My Daoist Life

Chapter 50: rain


"Mr. Lin, this person grabbed our fish and beat us." Huang Shulang immediately complained.

Ma Jindong also quickly reported to the teacher: "This bald head is not a good person at first glance. He specializes in bullying our children."

"Forget it, let's go back." Teacher Lin said, and the people in Bajiao Village dispersed.

Both Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong stopped attacking, and the bald Luo Kai could finally climb up from the river. He had been beaten until his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his whole body was covered in mud, looking more like a clay figurine. But I saw Luo Kai looking at Huang Shulang, Ma Jindong, and even Teacher Lin resentfully.

When I walked towards Teacher Lin and the others, I staggered on purpose and kicked up the cobblestone that Huang Shulang had just thrown on the ground.


The stone even made a whirring chirping.


The poor bald-headed Luo Kai managed to catch a poplar tree on the shore, but was hit on the forehead precisely by the cobblestone. Luo Kai screamed, released his hand, and fell into the mud again.

"Huang Jingyang!" Teacher Lin glared back at me.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't mean to." I naturally wanted to pretend to be innocent. A child who can't act is not a good child. What child as big as me wouldn't cry and make a fuss

"Go back and clean up you." Teacher Lin is not too easy to lie. Mainly because my kick was too accurate.

I will not regret it, some things should be reported now. I'm a child at home, and I don't have to worry about anything for ten years. The child's family is to have a grudge.

Through this incident, Mr. Lin felt that our temperament was a little violent, which might not be a good thing for the future. Although the bald head is not a good person, she feels that using violence to control violence is not what first-grade students like us should do.

I don't quite understand why Teacher Lin is so nervous. As a child like me, I can't suffer any loss. Things are going well today. We didn't suffer.

"Huang Jingyang, what do you use to learn kung fu?" In the evening, Teacher Lin asked me to sit in front of her seriously.

I am a primary school student in the first grade, do I need to consider such a profound question

However, when Teacher Lin asked me this question, I have to think about it. For children of our age, isn't kung fu practice to be a hero? In the martial arts TV series, heroes can come and go, how exciting is such a life

"If you have kung fu, you can be a hero. No one dares to bully me. If anyone bullies me, I will beat him up." I said after thinking hard. After speaking, I raised my head and looked at Teacher Lin.

"Being a hero is a good thing. But do you know what a hero is?" Teacher Lin asked again.

What is a hero? Isn't that simple

"Heroes are high-strength in martial arts, able to rise from high to high, hoe the strong to help the weak, and act as a chivalrous person," I said.

"Yeah. But it's not a hero, at best it can only be regarded as a capable person. The greatest hero is for the country and the people. If you practice martial arts just to avoid being bullied and to show off your power, then you are wrong. You are just a martial artist, not a hero. A hero must first know how to distinguish right from wrong. Know what is right. …”

Teacher Lin's words made me confused. Is it really appropriate to tell such profound things to a child like me

"Mr. Lin, what you said makes sense. Next time I call Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong over, can you teach us a few?" I asked.

Teacher Lin couldn't do anything about me, because she also remembered that I was a first-year primary school student.

In the next few days, Teacher Lin was not in the mood to educate me. The drought in the village is in full swing. The seedlings are almost dry enough to catch fire. I could even feel the breath of that fire in the air. The irritable vitality swept between the heavens and the earth.

I have no way to change all this. The villagers tried their best to rescue the disaster, but even if all the water in the Dama River was drained, all the farmland could not be saved.

Not to mention rain, there is not even a cloud in the sky. Blue sky didn't start to be valuable in those days. The villagers are just looking forward to the rain.

In the past few days, Mr. Lin's words have been echoing in my heart. Heroes, that is a height that little brats can't refuse.

I think if I can make it rain, I should be able to become a hero.

So I ran to my yard and used my vitality to condense the water characters of the oracle bone inscriptions without money. The word water was originally a pattern used by ancient witches to record rain. This kind of figure was not created by the witch, but discovered. The cracked texture of the tortoise shell can be a good or bad omen, and it can predict rain or shine. Oracle bone inscriptions have a mysterious connection with the movement of stars and the evolution of heaven and earth.

One by one, the words of vitality and water condensed, and the air felt a little more moist. I can feel the rainwater pooling between heaven and earth. However, when I activated the word rain, the expected rain did not come, but a water mass the size of a washbasin condensed on top of me. When I looked up, I was stunned. The water mass suddenly lost control and landed on my head, drenching my entire body.

This kind of result made me a little unclear. The power of oracle bone inscriptions condensed with vitality is several times higher than that of seal script, but this time the result is obviously completely different from what I expected. The power of the oracle bone script seems to be less powerful than that of the seal script.

I don't believe in evil, and I released the words one after another, only to make my yard a little muddy. And the vitality in my body has been consumed by me.

When Teacher Lin returned home, he was also taken aback by the situation in the yard.

"Huang Jingyang, why don't you cherish water so much. It's all wasted in the yard. Now that the entire Qiushan County is in severe drought, you are still wasting precious water resources."

I did not speak, and the young mind was deeply affected. I wanted to be a hero for the country and the people, but found that I could only be a useless little brat. This gap between reality and dream makes me unable to adapt.

Teacher Lin has been busy giving advice to the villagers during this time, but the drought is so severe that any human wisdom is so pale in the face of disasters. The county has decided to deal with the officials of the water conservancy bureau and the cadres in charge of the reservoir. But it has been useless.

Just when everyone was a little desperate, the old camphor tree branches at the entrance of Bajiao Village swayed. got windy! Clouds slowly began to gather in the sky. Everyone thought it was going to rain!

After these few days, the vitality I lost that day has finally recovered. In the air, I felt the breath of the blue water vitality. There seemed to be a flash of lightning in my head. That day I condensed the oracle bone inscriptions of vitality and water, not the lack of power. But there is not enough water vitality to supply. It's like a match. How can the fire of the match ignite the raging fire in the stove without putting firewood in the stove

The clouds were getting thicker and the weather was getting darker, but the rain showed no sign of falling.

"God, let's rain a little! If it rains a little, the seedlings in the fields may be saved." Grandpa bowed to the sky and President.

I quietly walked out of the house and walked towards the place with the strongest water vitality. The air was very humid, but no rain had formed. The closer you get to the Dama River, the stronger the water vitality in the air. When I walked to the Dama River, I could clearly feel the air sticking to my body, and there was a feeling of being soaked in water.

My heart suddenly entered a wondrous state that seemed exactly the same as when I first saw Oracle that day. I suddenly realized the mysterious connection between the laws of heaven and earth and the oracle bone inscriptions. I suddenly jumped up on the river bank like dancing, singing while dancing. The vitality between heaven and earth seemed to be pulled by me, and the dark clouds in the sky began to gather frantically towards the sky above Bajiao Village.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore, I just rely on my instinct to complete everything that follows. A dance I have never learned, a rhythm I have never learned, but it can bring together the vitality between heaven and earth.


A rain that Bajiao villagers had been waiting for for a long time finally fell. The crops in the farmland were finally saved. And my fish pond was saved.

The dried-up Dama River suddenly spewed a sweet spring, and when it came out, it splashed several meters high.

The people of Bajiao Village celebrated the rain like a festival, but when I woke up, I found myself lying on the bank of the Dama River. The water in the Dama River can already be submerged to the calf.

I actually forgot what just happened. I even forgot why I was here.
