My Daoist Life

Chapter 337: Get out for a walk


readx(); The spirit beast that surprised us a lot doesn't seem to have held back our group of intruders too much. Maybe we just disturbed its sweet dreams that day. But after this experience, we are not ready to take the risk. In fact, the new world is so big, even if we have the strength to deal with the most powerful spirit beasts in this world, the Dream Sect cannot eat such a big world. As far as the area we are involved in, it is enough for the Dream Sect.

A journey that was completely out of my control was a bit frustrating for me. All of a sudden, I mastered a powerful ability, which made me confused, and I did such a reckless thing. I forgot that the important thing in Taoism is not the control of the world, but the understanding of the laws of the world.

"I want to go out for a walk." I left this sentence and left. back to earth.

The outside world has already turned upside down because we are a plane born from the Dreamland Aircraft Factory. The whole world is shouting that the Dreamland Aircraft Factory should disclose this epoch-making technology to the world.

"Such epoch-making technology should not be limited to military applications because of narrow nationalism, but should allow the world to enjoy the benefits of technological progress." This is the words of a Nobel Prize winner.

"This is a technological revolution in human society. Since Dreamland Aircraft Factory is a private enterprise, it should commercialize this technology and promote it to the world. Instead of becoming a dedicated supplier to China. Advances in science and technology , the most important meaning is to make human life better and better. It is not to make weapons more and more advanced." A certain American politician said.

"The big red powers in the East have shown their edge more and more on the international stage in recent years, which has made the surrounding small countries feel nervous. In the South China Sea in the East, there are many conflicts with many countries due to disputes over territorial waters. But now they have more Powerful technology can soon be transformed into a powerful military force. It is reported that the Dreamland Aircraft Factory has received a large order from the Chinese side. With the strong strength of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory, it does not take too much to manufacture these aircraft. A long time. The application of this new type of aircraft will greatly enhance China's military power. It will change the balance of the situation in the East and South China Sea at once. This is a very dangerous trend." British Prime Minister McCarran expressed concern about this.

The Prime Minister of Toyogu fully expressed his pessimism, "I had a very good vision for the future, but all this was completely shattered after the advent of the new aircraft from the Dreamland Aircraft Factory. Under the threat of this aircraft, Any military force of the Orient Kingdom is under the threat of being destroyed at any time. If we do not have timely response measures, it is conceivable that the future fate of the Orient Country is absolutely tragic."

"Master, there has been a lot of movement in Huangyan City recently, especially our aircraft factory, which has become a stage for all aspects of struggle." Cheng Cheng told me the current situation of the aircraft factory as soon as he saw me.

"It's not that simple, just turn on the mountain protection formation?" I wasn't worried at all.

"It has already been opened. We are not afraid of them infiltrating. They can't crack our technology even if they steal it. But we don't want to be so troublesome, don't we? It's just that our security department is a little too busy. Hundreds of people have been arrested in the surrounding area. There are all kinds of agents." Cheng Cheng continued.

"Didn't we take orders from the military now? You can just ask them for these troublesome things. Tell them that there are too many flies now, and the Dreamland Aircraft Factory can't start production." I gave Cheng Cheng an idea.

Chengcheng is now in charge of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory, and we no longer need our intervention in the production of aircraft. The use of a large refining furnace requires only a small number of monks at the foundation-building stage to complete the previous work. Although the strength of the best refined body has dropped a lot. But it is dozens of times higher than the material of any aircraft on earth. It can fully withstand the needs of supersonic navigation.

The Chinese Medicine School of the Dream School has already started recruiting students, recruiting tens of thousands of new students in one go, from all age groups. According to their age, the corresponding training program was specially formulated.

The aerospace school of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory can also recruit students. With the signboard of the Dreamland Aircraft Factory, the enrollment work is much simpler than that of a Chinese medicine school.

But these, I don't want to worry about it anymore. This encounter in the dreamland has deepened my understanding of Tao a lot. I feel the opportunity to improve the realm. So, I hope I can go out alone and digest the insights this time.

"My great-grandfather asked me to receive you. If you need anything, feel free to tell me. Although I don't know why my great-grandfather took care of you so much. But don't worry, I will try my best to do what my great-grandfather received." Yang Fangda is studying in Spain. He became my host on this trip to Europe. However, he doesn't seem to be particularly friendly to me. Instead, the task of receiving me was regarded as a burden.

"Don't worry, I can speak a little English. It shouldn't bother you too much in the future. Besides, I may not be here for too long." I could see his thoughts at a glance. Not angry. Before coming, I did not ask Yang Zhenghai to reveal my identity. Yang Fangda was a little disgusted with the task that the family pressed down. This kind of person who drinks a little foreign ink will always be a little arrogant.

"That's the best. I'll take you to the hotel later. Then I'll take you around. If you're fine, I won't be an eyesore in front of you." Yang Fangda thought I was dissatisfied with his attitude.

"No problem." I was a little absent-minded. It made Yang Fangda think that I was very dissatisfied with him.

If it weren't for the fact that I was the mission that Yang Zhenghai specially arranged, maybe he wouldn't take this mission at all. But even so, he is still yang and yin.

It's too easy for me to get acquainted with a place. I just had to "read" a lot of thought on various old buildings, and soon I would know this unfamiliar place like the back of my hand.

Learning a foreign language is not a problem for me. If he woke up, Yang Fangda would have a complicated expression when he found out that he, a Spanish proficiency who has studied in Spain for several years, is not as proficient in Spanish as mine.

In the evening, I was in the hotel, and it was easy to become proficient in Spanish.

Early the next morning, Yang Fangda ran over again. However, it seems that his expression today is even more unhappy. I could see the reason at a glance. He must have been forced to come and serve me again. He couldn't resist the family's demands, but he resented me even more because of it. (.)