My Daoist Life

Chapter 327: stand


A mountain protection formation is not so easy to arrange. [Free at Kanshuge] Although I was fast enough, Huang Shulang and others were also trying their best to delay time. But the enraged Wang Qin attacked desperately. Its defense is much higher than the previous Unicorn Minotaur. Without my control, the attacks of Huang Shulang and others would not be able to cause fatal damage to it at all.


The king bird suddenly shrouded like a black cloud, and thunder and lightning were released from its mouth.


The violent impact caused the protective shield formed by the simple formation to disintegrate in an instant. Losing the defense of the formation, although we activated amulets and protective charms, we were unable to resist the attack of this king bird, which was close to the Yang God cultivation level. This kind of spiritual bird, we later named it Xuanlei Eagle. Its shape is very similar to the eagle on the earth. Its most powerful attack method is to release Xuan Lei. Bombard down the sky. Ordinary prey cannot escape his attack.

I quickly gave up and continued to arrange the formation, and instead sacrificed the seven-star sword. After I entered the Yinshen stage, I was able to wield the seven seven-star swords at the same time. This time, in order to enhance the attack, I made the seven seven-star swords merge into one. The power increase is naturally huge.

The Seven Star Treasure Sword greeted Xuan Lei Eagle King with an irresistible power.


The Eagle King Xuanlei could naturally feel the deadly threat of the Seven-Star Sword. In mid-air, a dazzling light of thunder spit out from the King Xuanlei Eagle's mouth, and then his wings suddenly pulled up, his body suddenly stopped, and then it was like lightning. Run diagonally upwards.


A thunderous thunder suddenly sounded in the air, and the world seemed to shake. That mysterious thunder suddenly exploded, and my Seven Star Sword also exploded completely. Weakly ** from the sky. Under my control, I turned the sword again, and the seven seven-star swords gathered together again.

This attack is my strongest attack. I believe that Xuanlei Eagle King also used its strongest attack just now. Originally, I could take advantage of the Xuanlei Eagle King to flee in a hurry and pursue the situation, but this blow, my loss is also huge. Strong enemies are at hand, and I must spare my strength to protect myself. Now it's not just me. It is also related to Huang Shulang and others.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and build the formation again!" I quickly shouted loudly. The people who were still in a daze were awakened. I also didn't take care of King Xuanlei Eagle who escaped. I believe that with the lesson of this time, this guy should not return so quickly again.

As Huang Shulang and others panicked, the simple formations were activated instantly. Although these simple formations are not enough to deal with a powerful character like Xuanlei Eagle King. But at least it can be resisted, and it will not let the Xuanlei Eagle King succeed.

I am also stepping up the construction of the mountain protection formation. As long as the mountain protection formation is activated, our safety can be guaranteed immediately.

"If there is a ruthless character like just now, you will withdraw in advance. Go back to the passage, this level of alien beasts will not easily rush through the passage. You don't have to worry about me. Even if I can't deal with it, there are still Self-preservation." I quickly reminded Huang Shulang and the others. If I encounter a ruthless character like Xuanlei Eagle King again, I may not be able to care about them at all.

"Master, you don't need to worry about us. When we see that the momentum is not right, we will immediately evacuate. It will never drag Master's hind legs." Huang Shulang was also shocked just now. A single blow could have killed them. The difference in level is like a gulf, and they know that in this level of battle, they can't help me at all. Instead, I will be because they can't let go.

"Okay, you guys will withdraw immediately. I will try my best to complete this formation." I know those guys won't give me enough time to arrange the formation. My attack just now had scared the Xuanlei Eagle King into a cold sweat. How could they still give me enough time to rest

This is their home ground, they have countless allies, and I am weak. Naturally they would use their advantage and use the wheel battle against me.

Sure enough, not long after, a thunderous roar sounded in the distance. The stomping sound of the dense beast's hooves was getting closer. Like an army of thousands of horses, they came towards me with a majestic momentum.

We are like isolated islands swaying in the turbulent sea, and we have to accept the impact of the overwhelming raging waves.

"Quick! Evacuate quickly!" I quickly and loudly reminded Huang Shulang and the others to evacuate quickly.

In the face of such a powerful attack, there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it. Even if I can block it, I can only deal with a very small part of it. There is simply no way to deal with such a violent attack.

"Damn it!" As long as you give me a little more time, I will be able to complete this mountain protection formation. However, the other party will not give me this time.

The completion rate of the mountain protection formation: 90%.

"Master, hurry up and arrange the formation! Let's block this first wave of attacks!" Huang Shulang said loudly. While speaking, they had already launched an attack first.

One after another yin runes were thrown out without money, and in less than ten seconds, they threw away most of the offensive yin runes in their hands. Then immediately control the formation to launch a long-range attack.

I am not reconciled to choose to give up at the juncture of increase. So, I also speeded up.

ninety-one percent

ninety-two percent

My speed is so fast that others can barely see my afterimage. It was as if a shadow kept spinning around. One second back in time, and I was able to finish part of it.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

The Yin Rune continued to explode in the approaching alien beasts. The alien beasts were blown away by the Yin Rune.


The leader of the beast let out a furious roar. It was thoroughly infuriated. In this basin, his majesty has never been so provocative. He was furious! A snarling roar made his subordinates choose to charge regardless of life and death even in the case of heavy losses.

The bombardment of a large number of invisibility charms has not been able to effectively stop their actions.

The figures of the alien beasts are getting closer and closer, and they can clearly see their appearance. It turns out to be a pack of wolves that is even bigger than an elephant. It has the characteristics of the cunning and team fighting of the wolves of the earth, and has a body as large as an elephant. It also has super running ability and ferocious fighting ability. They are the galloping wolves of the New World.

The galloping wolves stopped running, and they began to fight back. One after another wind blade whistled and attacked us.

Ninety-five percent!

I couldn't help feeling very sorry. Give me ten more seconds, and maybe I will be able to complete the arrangement of the mountain protection formation. But Huang Shulang and the others couldn't stop such a fierce attack.

"Master, leave us alone, let us persevere!" Ma Jindong shouted loudly.

They are also willing!

Huang Jingyang and the others flickered with aura, obviously they had activated various defensive talismans. As long as they don't face the direct attack of the Yinshen stage masters, their defense should be enough to save their lives.


Once again I pushed my speed to the limit.

The completion of the formation is continuously improving again.

When the wind blade attacked our defensive cover, the completion of the mountain protection formation increased a little bit, reaching 96%!

Under the attack of thousands of wind blades, the defensive cover was finally unable to resist. Crash! The remaining wind blades continued to move forward.

Everyone was attacked by at least dozens of wind blades.

Fortunately, the defensive Yin Rune has withstood the test. And I simply ignore these offenses outright. Still quickly arranging the formation.

Ninety-seven percent!

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Restore the formation! How many offensive invisibility charms are thrown out, and then our mission is completed! Immediately evacuate, and don't worry about anything! Leave the rest to Master!" Huang Shulang shouted loudly.

Huang Shulang, Ma Jingui, Li Lijuan, Yang Zhenghai, Hu Zhenbo, Cheng Cheng, Wang Guixin, Lin Yi, Li Hong and others immediately used the array disk to activate the array, and then threw the Yin Rune in their hands to activate them at once.

This time, the intensity of the attack was more intense. The attack of the invisibility talisman, coupled with the attack of the simple formation, caused the galloping wolves that were about to attack our mountain protection formation to fall into pieces.

The tragic explosion made Wanlang's galloping momentum stagnate.

I hurry up and finish the final arrangement.

Ninety-eight percent!


The leader of the giant wind wolf saw this scene, and his eyeballs almost bulged out. It uncontrollably launched its fierce attack.

The whistling sound of the wind blade caught my attention, it was definitely not an ordinary attack. Although the formation is about to be completed soon, I had to stop for a while, and quickly condensed seven seven-star swords, quickly condensed together, and a sharp sword flew high, facing the sharp sword. wind blade.

The wind blade collided with the sword light transformed from the Seven Stars Sword.


The seven-star sword was defeated in the wind blade, but the seven-star sword was condensed, and it continued to charge forward with unabated momentum, pointing directly at the leader of the giant hurricane wolf.

The leader of the giant wind wolf saw that he missed a hit, but my attack defeated its attack and counterattacked it. Make it a little out of place.


Roaring again and again, several wind blades met my seven-star sword. After repelling these wind blades again, the forward trend of my Seven-Star Treasure Sword can be considered to have slowed down. But this time, an accident happened. I directly chose to let the Seven Star Sword explode.

boom! The violent explosion, like the original explosion, formed a domineering shock wave, rushing almost all the Gale Wolves into chaos. The leader of the nearest hurricane wolf was naturally the most violent. It never expected that I would play cards so unruly. The sudden explosion caused heavy losses to the Galewind Wolfpack, and the leader of the Galewind Wolf was severely injured. The fur on his body was blown to pieces, and he was blinded in one eye.

"Roar!" The leader of the giant wind wolf was completely provoked. He rushed towards me without hesitation.

I detonated the seven-star sword, naturally it would not be better, and the yin and gods were somewhat damaged. However, I took this opportunity to breathe to improve the completion of the mountain protection formation to 100%!

Watching the Giant Wind Wolf rush towards me desperately and fight me desperately, a smile appeared on the corner of my bloodshot mouth. Just as the Great Wind Wolf jumped and was about to pounce on me, I swayed like a ripple in front of me. The vitality around me frantically rushed towards me.


The hurricane giant slammed into the copper wall and passed out, and it rushed too hard. The fierce counterattack of the Hushan Great Array was simply not something that the severely injured typhoon wolf leader could endure.

"We won!" Huang Shulang and others did not flee, but still guarded around me. They're going to be my last barrier. There is not a single option to back down.

"Cough cough!" I just smiled, and immediately coughed violently, and a trace of blood flew out of my mouth.



This time, everyone panicked on the spot.

"What's the panic? It's just a little damage." I didn't care. With time, this little damage of mine will be able to fully recover. Such tragic battles are very precious to me. My cultivation base, which I hadn't advanced for a long time, seemed to have hope for improvement. The barrier that limited my further ascension seemed to have begun to loosen.

In modern society, life is so easy that people forget the hardships of survival. Can't see the path to pursue. In such a precarious situation, it made me see more clearly.

After two tragic injuries, the leader of the hurricane giant wolf was able to stand up staggeringly, but its subordinates had already disappeared without a trace. It has been severely damaged, its cultivation base has been greatly reduced, and the position of its leader will inevitably be lost. It looked a little lonely inside the formation. It's not as violent as it used to be.

The leader of the giant hurricane wolf looked again at the direction in which his fellow clan fled, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction. The body of the leader of the giant wind wolf is more than double the body of the ordinary giant wind wolf. The tall body is like a moving hill. The sun in the other world slanted down from the distant mountains, and the leader of the giant hurricane wolf dragged his crippled body, thinking about the setting sun.

"It's so pitiful! It was abandoned by its kin!" Li Lijuan said sympathetically.

"You still sympathize with it? It's the main culprit that hurt the master! If my cultivation base is the same as that of the master, I will rush out to harvest its life!" Huang Shulang tapped Li Lijuan on the head.

The huge mountain protection formation released an irresistible momentum, and the coveted spirit beasts around them dared not take a step forward.

In the sky, Xuan Lei Diao hovered for a long time, and could only withdraw unwillingly.

And the unicorn monsters that originally gathered in this area also began to flee this homeland far away.

From this moment on, we Dreamlanders have become a part of this world. (...)