My Daoist Life

Chapter 121: sharpening stone


Just as we were leaving in a hurry, a large group of police cars came galloping. Many of them, less common special vehicles. Aggressively went straight to the stronghold of Tianyin Sect.

"Wouldn't it be to catch those people?" My sister said in a low voice, looking outside.

"Stop, stop." I said quickly.

"Gah!" The car braked suddenly and stopped. My sister and I almost didn't fly out, but luckily I had the time to hug my sister and hold the front seat tightly with one hand. The driver was already prepared and fastened his seat belt, but just leaned forward heavily.

"Sorry, sorry." The driver looked back at us with an apologetic face.

The driver pulled the car to the side of the road, and I endured the pain and turned to look behind the car. That team of police cars actually stopped at the Tianyin Sect's stronghold. A large number of police surrounded the stronghold. The road has been blocked by the police, and it is impossible for us to go back and have a look.

"Let's watch the news tomorrow," the driver said. "For such a big event, there must be reports in the news tomorrow."

My sister and I thought about it and nodded.

The driver took us back to our accommodation.

"Sister, do you know who I saw in that stronghold?" I said after entering the room.

"Who did you see?" My sister was surprised.

"Cui Chenlin. He is actually in the stronghold of the Tianyin Sect. He still seems to be a very important person." I told my sister what I saw. Baidu Yixia Hey, Yan, Brother Watch the chapters for free without pop-up windows

"Cui Shenlin!" My sister immediately understood what happened to her attack.

"I almost killed him just now, but he is very powerful now. I don't know what he used to hurt me." I didn't hide my sister.

"Ah?" My sister was taken aback, not because of Cui Chenlin, but because I was going to kill her for her, "Jingyang, you must pay attention to controlling your emotions now. If you continue like this, you will be swallowed up by your brutality. People like Cui Chenlin are hateful, but you can't control your emotions. You are controlled by your own emotions. This is very scary. How many people are there in that stronghold? You kill them all for me? Once If you kill them, I may be safe. But you may become a murderer without blinking an eye."

I was also shocked. I did have the intention to kill just now. After killing Cui Chenlin, I will definitely not let other people in the room be spared. Once I start killing like this, I am afraid that my mood will be unstable immediately. It is really possible to be swallowed by brutality and become a demon. I felt a little bit of fear myself.

"Sister is not blaming you. You are also doing it for your sister's good. But my sister really doesn't want you to become a devil for her sister's sake. Maybe, we have other solutions. Let's find a solution together," said the elder sister.

Lin Yi's father has already negotiated a single-family house in the countryside, and my sister and I plan to move there soon. I am going to enlighten my sister. If the elder sister becomes stronger, even in the face of an incoming enemy, she will be able to have a certain amount of self-protection.

The next night, we really saw the news from Jincheng News.

"Last night, the Jincheng Public Security Bureau launched Operation Thunder, destroying many strongholds of the cult organization Tianyin Sect in Jincheng City. More than 100 members of the cult organization and a number of core members of the cult organization were arrested. The case is still under trial. The core organization personnel of the Tianyin Sect are still being traced…”

But I have a feeling that Cui Shenlin must have escaped. He has that kind of means and can definitely escape easily. It's hard for ordinary people to deal with.

"I don't know if Cui Shenlin was caught?" said the elder sister.

"It's very difficult, this guy is already very powerful now, and he has a lot of life-saving treasures in his hands. I don't know what adventures this guy has had in the past two years, and he has suddenly become so powerful. Look at his situation in Tianyin. The status of teaching is not low." I said.

The elder sister sighed regretfully, "This person is very sinister. He never says anything about it, and keeps it all in his heart."

My sister and Cui Shenlin have known each other since childhood and almost became boyfriend and girlfriend. Naturally, he knows Cui Shenlin very well.

"Cui Chenlin doesn't know what yin and evil exercises he has practiced, and how he can progress so quickly. Is this kind of exercise very special and needs the assistance of someone with a physique like my sister to speed up the cultivation." I thought about it and said.

My sister blushed and gave me a white look, "It's time to fight!"

I hurriedly dodged my sister's weak and weak a dozen.

For several days, news of the police cracking down on the cult Tianyin Sect could be seen on TV. A lot of fish that slipped through the net were caught, and the activities of the Tianyin Sect suddenly disappeared. Because I didn't play any role in the destruction of the Heavenly Yin Sect. Of course I can't ask Song Guanglin to commit first. Song Guanglin is a businessman, so naturally it is impossible to give me such a large amount of property easily. I will not be rewarded and will not be rewarded. Even if Song Guanglin gave me that house, I wouldn't charge it.

Cui Chenlin disappeared all of a sudden, but I knew that such a powerful character as him would reappear.

"Don't worry too much about Cui Chenlin, even if he has any adventures, he shouldn't be so powerful in such a short time. You can use him as your whetstone. In this way, you can use him to sharpen you constantly. mood." My sister kept reminding me.

I nodded, although Cui Shenlin would be a huge threat to me and my sister. But our lives must go on.

I went back to school and my sister lived in our new home. It is a single-family small western-style building, and the house has just been renovated. The owner is going to do business outside and needs funds urgently, so he sells the old house in his hometown. I bought the house without hesitation. The house and the foundations around it are mine. The house has been renovated, although it is relatively simple, for my sister and I, it is already very good.

As soon as Teacher Zhao saw my arrival, he called me directly into the office.

"Stinky boy, you haven't come to school for so many days. Is your sister okay?" Teacher Zhao asked with concern.

"It's okay, thank you Teacher Zhao." I quickly thanked me.

"Hurry up and study in the classroom, and catch up with your studies in the past few days as soon as possible. Huang Jingyang, there is not much time until the senior high school entrance examination. You can also take the registration exams for some schools. Try to get a suitable school." Mr. Zhao said.

"The attached high school is not bad, I will definitely be able to pass the test." I said confidently.

"Yeah, but you still have to work harder. It's not that easy to get into the attached high school," Teacher Zhao reminded.

"I know. There isn't a good one in a prestigious school." I nodded.

The attached elementary school soon informed me that the martial arts hall could no longer continue. At least not in school. Due to the previous incident, the Education Bureau criticized the Affiliated Primary School for this behavior. As soon as President Sun came back from the meeting, he decided to ban the martial arts hall. I was already mentally prepared for such a result. Very calmly accepted the result.

I'm just worried about not knowing how to teach this group of peers in the future. Without a place, naturally there is no way to exercise. If it doesn't work, you can only repay the tuition fees to the parents.

Fatty said puzzledly: "Coach, is our martial arts class really going to be cancelled?"

I nodded, "There is no suitable place for so many students to train now. I am going to refund all students' tuition fees to them."

"We can slowly think of a way!" Wang Guixin said.

I shook my head: "Now that there are so many people, it is naturally impossible for us to just find a place to train like before. Our fees are not high, and I can't afford to rent a house for training."

More than 100 people are training, and the venue is not small. I can't afford to rent it.

The next day, I concentrated the martial arts class in the martial arts hall.

"I'm so sorry. The martial arts class may not be able to continue. I will refund all the tuition you paid." I announced my decision in front of more than 100 students.

"Coach! Don't disband the martial arts class! There is no venue, we can go to the training ground of the Normal University. Or go to the park. Anyway, we can go to many places, but don't disband the martial arts class." Immediately, some students pleaded loudly.

"It's impossible. There is no fixed place, and I can't guarantee the effect of your training at all." I said.

"We don't mind! As long as the coach doesn't dismiss the martial arts class."

"Yeah. We don't mind."

"We can also go to that unfinished building every day."

I was also a little embarrassed, because I was not very interested in martial arts classes. This time, he also took the opportunity to cancel the martial arts class. But now seeing that the students of the martial arts class have such a deep affection for the martial arts class, I am a little hesitant.

Everyone has been training together for a long time, and I have established a good relationship with the students of the martial arts class, and between the students. And the progress made in the martial arts class also makes these students love the martial arts class very much.

"Coach, don't leave us!" someone shouted.

"Don't leave us!" Everyone shouted.

My eyes were hot and tears were falling.

"Coach, we also know that you are reluctant to disband the martial arts class. In this case, why don't we keep it together to fight? The martial arts class must not be disbanded."

The fat man tugged at the corner of my shirt: "Coach, why don't we think of a way?"

"What can I do? What can I do? I'm just a child! There's nothing I can do." I shook my head.

With the insistence of all the martial arts class members, I finally did not dismiss the martial arts class immediately. Instead, he promised the students of the martial arts class to think of a way first.

I know that if nothing changes, the martial arts class will be disbanded sooner or later. There is no fixed venue, and once parents know about it, they will definitely not be happy. (.)