My Daoist Life

Chapter 309: Shocked


With my current cultivation level, there is no problem with multitasking, otherwise I wouldn't be able to say what the principal and the others were talking about. [Maopu updates the fastest and most complete free] Of course, my main energy is still on the exam. I have to pass this exam. It is said that nature cannot make mistakes. In the midst of their conversation, I put one of the test papers I just finished aside and picked up another. In less than an hour, I have completed four papers. At this rate, it is still possible to complete all the exams in one day. But I still need to speed up, I can go all day without rest, but the proctors can't. And they won't allow me to test here all day.

So, my speed is a little faster. My speed is already very fast, so this time, although my speed has improved a lot, the teachers who have been watching me have not noticed it. They didn't realize the difference until I put a completed test paper aside in less than ten minutes.

"He's speeding up!" Mr. Liu said in surprise. He looked at his watch and confirmed his guess.

"How long did it take?" Teacher Huang asked.

"Eight minutes. It only took eight minutes this time. It seems that he was not at his fastest speed just now. You see, his handwriting is not messy at all, and the quality of his answers is still so high. Visually, this test paper is ninety again. The score is above. Look a little looser, and you can score a full score." Teacher Liu glanced at the test paper in his hand.

"Mr. Zhang, Teacher Zhang, this set of test papers is yours. Let's take a look. How many points can he get?" Mr. Liu handed the test papers to a female teacher.

Teacher Zhang took the test paper and went to the back of the classroom to mark the paper on the spot.

Mr. Liu even used a mobile phone stopwatch to accurately time the time to see how fast my limit was.

"Seven minutes and fifteen seconds. This set of test questions is dozens of seconds faster. It seems that it is not his fastest speed. At this speed, he can complete more than half of the course in one morning." Mr. Liu said.

I really haven't hit top speed yet, but if I go any faster I'm afraid I'll scare them off. And at my current speed, I can finish all the exams today.

So, instead of accelerating again, I continued to maintain that speed.

Even so, watch me keep taking exam papers from the one on the left. That pile of hills has become shorter and shorter, still making the teachers in the examination room startled.

Teacher Qi is also very worried about my exams, for fear that I will fail in any of the exams, which will lead me to re-study and complete several years of courses. So came over. I happened to meet Mr. Qi on the way.

"Old Qi, what's the matter with you? Every homework is above 90%, have you done it before? You didn't do it, how could you agree with the principal and the others? This is too bad for Xiao Huang. Fair enough." Teacher Qi kept complaining about Teacher Qi along the way.

"Do you think I'm willing? I'm not willing at all. But if I don't agree, will Yu Tong agree to take the exam for Xiao Huang alone?" Teacher Qi also regretted it. At that time, if he insisted on it, maybe Principal Yu would not really set such a high condition.

"You, you want to save face. If you take advantage of it, how dare Yu Tong disagree?" Teacher Qi said.

"Forget it, it's already like this, it's too late to say anything. Let's go and see how Xiao Huang is doing in the test. I think Xiao Huang may really be able to create miracles. My family's medical book is as thick as a book. , there are still some traditional characters in it, and he actually read it for a few days. It is much more difficult than your clinical textbook." Teacher Qi said.

"Can this be the same? Seven days, dozens of courses. Even if it is an open-book exam, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the test, right? It's still 90 points!" Although Teacher Qi recognized me very much, he did not think I was able to defy the sky.

When Teacher Qi said this, Teacher Qi became more and more unsure in his heart, "I can't control so much, as long as Xiao Huang's subjects all pass 60 or 70 points, no matter what, we can't let Xiao Huang waste this. Time to start over."

"If you don't master these courses, you let him go to the hospital for an internship. Isn't that helping him?" Teacher Qi felt that Teacher Qi was talking too much.

"Then I'll let him go to a Chinese medicine hospital for an intern. Anyway, his level of Chinese medicine is higher than mine." Teacher Qi showed a smile on his face.

"Old Qi. You are too insidious. I said how could you agree to such a harsh request. It turns out that your purpose is like this. Tell you, unless Xiao Huang volunteers, you don't even think about it. I don't even think about the internship hospital. Contact Xiao Huang. The best neurosurgery room in the country, Donghai Ruihua Hospital Shenwai. Don't you think that Xiaohuang goes to Shenwai. Isn't it better than going to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital?" Teacher Qi said.

"Old Qi, you know a shit! Good Chinese medicine treats patients, and many extra-surgical operations can be completely avoided. In fact, for some patients, if you don't cut the knife, he may not die immediately. You use the knife and ask for it directly. His life. Don't you think so? " Teacher Qi said disdainfully.

The two quarreled all the way. It doesn't matter at all that others look at the two of them as if they were monsters along the way. With their identities, there are not a few people who know the two of them in the Medical University. When I saw the two of them fighting so hard, I couldn't help laughing.

When they got to the exam room, the two of them were quiet. Seeing these two old professors coming, Yu Tong, the principal, had no choice but to greet them with a smile.

"Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi, are you two here?" Yu Tongsheng was afraid that the two old boys would not give face in front of everyone, so he scolded him directly. He can't afford to offend these two old boys.

"You are too embarrassed to call me. I remember that when you were studying, it seemed that you rarely got 90 points at the end of the term. Why do you have to let the students pass 90 points when you become the principal?" When you come up, you will expose the old bottom of Yutong. It made Yu Tong's face a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Mr. Qi, if the conditions are not set higher, I'm worried that the students in the school will follow suit in the future. Isn't our teaching order completely messed up?" Yu Tong said.

For Yu Tong's words, Teacher Qi is not easy to refute.

"I'm too lazy to tell you. If Xiao Huang can't pass, I'll settle the account with you again!" Teacher Qi glanced at Yu Tong angrily, then walked over to me to watch me answer the question. It's just that his eyesight is dim and he has to put on his reading glasses. When I saw how fast I was writing, my eyes almost fell off the bridge of my nose.

Teacher Qi also came around, but he may not be able to understand the content of our test, but looking at the speed of my writing, he hurriedly said: "Xiao Huang, don't write too fast, think more."

Teacher Qi was worried about my lack of experience in exams, so she advised me.

Mr. Liu quickly pulled Mr. Qi aside, "Mr. Qi, don't make it difficult for me. This is an exam. You should go and see over there. The papers are being graded over there. The results of several courses have already come out. already."

"What? When did the results of several exams come out?" Teacher Qi also opened his mouth wide.

"This guy is not only fast in answering the questions, but also very accurate. It seems that the exams that have been taken are all over 95 points, and there are also full marks." Mr. Liu said.

Teacher Qi and Teacher Qi looked at each other and immediately walked to the back of the classroom together. Teacher Qi looked at the grades, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Teacher Qi couldn't help but let out a haha, "Old Qi, Lao Qi, look, I said Xiao Huang is fine, right?"

Seeing that everyone was startled by him, Teacher Qi quickly covered his mouth. It looked so funny.

At noon, I went to have lunch and rested for an hour at the request of Teacher Qi and Teacher Qi. More than half of the exams have been completed in the morning, so the afternoon time is not as rushed as the morning. I'm nothing. The two invigilators were really tired today. He is always in the examination room, and he has to receive leaders at all levels and any teacher who takes the examination in each class at any time.

In the morning, I completed the exam for the 30 bonus courses, and most of the results have been reviewed on the spot. are over ninety percent. A third of them got full marks. Everyone was very satisfied with this result. It can be said that everyone is happy.

In fact, it is not only the teachers in the school who are concerned about this exam, but also the students of the medical university. This is an unprecedented examination in the medical university. It can even be said that this is no longer an examination, but a process of miracles. Many curious students also rushed to the examination room on purpose. At first, some people suspected that this exam might be just a walk-through, but seeing so many teachers in the exam room, even the famous arrests from the Medical University were all present, they already understood that this exam is not only a walk-through, but a Exams are more rigorous than usual. They even began to wonder if they would be able to sit firmly in their seats in the face of so many proctoring tours.

Seeing a teacher walking out of the exam room, a student who knew him immediately walked up to ask, "Mr. Zhang, how is Huang Jingyang doing in the exam? Can you really get 90% in every class?"

"I really don't want to hit you. Compared with him, sigh, let me tell you directly. He completed nearly 30 courses in one morning. Among the scores that have come out now, there is no score lower than 95. There are more than a dozen. The courses are full marks. Don't think that the exam is easy, when the time comes, you can look at the questions of this exam. It is much harder than your final exam. There are not many books." The teacher surnamed Zhang shook his head.

"Mr. Zhang, how is that possible? Can you pass nearly 30 exams in one morning? Even if he copied the answers, he wouldn't be able to complete them, right?" the student asked puzzled.

"It's really faster than you can copy the answer. It seems that the fastest test took only five minutes. This time was recorded by Liu Chukuai with his stopwatch." After Mr. Zhang said, he hurried away. . Leaving a group of students who were stunned. (.)