My Daoist Life

Chapter 306: study


readx(); [Today, the unit organized the competition, and we played from 8:00 to 7:00 in the afternoon. It was past 9:00 when I came back from dinner. I couldn't bear it anymore. Only make up tomorrow.]

Knowing the news that I woke up, many students in the class came to see me before.

"Huang Jingyang, what are you going to do in the future? We are all ready to go to the trainee hospital." My roommate Li Chaoyong asked.

"I just woke up, and I don't know what to do. I'll go back to school tomorrow and ask. Whatever, it's a big deal, and I'll stay in school for another three years." I don't really care about diplomas. After experiencing this dream, I began to look down on it all.

"Actually, it's fine. Nothing is important to your body. You just woke up. You should rest at home for a while, and then go back to school when your body fully recovers. No matter what, we will not leave you brother." Fan Zhilong patted me on the shoulder.

"Yes, your body is important. Don't worry. Professor Qi seems to be trying to find a way for you in school. When I went to the department that day, I heard Professor Qi and Director Tian talking about your situation. Although this is a bit difficult, I am I believe that Professor Qi will be able to handle it easily. I heard that even the principal attaches great importance to Professor Qi's opinion." Shao Yujia said.

"Don't worry. My body is fine. I'll go to school tomorrow." My body is indeed fine. How could there be a problem? After these three years of dreaming, I was equivalent to another breakthrough. Although it is not a promotion of a class, but the realm has been greatly improved. I have already been in the realm of Yin and God, and my body can be said to have escaped from the mortal world.

"That's good, that's good." Li Chaoyong said, but he suddenly hesitated, "I don't know if I should tell you something?"

"Li Chaoyong, are you sick?" Fan Zhilong cursed angrily.

"Huang Jingyang, don't listen to Li Chaoyong, there is nothing at all, the most important thing for you now is to take care of your body. Nothing else matters.

I smiled, "Why are you all so mysterious? Just say anything. My heart is not that fragile."

Li Chaoyong had some regrets. "Are you sure you can really accept anything?"

"Of course, in the past three years I've slept, I've looked down on everything, and I can naturally accept no matter what." My expression was still as indifferent as ever.

"Actually it's nothing. Yang Lingyun signed a contract with a music company. We saw one day a luxury car took her to school. The relationship seems to be quite close. In the past three years, she often came to see you at first. She has hardly been here for more than a year. But it's okay, let's see this person more clearly. We met her when we came, and she asked us what we were doing. We didn't tell her. She is now a Little star. But we ordinary people are not taken seriously." Li Chaoyong said very dissatisfied.

"It's normal. She still has some talent in music, and it's quite suitable to take this path. But her profession is going to be completely abandoned." I just have a good impression of Yang Lingyun. At most as a good friend. Everyone has their own path, just like me, it is impossible for me to walk the same path as my classmates.

"Look, I knew that Huang Jingyang might not take it seriously." Li Chaoyong smiled.

"Anyway, you Li Chaoyong have a big mouth." Shao Yujia said with a wry smile.

The next day, I went to school, and the three of them, Li Chaoyong, specially came to the villa to greet me.

When I got to school, I went directly to Professor Qi's house. Professor Qi was sad for a long time because of my dream, and has not been to the hospital for a year or two.

I knocked on the door. Professor Qi opened the door in person, and when he saw me standing at the door, he was stunned at first, and then he held my shoulder excitedly, "Xiao Huang, you are here! Old lady, hurry up and prepare the wine and food, I want a drink today!"

When Mrs. Wang heard the sound, she also came out, saw me at a glance, and said happily, "Xiao Huang. Great, you're finally all right. This old man's hair has turned white."

Only then did I notice that Professor Qi was indeed different from before. His hair had turned silvery white. Even the eyebrows and beards turned white.

"Where, I'm getting old, and if my hair doesn't turn white, then I won't be a goblin?" Professor Qi smiled.

When I sat down, Professor Qi asked me about my future plans, "What are you going to do in the future? Should you continue to study in the clinic, or just go to our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. You don't have to worry about the student status. With your current level. There is no problem with me directly giving you a diploma in Chinese medicine." Professor Qi said.

I shook my head, "I'd better finish my studies. I originally wanted to study Western medicine systematically."

"It's okay, anyway, you're smart, and it's easy to learn anything. If you continue to study western medicine, I'll help you find a way. If you're in a hurry, you can be sure. If you can pass at one time and your grades are above 90, I will let you exempt from school and just take the exam specially prepared for you by the school. If you can pass all subjects, you can directly enter the Apprenticeship." Professor Qi gave me good news.

"Then I'll prepare for the exam." Naturally, I wouldn't be nervous about the exam. Those course exams may be difficult for others, but for me, exams are very easy things.

"Okay, I'll take you to your department to find Director Tian."

Professor Qi took me to find Director Tian, "Director Tian, Xiao Huang's situation is quite special. I think it is a waste for him to continue to let him study for three years in school. He can master things faster. I have already told the school that if Xiao Huang takes the exam directly, if he can get more than 90% in the exam, even if he passes it. In fact, some courses in our school can also be exempted from school, right?"

"Old Qi, you can rest assured, as long as the school agrees, I will not object. Xiao Huang, since Professor Qi has said so, you go back and prepare well, the department will organize professional teachers to examine professional courses for you. But general education Courses and some other basic courses may require school organization." Director Tian said.

"I'll find someone at the school. If I can't do it, I'll go to the principal." Professor Qi immediately took care of everything.

Director Tian also smiled and said, "As long as Mr. Qi comes forward, it will be easy to handle. I will immediately go to the professional teacher in the department to communicate."

When Professor Qi came out, he was indeed invincible. The Academic Affairs Office was reluctant at first, but after the Director of the Academic Affairs Office received the call from the principal, he immediately contacted various majors with great cooperation.

It was finally confirmed that there would be a special exam a week later, so that I could still catch up on the school internship. It's just that the practice diversion has already been completed. Internship assignments have also been arranged.

"Let's take the exam first. Make plans for the internship later." I'm not worried.

"It really doesn't work, go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and I will let you be the attending doctor directly." Professor Qi said.

"Don't. I'm studying Western medicine. How can I practice in a Chinese medicine hospital?" I quickly rejected Professor Qi's kindness. (.)