My Daoist Life

Chapter 14: Spirituality of the word


"Think about how you wrote this character at that time. If you can remember how you wrote this character, you may continue to write the same character in the future." Teacher Lin kept telling me , let me think about the process of writing the word "天".

In fact, when I wrote the word "天" that day, I felt a sense of enlightenment, and that feeling was very good. However, I can't remember what happened in the process of writing.

"Huh?" Something seemed to flash in my mind, but I couldn't catch it.

"Huang Jingyang, what did you think of?" Teacher Lin asked happily.

"I seem to have thought of something, just a little bit, but I just can't catch it." I said angrily.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Think slowly, I'm not in a hurry." Mr. Lin comforted me and took out the piece of paper I wrote that day. Mr. Lin has always kept this newspaper. Strange to say, this word seems to be like the ink has just dried. When you open it, you can still see the brilliance of the ink when the writing is just dry. In fact, the character itself is only so well written. As I just learned calligraphy, it is impossible for me to write the perfect strokes like a calligrapher. But the charm of the characters makes people ignore the calligraphy itself.

When I saw this word, I suddenly had an impression, because I saw luck in the word, and the bright white luck still lingers on the word. It turns out that I wrote such charming words because of my vitality. When I write, I attach my vitality to the pen and ink, so that the words I write have the charm.

I hurriedly took out a piece of white paper. This paper was bought by Mr. Lin on the street. The paper was as thick as two newspapers, and it was not particularly smooth. It looked thick. Teacher Lin said that this paper is called rice paper. Last time, Teacher Lin wanted me to write another word like that. But I can't write the second one anyway.

This time, I quickly wrote a word of heaven on it. When I write, the vitality is attached to my pen and ink, and then poured out on the paper. The word "天" in a seal script is completed in one go. It only took a few seconds, but after the word was written, I felt extremely tired and seemed to use up all my energy.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Lin asked with concern immediately when he saw that my state was not right.

"I'm so tired." I put down the pen and sat down on the stool, more tired than going up the mountain to chop firewood.

"Let's go, the teacher will take you to take a rest." Teacher Lin picked me up. At this time, I couldn't even open my eyelids, and fell asleep directly in Teacher Lin's arms.

When I woke up, it was already bright and I got up in a hurry.

"Oops, it's so late today. I haven't gone to mow the fish grass yet." I got dressed and hurried out.

"Huang Jingyang, don't go today. Grandpa is going to cut the fish and grass for you. The cattle are also let out. I have already cooked the rice. Today I will cook, and you will make me a fire." Teacher Lin stopped me.

I had to go into the kitchen.

"Do you already know how to write that kind of character?" Teacher Lin asked.

I nodded.

"Are you tired after writing such words?" Teacher Lin then asked.

"Yeah. After writing that word, I really want to sleep. But last time, I didn't seem as tired as yesterday." I felt very strange.

"Did you exert too much force yesterday?" Teacher Lin asked.

I thought about it, but I didn't use any force, but at that time I tried to mobilize the vitality, but the first time I mobilized the vitality naturally, let it go, so my consumption is not large, and this time, it is I forced myself to mobilize my vitality, and it was very difficult to condense the spiritual energy on the pen. Because the pen and ink are different from my own body, I could not feel the existence of the pen and ink, let alone condense the vitality. But I finally managed to do it, and the consumption was amazing.

"Have you found the reason?" Teacher Lin asked.

I nodded, "Looks like I've found it."

Teacher Lin lifted the pot aside and dragged me into my room.

"Come on, let's take a look at the word '天' you wrote yesterday. It looks very spiritual, but the word itself is not agile enough. It's not as vivid as the last time you wrote it. Although I don't know how you did it, But I know that the word '天' you wrote last night was not as good as the last time." Teacher Lin put together the two words I wrote before.

What amazes me is that there is not as much vitality lingering on the word '天' that I wrote yesterday. Deliberately guiding vitality is not as good as natural words.

"Don't worry, take your time. It is very important to be clear about Taoism." Teacher Lin said.

This time, I have figured it out, I spread out the newspaper on the table, then picked up the brush, and slowly wrote the word "天" on the paper. When writing about the sky, I think of the blue sky, the beautiful stars, the boundless universe, and the geese flying in the vast sky...

I don't know when, I have already started to write, and the word "天" floats on the paper. After writing this time, not only did I not feel exhausted, but I felt very relaxed. I then filled the newspapers one by one. I didn't stop until there was nowhere to write.

"How do you feel?" Teacher Lin was afraid that I would be in the same situation as yesterday.

"It feels great." I laughed.

Teacher Lin also smiled: "You have succeeded, and the writing is very good."

Teacher Lin looked under the table, but was surprised to find that there was no penetration under the table this time. Not even a trace of ink was left on the tabletop.

But these words look even more charming than the first written words? Teacher Lin frowned, unable to figure out what was going on. Why didn't I get three feet into the wood this time

"By the way, it is control. This is the result of Huang Jingyang's control!" Teacher Lin suddenly stood up excitedly.

"That's right, Huang Jingyang, you have succeeded. You have really mastered the way of writing this type of character, and you can control your strength very well. So every character is written very roundly."

At this moment, the newspaper actually floated up from the table, radiating radiance, and then slowly landed on the table.

Teacher Lin was taken aback, "Huang Jingyang, why is this? Do you know?"

Where do I know? But I know it might have something to do with what I wrote. This seal script is exactly the same as the seal script on the bronze medal. I have no way of knowing what effect the seal script on the bronze medal had. But now I have touched the tip of this secret iceberg.

"You have to remember this feeling. When you write in the future, you must write down this feeling." Teacher Lin was very happy to hang up the whole newspaper I wrote and hold it with a clip.

"Huang Jinglong, did you learn seal script just to read the seal script characters on the bronze medal, right?" Teacher Lin was moved when he saw me reading the bronze medal.

I didn't deny it, I nodded: "I don't know these words."

In the next period of time, I started to write, but I couldn't find this feeling more and more all of a sudden. The method of writing the words of heaven cannot be used at all when writing. During the period of practicing calligraphy, I was a little absent-minded, and my attention to other things became much weaker. Sometimes I'm in a daze when I'm in class. I was thinking about how to write the charm of the characters of the land.

I know that when I write about the sky, I feel the characteristics of the sky, but what characteristics does the earth have? I can't figure it out. On the bronze medal, the characters cannot be read, but each character has spirituality. If you want to write out the spirituality of the character, you must find a way. When writing about the sky, the lustrous white vitality in my body kept flowing. Finally successfully attached to the calligraphy.

During class, I stared at the blackboard without blinking and my eyes didn't roll. Teacher Lin didn't pay attention at first, but after class, I still kept my previous posture. His eyes were still looking at the blackboard, not even blinking. Everyone in the class will pay attention to me. But Teacher Lin always pays attention to me. So, when Teacher Lin saw that I was still staring at the blackboard, she already realized something was wrong.

"Huang Jingyang! Huang Jingyang!..."

I heard someone calling me from far away, it seemed to be someone I was very close to, like my mother, and also like Teacher Lin.

"Mr. Lin, I dreamed of you again." I smiled, I thought I was dreaming.

"Huang Jingyang, Huang Jingyang..."

There was someone shouting in my ear, getting closer and closer.

"Huang Jingyang!" This time I heard it very clearly, it was Han Xiansheng.

"Don't quarrel with me, okay!" I hated Han Xiansheng for interrupting my sweet dream, and yelled at him.

Han Xiansheng flew out and sat on the ground.

"Second time! This is already the second time!" Han Xiansheng got up from the ground crying, turned and left the classroom. I was stunned to find that a large group of people surrounded me.

"He's stupid again, he's stupid again." The big fat Huang Shulang's face, like a door panel, kept shaking in front of my eyes.

"Huang Shulang, get out of the way. You children are all going outside to play." Teacher Lin drove the other students out.

"Huang Jingyang, what's wrong with you?" Teacher Lin cried anxiously.

I rolled my eyes, then looked around: "Am I dreaming? I seem to have heard Principal Han calling me just now."

Teacher Lin couldn't help laughing and slapped me hard.

"You kid, you terrified the teacher."

Teacher Lin hugged me tightly again. I know that Teacher Lin has more affection for me.
