there won't be a second time. If you continue to be obsessed, I won't take any action in the future." I reached out and grabbed Lin Yi's father's hand. The evil spirits in it are eliminated at one time. After the evil spirits were removed, Lin Yi's father's eyes became brighter. Evil not only eroded his body, but also eroded his soul. If it continues, his body and soul will be completely eroded by evil energy.

Lin Yi's father's obsession is already very deep. Although I made the relationship very clear, he couldn't accept it all at once.

Lin Yi's mother came back in a hurry. Although she was worried, she still couldn't worry about Lin Yi. She was about to despair about this family, but she couldn't rest assured about Lin Yi. Therefore, I am a little envious of Lin Yi. He has at least one mom who cares about him.

"Did you beat your son again?" Lin Yi's mother walked in and hugged Lin Yi. She was like an old mother who was protecting her cub against the eagle.

This time, Lin Yi's father was very quiet and glanced at Lin Yi's mother. He walked into the library silently.

"Mom, this is our coach. He is very good. Dad was angry and wanted to beat me just now, but he stopped him. He was still persuading Dad just now." Lin Yi came over and pulled me and said to my mother.

"Hello. Classmate. What's your name?" Lin Yi's mother glanced at me, ignoring what Lin Yi said just now.

"My name is Huang Jingyang." I said calmly.

"Mom, he's our coach." Lin Yi was about to go on, but the sound of ping ping pong pong suddenly came from the study.

"Why are you crazy!" Lin Yi's mother rushed to the study angrily.

Lin Yi and I also followed.

The door to the study was not closed. Lin Yi's father was using a hammer to smash the "magic instruments" that he had bought back at a high price one by one.

"What are you doing? At that time, I asked you not to buy these things, but you did. Now you... " Lin Yi's mother kept scolding, and I took Lin Yi's mother's hand.

"Auntie, things are gone, people are still there. If people are gone. What's the use of more money? Uncle is now awakened, better than anything else." I said.

Lin Yi's mother naturally figured it out: "Yes, these harmful things can't be left here."

Lin Yi's mother also went looking for something, and walked into the room to smash those "magic tools" with Lin Yi's father.

There was a constant banging in the room.

Lin Yi and I looked at each other and smiled.

When I pulled Lin Yi's mother's hand just now, I had driven out the evil spirit in Lin Yi's mother's body by the way.

"Lin Yi, today's training is impossible. I'll go back first." I suddenly discovered a way to make money. Don't want to rely on martial arts classes to make money anymore. After all, I am too young to hold a martial arts class. For six hundred and one, the money is fast, but the trouble is not small. Now that only five people have been recruited, Teacher Zhao has been looking for trouble. If more people are recruited in the future. I'm afraid there will be more trouble. After all, the attached primary school does not talk about the octagonal primary school. In Bajiao Elementary School, they are all villagers, and they all think it is reasonable and reasonable. But here, the reason is simple but difficult to explain.

The amulet purchased by Lin Yi's father gave me a great inspiration. As long as I make vitality charms such as amulets, I can completely rely on the vitality charms to maintain my life in the future. If I give the vitality charm to others to sell, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Sister, do you know what is commonly used for drawing talismans?" When I got home, I asked my sister.

"How do I know? Let me ask for you." My sister looked at me strangely, "Why are you asking?"

"I saw a kind of amulet at my classmate's house today. It is good for people to wear it. I should be able to draw it." Now, I have nothing to hide from my sister.

"Really?" My sister was also a little curious. Recently, she has been practicing with my help every day, and she has completely changed into a person. The skin became like pure white jade, and the eyes were sparkling. more spiritual than ever. Those movie stars on TV now, compared with their sister, are simply vulgar fans, unsightly.

"Stinky boy, why are you looking at my sister like that?" My sister suddenly felt that my eyes were a little weird.

"Of course I was fascinated by my sister's peerless appearance." I giggled.

"It's time to fight!" My sister patted my forehead lightly.

The next day at school, Lin Yi came to the school happily. Run to my seat on purpose.

"Coach, my parents are reconciled. My father agreed and will never do this kind of thing again. My mother also forgave him. I'm so happy. Coach, thank you." Lin Yi brought a lot of goodies Come to eat.

"Lin Yi, Huang Jingyang, Mr. Zhao said that you are not allowed to bring snacks into the school. I'm going to tell Mr. Zhao." As soon as Meng Qian entered the classroom, she saw that Lin Yi and I were both holding snacks.

"Meng Qian! This matter has nothing to do with our coaches. This is what my parents asked me to bring to our martial arts class to eat. I don't care about the coaches at all." Lin Yi wanted to take care of it alone. down. Don't want to implicate me.

"Yes! I also have a share in this matter." Wang Guixin stood up.

Zhou Xing also stood up.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Zhenbo and Cheng Cheng also stood up.

"Humph! It's no use trying to cover up Huang Jingyang. I saw it with my own eyes. Both Huang Jingyang and Lin Yi have snacks in their hands." Meng Qian said.

What surprised me was that my deskmate, Li Hong, who had never said a word to me, stood up: "Meng Qian, you read it wrong. In fact, Lin Yi brought snacks to me. Huang Jingyang just helped me. Just took it."

Meng Qian felt bad all of a sudden: "You guys, you all bully me together! I'm going to tell Teacher Zhao."

As soon as Meng Qian put down her schoolbag, she quickly ran to Teacher Zhao's office.

After a while, Teacher Zhao came over.

"Huang Jingyang, go to the office with me." Teacher Zhao only sees me now.

I shook my head helplessly, I was the head of the martial arts class, no matter who caused trouble, Teacher Zhao would put the account on me.

Lin Yi quickly explained to Teacher Zhao.

"It's useless what you say to me. In the future, no matter whoever causes trouble in your martial arts class, I will count it on Huang Jingyang's head." Teacher Zhao didn't allow Lin Yi to speak at all.

"Mr. Zhao, you are so unfair to our coach." Lin Yi said loudly.

"What was your name Huang Jingyang just now?" Teacher Zhao asked.

Lin Yi didn't know why, "Coach."

"Isn't that right? Since he is your coach, he should be responsible for you." Teacher Zhao said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhao, I shouldn't have done this. They shouldn't have brought snacks to school." I walked up to Teacher Zhao and said.

"I didn't tell you to go there because of this. The students of your martial arts class have small groups in the class, and that's the problem. You have already teamed up to let Meng Qian, the deputy monitor in charge of discipline in the class, go down several times. Can't do it. Don't say you don't know." Teacher Zhao said angrily.

"I really didn't let them do it." I was speechless.

"It doesn't matter whether you did it or not. When you didn't have a martial arts class, this kind of thing didn't happen, right? After the martial arts class started, this kind of thing often happened. Do you think it has anything to do with you?" Teacher Zhao asked back. .

"Okay. Then I'll pay attention later," I said.

"Do you plan to expand the martial arts class in the future?" Teacher Zhao asked again.

I shook my head, "It didn't expand, it's all like this. I'm still expanding, I'm not comfortable with myself?"

"Actually some teachers at school are asking about your martial arts class. Their kids want to be in your martial arts class."

Teacher Zhao's sudden turning point surprised me.

"I don't want to expand." I still shook my head.

"Why don't you think about it again? I don't think it's bad to practice martial arts. Your martial arts class has improved a lot this time. As long as you pay attention to your relationship with your classmates, it's actually fine. "Mr. Zhao's attitude is too elusive for me.

Are you testing me? I said with a firmer attitude: "I think the influence of the martial arts class in the school is too bad. In order not to embarrass Teacher Zhao, I decided not to expand. After this semester is over, I will disband the martial arts class."

"You can't do this!" Teacher Zhao said anxiously. It doesn't look like cheating.

I looked at Teacher Zhao in amazement: "Mr. Zhao, didn't you always object to my martial arts class?"

"It used to be before, now it is now!" Teacher Zhao was anxious.

"It's just because it's now that I don't want to take a martial arts class."

"Aren't you short of money? If you expand the martial arts class and recruit 100 students, you will be able to earn 20,000 yuan. That's almost enough for one year's expenses. By the way, your 200 yuan is for each semester. Is the fee still for a year?"

"Can the school's tuition be paid once a year?" I asked rhetorically.

Teacher Zhao rolled my eyes at me and said angrily, "The school has six classes a day."

"Forget it. I don't plan to start a martial arts class now. I already have a way to make money in other ways." I have no interest in expanding the martial arts class. The martial arts class only recruited five students, and two of them had trouble at home. If I recruit a few more, I will not be a firefighter? (.)