My Daoist Life

Chapter 110: control


"You, what are you doing?" Shi Tai was taken aback by me.

"I hand in the papers," I said.

"The paper is handed in, so what are you doing loudly?" Shi Tai said angrily.

This time it was okay, just as I handed in the papers, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. I seem to be doing faster in the English test in the next class. I'm so anxious for the teacher.

As soon as Teacher Zhao finished the test, he hurried over to take a look. When he saw that I had not walked far from the classroom, he was relieved.

"Huang Jingyang, how are you doing?" Teacher Zhao asked.

"It goes without saying. I've slept all night." I said it too hastily, and all of a sudden I was bald.

Teacher Zhao was still young, and immediately burst into a high-pitched voice, "Huang Jingyang!"

Immediately my legs straightened, ready to run away.

"Huang Jingyang, if you dare to run, I will call your sister." Teacher Zhao said.

Mobile phones are really something that all elementary school students hate. Any small mistake now may cause parents to receive complaints from teachers. Parents who have been trained as grandchildren by teachers will train their sons as grandchildren after hanging up the phone.

Since my sister was equipped with the most drop-resistant mobile phone, my clear sky began to be filled with dark clouds. To top it all off, the two women also occasionally discussed how to deal with precocious troubled children.

I can only hang my head and pretend to be pitiful. Normally, this move already exempts 30% of the adult's attack power. The problem is that I met Mr. Zhao, who has thoroughly studied the coping of problem children. Lose yourself hey! Word! elder brother

"It's useless for you to pretend to be pitiful with me." Teacher Zhao ignored my defense.

Does this keep our children alive? I don't even want to be silent to kill time. It's just that it's not ten minutes between classes at noon.

"Mr. Zhao, I want to go to the toilet." I said.

"You have the ability to pull yourself." Teacher Zhao said angrily.

Who dares to do this? I glanced at Teacher Zhao silently and resentfully.

"Let you check carefully after you finish the exam to see if there is any omission." Teacher Zhao didn't get angry when he talked about it.

"I'm all right, and checking it a hundred times won't turn out to be wrong. You said that exams can't help your classmates." I said aggrieved.

"That's not helping classmates, that's cheating. Cheating is to be expelled." Teacher Zhao said angrily.

"I know. So in order to avoid such a serious mistake, I chose to submit the papers in advance." I went back to the topic.

"Not allowed to submit papers in advance, it will affect other students in the class." Teacher Zhao said.

"Then I have to lie down on the table and review the contents of the textbook."

"Well. No. You are arguing. You are clearly sleeping." Teacher Zhao was anxious.

"I fell asleep looking back." I scratched my head.

"Huang Jingyang, don't pretend to me. Your sister has already told me all your tricks. I won't be fooled." Teacher Zhao even started to pinch my ears.

"Isn't the primary school in the city not prepared for corporal punishment by teachers?" I asked weakly.

"You can go back and tell your parents." Teacher Zhao smiled.

I will stop talking, no matter how strong the castle is, it will be breached from the inside, and the most naughty baby can't bear to be betrayed by the parents.

"Why didn't you speak?" Teacher Zhao asked.

"When I speak, will you let me go?" I asked.

"Don't even think about it." Teacher Zhao didn't use much effort, the key was that I didn't dare to resist. As the coach of the martial arts class, I was slapped by the teacher's ears in public, so I didn't think too much about it.

So I just kept my mouth shut.

My eyes see my nose, my nose sees my mouth, my mouth sees my mind, and my mind sees freedom. God flew away.

Hey, there's a fly here, I got that fly under control right away. Now it's time to control this small animal again, and it can be considered familiar.

Immediately the hapless little fly began to scramble about, like a headless fly. It took me a long time to finally get used to the rhythm of the little fly. Unexpectedly, this little fly is much bigger than the mosquito, but it is much more difficult to control. I wanted to control a bird to poop on Shitai's head before. It seems that this immature idea can only come to an end.

Buzzing, the little fly sang and rushed towards Teacher Zhao.

"Yeah!" Teacher Zhao was taken aback by this resolute little fly. The little thing was too bad and rushed over, and kissed her peach red mouth. In order to protect his lips, Teacher Zhao naturally released me.

Seeing that Teacher Zhao released me, I couldn't care less about controlling the flies, so I hurriedly ran away.

Seeing me fleeing in a hurry, Teacher Zhao couldn't help but smile, but didn't really catch up.

Only the poor little fly rolled on the ground a few times because of the fly accident, and was unable to take off again for a long time.

The English test in the afternoon couldn't be easier for me. Memory is very important for this thing. My sister trains me with the difficulty of CET 6 in college every day. Coping with the difficulty of CET 6 in elementary school is like a child's play.

Listening is a delay, because when I take the listening test, I don't listen to the tape, but the English teacher goes directly to the battle. Relatively time consuming. The rest of the test questions, I only spent a few minutes to complete. Such an easy test question naturally does not need to be checked. So I started the morning game again. I don't know what happened, but there are not a single mosquito in the classroom. By the way, when I came in just now, I smelled the smell of mosquito medicine in the classroom, isn't it? It's the most poisonous woman's heart, to deal with such a young life, to be so vicious. Sure enough, I found the corpses of several mosquitoes in the dark corner of the classroom, which is hard evidence of Shi Tai's heinous crime.

Do you think that if you kill the mosquitoes in the classroom, I can't do anything about you? My vision flew out of the classroom, but the harsh sunlight outside made me a little scared, so I could only hide under the eaves to find my target. Not long after walking forward, everything in front of him became blurred. I have been afraid to move forward. Because the front gave me a feeling of heart palpitations. I instinctively stepped back, and my vision became clear again. At this moment, a small fly humming a popular song of the fly world appeared in my field of vision.

"I'm sorry, little fly." I didn't think the little fly was disgusting, but I thought the little fly was cute.

The little fly struggled for a while, then chose to give up. Swayingly flew into the classroom.


"Where did the flies come from?" Shi Tai's eyes were really sharp and his ears were sharp. Immediately, traces of small flies were found. She was really cruel enough to hide a bottle of mosquito repellant under the podium. Pick it up and spray it.

English teacher Teacher Zhang quickly stopped, "Don't say no, you can't spray. The children are still taking exams."

The teacher put down the mosquito repellant angrily. If it really scared all the children away because of the mosquito killing, she would not be able to shirk the investigation. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is deliberately preventing the students from the first class from being able to answer the questions properly.

I was already paying a moment of silence for the little flies, and I was going to withdraw to find the target again. But now I don't need much effort. I controlled the flies and circled the classroom a few times to warm up. Then Xiang Shitai flew over. The teacher was looking at the classroom sternly. In fact, the experimental class does not need proctoring at all. The teacher just wanted to make the atmosphere a little more tense, so that the students in our class could not perform well.

The little fly quietly flew behind Shi Tai, this time without even making a humming sound. Then he slowly approached Shitai, and slammed into Shitai's face.


All of us in the class blinked, this is really cruel. The teacher is also so cruel to herself.

Shi Tai casually dragged his palm across his face, then opened it to see that it was empty.

I almost didn't laugh, how could I fall in the same place twice? After the little fly bumped into Shi Tai's face, it immediately ran away desperately, just avoiding Shi Tai's palm.

"Mr. Liu, what are you doing?" Teacher Zhang frowned and asked.

"A fly is always flying around here." Shi Tai pointed to the air.

But where are the flies in the air? Teacher Zhang frowned and said nothing.

The little fly was hiding on Shi Tai's back at this time.

The teacher searched several times and couldn't find the figure of the little fly, and was very annoyed.

After a while, the little fly took off from Shi Tai's body, circled around Shi Tai's other face, and jumped up.


The master changed his hand and hit it hard again, but the attack was still the same.

The little fly deftly avoided Shitai's attack and hid behind Shitai again.

Shi Tai carefully rubbed his hands on his face twice, then slowly opened his palms, still empty.

Shi Tai smiled awkwardly at Teacher Zhang who had been staring at her: "This fly is really cunning and missed."

Teacher Zhang's mouth moved a bit, but he didn't speak.

The teacher is not stupid, she doesn't stand still anymore, but what's the use of her walking around? The little fly was attached to his back. Wherever she went, the little flies followed. She kept jumping on her clothes. When she was not careful, she jumped into the face of the teacher. The master was also smart, and did not dare to fight hard, and if he fought again, he would become a second senior brother. Hit it lightly, but how could it possibly hit a small fly

I teased Shi Tai several times in a row, and seeing Shi Tai's chaotic appearance, I almost couldn't help laughing. People in our class also felt that the teacher was too weird today. But everyone was overjoyed that this guy was teased by a little fly for the entire exam. It's just that no one dares to laugh out loud, and the way they all hold back their laughter is also very tortured patience.

I still wanted to control the little fly to continue flying towards Shi's wife's swollen face, but a severe headache came to my mind, and my thoughts returned to myself. Small flies tumbled to the ground like runaway kites.

"It's this abominable fly!" Shi Tai pinched the little fly from the ground and brutally pulled out the little fly's wings. Then the little fly's feet were pulled out one by one. Become a fly stick.

Seeing the smug look of the teacher, Teacher Zhang frowned even more. The teacher was unaware. She revels in her victories.

I am lying on the table. This time I really fell asleep. (.)