My Daoist Life

Chapter 328: Back to the East China Sea


We all sat cross-legged on the ground to recover. The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the strong smell of blood filled the field. The strong breath is unbearable even for spirit beasts.

For the first time in my life I have been traumatized so badly. It was several times more serious than the damage he suffered when he faced the Ghost King in Bajiao Village. Fortunately, the formation was activated at the last minute. Otherwise, it is unknown whether the last hateful attack of the giant wind wolf leader will follow.

I don't know how long it took, but I finally got my injury under control. After finishing his work, he stood up.

"Master, how are you?" Li Lijuan hurried over and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I should be able to fully recover in less than a month." I looked around. Huang Shulang and others were standing around me, looking at me with concern.

"Master, this battle is really too thrilling. Fortunately, you are not in serious trouble." Huang Shulang breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked relieved.

"We are cultivators, and we must face this kind of situation indifferently. The same is true for you. Only by putting life and death aside can we transcend the ordinary." I raised my voice slightly.

Everyone's expressions were lifted.

"Master, how are we going to develop this place in the future?" Yang Zhenghai asked.

As expected of the head of the Dream Sect, he immediately thought of how to use this other world that he had just established.

"This is not the same as a dream. We can easily find out about any part of the dream. And we don't know what the situation is in this world. It's just in such a small valley that we have already encountered such strength. Powerful spirit beasts. If we go deeper into this world, I'm afraid there will be even more powerful spirit beasts waiting for us. So, I think we should keep our hands on it. Let's take a firm footing here and talk about it later. In addition, this place can only be used as a place for us to experience. My world is still in reality. The experience is not only in combat, but also the experience of the state of mind. "I said.

We soon returned to the East China Sea from the new world through the teleportation channel.

"Huang Jingyang, why didn't these two see you, where did you go?" Back in the dormitory, Dong Fucheng asked as soon as he saw me.

"I took a leave and went back to Huacheng. Did anything happen in the hospital?" I asked.

"Nothing happened. It's strange that the wounded in the last collapse and accident were all transferred to the hospital. I don't know what happened. They were transferred to another place. Where did they go? I don't know. Someone in the hospital must know, but no one has told the reason. You say it's strange or not. You also keep a secret, and tell us interns not to inquire about it." Dong Fucheng immediately dismissed the hospital. Some of the things here told me.

I naturally guessed why those people turned away all at once. There must be some people who don't want them to talk about the otherworld passage.

"Dong Fucheng, then don't ask around, this kind of thing can be big or small. In case you get yourself in because of this matter. But it's not worth it at all." I said.

"That's what I said, but I still want to know what happened there! Why do some people want to shut up. Do you really think that the collapse was really caused by the underground weapon test as said on the forum?" Dong Fucheng is very is confused.

I didn't tell him why, because the news wouldn't do Dong Fucheng any favors. If it doesn't work, it will hurt him.

The next day, I still went to the hospital as my intern as usual.

"Huang Jingyang, it's hard for you to go back. You can stay with your family for a few more days. Just give me a call if you have anything. Anyway, there is no problem with your ability to operate." Teacher Li has a good attitude towards me now. a lot. No longer looking high and high like before, but with a friendly smile like a friend.

"My parents knew that I was doing an internship here. When things went well, they rushed me over immediately. They said that if I didn't study hard during the internship, I would become a butcher in white in the future." I can only continue to edit.

"It seems that your parents have high expectations for you. In fact, your current level makes us doctors who have practiced medicine for many years feel a little ashamed. Now the doctors in the department are all working hard and studying hard, for fear of being caught You, an intern, overcame it." Teacher Li smiled.

Doctor Zhao Xiaoyan saw it. He immediately greeted me kindly, "Xiao Huang, come quickly. I had an operation today, but I accidentally scratched a little skin on my hand in the morning. I can't do this operation. You are the chief surgeon, and I will guide you. Xiao Li, Xiao Huang lend me a day."

"Okay, I don't have many operations today. But I'm doing such a big job for you. Please have a late night snack." Teacher Li said with a smile.

Dr. Zhao Xiaoyan agreed casually, "Small night snack. Don't ask for a late night snack, it's fine for a week. But you have to lend me Xiao Huang often. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it these days. Let Xiao Huang do it for me. His laparoscopic skills are really tough. Much better than the interns I have brought before."

"That is. Who is Xiao Huang's instructor?" Mr. Li said proudly.

"You can be proud. Xiao Huang was not taught by you." Zhao Xiaoyan said very unconvinced.

"Xiao Huang is in my name, that's what I brought out." Teacher Li didn't care at all.

Although he was severely injured in the other world, it would not have any effect on the operation. I mainly enter the dreamland to practice after get off work and recover slowly. This time, although my yin soul was damaged, it gave me a deeper understanding of cultivation, my thoughts were more accessible, and my yin spirit was naturally more condensed. When my ghost is fully repaired, there will definitely be a greater improvement in strength. So, I'm not in a hurry to fix the yin god quickly.

Dr. Zhao Xiaoyan is not completely a hands-off shopkeeper. Although he does not perform the surgery himself, he has been patiently explaining to me the ideas of each step of the surgery. Although I know the steps of these operations very well, and even gained the experience of many doctors, every time I hear Zhao Xiaoyan's explanation, I feel that I have learned a lot from Dr. Zhao.

At the same time, Dr. Zhao admired my surgical ability, "Not bad, Xiao Huang, your technique is really good. Even if I operate it myself, I can't be as perfect as you are. Your hand is too steady, it's completely Born to be a surgeon."

My technique was very fast, which made Dr. Zhao very worried, "Xiao Huang, don't be too fast. If the operation is completed quickly, it will naturally be more beneficial to the patient's recovery. However, it is not appropriate to blindly seek speed. The diseased tissue of the patient must be completely cleaned. Otherwise, as long as a little bit is left, the operation will be a waste. This kind of operation, if cleaned enough, has a high possibility of radical cure. "

I nodded, "Dr. Zhao, don't worry. Although I can do it quickly, I must be very careful. My usual operation speed is much faster than that of ordinary people. If you don't believe me, come and take a closer look. The diseased tissue has been cleaned by me. clean."

Dr. Zhao looked at me with some doubts, but still leaned in to take a closer look. Indeed, the diseased tissue could not be seen from the peeping glass. In the speculum, I thread a needle and thread through the patient's tissue. Obedient like a finger. Dr. Zhao seemed to see an acrobatic performance, not an operation. Eyes widened in shock.

"How did you learn this skill?" Doctor Zhao asked in surprise.

"Perhaps practice makes perfect." Naturally, I can't say that this is the simplest ability of a cultivator.

An operation that was expected to take six or seven hours turned out to be completed in just one or two hours. So that the surgical side had to readjust the time of the follow-up surgery. The queue at the surgery side was tense. Every operating room was full.

Just after coming out of the operating room, the director of the department, Chen Liwei, found Dr. Zhao.

"Dr. Zhao, take over the operation of a patient. Mayor Mi just said hello." Chen Liwei said.

Although patients in the hospital all need to be queued, only the inside knows that there are still many patients who jumped in through various relationships. It is not too simple to cut a few patients in the queue inside the hospital. Even if a more serious patient goes to check, there is no reason to find out. You must know that the hospital has many legitimate reasons for inserting patients in. Like surgery in the emergency department. It can be plugged in urgently. without queuing.

"Director Chen, I can't do it. I accidentally scratched this morning. The operation can't be done. This morning was done by Xiao Huang. By the way, Xiao Huang is actually quite good. His skills are better than mine. Be strong." Doctor Zhao suddenly remembered me.

"How does this work? If Mayor Mi knew that our hospital had an intern perform surgery on a patient he had greeted, wouldn't he tear down our hospital?" Director Chen shook his head quickly.

"I'm telling you the truth. Xiao Huang's skills are really better than mine. If I were to do this operation, it would take at least five hours, but Xiao Huang took less than two hours. It's done. Don't worry, there is no problem with the operation. I checked it strictly. Xiao Huang really completed the operation quickly and well." Dr. Zhao did not hesitate to use all kinds of praise.

I suddenly became not an intern, and even if I was, it was a genius doctor.

"Then I'll go and tell the patient's family. If they agree, I'll let Xiao Huang come on. Otherwise, if they find out that we let the intern perform the operation, I can't bear the anger of the mayor." Director Chen said: Take risks.

"Then I'll go with you too. Xiao Huang, you too." Dr. Zhao called me too.

"Alright." Director Chen nodded.

"This is Mayor Mi's cousin, Mr. Mi Yong. This is Dr. Zhao with the best skills in our general surgery room. Originally, Mayor Mi said hello, and I was going to let Dr. Zhao be in charge of your surgery. But unfortunately The only thing is that Dr. Zhao injured his hand this morning and cannot perform surgery for the time being," Director Chen said.

"What should I do? Do I need to be transferred?" Mi Yong was very displeased.

"It's not necessary. In fact, this operation is not complicated. Other doctors in our department are competent. But I still recommend this young man to you. Dr. Huang Jingyang, although he is still an intern, his operation ability is better than ours. Everyone in the department should be strong." Dr. Zhao said.

"Intern? You're right? Do you think I'm being fooled by having an intern perform surgery on me? I have to call my cousin and see what's going on in your Ruihua Hospital. Is this to implement my cousin's instructions?" Mi Yong threatened.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm just recommending a person who is most suitable for you to perform surgery. Since you don't want to, I'll arrange other doctors in the general surgery room. In fact, in addition to Dr. Zhao, the general surgery room also There are many excellent doctors." Director Chen gave Dr. Zhao a dissatisfied look.

"I still say this. If you want to use laparoscopy in your operation, it is best to be operated by Xiao Huang. His skills are definitely the strongest in the general surgery room. As for whether to choose him or not, it is your patient's. Freedom." Dr. Zhao was not intimidated by a mayor's cousin.

"It seems that you really didn't take my cousin's words seriously!" Mi Yong said coldly, and asked his family to immediately call Mi Manlin, the mayor of Mi.

"Brother, Ruihua Hospital is going to arrange an intern to perform surgery on me. He also told me that this intern is the best skilled in their department. Do you think they think I'm stupid?" Mi Yong complained into the phone. on.

Soon, Zhang Zhenyuan ran to the ward in person.

"Chen Liwei, how are you doing? Didn't you say that Dr. Zhao was in charge of the operation? How did you become an intern?" Zhang Zhenyuan came over and asked the teacher for the crime.

"It's not that Dr. Zhao insisted on letting the intern he brought to the operation!" Chen Liwei was also very wronged.

"Intern..." Zhang Zhenyuan was like a deflated balloon when he saw me, "Isn't the intern Dr. Zhao said to be Xiao Huang?"

"Who else could he be?" Chen Liwei obviously hadn't heard the change in Zhang Zhenyuan's tone.

"If it's Xiao Huang, it's actually possible. Mr. Mi, you may have misunderstood. Although Xiao Huang is an intern, his medical skills are really very good." Zhang Zhenyuan suddenly changed his face, making Mi on the bed. Yong is weird. Chen Liwei on the side was also very shocked, but he quickly understood. This is the intern who saved the wife of the director of the health department.

"President Zhang, what's the matter with your Ruihua Hospital?" Mi Yong had the urge to jump up from the hospital bed to kill.

"Mr. Mi, Mr. Mi, listen to my explanation. Don't think that Xiao Huang is an intern, in fact, he has been a doctor since elementary school. He has a thorough knowledge of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Last time, our hospital encountered a difficult case, and even the experts from Yanjing almost came over. The misdiagnosis was diagnosed by Xiao Huang on the spot. As far as I know, Xiao Huang has performed dozens of laparoscopic surgeries during this period of time. His operating ability makes every doctor in the general field feel ashamed." This is naturally Zhang Zhenyuan compiled. Although I have done many surgeries, I am not as exaggerated as Zhang Zhenyuan said. Of course, what I don't know, Zhang Zhenyuan has always been very concerned about my situation.

"If he doesn't want to, then forget it." I can't stand by and be dumb.

"It's not a question of forgetting! You are an intern, are you qualified to speak?" Mi Yong asked disdainfully.

"You talk about whether or not to let me operate on you. You say whether I have the right to speak. Forget it, I won't operate on him, so you can change." Just as the phone in my pocket rang. He took out his phone and glanced at it, it was Yang Zhenghai. I walked out of the ward with my phone in hand, and answered the phone as I walked.

"You, you! You are very good! I will not perform this operation on your Ruihua!" Mi Yong was immediately furious. (.)