My Daoist Life

Chapter 20: order


As the years passed, it seemed that time began to speed up. In the blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival is about to start. Teacher Lin has not appeared. I have gone to the primary school many times, but there has been no movement in the school.

Although the big "fireworks" on New Year's Eve almost didn't frighten me, it also made me find new happiness. Of course, I don't dare to put off such a big "fireworks" anymore. But it didn't stop me from trying all kinds of seal script characters. Now there is no need for pen and paper, just draw one out of thin air with your fingers. But it's not always easy to succeed. After all, even with a pen and paper, I am not able to succeed every time, and the success rate is not high. It's still difficult to draw words out of thin air.

A word of water was successfully described by me, suspended in the sky, the surrounding air seemed to become moist immediately, and soon a cloud of crystal clear rain was condensed in the air. This water is purer than well water. Under the blue sky, it looks like a group of blue crystals. The outer film of water appears to be a layer of flowing metal. The sun shines through this mass of water, reflecting rainbows. Too beautiful! I was fascinated by this beautiful thing I made myself.

"Yangyang!" Grandpa shouted from the yard without seeing me.

To do such a thing, I naturally did not dare to be in public, but hid under a few fruit trees behind the house.

I panicked, and my control of the seal script was naturally messed up. This mass of water fell with a slam and hit the peach tree beside me, and the splashing water splashed all over my body and soaked me.

I walked out a little annoyed.

"You kid, where did you get all wet?" Grandpa immediately complained when he saw that I was soaking wet.

"It's not my fault. When I went to the woods just now, a cloud of unmelted snow suddenly fell from the top. It just got me wet." Naturally, I didn't dare to tell the truth.

"There's still snow on the trees?" Grandpa looked at me suspiciously. Now the snow in the village is almost finished. Only the north side of the roof still had sporadic snow. All that's left is the snow piled up in the corners on snowy days, or the snowdrifts the kids have piled up. The snowman I built with Mr. Lin, although I brought snow from all over the place to fill it up many times, it seems that it will be difficult for Mr. Lin to return to the village.

"There was snow, which was blocked by leaves and leaves, and it never melted. Who knew that when I was passing under it, it suddenly fell. You kept shouting. If I hadn't run so fast, I wouldn't have been hit. ' I complained.

Grandpa didn't investigate whether there was still snow on the tree.

"Have you finished your winter vacation homework? You are about to sign up. If you haven't finished your winter vacation homework, the teacher won't register you." Grandpa asked.

My face darkened. If Teacher Lin doesn't come back, will I encounter a teacher who treats me like Teacher Lin in the future

Grandpa naturally knew what I was thinking: "Yangyang, Mr. Lin is a city dweller and an educated person, how could he possibly stay in our poor valley for a lifetime? I heard from the headmaster Han in the village that Mr. Lin was all about education. It was sent by the bureau temporarily. Maybe a formal teacher can be sent over this semester.”

"I see." I have lost interest in the next topic, and I don't want to take over such a fact. But I still hope in my heart that Teacher Lin can still come.

I remembered the snowman I built with Mr. Lin, and thought to myself, "Maybe when the snowman melts, Mr. Lin will come back."

I was actually very worried that Teacher Lin would be as far away from me as my parents. And never seen again.

Grandpa is going to take advantage of the warmer weather, go down to the fish pond to block the culvert, close the water in a pond, and when there are fry, you can raise fish. This fish pond gave my grandfather and me a big sweetness last year. This year, we're going to have a blast.

"Second uncle, it's so cold, why did you go into the water? Didn't you have a leg disease before? If you have a leg disease, what about your soil?" Uncle Thirteen was squatting on the bank of the pond Xiang Zhengzheng said the working grandpa.

"Chenggao is here. You go and sit in the room first. I'll be done in one fell swoop. Don't worry about my leg disease, I don't know what's going on. I haven't suffered from it this year. Okay." Grandpa noticed that his leg disease had healed unknowingly.

"Okay? You are old and stubborn, so easy?" Uncle Thirteen asked incredulously.

"Can you just stick to the second uncle's leg?" Grandpa gave the thirteenth uncle an angry look.

"No, second uncle, that's not what I meant. Am I worried about your leg disease?" Uncle Thirteen explained quickly.

"What are you nervous about? Your second uncle, I'm not old and confused! Let's go and sit at home." Grandpa smiled and washed the mud off his legs, put on the slippers on the shore, and walked home.

As soon as I entered the door, my grandfather shouted to me loudly, "Yangyang, pour tea for your Thirteenth Uncle."

"Yangyang, stop pouring tea, it's not the first time I've come to your house." Uncle Thirteen pulled me to his side, "Yangyang is growing so fast. He looks like a ten-year-old child."

"It's just lazy." Although grandpa said so, there was pride in his words.

"You child, you are so small, how do you know so many things? You raise pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and fish. The adults in the village don't know as much as you. Tell Uncle Thirteen, do you want your parents? "

I pursed my lips tightly and didn't nod.

"Don't blame Mom and Dad, it's not easy for them to live outside. Those of us who go out to work in the village are not literate, and they only know how to do some hard work. The salary is not much. Your parents also brought your brother there, There is also a lot of pressure. You have to work overtime every day. You will get overtime pay and red envelopes for overtime during the Chinese New Year. Do you think they really don’t want to come back? They do too.” Uncle Thirteen patted me on the shoulder.

Uncle Thirteen came to our house mainly to help my parents with things. Years ago, my grandfather smoked the bacon and dried a few ducks. Two chickens are going to take the live ones and put them in a cardboard box. There are also some local products from Bajiao Village, which are full of bags.

"I'm really embarrassed to ask you to bring so many things. But they also commit crimes outside. If I don't bring them, I can't rest assured." Grandpa said with some guilt.

Uncle Thirteen said quickly: "Second uncle, what are you talking about. We have a lot of people going, and we are going to pack a car. This little thing just takes up space. The car goes directly to where we live. Come and get it. I don't really have to make a little effort."

"This waxed duck is for you. The duck fed by Yangyang tastes pretty good. You can also try it." Grandpa packed another duck in a plastic bag.

Uncle Thirteen looked around at the house, and naturally knew that this big bag of things was already everything in the house.

"Second uncle, what are you doing? Family, what are you doing with this? Although seventh brother and I are not blood brothers, they are not much different from blood brothers. If you are like this, I won't bring you this thing. You Bring love to whoever brings it." Uncle Thirteen said angrily.

"Uncle Thirteen. This duck is really for you to try. The taste is really different. Don't worry that my grandfather and I didn't eat it at home. During the Chinese New Year, I bought a lot of chickens and ducks on the street. There are still a few hens at home, and they have already started laying eggs. From now on, my grandfather and I will eat eggs every day. There are still a lot of cured fish at home." I said quickly.

"You child. You also said that you don't miss your parents. It's clearly in your heart. I'm afraid that Uncle Thirteen won't bring you anything. Okay, I'll accept the duck. Mom and Dad are not at home, nor Who gave you the lucky money. Last year, you won the first place in the final exam, and Uncle Thirteen gave you a reward." Uncle Thirteen took out fifty dollars from his pocket and stuffed it into my hand, "Come on, study. When you grow up, you must Go out of Bajiao Village. For those of us in the countryside, study is the only way out. Otherwise, we can only go out to work as coolies like our generation."

I refused to ask for Uncle Thirteen's money, Uncle Thirteen said unhappily, "If you don't want Uncle Thirteen's money, Uncle Thirteen won't bring anything for your parents. I don't want your waxed duck. "

I was a little hesitant. Grandpa spoke at this time: "Chenggao, you. Yangyang, please accept it. Remember what your thirteenth uncle said. Study hard."

On the day Uncle Thirteen went to Guangdong, my grandfather and I took Lao Huang to send Uncle Thirteen to the street.

"Second uncle, Yangyang, you all go back. Yangyang, you have to listen to grandpa's words. Be ambitious and go to college in the future." Uncle Thirteen patted me on the shoulder.

Grandpa and I walked back in silence. I didn't know what to say, but when I sent Uncle Thirteen away, I felt a little empty in my heart.

"Alas, the cowboy. The cowboy." A middle-aged man in his forties and fifties chased after us.

I stopped with my grandpa.

"Master, let me ask you something." The middle-aged man came up and handed Grandpa a cigarette.

"What's the matter?" Grandpa asked.

"My name is He Dachao. Did you sell a few cages of chickens in the town last year?" He Dachao introduced himself.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" Grandpa asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, old man, I just wanted to ask you if there are any chickens for sale at home? I opened a restaurant in the town. I bought several chickens from you that day. Do you remember?" He Dachao's body Slightly fat, smiling, still relatively friendly.

I immediately remembered: "You were the first to buy our chicken."

"Yes, yes, that's me." He Dachao nodded.

"What? You still want to buy chickens? But our family has fed more than 20 chickens in total. All of them have been sold. We fed a batch during the Chinese New Year, but they haven't grown up yet." Grandpa said.

"It's all right. I'll leave you a phone number. When your chickens grow up, call me, and I'll charge you a high price for the chickens you feed. But they can't be fed. It's the same as the chickens during the Chinese New Year last year. ." He Dachao said.
