My Daoist Life

Chapter 346: exchange conditions


readx(); "Sir, the things have been delivered. Do you think you let me go first?" Blaise asked tentatively.

"If you were me, would you let me go at this time?" I said with a cold smile.

Blaise was speechless, the answer was obvious.

"Then if we give you things, how can you guarantee to return our belongings to us?" Blaise asked.

"You give me things, and you have a chance to get those things. If you don't give me things, what will happen? You know." I didn't want to gossip with Blaise.

Blaise couldn't figure out my background, and he didn't dare to risk his own life. People with such a huge amount of property would take their lives very much. Blaise was rich and lived a long time. People are even more afraid of dying. He didn't dare risk his life at all. Money can be earned and wealth can be accumulated again. Even if it hurts this time, it will still recover for a day, but if the life is finished this time, no amount of property will be an inheritance.

"I understand, I understand. I'll let them bring things in." Sweat broke out on Blaze's forehead. Some of the little things he did, I thought I couldn't see it. Now that I don't eat his way, he starts to worry.

"You'd better not play tricks. No matter how subtle your tricks are, they are of no use to me. I can harvest your life at any time. All the arrangements in this castle are useless to me. So, you are launching When the time comes, you'd better think clearly. Don't give me a reason to kill. Otherwise, nothing will grow here!" My palm suddenly flew out a fireball the size of a firefly, and threw it at random, landing on the ground not far away. on a table. The table immediately burst into flames like gasoline, and the flames soared to a height of more than ten feet.

Blaise's color changed completely at this time, his eyes were full of horror, "No, no, no, I won't do anything. I just want to give you things so you can let me go. That's all. ."

"Originally, after you brought the things, I was worried about finding a suitable excuse to take away the treasures you robbers robbed from the east. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to make excuses for me, so I won't You're welcome. You shouldn't have any comments, right?" I smiled coldly. As I waved my hand, there were constant screams all around. This guy actually set up a lot of ambush all around, ready to attack me after Blaise escaped. After I warned him, Blaise still didn't give up and didn't remove the ambush. Then you can't blame me for being rude.

Blaise kept wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, "No, no, don't get me wrong. Those treasures belonged to the East, and I don't plan to have them. You must not kill me."

"If you don't want to die, just let your people bring in the things I need quickly, don't play tricks, your life is in my hands at any time." I snorted coldly, and Blaise shuddered .

The power in ambush outside was instantly annihilated by me, so how could Blaise dare to take the slightest risk

"I heard that your undead creatures are very powerful. As a member of the undead creatures, you Blaise are actually not as weak as you look, right? Although your strength is good, I can destroy you at any time. You. So, before you do anything, it's best to think about the consequences of doing it." I know that an old fox like Blaise can't play cards according to the rules. I was mentally prepared for this situation.

I knew it wouldn't do much to scare old foxes like Blaise. What should he do or what will he do. I searched harder this time. With the disposition of Blaise, an old fox who has lived for more than a century, it is naturally impossible to give in so easily. But I'm not going to deal with Blaise so easily.

Another flame as faint as the light of a firefly flew out of my hand, hovering beside Blaise over Blaise's head. Although Blaise is an undead creature, he is very afraid of this kind of flame. This is not an ordinary flame, but a real fire that can burn the soul. Very deadly for such an evil creature.

"Don't, don't, this gentleman, just spare me. I will definitely not take any action. I'll let people bring things in." Blaise apologized.

"Last chance, don't play tricks, otherwise, you won't have any chance again." I also don't want to continue to spend with Blaise.

The guys at Blaise finally brought in what I needed. As soon as I swept my consciousness, I found that there was something wrong with these compasses. Of the seven compasses, four of them are problematic. It's really only three.

"I'll give you one last chance. Are these compasses really the ones you got from the east?" I stared at Blaise. That trace of real fire was getting closer and closer to him. He was muttering and yelling incessantly.

"I, I don't know!" Blaise exclaimed miserably.

"I don't know? This thing is obviously imitated not many years ago. How dare you say that you don't know?" I directly smashed one of the fake compass, and it can be clearly seen from the material inside that these things are obviously forged. of. Although the appearance is almost the same as the real thing, how can it escape my eyes

The real fire suddenly rushed towards Blaise, and at the last moment Blaise said loudly, "I was wrong, it's a copy. I'll have someone get the original."

But the real fire didn't stop moving forward, it swept past Blaise's ear suddenly, and burned one of Blaise's ear directly. That kind of heart-wrenching feeling made Blaise scream in agony.

"Sorry, if you do something wrong, you should be punished. There must be no next time, otherwise, I don't know if the real fire will fly through your heart. I didn't know this thing was so effective against you undead. Now I know." I controlled the real fire flying over Blaze's head. Blaise shivered with fright.

Soon, the other four original compasses were finally delivered, and Blaise didn't dare to play tricks this time.

Taking the compass from Blaise's men, a smile appeared on my face, "Mr Blaise, I'm sorry for disturbing you today. Goodbye." My figure disappeared directly from Blaise's eyes.

Blaise didn't dare to make a big move, for fear that I would make a comeback.

Blaise immediately got into a mysterious passage, and then closed the thick subway door. As soon as he felt safe, he immediately began to issue orders to his opponent. Hope to catch me.

"Don't let him live in peace!" Blaise said hysterically. (.)