My Daoist Life

Chapter 24: blockade


I just do this trick, this trick doesn't work, and I don't have the same.

"Yangyang, how's it going?" The grandfather asked with concern.

"It's useless. I don't know what to do?" I'm just a child, and I can't bear it when the heavy responsibility is on me.

"Why don't you know what to do? Didn't you save a lot of people last night? Can you just follow the method yesterday?" The grandfather said anxiously.

Everyone in the village looked at me.

"I just did what I did yesterday, but it didn't work. Yesterday was a chance, but now it's not right. I know what to do?" When I got angry, I just gave up, pushed the crowd away, and walked out.

"Hey! What should I do!" The grandfather and the old people in the village fell into anguish.

The whistling siren suddenly sounded at the intersection of the village. All attention was drawn to the siren. I was on my way to my house, and when I looked up, I saw a lot of police cars approaching on the road, and there were a few green military cars behind me. It was full of soldiers in military uniforms.

"What happened? Are they here to catch the bad guys?" I was taken aback and asked secretly.

Only later did I find out that the county thought we had an epidemic here. The death of a large number of livestock and livestock has now expanded to people. When anyone hears it, two words will immediately come to mind: epidemic.

Sure enough, there were several ambulances in the back.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of the village, the soldiers quickly jumped out of the car, and then began to pull defensive cards around the village. People in chemical suits began to walk into the village.

The village party secretary Huang Lisheng did not expect that one of his phone calls could lead to such a big battle. He hurriedly walked to the entrance of the village.

"Who are you?" Huang Lisheng was quickly stopped.

"I am the village party secretary of Bajiao Village. I called the above and reported the situation here. There is no plague here. There is no need for you to panic." Huang Lisheng regretted making the call.

"It's not you who has the final say, and it's not that we have the final say. We are going to carry out tests. If there are any, we will know the test results as soon as they come out." The person wearing the chemical protective suit quickly introduced himself, "I am Tan Yinglian, head of the county disease control station. Go back and inform the people in your village. We suspect that a serious epidemic has occurred in Bajiao Village. The county has decided to temporarily block Bajiao Village, and neither entry nor exit is allowed. We must wait for the epidemic to be ruled out or eliminated. Only then can the blockade be lifted.”

I watched from a distance for a long time and didn't understand what was going on. He walked quickly to the house. I'm actually very worried that these people are here because of what happened last night. Will they arrest me? Thinking of this makes me a little nervous.

Teacher Lin also stood in the yard to see the situation outside.

"Mr. Lin, those people said there was an epidemic here, and now the People's Liberation Army has surrounded our village. Teacher Lin, what is an epidemic?" I walked over and pulled the corner of Mr. Lalin's shirt.

"The epidemic is an infectious disease in the village. So many livestock and a few people died in the village all at once. It is normal for them to have such suspicions." Teacher Lin was also a little worried.

"However, the deaths of livestock in the village were not due to infectious diseases!" I said.

"They will find out." Teacher Lin patted my head.

Grandpa hurried back: "Yangyang, there are people in the village now, don't run around."

The staff of the epidemic prevention station began to draw blood from house to house for testing. First of all, they had to confirm whether there was an epidemic in the village.

Just when the people at the epidemic prevention station were preparing to go to war, the two people in the two households who were in serious condition died. The doctor's rescue did not bring any relief to the two critically ill patients.

The three people who died before in the village have not been buried, and now two more have died. In a small village, five people died at once. Who can believe it is a normal death

I don't know if the village party secretary told the doctor who came down from above my previous work in the village to save people. I'm a little worried that I'll be arrested for this. Seeing the heavily armed police and soldiers made my heart tremble.

Teacher Lin finally saw that something was wrong with me, "Huang Jingyang, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

So many people died all at once in the village, and suddenly seeing a person behave abnormally, there will always be some bad associations.

"Me, Teacher Lin, will they arrest me?" I asked worriedly.

"Arrest you? Why did they arrest you? Did you do anything bad?" Teacher Lin smiled when he saw that I was not in a bad state.

"What happened last night." I was still worried.

Teacher Lin frowned: "It's alright. You're not doing a bad thing. Don't be afraid. They're here to save people. They're not here to arrest people."

What I didn't know at the time, when the blood was drawn from the villagers, the results of the tests surprised the doctors from the county. No known virus was detected in the villagers. Even taking a few dead people also did not find it.

But the blockade of Bajiao Village is still without contact. The livestock buried by the villagers were also dug up by doctors from the CDC from the county for various tests. But they still got nothing.

There is a tense atmosphere in Bajiao Village, and the phone of the village party secretary has become the only channel for Bajiao Village to communicate with the outside world. The villagers communicated the situation in the village to the outside world by telephone. Let those who are ready to come back not come back for now.

I didn't call my grandpa because we knew my parents would never come back.

Grown-ups are nervous, but for us kids, it's a rare uncontrollable good time.

I don't know if it was because of what happened that night that I was no longer a restricted area for the children of the village.

Huang Shulang came to my house on purpose. Huang Shulang has been having a bad day these days.

"I haven't eaten meat for several days." Huang Shulang expressed his distress.

All the pigs in the village except mine died. Naturally, no one asked Huang Shulang, Laozi Huang Kui, to kill pigs. Huang Shulang naturally did not eat meat.

"I don't see it." I looked at Huang Shulang's fat and smiled.

Huang Shulang shook his oily belly: "Look, my belly is much smaller. I can't eat without meat. I can't live this day."

I ignored Huang Shulang. I don't have any good feelings for the little kids in the village.

"Huang Jingyang, how did the eight old ladies die?" Huang Shulang asked again.

"How do I know?" I have things to do every day. Where do you have time to talk nonsense with classmate Huang Shulang

"I knew exactly how you went to the village to save people that night. My dad also went there that day. As a result, the eight old ladies and the others didn't go, and they died. You must know what happened. ."

I rolled my eyes and thought to myself: Why do you have to be so logical when you talk like a fat fat man

"It was Huang Lisheng's meeting that day, it has nothing to do with me," I said.

"You must know something!" Fatty Huang Shulang said loudly.

"I'm busy, don't bother me." This is what worries me the most. If Fatty finds out, with his mouth, sooner or later the wind will be let out. Then it will soon be known by the doctors from the county. Maybe they will find me.

After the village was closed for a week, even experts from the province came, but the cause of death of people and animals in Bajiao Village was still not found.

I heard Huang Shulang say that those experts held a lot of meetings. There was also a great fight at the meeting. Some experts believe that since it has been confirmed that no known epidemic has occurred, and that no new infections have occurred in the villagers of Bajiao Village, it shows that the time of the large number of deaths of humans and animals in Bajiao Village has a certain chance. It doesn't make much sense for Bajiao Village to continue to be blocked. The blockade should be lifted as soon as possible. Other experts believe that the cause has not yet been found, and if the blockade is lifted rashly, once the epidemic spreads, it will inevitably cause extremely serious impacts. Experts who hold both views are at odds.


When I heard a car whistle at the entrance of the village, I ran out quickly, only to see several black cars approaching the entrance of the village.

Fatty shouted to me in their yard: "Huang Jingyang, Huang Jingyang! Look, there's someone here again."

This time, the people who came here are definitely different from the previous ones, because I saw that after the car stopped, the people who came out of the car did not wear chemical protective suits like the previous ones. Some of these people wore jackets and suits. It looks very stylish. Only later did I find out that these people belonged to the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau. There are some very special people among them.

These special people, in fact, since they came, I have had a confrontation with them.

The last person who got out of the car turned out to be a man in a robe. When I saw this man, I knew he was very special. I can't tell what's so special about it.

While I was staring at the man, he turned his head to look at me. I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional. He seemed to be able to sense my presence.
