My Daoist Life

Chapter 17: reward


As the Chinese New Year approaches, the village becomes lively. Those who work outside have all gone home for the New Year. There are also many wine shop in the village. Firecrackers can be heard every day. This is the atmosphere of the New Year.

However, my parents called back and said that they will not come back for the Chinese New Year this year. My dad said that during the Chinese New Year, overtime is three times the salary, and it costs thousands of dollars for the family to go back and forth. It is really not worth it. I'm actually used to it. Every year there are all kinds of excuses. Maybe I'm just looking forward to what kind of tricks they've changed this year.

Grandpa was very angry: "If we don't come back, we won't come back. We will live by ourselves!"

My grandfather took me out of the village party secretary's house and kept smoking along the way. When I got home, I threw away the cigarette butts: "Yangyang, it's not easy for my parents to make money outside. Back and forth, at least three people's tickets must be bought, and the back and forth is more than 2,000 yuan. I can't stay at home for a few days. It's really not worth it. Tomorrow I'll take you out to the street to buy new clothes and some food. We've had a very lively year."

"Grandpa, let's go sell the chickens, ducks and geese. When the spring comes next year, we will buy more chickens and ducks to feed. We will save a few chickens from this batch to lay eggs. We will also eat one or two during the Chinese New Year." He spent all his money at one time, and his money was a little tight. He definitely didn't have the money for the New Year's Eve.

Grandpa nodded: "Let's do it. The chickens, ducks and geese are all so good, and none of them have been broken off. Do you still want to feed those three pigs?"

Those three pigs are all sows. I am going to let them give birth to cubs. At that time, there is no need to buy piglets to feed the pigs at home.

"It's all used to give birth to cubs. This pig's physique is good. The cubs that will be born in the future will definitely be very good." I said.

"Well, that's fine. Just feed it. But these three pigs are all this big, and their food intake is getting bigger and bigger every day. It's not easy for you to pull pig grass in the future." Grandpa was a little worried. said.

"Our family has so much land that we can't eat all the rice we grow. In the future, we will use the two rows of paddy fields that can't get water on the door slope to grow corn. Let's grow some sweet potatoes. In this way, we don't need to feed the pigs. Feeding too much hogweed. And we have grown so many radishes, which can also be used to feed pigs. If it doesn't work, I'll let them go out and let them find food for themselves." I have already planned these things. .

Grandpa touched the back of my head: "Our Yangyang is really sensible."

In addition, there are twenty-three chickens, twenty-three ducks, and eleven geese in total. Chickens and ducks are three or four pounds apiece, and geese are six or seven pounds apiece. It will take several days to sell them all.

I brought nearly twenty chickens at a time, and it was impossible to pick them up just by my grandfather's shoulders. But I have a way, still fix the frame on the old yellow's back and put the chicken into the frame. Then led Lao Huang to the town.

These days, it is still a rarity to use cattle to carry things to sell on the street.

"Old man, how come your cows are so well trained. Can they still carry things?" There were always people who liked to ask along the way.

"My grandson often trains it, and he gets used to it gradually. My cows are also bold and not afraid of people. They won't go crazy." Grandpa said proudly.

During the Chinese New Year, the bus that picks up people in the village does not like it with so much cargo. Grandpa and I are also not allowed to spend so much money on the bus. It's just over an hour's walk to the town. It was a little warmer to walk.

Lao Huang performed very well, and when he walked halfway, I rewarded him with vitality. Lao Huang immediately ran forward happily.

The chickens we feed are also big hearts, and they keep bumping inside, but they are also quiet, and sometimes they look out in amazement. The chickens, ducks and geese raised at home are different from those raised by the villagers and are very smart. But I can't just keep them without selling them. My grandfather and I all rely on them to pay for the half-yearly goods for the New Year.

When I got to the town, although it was crowded, when others saw me leading a scalper, they immediately moved out of the way. Other people's cars kept calling, and no one might give way. This is not the same. My old Huang stared at him, as if he was going to slap anyone blocking his way at any time, would they dare not let him? Have you heard of people looking for cars to touch porcelain, or have you heard of people looking for cattle to touch porcelain

When we arrived at the trading market, my grandfather and I came a little late and didn't get a good seat, so we had to stop in a relatively remote place. Grandpa asked me to keep watch, and went to inquire about the market. After a while, he ran back and said to me cheerfully, "Today's market is good. Local chickens like ours cost 8 yuan a pound."

"Then we'll sell it for ten dollars," I said.

"Huh?" Grandpa was taken aback.

"You don't see that our chickens look better than others' chickens. They must be more expensive than others. And our chickens have never been fed feed, they have grown up eating insects. They must be better than others'. The feed chickens are much better." I have noticed it for a long time, the chickens in the village are compared with the chickens in our house, and they are almost 108,000 miles apart. Grandpa's chicken came to town a few days ago to sell, and he even bought it for nine yuan per pound. Our chickens are a bit cheap at ten yuan a pound. It's just that the townspeople can't see it.

"Master, how do you sell chickens?" Sure enough, someone saw our chickens soon. Mainly, the old yellow is more eye-catching.

"Ten yuan a pound." I said first. I was afraid that my grandfather would not dare to ask for a high price. ,

"Children, don't talk nonsense. Everyone else in the market sells for eight yuan a pound, and you can buy a cheaper seven yuan." The man thought I was a child and couldn't tell what I said.

"My chickens are different from other people's chickens. Other people's chickens have been fed feed. Our chickens are completely free-range and have never been fed. Look at our chickens' feathers, are they better than those chickens? Look better. The feathers on the body are intact and shiny. The most important thing is to look at the chicken's eyes, is it more energetic than other chickens?" I asked.

"Hey, it's not easy for you. This chicken really sells for ten yuan a pound?" The man still looked at my grandfather suspiciously.

Grandpa had no confidence, but after hearing what I said, he gritted his teeth: "Ten yuan a pound is a lot."

"If you want to buy a new year, buy the best one. You look at the rooster, how bright are the feathers? You grab it and scream. If you use it as a sacrifice, it's the best. Last summer, I caught two here. Of the ten chickens, the boss gave three heads, and one of them is quite a lot. He has never been sick or given any medicine. He usually feeds some pig grass mixed with rice bran, and mainly relies on it to go out to catch insects and eat. The taste of chicken is definitely twice as good as that of the average domestic chicken. For ten dollars a pound, if you buy a chicken, it will cost you a few more dollars at most. It's definitely worth it." I am getting more and more into the state.

"Master, how old is your grandson. It's amazing, it will definitely be the material for business in the future." The man bought two chickens readily. After paying the money, he praised me a few words before leaving.

When my grandfather heard someone compliment me, he was also very happy, and his face was full of smiles. He didn't even think that I really sold my chicken for ten yuan a pound.

When it opened, the business went well. With that uncle taking the lead, everyone thinks that our chickens are really different. Good selling is not necessarily the cheapest, but must be recognized by others. When everyone thinks your stuff is good, even if it's a little more expensive, it's acceptable.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen chickens were all sold. Sold for over six hundred. He almost earned his grandfather's cost of buying chickens, ducks, geese and piglets. Grandpa was very happy. I went to the market and chopped a few pounds of meat, ready to make a few pieces of bacon. Also bought some new year stuff. Anyway, I have to sell ducks and geese, and some items can be bought later.

For the next two days, ten geese and twenty ducks were sold. Sold for over a thousand dollars. Grandpa and I were very happy. Grandpa took me to town to buy new clothes and a new pair of shoes. Originally, grandpa didn't want to buy clothes for himself, but at my insistence, grandpa also bought a suit of clothes, and even went to the shoe store to order a pair of leather shoes. It cost less than five hundred dollars in total.

Originally, my grandfather was going to wait for the spring to buy chickens and ducks and raise them back home. But I saw that chickens, ducks and piglets were sold cheaply in the market, so I bought them back. This time I bought thirty chicks and thirty ducklings. Also bought five piglets. A male black pig was specially selected, and the rest were flower pigs.

In this way, there is not much money left to buy these chickens and ducks, but my grandfather and I are not worried. We eat everything we grow at home, and we don't have much money to spend. Grandpa gave me fifty dollars to buy what I wanted to buy myself. Naturally, I was reluctant to use it, so I sneaked into a book, and then hid the book under the pillow again.

When I was twenty-nine years old, my grandfather and I drained the water in the pond, and the villagers came to help.

Uncle Thirteen came back in his twenties, and he came to help on this day.

"Second uncle. There are quite a lot of fish in the pond. How did you feed such a big one?" Thirteenth uncle laughed.

"You have to ask Yangyang, these fish are mowed by Yangyang every day. They didn't feed anything. Maybe this fish pond has been abandoned for a long time, water and fertilizer." Grandpa laughed.

The grandfather couldn't stop laughing when he heard it: "This statement is new. I'm a few decades old, and I've never heard anyone say that fish farming depends on water and fertilizer. But Yangyang is really a lucky star. Your chickens, ducks and geese are all raised So good, I heard that it sold for several thousand yuan. I am afraid that the fish in this fish pond can also sell for a lot of money. "
