My Daoist Life

Chapter 353: Sun God finale


My body melted in the thunder and lightning and became nothing, but my yin spirit seemed to have eaten the delicacies of the mountains and the sea. It was extremely refreshing, and I could no longer feel the pain. I didn't feel any discomfort at all. Because I got into a special state, I seemed to forget myself. My spirit and flesh seem to be fused with heaven and earth.

The thunder and lightning finally stopped, the dark clouds that were thick as ink just now disappeared, and the sky turned blue. I disappeared from between heaven and earth, and seemed to become heaven and earth again.



My sister shouted loudly. Although she had never been in such a state, she still knew that this strange thunder and lightning might have something to do with me. Now I am suddenly gone. She was naturally nervous. Because she also understands the dangers of cultivating Taoism.

My sister's shout seemed to wake me up from the thought of staying between heaven and earth. Each thought condenses together like the water vapor of brothers in the sky, and the water vapor from the beginning condenses into droplets of water.

Like the fireflies under the osmanthus tree that night, my thoughts came together from all directions, and every thought contained a trace of my memory. When the thoughts gather more and more, some past events gather bit by bit.

My sister couldn't get a response from me, and she became a little nervous.

"Jingyang, you can't have an accident. You mustn't have an accident. I'll never leave you again, no matter what the meeting, I'll be by your side..."

Sitting on the hillside, my sister appealed and talked about our past, and she also kept those bits and pieces in her heart. Her emotions have also undergone a complex transformation. She has never been able to accept that she likes a boy so much younger than herself. And at first she had nothing more than an instinctive maternal love for the boy. But slowly, as I grew up, the emotion developed in a direction that she couldn't control. She started to run away, and her heart was full of hesitation. She can also see my kind of worry.

My sister didn't know that the sky began to condense into a human shape that was invisible to the naked eye. When thousands of thoughts were gathered together, my memory was about to be retrieved. I just realized that I had become such an illusory state. The thoughts around me gathered faster and faster, and I slowly returned to the state of the yin god, but now the yin god is much more condensed than before.

God is hidden in heaven and earth. When I broke through before, Thunder Tribulation did not break my body, nor did it defeat my Yin God, but my body turned into a Yin God and was hidden between heaven and earth. At this time, I am immortal. No matter how violent the thunder calamity, it cannot defeat me. Instead, it became the fuel for alchemy.

Taking heaven and earth as the melting pot, and using the **** and yin gods as medicine, refining it into pills, this pill is the Yang god.

My body slowly condensed in the sky, I could see the reason clearly, and all of a sudden I became an ordinary person. But I will never go back to normal people. From the moment I became a sun god, I have truly engaged in detachment among mortals.

My sister seemed to sense something, looked up and saw that I was floating in the air.

"Jingyang! You're all right! That's great." He took the earphone and burst into laughter, and threw himself at me.

I stretched out my right hand and took my sister into my arms.

"I'll take you to see the sky and the earth." I whispered in my sister's ear.

My sister nodded happily. She didn't say anything. With just a simple action, we could understand each other's feelings.

We fly between the mountains and mountains, and this kind of flight is the real flight. Although we were flying faster than the Dream Plane produced by the Dream Plane Factory, we felt no sound or resistance. Because at this time, we are integrated with the heaven and the earth, and how can we be hindered in any corner

"Jingyang, do you know that Li Wan, Liu Wei, including Li Lijuan, are still waiting for you?" the elder sister asked suddenly.

"I know, but no matter how big my heart is, I can only hold one person. Once I hold one person, I'm full, and I can't hold anyone else. From today on, you will be my Jinger." I didn't know that at the moment of my breakthrough, I suddenly merged with the heaven and the earth. I felt the vicissitudes of the heaven and the earth, and it seemed that I had experienced endless years. My understanding of life has changed a lot from before. The understanding of Tao has also experienced a sublimation.

Jing'er was still hesitating. Although she got rid of gravity, she still couldn't get rid of the world. "But, but..."

Jinger has many excuses, but none of them are suitable to say at this time. At this time, there is only Fengyue, only me and her.

"Jing'er, let's fly a little further, a little higher, and there will be only you and me between heaven and earth. Are you still worried?" I asked loudly. At this point, we were thousands of miles away from the earth, and no matter how much we screamed, the people on the ground couldn't hear it.

"No more! I'm not worried anymore!" Jing'er shook her head in my arms.

After a few days, we returned to Bajiao Village.

After achieving Sun God, I seemed to hear the teleportation formation calling me. I know that there will be the final way for the Sun God.

"Can I leave with you?" Jing'er could feel the change in my mood. Since that night, our hearts have been connected.

"You can't go yet. But I will definitely come back." Without the achievement of Yang Shen, I couldn't see through the portal. Fortunately, at that time, I didn't rashly pass through the portal, otherwise it would be really unpredictable. That is not a simple teleportation array. Unlike the passage entrances I have seen before, it is just a passage connecting two spaces. But now this space portal is connected to two interfaces. This is completely different. The transmission of the two main interfaces, I do not know what will happen. Of course, I can't let Jinger follow me on adventures.

"Can't we not go?" Jing'er asked.

"When you become the Sun God, you will know. This world can't hold me anymore. I already feel that invisible pressure. I must go." If I knew that once I broke through the Sun God, I had to leave the Where I grew up, I would rather slow down my practice. However, everything is now irreversible.

Before leaving, I arranged everything. The new world, the dream world, and the ghost world that was suppressed on Bajiao Mountain, they can only be regarded as appendages of this world, and they are different from the interface I want to go to. That is an interface that is one level higher than this world.

With these arrangements of mine, the Dream Sect will not be seriously affected by my departure. No one can predict whether I will ever return to this world. Therefore, no one dared to attack the Dream Sect. Because no one can bear the wrath of a sun god cultivator like me.

The teleportation formation restarted. In the desert, a huge mountain rose up. After the teleportation formation was activated, a dazzling portal appeared at the top of the mountain.

I jumped and flew towards the door of light. There's a world waiting out there.

-------------End of the book---------(.)

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