My Daoist Life

Chapter 23: problem occurs


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Naturally, this kind of thing can only be done secretly.

After the primary school is over, all the talents in the village who have touched the treasures picked up from Bajiao Mountain will be concentrated on the campus of Bajiao Primary School. The classrooms of the school are full, and many people sit directly on the table without a stool.

The village party secretary, Huang Lisheng, is almost 60 this year. The village has not held such a large-scale meeting for many years. Once again, the organization of a major event on the whole village made Huang Lisheng very excited.

I stayed at school and never went home. I ate dinner in the school cafeteria. Teacher Lin is also very curious about what to do tonight.

As usual, every family would bring their own children to a meeting, and the whole venue would be noisy. When conducting village-wide elections, you have to prepare items such as cigarettes and melon seeds. Otherwise, there is no way to make the scene quiet. Of course, as soon as it was quiet, I heard the sound of nibbling melon seeds everywhere.

"Yangyang." As soon as I appeared, the villagers were calling my name. Ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, I remember that two years later, when everyone saw me, there would be a special meaning in their eyes, that special, a kind of contempt and fear. Today, everyone has another special look, this special kind of awe. The taste, only I can have a profound experience. The villagers present are afraid that they have forgotten how they treated me at the time. Now, they are waiting for me to resolve their crisis.

My mood is also a bit complicated. It is impossible to change the views of the villagers on me all at once, and to keep my heart as calm as water. Of course, cultivating has gradually made me beyond the scope of ordinary people, making me more open-minded, and it is impossible for me to be as arrogant as some ordinary people.

I could clearly see the rich, light black aura on everyone present. This black air carries the breath of death. I finally felt the true essence of this breath! That is the breath of death! If I can't get rid of the spirit of death from these folks today, what will happen is conceivable.

"Lisheng Branch Secretary, there are still three households who refuse to come. It's the three households who refuse to send those items back to Bajiao Mountain. I'll say it anyway, they just refuse to come." Liu Fangben, a family planning specialist in the village, hurried over. .

Huang Lisheng frowned: "These old fools are just giving up their lives and not giving up their money. But this person will be troublesome if they don't come. If something happens, it will be difficult to handle."

"But I've said all my good things, they just won't listen. The three of them don't raise many chickens, and they don't feed pigs. So they can't feel the nervousness of others. They still have a fluke mentality." Liu Fangben said.

"If they don't come, we won't be able to tie them up. We can only see if their lives are good." After the secretary said, he came to my side.

"Yangyang, how are you, if you don't start now?" I asked.

"We're almost here, but there are three households who refuse to come over. If they don't want to come, it's impossible to tie them up. It's against the law to tie people up," the secretary said.

I set out to try to drive the death odor out of everyone. A ray of vitality was discharged into the villager's body, and it was able to easily drive away the death energy of the villager's body. There are six classrooms and hundreds of people. The vitality in my body is constantly being released, but it can only be replenished slowly. At first, it felt nothing, but as time passed, the vitality in my body became thinner and thinner. I gradually started to feel a little tired. A lot of sweat began to seep on his forehead, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

"Huang Jingyang, are you okay?" Teacher Lin asked with concern.

I sat down, shook my head, but didn't speak, I was trying to save my energy.

Teacher Lin quickly took out her handkerchief, which contained a faint pleasant fragrance.

Grandpa sweated for me, but he didn't come forward to stop it. He knew it was a time of life-threatening time. But wherever I go, my grandfather will follow.

The villagers don't even know what I'm doing. But they knew that I was not an ordinary child.

By the time I got to the last classroom, nothing was dry all over my body, and it was all soaked up with my sweat. After all, the breath of death is lifeless, and it is not too difficult to drive it away. As long as the vitality is reached, the energy of death can be completely driven out.

But at this point, I've become a dead end.

"What's the matter with this child?" Grandpa came over and asked Grandpa.

"Too tired. Hundreds of people." Grandpa shook his head helplessly.

"Yeah, I've suffered for this child." Grandpa glanced at me.

I can hear what Grandpa and the others say, but I don't want to open my eyes, I'm too tired. I really want to get a good night's sleep. But now they can only slowly wait for recovery.

In my meridians, the small stream composed of Yuan Qi has almost dried up, and the small vortex of Yuan Liquid in my dantian is about to turn into the mist from before.

Open mind like a valley, spit out the old and accept the new. The drying up of my dantian and meridians also dried up my meridians all of a sudden, leaving a lot of space to accommodate new things. A large amount of vitality seems to be rushing into my body under the attraction of some magical power,

And this time, these vitality quickly gathered into my dantian, and I could clearly feel that the gathered vitality was even purer than before.

Break and stand. I don't understand why this is happening, but I'm very happy about it. Because I already feel that the vitality that I have consumed is slowly recovering. The vitality around me was thin, and it was quickly inhaled into my meridians. Slowly, it became more difficult to gather vitality farther away. Even so, it temporarily eased my crisis.

Grandpa kept frowning at me with his eyes closed. He didn't know my situation, but he could see that I was tired. Compared with the lives of the villagers, for him, my life is more meaningful. He didn't want the villagers to have an accident, but he didn't want me to be in danger.

When I opened my eyes, my grandfather asked quickly, "Yangyang, how are you? Otherwise, let's go back."

The grandfather watched anxiously, "Yangyang, can't we hold on? There are so many people."

I looked at the folks in the classroom, I couldn't bear it, and said, "I, I'll try again."

Grandpa let out a long sigh, he was worried that I would refuse.

"Yangyang. Don't force it." Grandpa was worried that something would happen to me.

I nodded.

Teacher Lin was also very anxious. She held my hand tightly. He could see that what I did was definitely very important to these villagers. Although she couldn't see the black gas in her eyes, he could see that there was something wrong with the eyes and mood of these people. But after my "treatment", it seems to be much better all at once. People also seem more spiritual.

I accumulated the vitality that had just recovered in my body and began to remove the remaining villagers. I was out of breath by the time I removed the breath of death from the last villager's body.

Teacher Lin picked me up and was a little worried about my state. She knows I'm exhausted. The indoctrination of martial arts movies and TV these years makes it easy for Mr. Lin to understand my current state.

"The three households still refuse to come." Before leaving, I heard Liu Fangben, a family planning specialist who hurried over, say.

Huang Lisheng waved his hand: "The road is their own. There is nothing we can do. That's it!"

Huang Lisheng's voice gradually became weaker in my ears, and the slightly heavy footsteps of Teacher Lin seemed to be the rhythm that lulled me to sleep. My eyelids got heavier and when I opened my eyes again, I saw only a beautiful face. Teacher Lin was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Have you slept enough? You stinky boy, do you know how long you've slept this time?" Teacher Lin asked with a smile. Seeing that I was unscathed, Teacher Lin was very happy.

"How long have I slept? Teacher Lin." I asked.

"It's already past seven o'clock. Get up quickly. Breakfast is ready. If you don't get up, you will be late." Teacher Lin said.

"Where's Grandpa?" I asked.

"Grandpa went out early in the morning. It seems that something happened in the village." Teacher Lin said.

I was nervous, "What happened?"

"I saw that grandpa was in a hurry to go out. Your grandfather came to call. They spoke very quickly. I didn't hear it clearly. It seemed that something was wrong." Teacher Lin shook his head. Although it has been a while since he came to Bajiao Village, but The dialect of Bajiao Village is still incomprehensible. If the speed is a little faster, it will not be able to touch the limit.

I know something bad must have happened.

When I got home from school, I heard loudspeakers in the village. The village is dead!

In three families, an old man died. The kids in the house seem to be fine. But there are two elderly people who are not quite right.

"When I woke up early in the morning, I couldn't wake up even when I shouted. I thought I was sleeping to death. When I pushed it with my hand, I found that my body was stiff. Only then did I know it was dead." So sad.

"Sure enough, something happened." I muttered to myself.

In a village, three people die at once, which is naturally not a trivial matter.

Huang Lisheng was worried that he would be held responsible in the future. After all, the fact that the villagers went to the mountain cemetery to pick up the unearthed cultural relics would be exposed sooner or later. The most troublesome thing is that there are still people who died, three at a time, and even two are very dangerous. He went to the town and reported what happened in the village.

This time, the talents of the three households also let me go and see. I can't get away either. Just go and see. Although the two old people are not dead, the situation is already very bad. The body has been completely wrapped in black gas. Eyes closed tightly, reluctance.

I took a shot of vitality to my grandmother, but it seemed to fall into a sea of mud. The black aura on the old man's body only moved a little. But the old man's condition did not change in the slightest. I shot a dozen of Yuan Qi in a row. If it was yesterday, it was enough to solve the problems of a dozen people, but today, the old woman's situation has not improved at all.