My Daoist Life

Chapter 301: end


Another thing happened the next day. The criminal evidence of the two brothers Luo Jianxun and Luo Jianquan breaking the law even appeared in many well-known forums.

Even if the Internet police went to find the person who posted this information, they would be surprised to find that the information was released from the computers of the brothers Luo Jianxun and Luo Jianquan. Luo Jianxun and Luo Jianquan may have known the news at the latest. They were watched meaningfully throughout the day as they went to their respective units.

It wasn't until their immediate superiors questioned them furiously that they knew it was going to be a big deal. Many people were implicated in the criminal evidence transmitted to the Internet from their two families. Which naturally also includes one of their immediate bosses.

It has caused such a serious impact on the Internet, and the evidence is so conclusive that even if the two brothers Luo Jianxun and Luo Jianquan are tough in their backgrounds, they will not be able to save them at all. And in this kind of thing, let alone other people will not save them, I can't wait to get rid of their two brothers completely.

They never figured out who was behind them. They had made many enemies. I can't even figure out who did it. In the end, even the investigators couldn't find out who had such a great ability to spread their criminal evidence on the Internet at their two brothers' homes.

While all this was happening, I was sitting in a classroom like a normal student studying Marxist philosophy. I'm not at all surprised by everything on the web. Because that's what I did. The Yinshen can do all kinds of things like a normal person. It also includes the use of a computer to surf the Internet. By interrogating the ghosts of brothers Luo Jianquan and Luo Jianxun, I can easily obtain evidence of their deadliest crimes. Then use their own home computer to publish it. I'm not afraid of big things, and I'm not afraid that they will find me. My yin can come and go without a trace.

"Huang Jingyang, where did you go this weekend?" Yang Lingyun pushed me with her hand.

"Professor Qi asked me to go to the Chinese medicine hospital for a trainee on the weekend. Didn't he send me a Chinese medicine book before? I also just wanted to see how Chinese medicine treats people. It happened that some very special patients came to the Chinese medicine hospital that day. "I simply told the story.

"What kind of special method?" Yang Lingyun asked curiously. Of course, she was more curious about why I went to the Chinese medicine hospital for an internship.

"Several farmers were scratched and bitten by people. It looked like a simple fight. But the wounds of these wounded people were all severely poisoned. The situation is very serious. This toxin has never been seen in the hospital. When I used to be in the countryside, I heard people say it. It is very similar to corpse poison." I have made a substantial adaptation of the facts.

"What is corpse poison?" But it couldn't resist Yang Lingyun's curiosity.

"This kind of strange poison, I can't tell. Maybe it's similar to the toxin of the zombies in the TV series. We have a special treatment method there. I tried it, and the effect is really good" I said.

"But didn't you just say that they were injured by someone? How could they be infected with corpse poison?" Yang Lingyun is really not easy to fool. All of a sudden, he found something suspicious.

"That's right. So, I don't know what happened to those two people. Could it be zombies?" I pretended to be very puzzled.

"Oh. Don't scare me. I'm very timid. But don't lie to me, where are the zombies in this world?" Yang Lingyun thought I was deliberately scaring her.

"That's right. There shouldn't be zombies. But what about the poison in them?" I said in confusion.

"Huang Jingyang, next time you go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, can you let me go too? I also want to see what happened to the patients who were infected with corpse poison." Yang Lingyun asked.

"I can't promise you this, I have to ask Professor Qi first. Otherwise, I'm worried that Professor Qi will not be happy." I said quickly.

"Then you must remember to ask?" Yang Lingyun said.

Our Marxist philosophy class had just ended, and as soon as we walked out of the classroom, we ran into Xiao Xiao.

"Huang Jingyang." Xiao Xiao saw me. Came over immediately.

"Mr. Xiao, are you looking for Huang Jingyang?" As soon as Yang Lingyun saw Xiao Xiao, she hurriedly walked in front of me.

"Yeah. I have a concert at the Provincial Theater tonight, and I want to ask Huang Jingyang to help me out." Xiao Xiao said.

"That's right." Yang Lingyun had to step aside.

"Yang Lingyun, if you are free at night, I welcome you to correct me." Xiao Xiao immediately took out a ticket from her bag.

Xiao Xiao's concert tickets are very popular. Yang Lingyun quickly took it in her hands and immediately helped Xiao Xiao to convince me, "Huang Jingyang, your guqin performance is so good, it's a pity not to show it. After all, the stage of our school is too small."

"Yeah. Yang Lingyun is right. In fact, at Huang Jingyang's level. It's easy to hold a concert alone. It's a pity that he is not famous now. But if he can show himself on more big occasions, maybe the situation will be completely different. "Xiao Xiao said.

I am not uncommon for this opportunity. However, I was really embarrassed to shirk Xiao Xiao's invitation, so I agreed.

As soon as I heard I agreed to go to her concert. Xiao Xiao was extremely happy. Immediately excitedly spoke out about her plans. It turned out that she hoped to sing a piece of "High Mountains and Flowing Water" with me in the concert. This is not the "High Mountains and Flowing Waters" she played before, but an ancient rhyme "High Mountains and Flowing Waters". After this period of study, Xiao Xiao already has the skills. Guqin has a very high level of playing. She has now reached her bottleneck, and once she breaks through this bottleneck, she will become a master of guqin playing in China. She is still so young, and the future must have unlimited potential. Plus, she asked me to prepare a solo or two.

"You're going to have a concert tonight. You just told me now that you're going to collaborate with you at the concert, aren't you absolutely too late?" I smiled wryly.

"It's not too late. In fact, I planned to let you attend my concert for a long time. It's just that I'm worried that it's been too long. You'll go back after you agree. You only agree now, so you won't regret it at night, right?" Xiao Xiao smiled.

"Uh. It turns out that you often have a purpose for me to play with you during this time." I also shook my head helplessly.

"Now that you know, you can't go back." Xiao Xiao smiled with a successful strategy.

In the evening, the provincial theater was full. Xiao Xiao, as a very famous performer in China, often had a hard time getting tickets for her concerts. Huacheng is Xiao Xiao's base. Here, her popularity is no less than that of a movie star.

At the beginning of the performance, Xiao Xiao played several very nice pieces in one breath. It grabbed the hearts of the audience at once. At the beginning, the atmosphere of the concert scene was pushed to a small climax. Many audience members stood up spontaneously to applaud Xiao Xiao.

After performing a few pieces, Xiao Xiao stood up and said. "Do you like my songs?"

The audience under the stage shouted loudly: "I like it!"

In the absence of any organization, it is really not easy to make the audience shout in unison like this.

"But my performance tonight can only be regarded as an introduction. I have invited a real master of guqin. He is the fairy of guqin. I have invited my good friend Huang Jingyang. He will bring us a very nice guqin. Music. Welcome everyone." Xiao Xiao reached out to the nest standing behind the curtain and made an inviting gesture.

I came out and my guqin was already set. He didn't say anything nonsense, just walked to the guqin and sat down, and started playing the qin music I prepared.

Originally, the audience at the scene thought that I was just here to show my face at Xiao Xiao's concert, and to gain fame through Xiao Xiao's fame. And Xiao Xiao can also take a break. After the rest, I can come out and play a more beautiful program for everyone.

But as soon as the sound of my piano came out, everyone pricked up their ears, and the whole body seemed to tremble inexplicably. Everyone knows that what Xiao Xiao said before is really not a compliment at all.

The pieces I played were never appreciated by the audience. But everyone can hear that my playing level is superb. Music is figured out. Everyone loves good music. As soon as the two pieces I played came out, they won applause from the audience.

When my two pieces were finished, Xiao Xiao came out and said, "Thanks to my good friend Huang Jingyang. He is definitely a genius among young people who play guqin in China. Recently, I have been learning from him. . He's really good. But I regret that I shouldn't have asked him to come with me. You guys liked his tunes so much just now, and my performance will be difficult to do next. So. I decided to play with him. One song. The real "Mountain and Flowing Water."

Only then did everyone understand the reason why I never left the stage.

"Thank you. You helped me a lot today." Xiao Xiao said.

"Didn't you just say that I came and kicked you?" I asked.

"Of course, you didn't see how many people were conquered by the sound of your piano just now?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"Don't feel it?" I scratched my head.

My ensemble "High Mountains and Flowing Water" with Xiao Xiao really elevates the atmosphere of the concert to the highest level. Almost to the end of the concert, many people are still reminiscing about the song "High Mountains and Flowing Water". But no matter how good the music is, not everyone can understand it. There are always some weird people out there. Even at such an elegant moment, he would do something like burning a qin and boiling a crane.

After the concert, someone broke into the backstage with a very high profile.

"Mr. Xiao Xiao, I am Luo Gongwen of Huacheng Film and Television Group. We are shooting a martial arts film, and I am very interested in your ancient rhyme "High Mountains and Flowing Water". I hope it can be used as our film music. Our film is an investment of hundreds of millions Blockbuster. Directed by the famous domestic director Lao Mouzi, and invited the most popular star Huang Jiao to star in . I believe if your music can become the background music of our film. To you It was very helpful." As soon as I heard the man's name, I was immediately taken aback. Of course I am not surprised that Luo Gongwen is still alive. I just wondered that the two pillars of their Luo family were about to collapse, yet he was still making trouble everywhere.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in this." It was naturally impossible for Xiao Xiao not to know Luo Gongwen. Not because of Luo Gongwen's net worth, but because Luo Gongwen was not the first time he came to Xiao Xiao's backstage to make trouble.

"Aren't you interested? Why aren't you interested? I came here sincerely to support and promote your music sincerely, but you would reject me. Humph. Maybe I haven't come out to play for too much time. There are many people in this city. Almost forgot about me." Luo Gongwen walked directly to Xiao Xiao. He raised his hand and prepared to slap Xiao Xiao. But when his hand was in the air, he was pinched.

"Let go! What are you doing? Do you know who I am? How dare you mind my own business? Are you tired of living?" Luo Gongwen seemed to really not know the current situation of Luo Jianxun and Luo Jianquan.

I put a little strength on my hand, and immediately made Luo Gongwen cry.

"Ouch! It hurts to death! Let go, let go! Otherwise, I want you to look good!" Luo Gongwen continued to threaten.

"Crack!" A sound of brittle bones sounded.

"Ouch! Let go, please let go!"

"Don't, don't, I won't cooperate with Mr. Xiao Xiao?" Luo Gongwen's forehead was full of sweat.

"If I were you, I would run back now. Look at the situation in my own home."

"Did something really happen to my father and uncle?" Luo Gongwen really heard someone mention it today. But he didn't believe it at all, what was their Luo family? In Huacheng, it can definitely be regarded as a monstrous power. How can it be said that it will fall

I directly lifted Luo Gongwen and threw it down from the steps of the theater entrance.

Luo Gongwen rolled several times on the steps and bumped his head several times.

As soon as Luo Gongwen stood up, he immediately felt a strong wind rushing towards him, and two men and a woman in very dirty clothes rushed towards Luo Gongwen. And then recklessly attacked him. After three or two efforts, Luo Gongwen was already covered in bruises.

This man and woman are the zombies that Teacher Xu and Dong Yu turned into. They came here to seek revenge for Luo Gongwen. With my ability, it is not difficult to subdue these two zombies. But I'm not going to stop them from taking revenge. They are cause and effect. I won't foolishly get involved in their cause and effect.

Xiao Xiao watched all this happen in surprise, "Huang Jingyang, what happened to the two of them?"

"It's not that I didn't report the time. Now the time is up. Those who come out and hang out always have to pay it back." I laughed.

Luo Gongwen was bitten to death by two zombies alive. After injuring Luo Gongwen, they escaped again.

Luo Gongwen was taken to the hospital on his last breath. But what hit him even more was that when he was hospitalized, his father and uncle had already been shuanggui. With so much evidence, the brothers Luo Jianxun and Luo Jianquan could not deny it at all.

When Luo Gongwen's father and uncle fell, Luo Gongwen's good days did not last long. Some of the misdeeds he had done before were sorted out. Their family was reunited in prison.

This matter is over here, and the two zombies also escaped into the deep mountains. No one knows where the two zombies have gone. (.)