My Daoist Life

Chapter 46: Unlucky robber man


He Dachao walked while rubbing his buttocks, but this guy was smashed like this, and he still didn't die: "Next time the chickens and ducks grow up, hit me on the pager. Your cows are really strong. If I raise a cow like this, I will cool."

Fortunately, Lao Huang was so far away that he couldn't hear what He Dachao was saying. If Lao Huang heard it, he would rush over to teach He Dachao a lesson again.

On weekends, my only son and two apprentices took Lao Huang to town. I have a lot to do in town today. Grandpa also rest assured that I will not suffer.

It is rare for three little kids to go shopping in town with a scalper. Everywhere they go, people ask with concern: Where are your adults? Did you get lost with your family

These repetitive and cumbersome remarks were answered arrogantly by my two apprentices.

"Just three of us came to the streets."

"I..., my family didn't..., didn't come. Huang Shulang, why are you hitting me?"

Huang Shulang fulfilled the task I assigned him with due diligence. Ma Jindong stuttered once, and he would never miss it. After the fight, Huang Shulang had to pretend to be serious, "Junior brother, it's not that I have to beat you, it's all for your own good."

Those dealers at the farmers market knew me. Although the people at this time were no longer as mellow as they used to be, they didn't bother to pit a little kid. Of course, they can also see that although I am a little kid, I am smarter than some old fritters.

Others had a bamboo basket of chicks, and when I passed my hand, I swept away all the 30 largest chickens. Seeing that the chicken dealer was about to cry: "If they were like you, I wouldn't be able to do this business."

But what he said was a bit exaggerated. Although I swept away the largest thirty, it was not enough to make him unable to do business. After all, he has hundreds of chicks in a bamboo basket.

"The third one is so stingy. Come to your Uncle Luo's side, you can choose the chickens from Uncle Luo's side." A chicken dealer next to him laughed.

"No, you just pick the rest." I laughed.

The third child here laughed: "It's still your kid with poisonous eyes. Not many people who come here to buy chicks can tell."

Lao Luo also laughed, knowing that this little brat is not easy to fool.

"Boy Huang, are Fatty and that kid your relatives?" Lao Luo asked.

"My apprentice." I said simply and clearly.

Lao Luo and the third child burst into laughter.

Lao Luo almost didn't burst into tears with a smile: "You are a child and you have already accepted an apprentice. It's really new."

"But it's from you, I'm used to it." The third child smiled complicatedly.

"Be careful, you guys, there are a lot of pickpockets here at the farmers' market. They're not like us in business, and no one has the nerve to cheat on your little ones. But they're just looking at money. You bring so much money, Don't be stared at by them." Lao Luo saw a few indifferent young people not far away, always looking this way. Especially after I just exposed my money.

"Don't be afraid, my master is a martial arts master. One or two little thieves are simply courting death by themselves." Huang Shulang said.

Ma Jindong is not to be outdone: "I can also play one... or two."

Before Huang Shulang could react, Ma Jindong patted himself on the mouth, then lowered his head and said to Huang Shulang, "Well, it's your turn."

Huang Shulang was not polite, and went up to give Ma Jindong a pat on the head: "Remember, remember."

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong amused all the vendors around.

"The third child, where did these three children come from? Why are they so happy?"

"I don't know either. It seems to be from the Huang family in Bajiaoshan. I have come to the market to buy chicken seedlings a few times, but I don't know them either."

"These three kids are so smart. They look like they're six or seven years old. My cubs don't know where to play in the mud. The cubs have come out to sell chickens."

"My cub can't do anything at home. If I wasn't at home, I would starve to death."

The chicken and ducklings have been bought, and I have no plans to go back. I also want to buy two dogs to go back. Buying dogs is not as good as chickens and ducks, not every day. Even if there is, it may not be what I want to buy. I want to buy two more aggressive dogs. This is tamed, and in the future, it will be able to play a role in the home. Black beans are local dogs, smart enough, but not brave enough. I was very dissatisfied with my last performance. In fact, I am too young to know the habits of dogs, especially the kind of local dogs. In fact, if the dog is trained, it can be very powerful.

I took Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong around the market several times, but I didn't come across anyone selling wolf dogs.

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong asked everywhere.

"Is there anyone who sells wolves and dogs?"

"Are there any wolves for sale?"

After walking around the farmers market, a middle-aged man came over.

"Are you going to buy wolves?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes, yes. Do you have any?" Huang Shulang asked eagerly.

"Yes, yes. I am from the Meat Union Company. I have fed a pair of wolf dogs and have held the cubs for a month. I just want to get rid of the pups. If you buy them, they will be sold to you for cheap." The middle-aged man said .

However, Chen Andong recognized that this man was actually in the same group as the man who had been waiting for the three of them before.

I have a much stronger premonition of danger than the average person, and the average person staring at me will make me feel uncomfortable. I've already discovered these people's existence. It was even more apparent that this middle-aged man was actually one of those people.

Although I knew that this middle-aged man had bad intentions, I followed Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong with no expression.

The middle-aged man took us around the east and west. Ended up in a secluded alley behind the farmers market.

Only then did Huang Shulang realize something was wrong: "Hey! Where are you taking us? Where is the dog?"

"That's right. Don't think that our children are easy to be bullied. Hurry up and bring the son of a bitch, or we won't go with you." Ma Jindong said a rare word without stammering.

The middle-aged man turned around and walked over to the three of us with a grinning smile: "Take out all your money, and keep this cow for me. Then leave quickly, or you will be sold to the coast. sold."

The middle-aged man didn't see that Lao Huang was not tied with a rope at all, he followed us all the time. This also made his consequences tragic. Before he got close to Lao Huang, Lao Huang had already raised his front leg and kicked it with one leg. This move is really hard work, Lao Huang has already practiced it thoroughly, and he was going to use it to deal with He Dachao. As a result, the unlucky guy hit it.

The man's body soared to a height of more than ten feet and flew out high. The screams of "ah" floated in the Changshan Farmers Market for a long time. After falling to the ground, the man didn't make a sound at all.

"Isn't he dead?" Huang Shulang glanced at me.

"Don't you know if you take a look?" Ma Jindong was about to walk forward.

Huang Shulang quickly grabbed Ma Jindong and patted Ma Jindong's head: "Are you stupid? What if he pretends to be dead? The bad guys on TV pretend to be dead every time, and then attack."

"Then what should I do?" Ma Jindong was in trouble.

I didn't say anything, this kind of trivial matter should test these two apprentices.

Huang Shulang ran to the side to find a brick, and threw the brick with the force of his milk. Missed.

There was a loud bang when it hit the ground, and the stone bounced a few times on the ground.

"I'll come, I'll come." Ma Jindong was even more ruthless, running over and holding a large stone in both hands.

"You're stupid. Can you throw it so big?" Huang Shulang tapped Ma Jindong on the head.

"Both together," I said.

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong carried one end of the stone alone.

"1, 2"

Before they could count to three, the two threw the stone out.

The stone hit the middle-aged man's toes directly.

The middle-aged man immediately jumped up: "Why don't you count 3?"

"Why do you need to count 3?" Ma Jindong was a little puzzled.

"This person is really sinister. If we go there, we'll be fooled by him." Huang Shulang sighed very much, the people in the city are really too cunning.

The middle-aged man limped, obviously not expecting to be so embarrassed by three little kids and a cow. He took out a dagger from his body, and said viciously, "No toast, no fines! I'm going to arrest you all and sell them abroad!"

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong both stared blankly at the middle-aged man, as if frightened, and I also stood there blankly.

"Stupid? If you cooperated earlier, I didn't want to do this." The middle-aged man smiled coldly.

But he didn't notice that Lao Huang bowed slightly, and then rushed out like a gust of wind. Lao Huang lowered his head and directly pushed the man's butt with the horn, and then picked it up. The middle-aged man flew again. When he got up, the worst thing was that after he fell to the ground, the dagger in his hand was inserted into his thigh.


I immediately ran away with Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong, and Lao Huang quickly caught up.

The screams of the middle-aged man kept circling behind him.
