My Daoist Life

Chapter 335: Arrogant appearance


"Master, why don't we go further?" Huang Shulang asked.

"Okay." I nodded and agreed.

"Master, no. The test flight area we applied for is limited. The test flight can only be carried out in the designated area within the specified time. If it is exceeded, it will cause trouble for Ali." Cheng Cheng said worriedly.

"You elm head, are you stupid doing research? We are so fast and basically invisible, can they possibly find it?" Huang Shulang gave Cheng Cheng a white look.

"That's true." Cheng Cheng nodded.

"Then don't care, fly farther." I'm not afraid of big things.

"Okay!" Cheng Cheng agreed with me, and didn't say anything more, "Master, why don't we increase the speed a little bit. If we use two sets of push formations, the speed should be improved a lot."

"You're the captain. You have the final say here. You can do as many groups as you say." I happily let Cheng Cheng make the decision.

Cheng Cheng only needs a thought, he controls the center of the aircraft formation, and the second group of dynamic formations is also activated. The consumption of primeval stones is doubled immediately, but the speed cannot be doubled, because the faster the speed, the more resistance it receives. Although due to the effect of the formation, the resistance of the Dreamland No. 1 01 aircraft is not as greatly improved as the aerodynamics predicted. Although the speed increase has not been doubled, that is, twenty times the speed of sound, it is at least sixteen or seven times the speed of sound. It is more than 50% faster than the fastest aircraft in the world.

Our test plane did not show up in the test area for over an hour, much to the disappointment of the eagerly-awaited audience.

"Didn't the plane crash? Why hasn't it landed yet?"

"That's right. Anyway. The performance of this plane is really good, and the safety of take-off is much safer than conventional planes. It flies faster. It feels like watching a rocket fire. It disappears in the blink of an eye. I'm afraid Faster than a rocket."

"But where did it go? Shouldn't it be landing at this time?"

At this time, many military planes suddenly appeared in the sky, patrolling around the test flight area. After receiving reports from two special pilots, the test plane of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory has attracted widespread attention from all quarters. Military representatives are already on their way to the Dreamland Aircraft Factory. The performance of the aircraft of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory has obviously made them overjoyed. Come over now, naturally, I hope that this aircraft from the Dreamland Aircraft Factory can become the fifth-generation military aircraft. If the Air Force can equip this aircraft, it will definitely increase the strength of the Chinese Air Force in a short period of time. But the dream plane that was their target has disappeared.

While these fighters were searching around, the ground was also looking around. We have flown to the coast. Only the area of the sea can make us look like a large blue sky in the sky at a height of 10,000 meters. Ordinary cities pass by in a flash in front of us.

Seeing the beautiful sea, I couldn't help but let Cheng Cheng stop in the air.

"First time over the South China Sea, stop and let's take a good look at the beauty of the South China Sea."

Cheng Cheng stopped the plane, and the plane was suspended in the air like a black cloud. Without a sound, the plane just hovered high in the sky.

What we don't know is that on the edge of the South China Sea, there are three U.S. military aircraft conducting so-called freedom of navigation.

Their radar suddenly beeped.

"Attention, attention, an unknown target is found, and it is suspected that the Chinese fighter jet is following."

But the pilot soon exclaimed: "My God! What is that?"

A UFO hovering in the air is of great interest to American planes. Be on alert immediately. Then slowly approached our plane. They thought it was a Chinese type aircraft. So I kept flying close to our plane and taking pictures. At the same time, our Dreamland is locked.

"Master, it seems that some US military planes are approaching to track us." Cheng Cheng also quickly discovered the traces of several US military planes.

It just so happens that we have to test the various performances of our military aircraft. Since they're going to do this, we might as well go over and say hi to us.

Our plane suddenly moved, and first only one set of driving formation was activated. But the speed has made those several U.S. military aircraft stunned.

"My God. Our fighter jets disappeared from their radars in one fell swoop. It was impossible to detect with the naked eye.

Then an even bigger tragedy happened when several U.S. military planes discovered at the same time that they had suddenly lost control of the plane, and they seemed to be caught up in the turbulence. In fact, it was because we were flying back and forth quickly beside them, which instantly caused huge turbulence and made their fighter jets lose control in an instant.

Watching a few fighter planes fall on a swing, we didn't stay and drove directly to Southwest Province. The test site of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory was a little messed up. Everyone thought the dream plane had crashed. Because the speed was too fast, it lost control and fell into the nearby mountains. This is also the main reason why the dream plane disappeared after it flashed in front of everyone.

"Although it failed, I still want to say that the Dreamland Aircraft Factory is too good. In such a short time, it has built such a fast plane. I suspect that the main reason for the plane crash is that the speed is too fast. The acceleration of the plane , it will make the pilots unbearable to suffocate to death. Although the Dreamland Aircraft Factory has made great achievements in technology, their experience is still zero. So it is understandable that such a low-level error occurs. "

"Yeah. It's a pity that it failed. If it didn't fail, this could be used as a fighter for the Air Force."

"It doesn't matter if they fail. Their skills are there. When they take off, they can't hear the sound of the engine except for the sound of the ground, and when they fly at high speed, they don't even have a sonic boom. They It has completely solved such a difficult problem. It shows how powerful they are. I don’t understand. Their technicians are so advanced, why do they still invite those foreigners to come and give lectures? Is there nowhere to spend the money?”

"Unless they can steal technology from other people's heads! Otherwise, they're just hiding it."

"Yes, I think they are also hiding people's eyes and ears. The technicians of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory are definitely big experts in the field of aviation. They secretly came here to develop a new type of fighter aircraft, and they first asked foreign big cattle to show their momentum. Then they immediately launched the world's most powerful aircraft. Advanced aircraft, all at once famous at home and abroad."

Many people believe that our dream plane has crashed, so they are preparing to evacuate one after another. At this time, we finally returned to Huangyan City, slowed down over the Dreamland Aircraft Factory, and kept circling in the sky. Then hover in the sky, and finally land slowly towards the tarmac.

This scene once again made the audience watching the test flight hold their breath.

The plane landed as lightly as a feather. But it accurately landed on the round flat of the same size as the jade plane.

Only then did the audience applaud vigorously, and even those foreigners with different skin colors couldn't help clapping violently. This is a miracle in the history of human science. It is the advent of another scientific age. So far, no one knows what the driving force of the dream plane is. Because they don't see the traditional drive. The flight of an airplane is also not entirely aerodynamic.

If there are cultivators at the scene, they will definitely say, the mother with the short oily amount, such a big magic weapon!

The cabin opened, and a dozen of us filed out.

Originally thought that this is the first test flight, and there are at most two people in the plane, the pilot and the co-pilot. Unexpectedly, there were more than ten people sitting here. It is conceivable how confident our Dreamland Aircraft Factory is in its own technology.

"Peat! Aren't they afraid of crashing?"

The audience stared wide-eyed at the scene where we stepped out of the plane, and their glasses fell off the floor.

We don't have to pay attention to the sounds of the outside world. In fact, I don't have the time to pay attention to those. Our dream plane really stunned the world all at once. The U.S. lost three fighter jets in the South China Sea. It has been quickly withdrawn from a country adjacent to the South China Sea. In the short term, there is no plan to conduct any free navigation anymore. When the fist is obviously not as hard as others, it must be accepted. No matter whether the Dreamland Aircraft Factory is private or state-run. These are all Chinese planes. Before the weapons were loaded, the three American planes fell at once. If the weapon system was loaded, it would be a complete killer. How many nuclear bombs can be loaded in such a large space? At the current speed, it is completely possible to hit major cities in the United States all at once. Just one plane is enough. Only one of the most powerful weapons is enough to be a threat. What's more, it didn't take long for the Dream Sect to build a plane. As long as it takes time to equip such an aircraft to the Air Force, at that time, the entire sky will be owned by the Chinese. This is the most shocking thing for Americans. The military naturally hopes to include such advanced aircraft in the air force's array.

Yang Zhenghai said to me with a wry smile, "I finally managed to stabilize the mood of Yanjing and formed a relatively stable relationship with us, but now there is a problem. Once our aircraft factory was built, Yanjing could not sleep at night. already."

"This is not a plane, but a flying instrument. You have to make it clear to them." Then I remembered that the test flight should not be in reality, but in the new world. It doesn't matter how we fly. It was just that I was worried that the test flight would attract powerful and intractable spirit beasts. By then, our efforts would be in vain.

"Yes, but how could they believe it. Such an obvious plane, you say it's a magic weapon, can you believe it yourself?" Yang Zhenghai laughed.

"That's true. However, even if we give them this plane, they won't be able to fly. Call Cheng Cheng and see if we can build a new plane that is compatible with the electronic control system and the primeval control system?" I thought for a while. said. If it can be built, this is also a very promising thing. It just so happens that our dream school also wants to start a school. If you can get official support, it will naturally be easier.

Cheng Cheng came here in a hurry, and after a careful discussion, it was actually not impossible, but if the vitality formation on the plane, especially the mountain protection formation, was to be activated, there must be a base-building expert to control the control hub. Those weapon systems can be replaced by electronic systems. Just install some battery packs on it. Of course, if the defense is lowered and a simple formation of vitality is opened in the fighter instead of using the mountain protection formation, it can also protect the personnel in the aircraft and avoid the damage of acceleration. But at least a monk who can release vitality can be competent.

"That's the situation, just tell Yanjing directly. If we trust the Dream Sect enough, our cultivators of the Dream Sect will control the plane. Like ordinary pilots, enter the sequence of the Air Force. Or exist as a threatening force. We can On the basis of the dream generation, load the weapon system." After some discussion, I finally made a decision.

Yang Zhenghai quickly fed back our opinions. There was a willingness to agree. It may also mean to take it as soon as possible. We hope to cooperate with them in many ways, and have no intention of being their enemy at all. Originally, they just needed a big killer that could threaten the United States, and had no plans to dominate the world. So, the two sides quickly found common ground.

With the previous experience and a large amount of funds provided by the military, I led a group of masters of the foundation stage to refine more than a dozen second-generation dream planes loaded with weapon systems and various new vitality arrays. Compared with the first generation, the performance of the second-generation aircraft has increased a lot in addition to the attack power, and it is also much stronger in all aspects of performance. Before, we flew to that place because of the good eyes of us monks. It can now be precisely positioned with some advanced electronics. It can even do unmanned automatic cruise.

After completing the task here, we can finally move to the new world. In the new world, we built bigger dream planes. Because in the new world, we need to carry the completed large-scale mountain protection formation on it. Once the mountain protection formation is opened, it can cover a radius of five kilometers. Naturally, more space is required. The difficulty of construction has also skyrocketed.

But fortunately, we have the experience of building more than a dozen dream planes. Although the shape of the dream plane has been enlarged several times, this problem was finally overcome by our joint efforts. The shape of the dream plane has been enlarged, and the carrying space has naturally become several times larger. The vitality arrays that can be carried are also more and more complicated.

When the first dream plane in the new world was built and the huge black steel monster was transported out of the hangar, the atmosphere of the entire Advent Basin (thinking that this basin was the place where our Dream Sect descended, so it was named Advent Basin) suddenly changed. become dignified. All the spirit beasts stopped, and they seemed to sense the coming of great danger.

Before the dream plane took off, it first opened the mountain protection formation, and vitality rushed frantically from all around. This fluctuation of vitality once again alarmed all the spirit beasts that descended on the basin. They start to run away. (.)