My Daoist Life

Chapter 296: Apprenticeship


After class, Professor Qi stopped me, "Xiao Huang, wait a minute."

I just stayed.

"Your massage is really good. My rheumatism has improved a lot. I thought it would not have a very good effect, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good." Professor Qi said gratefully.

"The effect is the best. But why did Teacher Qi come to be our anatomy teacher?" I asked in confusion. I heard Professor Qi say that Professor Qi used to be a very good surgeon.

"I signed a re-employment agreement with the department a few days ago. Teacher Xu, who taught you anatomy, has disappeared. I can't find a teacher for the time being. I happen to be a surgeon who has been working for decades, and I can be considered competent in teaching this anatomy. I took this course. But the department also told me that the department will recruit new anatomy teachers in the future, and I will be in charge of your current class." I actually know why Professor Qi took over this anatomy course. Learned.

Sure enough, as I expected, Professor Qi paid a lot of attention to me in class, and always liked to call me up to answer questions during class. All the students in the class knew that this old man was very impressed with me.

"Huang Jingyang, does Professor Qi know you? Why does he always call you every time he asks someone to answer a question? It seems like he is teaching you a student." Li Chaoyong asked.

"What? You're not convinced? Then I'll let him ask you to answer the question next time." I laughed.

"Forget it, I don't know if you ask me." Li Chaoyong shook his head quickly.

"It's over. If you don't know, isn't that a waste of time?" This Li Chaoyong often went out to the Internet cafe to play games. Where did he have time to preview and review his homework, he naturally couldn't answer many of the things he had learned. Every time it is time for the final exam, I will try my best to hit it.

"Yes, I'm surprised. You don't work as hard as us, and you spend most of your free time in the library. How can you answer the question that Professor Qi asked?" Li Chaoyong asked. asked in understanding.

"What's so strange about this? I have a good memory. I don't even remember it, I can always remember it a few times." I pretended to be proud.

Li Chaoyong looked at me enviously. "Unforgettable genius, please accept me."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"Li Chaoyong, hurry up and say goodbye." Shao Yujia couldn't stop laughing.

When the weekend came, Professor Qi was afraid that I would forget, so he called me on Friday.

"Xiao Huang, you are going to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital on Sunday, so don't let me go." Professor Qi reminded over the phone.

"Remember to remember." It seems that the weekend will be completely ruined in the future.

Professor Qi used to be the president of Huacheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although he is now retired, he still has the false name of the honorary president of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

I entered the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine with Professor Qi. Walking in all the way, I heard the medical staff of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital calling Professor Qi from time to time. No matter who they called, Professor Qi nodded slightly and said nothing. Take me to the clinic.

A fat middle-aged man hurried over, followed by several doctors in white coats.

"Teacher, you are here. I have arranged the consultation room for you. I will take you there." The middle-aged man was Huang Tianze, the director of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, a student of Professor Qi.

However, Professor Qi didn't like seeing the dean, "It's alright, you can just ask them to take me to the consultation room. Go and do your own thing. Be the dean. Even the treatment of the disease is almost completely forgotten."

"Teacher, I can't do this either. The development of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals is getting more and more difficult now. I have to find a way to make the development of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals keep up with the form. Someone always needs to run, if they don't run. Who will remember us Hospital?" Director Huang said embarrassingly.

"Everyone has their own aspirations. Since you have embarked on this path, you must take care of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital." Professor Qi knew that Huang Tianze was right. But I feel very sad that my students almost gave up medical skills.

Huang Tianze nodded and hurriedly led us to a clinic. The conditions of this clinic were obviously very different from those of the outpatient clinic. First of all, the room is relatively large, and there is also a small lounge at the back.

"Xingxingxing, don't do these fake things in the future. You know it. I don't need such a big room. What I need now is a patient. You can let the patient in." Professor Qi said.

Huang Tianze knew Professor Qi's temper and talked for a while. He left quickly and smiled at me as he left. Huang Tianze didn't even introduce me to Huang Tianze.

After a while. The first patient came.

"Xiao Huang, diagnose the patient." Professor Qi said.

I am about to diagnose a patient. The patient quit.

"That's not right. I'm a specialist outpatient clinic. The fee for one registration is several hundred. What do you mean by asking a young man to diagnose me?" The patient glanced at me and immediately asked Professor Qi.

Professor Qi was not annoyed and smiled, "You mean you don't need him to diagnose you?"

"Of course not, I saw a specialist outpatient clinic. Your hospital is looking for a young doctor to fool me, but I won't do it!" The patient said firmly.

Professor Qi didn't argue or explain, and said calmly, "Since you don't let him diagnose you, I'll give you a diagnosis myself, but I need to remind you that you don't need him to diagnose you. After that, he will not participate in the treatment."

"You, what do you mean?" The key patient said strangely.

"Don't look at him young. In fact, he is treating your disease. His methods are more effective than mine." Professor Qi said.

"I won't believe it. You obviously want to use me as a test for your apprentice." The patient said angrily.

"That's fine. Since you know your condition so well, I believe you also understand the disease you are currently suffering from. There is no good way to do it abroad." Professor Qi began to diagnose the patient. The patient is almost fifty years old and has suffered from joint swelling and pain for more than 20 years. Every year in the rainy season, the patient's joints are swollen and painful, and the condition persists for several months. Western medicine uses anti-inflammatory analgesics, tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides, hormones, blockade and other therapies are ineffective. I have also tried a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, but never had any obvious effect. The patient has been to many famous hospitals for so many years, but the treatment is ineffective. The diagnosis is also unclear. I heard that Professor Qi opened an expert clinic today, so he came here to try his luck.

"After the rainy season this year, the condition relapsed again. I was in the hospital for infusion and closed treatment for a period of time. There was no effect at all. The latter two were prescribed traditional Chinese medicine by an old Chinese medicine doctor, but it did not improve. I came here because of its fame. "Professor Qi, please don't let the intern see me." The patient was also afraid of offending Professor Qi, so he could only speak kind words to Professor Qi.

"Xiao Huang, come and take a look, his wrist joint, left elbow joint, and other parts are swollen, and the joint pain also involves the neck, shoulder, and back. By the way, this patient, you were in other places before. Have you brought the medical records from the hospital?" Professor Qi asked the patient.

"Bring it. Bring it." The patient even pulled out the medical records of their visits to other hospitals from their bags.

Professor Qi looked at the prescriptions prescribed by other hospitals and could not help frowning.

"Doctor Qi, what's wrong? Isn't it right?" the patient asked, feeling a little flustered.

"No, I can tell you frankly, if you see a doctor here, I'm afraid that the prescription will be no different from theirs." Professor Qi said helplessly.

"How is that possible? Doctor Qi, stop joking." The patient thought that Professor Qi was deliberately embarrassing her.

"I'm not joking with you. I believe that you are in other hospitals, and the doctor has told you that although this disease is not fatal, it is still a problem in the medical field. If there is a conventional method of traditional Chinese medicine, it is not very good. The way. If you want me to prescribe medicine, I am afraid that it is not too different from these prescriptions." Professor Qi said frankly.

This patient is not simple, and he immediately heard that there was something in Professor Qi's words. "What if you don't use conventional methods?"

"Without conventional methods, I have seen with my own eyes a few days ago that a patient with a similar situation to you has improved. But I couldn't do it." Professor Qi was naturally me.

"Professor Qi, where is that doctor? Can you tell me?" the patient asked eagerly.

"I tell you, you won't believe it, so I'd better not say it." Professor Qi shook his head and said to me, "Xiao Huang, come and write the case. The format template of the case is ready-made."

I walked over, and sure enough, there are ready-made templates. I recorded the patient's condition according to the template.

Professor Qi looked at it and nodded approvingly. Said, "Well. That's it."

"Professor Qi, just tell me who is that doctor?" the patient asked.

Professor Qi looked at the patient and said, "Since you want me to tell you, then I will tell you that a friend of mine is in a similar situation to yours. Every time I use acupuncture to treat him, it can only be relieved. It can be cured. But after this Xiao Huang’s treatment a few days ago, he has now returned to the Medical University to be re-employed as a professor.”

"Just him? So young? No way?" Sure enough, the patient immediately became suspicious of me.

"Whether you believe it or not. If you don't believe it, I'll give you a routine acupuncture to relieve your pain. If you believe it, try it out. If it works, you'll know after a try." Professor Qi said nothing at all. I don't care about the patient's attitude. I looked up.

The patient hesitated for a long time, "Doctor Qi, can't you treat me yourself? Do you want your apprentice to treat me?"

"Although he is my student, I am definitely not as good as him in the treatment of your rheumatism. I can't use his treatment. My treatment does not work for you. It's of little use. Look at it." Professor Qi was not angry at all, and was very patient with his patients.

After hesitating for a long time, the patient made a decision: "I, I'll do a treatment."

"Okay, that's it." Professor Qi's face was still very calm.

Professor Qi asked me to perform a massage on the patient, and the patient's symptoms improved a lot at that time.

"Hey, the effect is really good! I originally did this treatment with the mentality of trying it out." The patient said in surprise.

"Do you believe me now?" Professor Qi asked.

"Believe, believe." The patient nodded again and again.

"Xiao Huang, if you were to prescribe a prescription for him, how would you prescribe it?" Professor Qi obviously wanted to examine me.

I have learned everything about the medical skills of Professor Qi's family, and even got the true teaching. It is more useful to know the thoughts in that medical book than to read a book or two. I have acquired the medical skills inherited from Professor Qi's family. Of course, it is not a problem to prescribe.

"The dampness and heat are not cluttered, the large tendons are short and the small tendons are slack and long, and the shortness of the tendon is called restraint, and the slack and long are called atrophy."

When I said this, Professor Qi immediately clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Wonderful! This verse in the "Nei Jing" is the most suitable for the patient's condition. Then how should you prescribe it?"

I immediately wrote Mahuang Jiazhu Decoction and Shaoyao Gancao Decoction, there are 8 traditional Chinese medicines in total, of which Baishao is used more.

Professor Qi was also a little surprised when he saw my prescription, and naturally saw that some of my medicinal dosages were bold. Even a little adventurous. But he thought about it for a long time, and finally nodded, "Although this recipe is risky, it is indeed very symptomatic for the patient's condition. Let's take this recipe."

Professor Qi signed his name on the prescription. I don't have any qualification certificate now, so naturally I don't have the right to prescribe. Without the signature of Professor Qi, I can't go to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

"Doctor Qi, does this recipe really work?" The patient was still a little worried.

"Why are you always suspicious? I didn't want Xiao Huang to treat you just now. Now I feel better, and I don't want to use the prescription that Xiao Huang prescribed. If you can't trust Xiao Huang, then you will still use you in the future. I don’t need to come back for a follow-up in the future. If a doctor doesn’t get the trust of the patient, no matter how good the doctor’s prescription is, the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.” Professor Qi was a little unhappy.

"No, no. That's not what I meant." Seeing Professor Qi's fire, the patient quickly explained.

"Professor Qi, Professor Qi." A middle-aged doctor hurried in.

"What's so urgent?" Professor Qi said very displeased. This middle-aged doctor is also one of his students. His name is Wan Jiang, and he is now an attending doctor in the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

"Several patients have come. They seem to have been scratched by animals, and they seem to have been poisoned. They have been to the People's Hospital, but they have not been able to find out the cause. Now the condition is getting worse. Can you go and take a look? "Wan Jiang looked a little anxious.

"Don't be so flustered no matter what happens in the future. What do you, a doctor in charge, do in such a panic? What will patients think when they see your appearance?" Professor Qi severely criticized Wan Jiang. (.)