My Daoist Life

Chapter 305: A dream for three years


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"The left and right lungs are distended and cough, and I can't sleep. This phlegm is addicted to blood, which hinders the qi and causes the disease."

I don't know why, when I saw Li Yuanlei, a sentence suddenly appeared in my mind, which was learned from Professor Qi's medical book. I was taken aback, if it was really a dream, how could I still learn something.

Using the knowledge I learned from the western medicine books I read in the library of Huacheng Medical University, I know that Li Lijuan's father's disease is pulmonary edema, and the situation is no longer optimistic. In fact, he also died when I was a child.

I had a weird look on my face, and grandma thought I was scared.

"Don't be afraid, we'll go back later." Grandma whispered in my ear.

Before I could speak, I heard someone calling me from behind.


Ma Jingui came over and waved to me. Children don't need to worry about the master's thoughts at all, and of course no one will care about the two children's reminiscence here.

"Ma Jingui, you are here too." I saw that Ma Jingui had tied the bronze medal with a hemp rope and hung it around his neck.

"Look, does this bronze medal look like a gold medal hanging here?" Ma Jingui showed the bronze medal and smiled at me.

I only glanced at the bronze medal, and felt that the words on the bronze medal had begun to come alive, and were constantly squirming. I was shocked, and quickly turned my eyes to the side,

"What's wrong?" Ma Jingui looked at my panicked expression, feeling very strange.

"It's nothing. I feel uncomfortable looking at that bronze medal." I didn't dare to turn my head back to talk to Ma Jingui.

"Okay, I'll put the bronze medal in the clothes. Don't worry." Ma Jingui thought I was envious of him carrying the bronze medal.

"Yangyang, Takako, both of you are here. Do you think Uncle Li will die?" Huang Shulang, a dead fat man, could say such a thing, but after he said it, he let out a scream, " Dad. I'm not biological, am I? Why are you hitting me hard behind my back?"

Everyone was amused by Huang Shulang's appearance. Although the dead fat man said the wrong thing, Li Lijuan's family wouldn't care about a little fat man like a meatball. Coupled with Uncle Kui Zi, even if the Li family felt uncomfortable, they wouldn't take offense.

I went to Li Lijuan's room and found a piece of paper. I found another pencil and wrote a formula on it. It is called Houpu Mahuang Tang, 10 grams each of Magnolia, almond, gypsum, Schisandra, Pinellia, 6 grams each of Licorice, Asarum, and 12 grams of Mahuang. 15 grams of wheat, plus 10 grams each of Fritillaria fritillary, loquat leaves, and honeysuckle. After writing it, I hand it over to Li Lijuan.

"Juanzi, I dreamed of a prescription. You asked your mother to go to the town pharmacy to pick up the medicine. Take ten doses, one a day, three times a day, three times in the morning, noon and one in the evening."

I don't care whether the Li family will believe me, and I don't know if this recipe can save Li Lijuan's father's life. Li Lijuan is my apprentice. Whether it is a dream or not. I always take care of her affairs.

After half a month, Li Lijuan's family came to our house with a big red-crowned rooster. It surprised my grandparents.

"Yuanlei, Zhixiang, what are you doing?" Grandpa greeted him and asked.

"Second uncle, we are here to thank Yangyangli. Last time, Erniang took Yangyang to visit me at our house and gave Juanzi a recipe. At that time, we also took the dead horse as a living horse doctor and went to the town. I took ten medicines, and after I took them, I really got better. Juanzi said that the prescription was given by Yangyang. I heard Yangyang said that it was a dream. People." Li Yuanlei said excitedly.

"Yangyang, what's going on?" Grandpa called me out.

"I really had a dream, and there was a recipe in it. I'll give it to Juanzi's house to try. How do I know what's going on?" I couldn't explain these things.

"Yangyang is really smart. He knows words at a young age." Li Lijuan's mother also praised.

In fact, I am not very sure that Li Lijuan's father's illness can be cured with a single recipe. Maybe his condition hasn't really gotten worse.

But in my experience, Li Lijuan's father died of illness. Now I actually changed the result of this paragraph. By the way, I remember that in that experience, I saved my grandfather's life, and I almost came across a ghost. Now that I've saved Li Lijuan's father's life, will I ever face the ghost again? I'm just an ordinary person who doesn't know anything about Taoism. Why don't I just enter the Dao again? Even if I don't have a bronze medal, with the memory of that experience, I have no difficulty in cultivating the Tao at all. But then it seemed like my life was going in a direction that I didn't intend.

I immediately dismissed that thought in my mind. Somehow, after a while, I got sick. Not very ill. Mom and Dad quit their jobs and came back. But my disease is very strange. I can't find out my condition in the hospital, and even all the indicators are normal. But I languish every day.

"What should I do about Yangyang's illness? He's only five years old." Every day when my mother talks about this, she will keep wiping away her tears.

"Don't worry. Let's go to the provincial capital tomorrow. The children's hospital in the provincial capital is very good. All kinds of difficult diseases can be detected. The hospital in the county can't compare to them." Dad smoked his cigarette.

I could hear their voices clearly and see their anxiety, but I was just weak and sleepy.

It took three or four hours to get to the city, and then took the train, and it took another five or six hours to reach the provincial capital. Mom and Dad have traveled far, but never been to the provincial capital. They found the Provincial Children's Hospital after inquiring everywhere. But what my parents didn't expect was that even the doctors at the Provincial Children's Hospital were helpless about my situation.

"We checked all the indicators on him, and I can say responsibly that his indicators are better than the average child. The results we saw show that he is in good health. But I can also see It turns out that the symptoms he showed are also real. I suspect that this is a new type of disease, and I am going to publish his situation for consultation with international experts. See if anyone has encountered this disease before. "The doctor at the Children's Hospital is also very responsible. After the test results were not obtained, they immediately posted my condition and the test report on the Internet, but the results were still disappointing. No one has ever encountered this kind of disease.

Since all the doctors in the province said so, Mom and Dad knew where to go. None of my illnesses can be effectively cured. So disappointed to take me back to Bajiao Village.

"How can I do this? Yangyang is only five years old. I would rather have this disease on me. As long as Yangyang is healthy." My mother hugged me tightly.

"If it doesn't work, let's go to more places. Even if the family goes bankrupt, we must cure Yangyang's disease. Let's go to Yanjing! I don't believe that there is no doctor in the capital who can take care of Yangyang's disease. This time, let's go to see Chinese medicine." Dad threw the cigarette butt into the stove.

So the next day, our family of three set off again. After arriving in Yanjing. Mom and Dad asked everywhere, and as soon as they heard that the doctor there was famous, they immediately looked for it. But my condition is not getting any better. The family didn't have much money at first. After the money brought by the family ran out, my father had to go to work temporarily. At first I really thought my dad was going to work temporarily. But at night, I learned the truth.

"How can you sell blood? If your body breaks down, who will support this family? I'll go to sell it!" Mom sobbed softly.

"You're so weak, you don't dare to pump when you go to others? It's okay, my body is strong. The doctor said it's okay to draw blood once." Dad's voice was calm.

"It's not the way to go on like this. There is no doctor who can find the cause of Yangyang. It's useless for us to turn around like this. Let's go back?" Mom said in tears.

"How do you go back? If no one in Yanjing can cure Yangyang's disease, will there be any hope for our cubs? How can I, a father, deal with our cubs?" Dad sat up and punched the wall. Then he fumbled to find a cigarette, and the lighter took a lot of strokes to light it. The fire light illuminated Dad's face. The deeply sunken eye sockets were already wet.

Mom came over and hugged me tightly, sobbing and shaking in the bed.

There was an old Chinese doctor who knew our situation. Not only did he not charge me for seeing a doctor, but he also stuffed a few hundred dollars into my mother's hands, "You should go back. I have never seen such a disease in my life as a doctor. Check the pulse. He is healthier than normal people, and his body is not sore or itchy. He is not an ordinary disease at all. How can a doctor treat him? Or you can go to a Taoist temple and get a real Taoist priest to see it."

My parents took me to a Taoist temple. Who knows, an old Taoist was scared to death when he saw me.

"Go back, go back! Destiny is here. Everything will be fine." After saying that, Lao Dao sent my parents out. Even the incense money that my dad was going to give him, he refused to accept it.

We went back to Bajiao Village again. Not long ago, there was a big event in Bajiao Village. Li Lijuan's father went to Bajiao Mountain to chop wood and fell off the mountain. Died on the spot. Li Lijuan's mother remarried. This result surprised me.

"You guys should go to work. Leave Yangyang to us. You two young people can't stay at home all the time. If you make money in the future, you will establish a foothold in the city and take Yangyang over. If Yangyang is like this for the rest of his life, there are also A place to live and live. In our family's situation, we can approve a second child, and you have another one. Let him take care of this brother in the future." Grandpa said these words in front of the stove.

Mom and Dad left the next day. Before leaving, my mother hugged me and refused to let go. In the end, my grandfather took me away from her. Dad took Mom and left Bajiao Village.

It is so! Something I can't let go of. The truth turned out to be this. It's not that no one told me, it's that I reject anyone's interpretation of me. I always thought it was just an excuse the adults used to put me off.

wake up! I want to wake up!

I thought everything was clear and I should be able to wake up from the dream. But I found that I am still stuck here. As if this were real.

Ma Jindong and Huang Shulang come to see me every day. Li Lijuan also comes here from time to time. No wonder I had the best impression of the three of them at that time.

"Yangyang, get well soon. I'll put this bronze medal with you. I haven't stuttered since I got the bronze medal. If you have this bronze medal, maybe your illness will be cured." Ma Jindong said with some reluctance. The bronze medal was taken off my neck and shoved into my hand.

As soon as the bronze medal arrived in my hand, it seemed to stick to my hand. The inscription on the bronze medal began to distort, and strings of golden characters flew into my mind constantly.

"Who is the first to wake up in the big dream? I know it all my life! Idiot, still haven't woken up?"

The scene in front of me turned out to be like the scenery in the glass, and as the glass shattered, it turned into bits and pieces, dissipating in front of my eyes.

I opened my eyes abruptly, and the familiar voice of shouts kept ringing in my ears.

"Yangyang!" "Yangyang!"

That's mom! And dad!

"Dad, Mom." I already burst into tears.

"Yangyang!" "Yangyang!" "Brother!"

Our family hugged tightly.

In addition to the father, mother and brother, there is another person in the room, the elder sister.

"Sister." I whispered.

My sister didn't say anything but nodded, and I could see tears in her eyes.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Three years." My sister said.

"Three years?" I was taken aback.

"Cub, if you don't eat or drink, my dad and I are really worried about you. If you don't make it through, what will we do?" Mom hugged me tightly, for fear that I would be taken away by others.

"Dad, Mom, I misunderstood you before." I said guiltily.

"If you want to blame your parents, you shouldn't have left you alone at home when you were sick. When you think about the past, your mom regrets it. You shouldn't have taken the money away without your consent when you came home that time. Now. We just want to buy you a good house here in Huacheng, and then take you over. Your father is also, he never thinks about doing things. Mom, I thought you would never recognize us in your life. Stop thinking nonsense. This time, it's your brother's fault. I shouldn't have said anything nonsense to you." Mom turned her head and glared at her brother.

The younger brother lowered his head guiltily, "Brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you that time."

"It's been three years, are you in high school now? Don't you have to go to school every day?" I asked.

"It's summer vacation now. You haven't been to school for three years. If Professor Qi insisted that the school keep your student status for you, your student status would be gone. You're sick, but you've been here with many girls. In the last year, it's been a long time. not enough."

I suddenly noticed that my brother has grown a lot taller. It seems to be about as tall as me.

I came out of my mother's arms and found that the clothes I was wearing didn't fit. I actually grew a lot taller in the past three years.

"He's taller than your father." Mom finally smiled.

s. For the children who are chasing more, do you still have free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is coming. Let me get a ticket, ask for an extra ticket and an appreciation ticket, and finally rush! (.)