My Daoist Life

Chapter 38: escape


Huang Shulang and I pushed hard, but where can we push? You know, Huang Shulang and I are both first-year children. Huang Shulang looks very big, but it's useless. He is full of fat. I'm a lot stronger than the average kid. But even an adult might not be able to move this thick coffin easily.

"Master, aren't you good at magic? Do you know that it's over if you use magic to get this thing away?" Huang Shulang was out of breath and sat on the ground, unwilling to move.

"Wow! Wang Wang, Wang Wang..." Heidou shouted loudly towards the outside again. Apparently the thing that had been chasing after us had caught up again. We don't know how many turns we went around, and we didn't get rid of this thing.

There is no other way but to use Huang Shulang's method. I volleyed and wrote a wind word, and then threw the wind word directly on the coffin.


The coffin, which had been motionless for a long time, moved in translation immediately, at an extremely fast speed, and hit the wall directly. There was a hole hidden in the lower coffin, but the hole was not very big, only a small child could crawl under it.

"Black beans! Lead the way!" I said quickly.

Black Bean was very obedient and immediately got into the hole.

Fortunately, we are all children. Although Huang Shulang is fat, he is not much bigger than an adult. And although this cave is not very big, the space inside is much larger. Fortunately, Huang Shulang and I are children, and we are short in stature, except that Huang Shulang got stuck a little when he got into the dark hole, and when I pulled hard, the two of them fell from the hole of the dark hole to a depth of one or two meters. in a dark cave. Baidu Yixia Hey, Yan, Brother Watch the chapters for free without pop-up windows


Just as Huang Shulang fell to the ground, the hole above his head suddenly let out a loud roar of a beast.

A huge python head appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"Run!" Huang Shulang and I hurriedly got up and ran forward.


Just after we ran away, the huge python head began to slam into the dark hole. Stones and dust were falling from the top.

The space of this dark hole is not small, and this giant python can also drill in.

I quickly dug a hole in the ground with the knife in my hand, then put the knife edge up and buried it in the hole. Then fix the knife with dirt and stones.

Then he looked back and glanced, and the giant python had already passed through the hole and quickly chased after him. The speed of this python is not slow. There is only one road here. Huang Shulang and I can't beat the python.

I was in a hurry, and I quickly condensed a word of vitality, and threw it back without looking back.

The character of vitality fire suddenly exploded, turned into a raging flame, and rushed towards the giant python. The fire came so strangely that the giant python had no defense, and was directly enveloped by the flames. The fire formed by vitality is not an ordinary fire. It relies on the support of vitality, and the vitality is not exhausted. It cannot be extinguished no matter what. And everything that can be ignited will immediately blaze as soon as it encounters the fire of vitality.

The body of the giant python is naturally also flammable. As soon as it encounters the fire formed by vitality, it immediately encounters a spark like a gasoline-like flammable object. Immediately it burst into flames.


The python let out a painful roar, and the pain of being ignited alive made the python somewhat unbearable.

I saw that the effect of the vitality talisman was good. There was a vitality thunder character, and then a vitality wind character was used to send the thunder character out. No matter what, he rushed forward.

When the fire character erupted just now, a huge amount of energy was generated in the cave, and at the same time, the oxygen in the cave was completely burned. When I was running forward, I felt a steaming heat behind me, and at the same time there was a feeling of suffocation.

The python suffered a big loss, and it naturally wanted to die in revenge in rage, but soon, it became a tragedy. A powerful thunderbolt rushed towards him.


I can hear its screams from the roar of the giant python. It is conceivable that the giant python that suffered a great loss has experienced a strong thunder and lightning. Although my skill is limited, this giant python can't go against the sky. Lightning strikes its brain directly. Although its body is huge and its strength is almost infinite, its consciousness is extremely fragile. Although the fire of vitality can give it a heavy blow, it cannot damage it at all, but the thunder of vitality kills it.

The roar of the giant python was getting closer, but I could hear its screams getting weaker and weaker. I could feel the wind whistling behind me, and it was catching up. For such a huge python, Huang Shulang and I are both too weak, and if it catches up, we will be doomed.

"Dead, dead! The big snake is catching up!" Huang Shulang was already unable to run, but when he saw the scorched black python's head getting closer and closer to us, Huang Shulang simply sat down on the ground. I don't want to run anymore.

"What time is it? You're still on the ground? Get up! Let's get out of here!" I pulled Huang Shulang, but couldn't pull Huang Shulang up.

"Anyway, if you run away, you will die. If you don't run away, you will die. I'd better sit down and rest." Huang Shulang kept gasping for breath. The feeling of lack of oxygen and weakness made people very uncomfortable.

It's not that I don't want to continue attacking the giant python with the word vitality, but just a few words have completely consumed the vitality stored in my body.

I wanted to pull the fat man up, but I couldn't pull him at all, and I couldn't leave him alone and escape. You can only stand on the spot, be on alert, and desperately condense vitality. Prepare to condense another vitality talisman to attack the python.

The giant python suddenly rushed up, and the huge python head smashed heavily towards me and Huang Shulang.


The huge python head slammed heavily on the side of me and Huang Shulang, and the strong wind blew up the dust on the ground.

Let me and Huang Shulang each eat a mouthful of ashes.

Originally, Huang Shulang and I had closed our eyes and waited to die, but there was no movement for a long time.

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find that this giant python had no breath of life. It actually died!

Huang Shulang and I were both gasping for breath, and then the two of us had big eyes and small eyes, and then laughed hahaha.

Huang Shulang struggled to get up from the ground, and laughed heartlessly: "We are really lucky."

"Life is big? I was almost killed by you as a teacher!" I glared at Huang Shulang angrily.

"Master, why didn't you run alone just now? And I blocked you, you will definitely be able to escape." Huang Shulang seemed to be listening.

"My feet cramped and I couldn't run." How could I, a cross-century cultivator, be so weak in front of my apprentices? So I stood up and kicked Huang Shulang. "Get up quickly. I don't dare to beat you."

Huang Shulang laughed and got up, "Master, is this big snake roasted? The meat of such a big snake must be very nourishing, why don't we get some roasted snake meat?"

"Go and eat. I suspect that all the people in the archaeological team have entered the beast's stomach. You might be able to taste a little human flesh." I snorted coldly.

"Wow, spit." Huang Shulang spit out all the snacks he ate when he set off.

I was too lazy to pay attention to Huang Shulang and ran forward quickly. I was eager to know where this dark hole was leading.

After Huang Shulang vomited cleanly, he seemed to regain his strength, glanced at the giant python with wide eyes, hurriedly got up, and chased after him.

"Teacher, Master, slow down, slow down, there's nothing chasing us anymore, why are you running so fast? Now the giant pythons have been eliminated by us. Let's go back and see if there are any treasures in the cave." Huang Shulang ran and chased after him.

I'm too lazy to talk to Huang Shulang, this guy is not very timid, but he is not small in greed. Heidou turned his head and called a few times from time to time, urging me to catch up quickly.

After running for more than ten minutes, I finally saw a little light ahead. The rumbling sound also came in from outside.

Where exactly is this

With doubts, I continued to run forward quickly, and the more I ran, the more slowly I felt the moisture in the air.

Heidou stopped and called out a few times.

I also stopped and ran to the exit of the cave, only to realize that the exit of the cave was behind the waterfall of Bajiao Mountain. The exit of this cave is really ingenious. Although it is hidden behind the waterfall, it is in the middle of the cliff, and the exit is a slope. Even if water splashes into the cave, it will flow out. No need to worry about river backflow.

"Hey, it turned out to be here. Who would have thought that there is a water curtain hole hidden on the cliff behind this waterfall. But how do we get down?" Huang Shulang frowned at the waterfall in front of him.

This waterfall continues all year round. Even in the dry season in winter, although the water here will decrease, it will never dry up. This is why this cave has never been discovered.

"It's not too high, you can't die if you jump down." I stuck my head out and glanced down. The cliffs are very steep and have no ropes, making the climb a bit difficult for our two first grade kids. Especially Huang Shulang, with his physique, it is better to jump directly to the rock climbing.

Huang Shulang timidly stretched out his head and glanced down, and quickly took two steps back: "It's too high. If there are stones in the water below, we will be miserable."

"Where did the stones come from? It's not like I haven't been here before," I said.

"We just left?" Huang Shulang glanced into the cave unwillingly.

"I've run out of mana. If there is something more powerful than this, we won't even have a chance to escape. We know this secret hole anyway. Come back when we're fully prepared. And it's getting late, we We still don’t go back. The family must be in a mess.” If we still don’t go back, when it’s time for lunch, the family will definitely find someone. Maybe the matter of coming to the main peak of Bajiao Mountain will be exposed. So, I don't want to take risks anymore. The most dangerous part of this cave has not yet been seen, and this python almost killed two people. Once in danger, the two have no chance of life at all. Fortunately, I found this secret today. Otherwise, I still don't know how to end today.

I've already given up my mind. And through this adventure, I also learned a lot of things, I have my own way. Why should we learn from others? I am determined to come here to find, not necessarily the devil in my heart.