My Daoist Life

Chapter 2: Wake up


Changshan Town is a large town, located in the center of several surrounding townships. There is no need to open a market.

When I arrived at the fair, my grandfather bought me a new set of clothes, which cost more than 100 yuan. I spent more than half of the New Year's fees sent back by my parents. Grandpa worked hard to save some money, weighed meat and bought fish. After thinking about it, I bought a few more long tube fireworks.

"Child, if others don't treat you as a human being, you have to live up to your expectations! Take it!" Grandpa said sadly when he stuffed the fireworks into my hands.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, people who sell New Year's goods on the street always say that the narrow streets are full of people, and at first glance, you can only see a piece of darkness. Can't see the road ahead at all.

I squeezed around in the crowd with my grandfather, and the noise of the street seemed to be muted to my ears. The piece of metal that I have been holding with my hands has been worn by my grandfather with a red rope and hung around my neck, but I am still used to pinching the metal pieces in the palm of my hand.

The pattern on the metal sheet has long been imprinted in my heart. When I close my eyes, I can see that the black and white fish is constantly turning, and the patterns around the black and white feathers are constantly changing. Grandpa put the things he bought in the basket and picked it up with a pole. One hand still holds me. The people on the road were bustling, and Grandpa had a very difficult journey.

Along the way, grandpa told me to stop, I stopped, let me go, I went. Slowly, the lively market has been left behind by us.

Since my grandfather and I were at home, the preparation for this year was very simple. A few pieces of bacon that had been smoked black hung on the stove, and a few bacon hung on the roof of the hall. These things will be brought to my parents when the migrant workers go to the south after the New Year.

On the first day of the new year, there is no blood, chickens, ducks and fish must be killed before the year. Grandpa has been busy all day alone. At night, he took me to set off fireworks.

"Yangyang, come, these fireworks belong to you." Grandpa stuffed the fireworks into my hands.

I just mechanically hold the fireworks in my hand.

"Alas." Grandpa sighed and dragged me to the empty space of Sun Valley Ping, "Come on, grandpa will set off fireworks with you."

Grandpa took my hand, lit the fireworks, and then held my hand to hold the fireworks high.


The fireworks rushed into the sky and exploded suddenly, blooming a colorful flower in the sky.

"Look, how beautiful!"

There was also a bang in my mind, and I suddenly woke up.


"Hey. Huh?" Grandpa looked at me in surprise at that moment, as if electrocuted.

"You, do you call again?" Grandpa grabbed my shoulders tightly with both hands.

"Grandpa." I called again. My eyes have returned to clarity. More spiritual than normal children.

"Good grandson, my good grandson!" Grandpa hugged me tightly, tears streaming down his face.

"Grandpa, I'm all right." He hasn't spoken for more than two years. When he speaks, it's a little awkward, but his logic is better than his peers.

Grandpa dragged me to kneel and kowtow to the ancestral tablet in the main room.

"Thank you for the blessing of the ancestors! Thank you for the blessings of the ancestors!"

But I know that in the two years that I didn't speak, I learned a lot of truth. I only need to look at the wind and grass to know the weather is fine or rainy. Whether sleeping or awake, standing or sitting, standing or walking, I can feel the ubiquitous vitality between heaven and earth at any time. I know how to absorb the vitality into my body, and then excrete the turbid energy in my lungs.

All this of mine has nothing to do with my ancestors who have turned to dust, but has a lot to do with my grandfather who has worked hard. Without my grandfather's care, I'm afraid I would have been lost in the world of metal pieces long ago.

This piece of metal was like a spark, igniting the fire in my body. In other words, it is my key to entering the world of monasticism. The piece of metal is actually a very simple bronze medal inscribed with the Yin-Yang Bagua Array. But to me, it is an extremely precious treasure.

Because I left the imprint of my soul in the process of enlightenment, this very ordinary bronze medal has become a little different. Exudes a very mysterious light. Also known as "Baoguang". It is no longer an ordinary piece of metal. With Baoguang protection, even if it is buried underground for a hundred years, it will never rust again.

"Okay, okay, get up. Yangyang, grandpa will take a good look." Grandpa hurriedly pulled me up. But I found that my grandfather's left foot was trembling. Grandpa suffered when he was young. He was building railways in the snow and ice, and his feet were frostbitten, which caused the root of the disease. When the weather changes, it will be painful.

"Grandpa, is your foot hurting again?" Grandpa's pain seemed to hold my heart, making me feel extremely distressed.

"Again?" Grandpa was surprised by my word. I became stupid for two years. Two years ago, I was a five-year-old child. How can I know his old cold legs

I didn't explain anything, and these things couldn't be explained clearly, "Grandpa, let me scald your feet with hot water."

I asked Grandpa to sit down first, ran over and poured a pot of hot water on a wooden plate, brought it to Grandpa, then helped Grandpa take off his shoes and socks, and then put Grandpa's feet on the plate.

"Grandpa, sit down. I'll wash your feet. From now on, I will definitely honor your old man." I said seriously. A seven-year-old child, when serious, always has a bit of childishness.

But grandpa was very moved when he heard it, with tears in his eyes: "Hey, we Yangyang are sensible."

While scalding grandpa's feet with hot water, I mobilized the vitality of the world to nourish grandpa's pain.

"Hey, it's so comfortable." I don't know if Grandpa is very comfortable in his feet or in his heart.

The Year of the Rabbit in 1999 is a new beginning in my life.

But to the villagers, I am still so special. The children in the village still dare not get too close to me. But for me, I am no longer in the world of these little brats. I still don't talk much and don't smile.

My parents knew that I had spoken again, but nothing happened. They seem to have given up on me.

I'm really different from other kids. Including my younger brother, there are a total of six people in the family, who are divided into five heads of land. There are more than five acres in total. Grandpa raised a cattle. Now that I'm all right, the task of herding the cattle naturally falls to me.

The children in the village still rejected me, and naturally they would not let me go into the mountains with the cattle herding team. I am too lazy to follow them into the mountains. The grass on the ridge is also very fresh, but I am worried that the cattle will steal the crops. Generally, children are not allowed to lead the cattle on the ridge. And it's also rather tiring.

But I have a better way. I lead the cow out, slap the head of the scalper with vitality, and shout, "Only eat grass!"

I actually don't know how to train scalpers, but this shot really worked. I wound the rope of the morning bull directly around the horns of the ox. Then he sat on a stone by the side of the road in a daze.

The villagers saw a cattle grazing by the field without looking after them, so they hurried over.

"Yangyang! Are you stupid again? If you ate my seedlings, you must pay for it!"

I'm too lazy to take care of me, and no one in the village dares to do anything to me.

The man ran to the head of the field and saw that the cow didn't eat a single crop at all. Grab the grass honestly.

After this story spread, the people in the village even thought that I had hit the evil. Otherwise, how could such a strange thing happen

Grandpa hates people who say I hit evil, and often scolds the villagers. As a result, the villagers no longer dared to speak evil and stupid things in front of me. But secretly, who can control the mouths of others? Children in the village are afraid to play with me.

Fortunately, in the second half of the year, I have to go to school. I was already seven years old in 1999. If it wasn't for the delay in my entry, I should have gone to preschool in 1997 and elementary school in 1998. Fortunately, I woke up at this time, otherwise, the last elementary school would have to wait until the next century.

My parents didn't seem to care at all about going to elementary school, and they didn't send money back. Grandpa gave up on my parents long ago. If it wasn't for the sake of the little grandson, he would have called grandma back to Bajiao Village.

My interest in going to school is not as high as that of other peers. The higher the station, the farther you can see. I still can't see the mystery between heaven and earth, and I can't see it through, what else is more interesting than this? Although I have woken up, my life has completely changed.

When I went to sign up, my grandfather wanted to take me there in person. Before leaving, I looked up at the sky, then ran back and took an umbrella.

"Yangyang, the sun is shining so brightly in the sky, you bring an umbrella, are you afraid of the sun?" Grandpa didn't understand the use of my umbrella.

"It's useful to go back." I didn't explain. Just hold the umbrella.

The fat man in the village, Huang Shulang, saw that I had brought an umbrella and shouted, "Look, that idiot even brought an umbrella when the sun is so bright!"

The big fat man's father, Huang Kui, was the butcher in the village, and he was asked to kill pigs in the village. The family often eats meat, and Huang Shulang likes to eat fatty meat, but he ends up eating fat. People in the village say that the family that kills pigs raises a big fat pig.

Grandpa frowned when he heard Huang Shulang's words: "Weasel, you have to eat zero eggs in the exam. Your family's fat eats only meat and doesn't grow brains?"

Huang Shulang was not afraid of my grandfather, and dared to fight against my grandfather, "I'm downgraded this year, and I will be in the same class as Yangyang in the future. Look at it, the last one will definitely fall to your family's Yangyang."

"Weasel, you didn't wake up, did you?" Grandpa laughed.

All the teachers in the school have heard of my name, but there is only one class in a grade, and I have reached the age again. No matter how reluctant Guo Daoying, the head teacher of the first grade, can only let me sign up. But from her face, I can tell that she is not at all willing to accept me as a student.
