My Daoist Life

Chapter 48: drought


After thinking about it for days, I finally decided on names for the three puppies. The one with slightly black fur is called Heijin, the one with a black stripe on its mouth is called Jindou, and the one with the golden body is the most energetic, called soybean. As soon as I came back, I photographed the three sisters with vitality every day. Now, wherever I go, these three sisters will follow me.

Heidou also loves these three sisters very much, and I don't know if it is because of the idea of using the three sisters as mother-in-law in the future. Animals are good, and my mother-in-law can have as many as she wants.

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong came over every day, looking at the three little yellow dogs in my house, they couldn't take their eyes off.

"Master, you already have black beans in your house. These three little ones, how about one for each of our brothers? You still have one left." Huang Shulang looked at me eagerly.

I immediately kicked Huang Shulang away: "Don't always look at me with the eyes of my little yellow dog. It's not that I'm stingy, you can't take these three puppies away. Accept the master. If you have the ability, if you can Let them go with you obediently, and I will not regret if all three of you leave."

Huang Shulang suddenly slumped, and it was impossible to deceive the little yellow dog. Everything in my house has spirituality, not to mention dogs, even the chickens and ducks I feed are very spiritual. Sometimes he not only came back himself, but also kidnapped other people's livestock.

"Don't keep staring at this thing in my hand. You have to find a way to keep a dog. After my hand, do you think you can take it away? Didn't my grandfather's dog have a cub again? You Wouldn't it be enough to ask your old man to exchange a few pounds of meat for one? It's the same species as black beans."

My words made Huang Shulang's eyes light up again. Ma Jindong's reaction was not slow. The two brothers glanced at each other and ran away. I heard that my grandfather's dog has only given birth to two, and it is not yet full moon. When I met my grandfather in the morning, he told me that I didn't know how to tell him. If I opened my mouth, no one else would want to touch him.

It wasn't all because of Black Bean's poor performance last time that I went to town to buy a dog, but also because I had heard that babies born to inbreeding would become idiots. The dogs in the village are closely related to the bitch of the grandfather's house. I have to find a way to find some aunts who are not close relatives for Heidou.

The next day, Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong went to school with a puppy alone. The puppy wasn't full moon yet, and he croaked all the way.

"Why did you bring the puppy over? Can you feed it?" I asked worriedly.

"It's okay, we have prepared milk. Some dolls in the village don't drink milk, don't they drink milk?" Huang Shulang took out a milk bottle from his schoolbag and stuffed it into the puppy's mouth. This little thing is also spiritual, and it sucks hard while chewing on the pacifier.

The same is true of Ma Jindong, who also picked up the puppy in a similar fashion.

I wanted to cuddle the puppies they were feeding, but these bastards were wary of me like a thief.

"Master, it's not that we don't want to hold this puppy for you, the main reason is that if this thing gets in your hand, we're afraid we won't come back." Huang Shulang hugged the puppy tightly.

"Who cares. Black gold, come here." I beckoned to the dogs that had been following me. Every day when I went to school, Heidou would take three child brides to see me off, and when I got to school, he would go home with three little yellow dogs.

Although each person was holding a puppy in his hand, Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong were still very hot when they saw my four dogs. There is no way their family would allow them to have so many dogs.

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong were also very excited for a day. After returning home, the puppies were sent to the grandfather's house to reunite their mother and son.

When Mr. Lin was in class, the two puppies in the classroom jumped up and down. Mr. Lin became furious on the spot and ordered the two boys to send the puppy home before going to class. Only then did I know that these two boys were trying to get the eldest grandfather's bitch out of the mountains, and then stole the puppy out. After sending the puppy back home, I naturally ate a meal of fried fresh pork with bamboo shoots. But the grandfather agreed. When the two puppies are full moon, let them take them home. Because of me, the eldest grandfather is also very kind to my two apprentices.

The fire at the city gate brought disaster to Chiyu, and I also got bad luck because of these two boys. Teacher Lin put the culprit of this dog stealing incident on my head. It's really lying down and sleeping and getting shot.

Teacher Lin's reason is very direct and very good. If I hadn't raised so many dogs, there would not be such a bad trend in the class. Teacher Lin took the opportunity to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys, and crack down on the evil spirits in the class. And I, unfortunately, became the chicken that served as an example.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, it did not rain. The old man in the village said that this is not a good sign. The rain on the Dragon Boat Festival indicates the climate of this year. Farming and farming is all about watching the sky to eat. If the rain is not good, the life of the farmers will not be easy.

Since the Dragon Boat Festival, there has not been a drop of water in the sky. The rice that was almost filling is still shriveled and shriveled. The villagers are still waiting for the reservoir to release water.

However, bad news soon came. During the Chinese New Year last year, the cadres of the reservoir released all the water in the reservoir in order to catch more fish, thinking that they would be filled with water during the rainy season. Drainage in dry seasons is naturally not in compliance with the rules. But people's desires can make the courage become swollen. But this year's rainy season has not received much rainfall. The reservoir is simply not able to store much rainwater. So when the drought came, not a single drop of water could be released from the reservoir.

"If we keep working on it, this season's early rice will be completely lost." The eldest grandfather was in the yard talking to his grandfather about the field.

"Yeah. Why is there so little rain this year? There was water in the ditches last winter, and I didn't feel right. It turned out that the people from the Water Resources Bureau dried up the bottom of the reservoir. Damn these people, who are we in this reservoir? The lifeblood of the rural peasants. This is really going to kill you." Grandpa sighed.

"It's not fatal. Young people are all going out to work now. There are not many people who really rely on the crops in the fields to support themselves. There is always some surplus grain in the barn at home. But the harvest can be harvested in a month. It's all dead. This is really distressing." The grandfather took a swipe at the cigarette, and two white smoke came out of his nostrils.

"If this were the time of the Republic of China, the village would have started to ask for rain. Now it's different. With water conservancy construction, everyone counts on this reservoir." Grandpa also sullenly smoked. A few acres of land at home are also doing well.

I looked up and glanced up at the sky, the blue sky, not a single white cloud could be found. The leaves of the fruit trees on the back mountain became a little wilted under the scorching sun. This year has been really dry. There was no moisture in the air at all, and even walking on the road in sandals, you could feel that the sandals were heated a little softly by the hot ground.

Heidou and three little yellow dogs lay under the grape trellis, all of them opened their mouths, stuck their tongues out, and kept panting. They were also listless when I walked past them.

I squatted next to a few dogs, and the vitality shot into the bodies of several dogs, and the four dogs immediately became alive and cheered up beside me. The three little yellow dogs have grown a lot, but they still look cute. They all jumped at me and kept making a fuss over me.

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong came to my door with a bucket and a fishing net.

"Second grandpa, is my master at home?" Huang Shulang walked to the door and didn't pay attention to me, who was squatting under the grape trellis.

"What are you doing?" I responded.

"Master, the water in the Dama River is about to dry, and many people are running to catch fish. Let's see if you can go?" Ma Jindong's stammer is almost gone.

"Where are you going? If it doesn't rain, all the fish in my fish pond will dry up. After I catch the fish, there is nowhere to put them." I said angrily.

I'm bothering about this. Now the rice in the field is about to dry up, and everyone is staring at the water in my pond. It's weird to say that the water in this pond doesn't seem to be dry. In fact, this pond seems to have a lot of water, but in fact it can't be poured a little.

"Yangyang, Fatty and the others are looking for you to play, so you can play with them for a while. Boys, don't stay at home all day." Grandpa said loudly when he saw that Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong were a little disappointed.

"Okay." I was about to go out.

Teacher Lin walked in.

"Where are you going?" Teacher Lin glanced at the things in Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong's hands.

"Mr. Lin, we are going to go to the Dama River to catch fish." Huang Shulang raised the fishing net in his hand.

"Huang Jingyang, you go too. Wait a minute, I'll go with you too."

"Are you going?" the three of us said in unison.

"What are your expressions? Can't I go?" Teacher Lin stared, and we all closed our mouths one by one.

As soon as Mr. Lin entered, I kicked Huang Shulang's ass: "You have a lot of mouths."

When I walked to the river, I was shocked by the sight of the Dama River, where the water flowed rapidly on weekdays. In the river more than ten meters wide, there was only water in the deep ditch in the middle. Diesel engines littered the riverbanks, rumbled and pumped water from the river to the fields to water.

There are also many little kids and big kids like us running around with fishing nets. Some little kids simply took off their pants, and when the water moved, they immediately jumped on them. From time to time, I heard people cheering, and fish large and small were fished from the Dama River.

It makes my heart hurt a little bit, these are my fish!
