My Daoist Life

Chapter 352: swirl


The desert is like a huge vortex formed in the sea, and the sand and dust keep sinking into the vortex. I don't know where the dust went, but the vortex was like a bottomless pit, swallowing the entire desert.

The place where we were standing turned black, like a black rock, but I knew it wasn't rock, and even steel wasn't necessarily so hard.

The ground seemed to be shaking. I looked around and found that we were slowly rising, and a mountain grew out of the desert.

At the same time, the clouds in the sky also seemed to form a vortex, and a huge mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. In the center of the mushroom cloud is a blue void.

The place where we stood suddenly radiated a dazzling light. A bright white light suddenly lit up. Not far from me, a door of light appeared. That's a teleportation array!

I can feel a frightening aura coming from the teleportation array, and I can be sure that the place this teleportation array leads to must be no trivial matter.

Naturally, I really wanted to enter this portal and take a look at the world on the other side. But I suppressed my inner impulse and didn't take a step forward.

Because I don't know if I can come back after this step. There may be something I pursue on the opposite side, but it may also be dangerous. I cannot take this step casually.

The most important thing for me now is to find the eye of this formation, and then refine this formation. In this way, I can mobilize any of the above formations at will.

There are nine compasses located in Gan Palace, Kan Palace, Gen Palace, Zhen Palace, Zhong Palace, Xun Palace, Li Palace, Kun Palace and Dui Palace. The middle palace is located in the center of the nine arrays. It is also most likely the control center of the formation. I released the yin god and directly locked the Zhonggong Feng with the yin god. Then try to refine this compass. It really made me succeed. I successfully refined the Zhonggong Compass. Then immediately start to the eight arrays.

Sure enough, as I expected, these nine compasses are really the control hubs of this teleportation array. Now that I have refined nine arrays, it means that I have this mysterious array in my hands. However, even if I control the big formation, I still have no way of knowing what the big formation is used for. will take me somewhere. So, I'm not going to go on an expedition right away. Because this kind of expedition is very likely to have no return.

I still have a lot of good things to do. I control the nine compasses and completely control the great formation. I controlled my eyes and sank slowly. The desert is like a candy thrown into the sea, and not a single bubble will emerge.

Dust poured out from nowhere, covering up the platform that had just turned into a mountain.

"Master, let me go on an exploration. With our current strength, there will be no problem whatsoever." Cheng Cheng was very sorry to see me closing the teleportation formation.

"What are you sighing for? Do you really think you are number one in the world? Let me tell you, the opposite may be more dangerous than the new world. Once you go in, maybe you won't be able to come back at all." I rolled my eyes. .

"I'm not afraid!" Cheng Cheng quickly expressed his determination.

"You're not afraid, I'm afraid!" I said angrily. "Look at you, I told you before, you need to learn more. No matter what you say, I can't allow you to take risks."

A few days later, I appeared in a remote mountain village.

Under the leadership of volunteers, I saw students from more than a dozen schools one after another. Although they were all smiles when they faced me.

Along the way, I have assisted the construction of more than a dozen teaching buildings.

A volunteer girl in her twenties sent me to a school built on top of a mountain. The house is low and the classroom can no longer be called a classroom. It could collapse at any time.

"This is the school with the worst conditions. Now many schools have been withdrawn. But with this school, it is located in the mountains. If students go to study outside the mountains, students can only go to boarding schools. Many children in the village are firmly opposed. Therefore, in the end, the school had to be maintained. However, due to poor conditions, it is difficult to say whether there will be any students in the next semester.

"Where are the people? Where have you been?" Naturally, I came here not to donate money, but to find people.

As soon as my sister saw me, a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Jingyang, why are you here?" my sister asked.

"I'm here to donate to build the school." Naturally, I wouldn't admit another answer.

"I don't care what you are here for. Just don't disturb my teaching." My sister saw me coming and hurriedly prepared to cook.

"Sister, what are you going to do?" I asked quickly.

"Aren't you hungry? It's almost time for dinner. I'll make you something to eat." As my sister spoke, she walked into the kitchen with a basket of vegetables.

The conditions here are really bad. In the place where my sister cooks, the stove is made of three fire bricks arranged in a zigzag shape, which turns out to be a firewood stove.

"Sister, come back with me. I won't let you suffer here." As I looked at the pictures around me, I felt infinite guilt.

"How can I do it? There must be a beginning and an end in doing things. Although I am arranged here, I can't take it lightly. Even if I want to leave, I have to wait for the next throw." The elder sister shook her head without hesitation.

I told my sister about the teleportation formation.

"What? Are you going to take an adventure? That's absolutely not possible. Who knows what to do if someone passes by and can't come back." Sister asked anxiously.

"Don't worry. I'm measured." I comforted.

I didn't leave right away, the school in this place is still under construction, and the students on the top of the mountain still have to find a way to hold on for a while. A new school building is also under construction.

Three months later, the new house for the primary school was built, and students no longer had to climb cliffs to get to school. The new teacher is coming soon, and my sister's departure is getting closer.

And I was suddenly heartbroken. The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning kept pouring down from the sky.

As I touched the threshold of the sun god, a riot was brewing in the sky.

As if it came naturally, this breakthrough was so smooth, but it was not easy at all.

One after another flashed and shot down, it seems that every flash of lightning is going to make it hard for me. One after another lightning drilled into my body. It seems to melt my cock up. How can my yin god dare to act rashly. I found that my yin god still has not escaped the baptism of thunder and lightning. A thick bolt of lightning made me shudder. (.)