My Daoist Life

Chapter 342: Strange compass


"I'm sorry, this oracle bone script means a lot to me. Therefore, it is impossible to transfer it to you." I said firmly.

"No, don't get me wrong. I'm not asking you to give me the oracle bone inscription, but it is enough for you to show me this oracle bone inscription. What I am interested in is not the oracle bone inscription, but the Interested in the Oracle content." William quickly explained to me.

"It's enough for you to take a look. This is no problem. I can let you make a rubbing of this oracle bone inscription. But why should I do this?" Before I see the benefits, I won't be so easily Will show William the oracle bone tablet in his hand.

"I know that Mr. Huang is very interested in the oracle bone inscriptions collection. It happens that I have some precious oracle bone inscriptions in my personal storage room. The quality is absolutely excellent. I can give these oracle bone inscriptions to Mr. Huang for free." William hurriedly As for the conditions of expulsion, he seemed to be bound to get the oracle bone inscriptions in my hands, so he was very uneasy about whether I could agree to his request.

"I like the fact that the oracle bone collection is true, but not all oracle bone collections are worth collecting." I worry that William will take out some worthless oracle bone collections to perfunctory.

"Although I don't know what kind of oracle bone inscriptions Mr. Huang needs, but I have a lot of oracle bone inscriptions here, which should be of interest to Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang, please, please first ask Mr. Huang to appreciate mine. Collectibles. Whether Mr. Huang likes my oracle bone inscriptions or my other collectibles, as long as Mr. Huang proposes it, I can promise you." William is really preparing to pay for the oracle bone tablets in my hand. .

"His Excellency the Duke seems to be very sincere. Well, I can promise you, no matter if there is anything in your collection that interests me. I will give you the oracle bone tablet in my hand for rubbing. It's just that This oracle bone tablet is of great use to me, so please forgive me for not being able to give it to you." I almost got William to persuade me.

"It's alright. I'm just interested in the content of that oracle bone tablet. Could this oracle bone tablet have other uses?" William suddenly closed his mouth. He knew that asking such a question would be suspicious of inquiring into my secrets. In order not to arouse my disgust, he quickly changed the subject, "Sorry, let's look at these collections of mine. Mr. Huang, many of these collections are the collections of my ancestors for many generations, and there are art from all over the world. Taste."

"If I say that I am interested in all the artworks in it, Your Excellency William is really willing to give up." I laughed.

"Uh, China is a country of etiquette, and Mr. Huang will definitely not do this. So I'm not worried. But I can pay any price for this oracle bone tablet." William's expression was extremely complicated. He was naturally worried that I would greedily loot all his treasures. But the oracle bone tablet in my hand must be very important to him. The level of importance definitely surpasses all the treasures in his private collection.

"Don't worry, ordinary collections won't interest me." I smiled slightly.

William was a little embarrassed, standing in a crowd with a smiling face.

The first thing I looked at was William's oracle bone collection. There are quite a few, but to me, there are not many of them that are really valuable. I picked out a few oracle bone slices that I am more interested in. I felt a very pure thought remaining on that piece of bone. It's just that I didn't find the second oracle bone inscription attached to the Sun God Master's Spiritual Mind, which makes me feel very sorry.

William's collection contains many valuable ancient Chinese artworks. But these artworks didn't appeal to me much. I was interested in a compass in an unremarkable corner, a little different from any compass I've ever seen.

I picked up the compass and looked at it carefully.

"This item has been in my family's collection room for a long time. I can't tell how my ancestors got this item. I checked carefully, and it should be the magic weapon used by your Chinese warlocks for divination. I once gave you Chinese monks have seen it and they think this thing is not valuable. So I put it in this corner. Does Mr. Huang know the origin of this thing?" William asked.

"I'm very interested in this compass. I want to take it back and study it. If you want, I'll exchange my oracle bone rubbings with you for these things." Naturally, I wouldn't do science for William.

Although William knew that this compass might be very valuable to me, he agreed without hesitation, "Okay, why don't Mr. Huang choose a few more works of art in my collection."

I waved my hand, "For me, these things may only be able to sell for a little money. I have no interest. I promised you before. Now I have seen your collection room, and I have taken the things, and now it is time to cash. I promise you."

I took out the oracle bone tablet that I got and handed it to William.

William took the piece of bone carefully, and quietly took the piece of oracle bone and looked at it carefully. Then hurriedly ran over to take out a pen, and quickly copied the runes on the oracle bone tablet on a piece of white paper. Then I carefully compared it several times before returning the oracle bone tablets to my hands. There is still some dismay.

"Mr. Huang, although I don't know what effect this oracle bone tablet has on you. But this oracle bone tablet is very important to me. If this oracle bone tablet is of no use to Mr. Huang in the future, I will pay any The price is in exchange for this oracle bone tablet." William said seriously.

"You don't have to worry about it. I won't throw it away." Naturally, I knew the great value of this oracle bone tablet.

After the transaction was completed, I declined William's gracious invitation to attend a banquet in his castle, but left the castle and stayed in a five-star hotel as originally planned.

Set up a ban in the room, and then start studying the compass that you just got. I don't have a good solution for the spiritual sense that the master of the Yangshen stage left on the oracle bone inscriptions, so I can only explore it slowly. But the compass just got is different. This is not a simple compass. It does look very similar to a compass. But I know that this is not a compass but a portable teleportation array.

The place where the primeval stones were placed on the array plate has now become two empty grooves. I took out a few primeval stones from the storage talisman and put them into the empty grooves. Then suddenly activate the formation. Sure enough, a door of light appeared on the array plate. I don't know what kind of world this door will lead to. I did not rush into the door of light. It is not safe here. If I enter the opposite world, if someone destroys the teleportation array, I will be completely trapped here. .
