My Daoist Life

Chapter 312: traffic accident


The interns who live in the same dorm as me are from Renaissance University School of Medicine. They were called Dong Fucheng, Zhou Huaifang, and Wang Dengjun.

Seeing me walking into the dormitory, Dong Fucheng asked strangely, "Are you from Jiaotong University or Tongqi University?"

"I'm from Huacheng Medical University." I replied calmly.

Dong Fucheng nodded, "Oh."

Zhou Huaifang and Wang Dengjun also turned their heads to look at me.

"Everyone will live in the same dormitory in the future, and they are also roommates. The three of us are from Fuxing University School of Medicine. Let's take care of each other in the future." Dong Fucheng introduced the other two roommates to me. I also briefly introduce myself to them.

"I was exhausted today, and I wrote dozens of medical records. There are so many patients in Ruihua Hospital. Today, only a few beds were vacated in the general area, and people moved in immediately. Now there are places where extra beds can be added in the aisles. It's full. The appointment has been queued for more than a month. You said, why are there so many patients?" Wang Dengjun complained.

"Our department is not much better. I don't see many teachers in the department who can get off work on time. I really regret choosing to be a doctor. They all say that doctors have good benefits and high income, but I didn't expect that being a doctor is so exhausting. "Zhou Huaifang is also full of bitterness.

"What are you? Our emergency department is miserable. We have not stopped all day long. Today, there are more than ten rescues of critically ill patients. When we got off work, a car accident patient came, and the teachers in the emergency department were busy. I didn't finish work until ten o'clock in the evening. Now there are all kinds of severe diseases, and traffic accidents happen almost every day. There are also all kinds of patients who are not serious or serious going to the emergency room." Dong Fucheng lay down on the bed and didn't want to move.

"Hey, Huang Jingyang, which department are you in now?" Dong Fucheng asked.

"Internal medicine. I just came today and followed the teacher around the ward. I read a few medical records." Huang Jingyang said.

"Then you're fine. But the day of suffering has not yet come. When you learn to write medical records. In the future, the teacher's medical records will be done by you. Internal medicine is not bad. Basically, there are more days when you leave work on time. Nothing is too serious. patients." Dong Fucheng said.

A few young people are together, and they are familiar with each other after chatting. I sat on the bed and opened my notebook. I searched for some medical record templates on the Internet and looked at them. Compare it with the several medical records I saw today. Basically mastered the way of filling out the medical records of Ruihua Hospital. Then I also looked at the norms of internal medicine diagnosis and treatment. Now the doctor-patient relationship is tense, and the hospital can't wait to turn the treatment of any patient of any kind of disease into an extremely strict procedure. All medical activities must be carried out step by step in accordance with such a procedure to avoid risks. Here, when I followed Mr. Cao to round the house today, Mr. Cao emphasized this point.

"Huang Jingyang, if I were you, I would hurry up and relax." Zhou Huaifang smiled.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"When you're on the right track, you'll know that it's just an extravagant wish to relax." Wang Dengjun answered my question for Zhou Huaifang.

"Hey. Huang Jingyang, all our dormitories are here today, why don't we go out and celebrate?" Dong Fucheng suggested.

"Okay! Go out for a late night snack!" Wang Dengjun and Zhou Huaifang immediately echoed.

I smiled and said, "I've just come in, so I'll give a nomination too. I'll treat you tonight."

"I'm in favor of someone treating me with both hands!" Dong Fucheng said with a smile.

"I don't object either." Zhou Huaifang also smiled.

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up!" Wang Dengjun jumped out of bed first.

The four happily left the dormitory and walked to the night market. The dormitory of the hospital is a little different from the dormitory of the school. The dormitory of the school will be locked when the time is up, but the dormitory of the hospital can be entered and exited at any time. After all, the routine of doctors is not as regular as that of students.

The four of them were already called brothers after drinking and drinking.

"Huang Jingyang, after the internship, has it been decided which hospital you will go to?" Dong Fucheng asked.

"The internship has just started. How can you be sure so quickly?" I shook my head.

"You don't expect to stay in Ruihua Hospital, do you? Brother. Don't think like that. Don't look at the doctors and nurses in Ruihua Hospital so tired they don't touch the bench. But now the undergraduate students want to enter Ruihua Hospital, it's just like Impossible. As far as I know, among the hundreds of interns who interned in Ruihua last year, none of them stayed. What Ruihua needs now is high-end talents. If you want to join Ruihua, you must at least be a medical student Doctor." Wang Dengjun said.

"I don't expect to stay in Ruihua Hospital. Anyway, the internship has just started, and I will slowly find a unit in the future. Anyway, there is still one year before graduation." Naturally, I am not worried about my future job at all.

The late-night snack stalls were placed on the sidewalk by the side of the road, and it was necessary to cross the highway to get to Ruihua Hospital. After we had eaten and drank enough, we walked across the zebra crossing to the hospital.

After only one or two steps, a dazzling white light suddenly shone over, and a luxury car flew straight from the opposite road like a madman. It turned out to be a direct hit! Because when we cross the road. The zebra crossing lights are clearly green.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

The red-hot luxury car slammed into the side of a normal car, and immediately swept the car and swept us over.

"Be careful!" I shouted hastily.

The accident happened at that moment. Ordinary people can't react at all. But I still had time to activate an amulet, and at that moment. Push Dong Fucheng and others to a safe area together.


We escaped, but others were not so lucky, and the few people walking in front of us were directly knocked out by the spinning car.

The luxury car still did not stop, it rushed over, the front of the car was smoking, and it hit the roadside guardrail and stopped.

A young man opened the car door and got out of the car. He frantically looked at the car that was knocked to pieces by him, and the passers-by who were hit by the car.

"This beast is drinking!" a passerby shouted angrily.

"None of your business! Don't meddle in your own business!" the young man threatened arrogantly. He took his phone out of his pocket and made a call. Passers-by have also taken out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Dong Fucheng, Zhou Huaifang, and Wang Dengjun were still in shock.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"It's okay. It scared me to death just now. By the way, how did we escape?" Wang Dengjun asked inexplicably.

"I don't know either. I thought I was dead just now." Zhou Huaifang was also puzzled.

"I feel like someone pulled me. Today is really hanging. I almost took my life here." Dong Fucheng said.


There was a burst of screams .

"Quick! Save people! There are still wounded in the car!" There were already many passers-by, including some citizens who got off from some private cars, and they began to check the condition of the wounded lying on the ground. The sound of screaming just now came from the private car that was hit badly.

A few of us looked at each other.

"Let's go and have a look," I said.

Dong Fucheng and the others did not hesitate and followed me.

The position of the co-pilot of the hit car has been completely deformed. The occupants inside, who were supposed to be seriously injured, groaned softly inside the car.

"How are you?" I asked.

"My leg was caught," said the passenger in the car in pain.

The driver in the cab didn't seem to be in a good condition, and his body was covered in blood. I don't know where the injury is. At this time, it has been called out, life and death do not know. The airbags have been deployed though. But the car just didn't pretend to spin, and I don't know which direction they were hit hard.

I pulled the door hard, but the door didn't pull due to its severe deformation. I use normal human power. At this time, I didn't care about the demonstration, I just pulled the door hard, and with a bang, the door was pulled open by me.

There was a lady in the passenger seat. The leg has been broken and the injury is very serious. We don't have any life-saving equipment with us, so we can only collect materials on the spot. Of course, only extremely simple processing can be performed. Buy time for the ambulance to arrive.

The driver of the cab just passed out and his injuries were not serious. The seriously injured were several passers-by who were affected. The four of us acted separately, but all we could do was follow the first aid protocol. The rest had to wait until the ambulance came. To the hospital to be able to rescue.

I quietly cast my magic to keep the wounded alive for a while.

When all the wounded were in the ambulance, the four of us looked at each other and smiled.

"Being a doctor is not an easy task." Wang Dengjun shook his head.

"No. This kind of thing is commonplace in the emergency department. If we weren't lucky just now, we would have been sent to the hospital now, but it would be fine if we were sent to the hospital. If we were sent to a funeral home, it would be miserable!" Dong Fucheng said .

"Did you notice just now? The young man who drives that luxury car seems to be drunk and is so far away. I smelled alcohol just now. It must be drunk driving." Zhou Huaifang said.

"It goes without saying that many of the accidents now are caused by drunk driving. Huh? That guy just ran away!" Dong Fucheng looked around, where is there any trace of that young master

Wang Dengjun said angrily, "I'm sure that a person will come out tomorrow to turn himself in and convict this person."

"Huang Jingyang, were you frightened just now?" Seeing that I didn't talk to me, Dong Fucheng thought I was frightened.

"Fine." I smiled slightly.

"It's normal to be scared. To be honest, my legs are a little weak now." Dong Fucheng said.

Wang Dengjun seemed to remember something: "Huang Jingyang. Did you pull us just now?"

"I was so frightened just now, how could I pull you guys? I don't even understand what's going on ." Of course I wouldn't admit it.

really. The next day there was a report on the traffic accident in the newspapers, and as expected, someone turned himself in and admitted that the accident was caused by using the accelerator as a brake. But the driver of the luxury car still did not show up.

We went to the hospital as normal to continue our internship life.

As soon as Teacher Cao saw me, he immediately gave me a task. You send me these cases. All medical records are now digitized. Mr. Cao naturally hopes that through such intensive training, I can quickly master the template for filling out medical records.

This wasn't a problem for me, and at my speed, it didn't take too long to enter the medical records.

In fact, at this time, the hospital still has strict requirements on the digitization of medical records. Mainly paper documents. But the trend is to digitize. Not only are the current medical records to be digitized, but the previous medical records are also stored in the database.

Soon, there was a very fast-paced keyboard sound in the department. As soon as I heard this sound, I knew that the speed of the keys on this keyboard had reached an astonishing level.

Teacher Cao came over angrily, "Huang Jingyang, what's the matter with you? I asked you to fill out your medical records here, what are you doing?"

I looked at Teacher Cao blankly, "I've been filling out the medical records."

Mr. Cao finally took a look. I was really entering the medical records, but my speed was too fast, and the players who played games in the Internet cafe were able to tap such a fast-paced keyboard sound.

"Then you continue." Teacher Cao was a little embarrassed. He thought I was playing a game. He didn't expect my input speed to be so fast.

Back in the dormitory that day, Dong Fucheng hadn't come back, Zhou Huaifang and Wang Dengjun had already arrived in the dormitory.

"Hey, Huang Jingyang, have you read the news? How many of us are the media looking for!" Zhou Huaifang handed the newspaper to me.

When I saw it, the newspaper read "Heavy rewards are offered to find the perpetrators and rescuers". The first is a bounty for the escape driver. In fact, this difficulty should not be too small, but after adding some human factors, this difficulty is really not small. It would have been possible to start with the vehicle and find the perpetrator. They are really looking for a few of us who are good young people who are righteous and brave.

"Huang Jingyang, do you think we should take the initiative to stand up and let them perform us well?" Wang Dengjun asked.

"Go to you guys, don't pull me into the water." I said quickly. For me, the quieter the place, the better.

"That's fine. Anyway, I don't want to entangle myself in it in the future." Wang Dengjun didn't have this plan either.

But by the next day, the perpetrator finally turned himself in. Of course, the photos published in the newspapers are quite different from the original ones. Not at all the perpetrator that night. This man really found a scapegoat.

Dong Fucheng didn't come back until dawn, and as soon as he came back he shouted loudly in the dormitory, "It's so unfair, that guy is drunk driving, getting famous, and escaping. Now all the responsibility is transferred to this scapegoat. Although the eyes are mosaic, I can be sure that the person who turned himself in must be an impostor."

All three of us got into an argument.

"Old Dong, what's going on?" Zhou Huaifang asked as he got out of the bed. (.)