My Daoist Life

Chapter 319: misdiagnosed


"I filled out the appraisal form for you and gave you a high score of 98. In fact, 100% can be given to you, but it looks too fake." Teacher Cao handed the appraisal form to you. into my hands.

I also have dual identities in the hospital now. First, I am still an intern and I have been transferred to general education. In addition, because I have now become Lei Yaqi's de facto attending physician. Of course, I am not the attending doctor, nor do I have the right to prescribe, so the responsible doctor can only use someone else's name. Zhang Zhenyuan naturally wouldn't leave such a good job to get close to Director Lu's wife. So he personally served as Lei Yaqi's responsible doctor. Of course, in reality, I do it all.

"Doctor Huang, your conditioning technique is really good. I had some problems in my body, but after your conditioning for a period of time, I feel that these problems have been completely cured. What is your technique? There should be a very powerful one. What's the matter?" Lei Yaqi asked casually while chatting with me.

"What's the point? It's just the right symptom." Naturally, I can't say it's the effect of vitality. In fact, I put a ray of vitality into her in total. This ray of vitality may not play a big role for us cultivators, but for ordinary people, it is absolutely hard to find. If it weren't for chance, maybe I wouldn't have done anything at all, and let her body slowly deteriorate. I didn't expect to shoot casually, but it would give myself a lot of convenience.

"How is it? I heard that you have gone to General Wai, can you get used to it there? Do you want me to tell Dean Zhang and change you to a better instructor?" Lei Yaqi always thinks about helping me do something.

"No. It's good now. This time, the instructor arranged for me by Puwai is also very experienced. Besides, I am young and strong, and I can learn a lot." Naturally, I would not ask Lei Yaqi to help me with everything. , and Lei Yaqi is actually just talking. Didn't really want to help. She naturally knows that if anything, she has to get involved. Definitely not good for me. It will only make the doctors in the whole hospital resent me and reject me.

My instructor in General Foreign Studies is called Li He. He is also a relatively young doctor. He is in his thirties, and he can be regarded as a relatively experienced doctor. However, I knew that, in fact, President Zhang was going to ask Director Chen Liwei to arrange an experienced doctor as my instructor. But these old doctors. Their professional titles have all been rated at the top, and their medical skills are also very good. Even if they can't work in Ruihua Hospital, they can easily find a private hospital with better treatment than Ruihua. Many doctors retired from regular hospitals. After retiring, they still continue to exert their residual heat in private hospitals, and their treatment is much higher than that in regular hospitals. Therefore, at the request of President Zhang, Chen Liwei said that his concubine could not do it.

I am already quite famous in Ruihua Hospital. Shi Tingbang's title of director was removed because of me, and he is now preparing to retire. I was going to go to a private hospital to seek higher education. An intern lost a department director, which caused quite a stir in Ruihua Hospital.

When I was just doing general surgery, I felt that the doctors in the department looked at me strangely.

When my teacher Li Hegang saw me, he was also frowning. Obviously he didn't want to pick up my hot potato either. I naturally see the expressions of these people in the general surgery room, and I don't care in my heart.

Although the boss of Li He was unwilling to take over as an intern like me, his usual guidance was without prejudice. Still quite responsible. After following the outpatient clinic for two more days, I was familiar with some basic conditions of general surgery, and I began to follow Mr. Li into the operating room. Although it is not every day that there are other difficult operations. But there are a lot of surgeries every day. Mr. Li performs an average of a dozen minor operations in one day. What kind of unfinished end resection and so on, I can connect a few units every day.

A few days later, Mr. Li gave me a very important task: "Huang Jingyang, you will be the chief surgeon in today's operation."

"Ah?" I was too fed up. I didn't expect to be able to perform surgery on the operating table so soon, and I was a little excited. But as a result, the cases that Mr. Li handed over were a little discouraged. Minor surgery ah, it is cut appendix.

"Familiarize yourself with the contents of the operation first. Practice the use of laparoscopy." Teacher Li urged.

The patient chose a relatively advanced minimally invasive surgery, but I didn't even touch the scalpel a few times. I did laparoscopy as soon as I got started, which is indeed a big span. But compared to ordinary people. My hands are much more stable than theirs. This small operation will naturally not be a big problem.

Although I have a good grasp of it, I was still very excited when I performed the surgery for the first time, and I was worried about some problems during the operation. Do your homework well in advance. Even used divine sense. Go get ideas for the surgical operating room. learn from their experience. There are one or two bookshelves in the general surgery room. There are some medical journals on it, as well as some important medical books and materials. I have also read carefully these days. And after I was lucky enough to find a variety of laparoscopic operation experience, I was more confident about the first operation in my life.

Before entering the department, I heard the doctors in the department discussing from a distance.

"Dr. Li, you are so bold. Why did Huang Jingyang lead the operation so quickly? And it's a laparoscopic operation. Although this operation is not difficult, it still requires a high level of operation ability. This patient can choose abdominal cavity. For mirror surgery, the conditions at home should be very good. Let him do the operation, and if something goes wrong, you will be the one to blame in the end."

"That's right. This intern is notorious for tossing. The director of internal medicine, Shi Tingbang, the director of a department in Tangtang, just let him down. There are people above him, and now the dean is protecting him. What happened? , the responsibility is all yours. He may have nothing at all. Otherwise, when he came, no one would want to take him?"

"It's useless for you to say that. Can I keep him from the operating table? The dean asks me once every time he sees me, and asks me to make him exercise more. Today's injury is the easiest operation. I stared at him, Nothing should happen."

"Then you have to be careful. I always think this person is a time bomb for our general public. Detonate at any time."

I walked into the department, and the room immediately quieted down.

"Huang Jingyang, are you ready?" Teacher Li asked. Everyone pretends to be doing their own thing. It was as if nothing had been talked about before.

"I'm ready. But I went to see the patient just now, and I feel that the patient's condition is not quite right. Teacher Li, is she really appendicitis?" I asked.

"Yeah. Judging from the inspection, it should be appendicitis. What do you think is wrong?" Teacher Li's face showed a hint of displeasure. But still trying to control the tone.

"I just went to ask the patient, and the patient said that she had fever first and then abdominal pain. In this case, her pain may not necessarily be caused by appendicitis. The patient is a woman. Pelvic inflammatory disease or ovarian cysts may be caused Abdominal pain, the symptoms may be similar to appendicitis. Do you want to ask the gynecologist to come over for consultation." Although I hesitated, I still said what I wanted to say. In fact, I have confirmed that the patient was indeed misdiagnosed by Mr. Li, because I just went to the ward. It was determined that the patient's abdominal pain was not due to appendicitis. Naturally, I won't go to the main surgeon to do such an operation again.

As soon as Mr. Li heard that the patient had fever symptoms before, his face changed slightly. It was really possible that he had misdiagnosed. All the doctors in the department looked at me. They may be more convinced that I am an unlucky ghost, whoever encounters is unlucky. This time, Mr. Li was unlucky because he met me.

Teacher Li thought about it and decided to invite the obstetrics and gynecology department for consultation. Some inspection items were added, and the results of the inspection naturally confirmed that my guess was correct. Mr. Li was indeed misdiagnosed, and he was mainly misled by the patient. There are some other symptoms that the patient has not paid attention to at all. (.)