My Daoist Life

Chapter 51: Peaches are ripe


After the rain, the sky is clear, the leaves are still hanging with crystal water droplets, and the air is filled with the smell of soil. Octagonal Village seems to have endless vitality all at once. The trees suddenly became more alive. All the villagers also became more spiritual.

"You kid, it's raining, where did you go?" Grandpa saw me running back soaked all over, afraid that I might get sick, so he hurried me into the house to change clothes.

"It's good now, don't worry about the failure of the rice field." Teacher Lin also seemed to be relieved. Seeing that all the rice fields in the village were about to die, and the villagers were crying and grimacing, Teacher Lin felt a little uncomfortable. Now, the trouble is finally over.

"Although today's early rice production reduction is inevitable, it is quite good to be able to save this crop of rice." Grandpa sighed.

"Isn't it all rescued? Why is there still a reduction in production?" Teacher Lin asked inexplicably.

"Rescue is saved, but the lack of water during the grain-filling period has a great impact on rice. The yield is severely affected. But it's better than no harvest. With this rain, there will be no rain in the future. What's the problem? It's just the cultivation of late rice that is a big problem." Grandpa was a little worried, although our family's biggest income now comes from me treating others with rheumatism. But Grandpa still takes farming as her own job.

What surprised my grandfather, the old man, was that when he ran out to see the rice in the farmland early the next morning, he was surprised to find that the rice seemed to have completely recovered overnight. It looks no different from normal rice.

Because the next day was Sunday, Mr. Lin did not wake me up, but let me sleep on the bed until I woke up naturally. However, I actually didn't sleep until I woke up naturally. Early in the morning, the orchard behind the house was already very lively. A chirping of various birds.

I got up and Mr. Lin was making breakfast. When he saw me getting up, he smiled and said, "Why did you get up before sleeping until the sun was shining?"

"Why are there so many birds chirping outside. Where can I sleep with the chattering?" I rubbed my eyes.

"They call you up, you have to thank them. Hurry up and wash your face. When Grandpa comes back, we will eat." Mr. Lin has become accustomed to the farm life of our family. Even the firewood stove has been tamed by her. Of course, most of the time I cook and cook. Regardless of my young age, my craftsmanship is no worse than that of Teacher Lin.

"I'll go to the orchard first to see what's going on." I just opened the back door of the main room, and I saw all kinds of birds everywhere on the peach trees behind.

As soon as I saw it, I got anxious, picked up a stone from the ground and threw it out.

The bird's alertness is not ordinary spirituality, I just raised my hand, and all the birds flew away with a bang.

"What are you scaring them for? They are helping you catch bugs!" Teacher Lin immediately scolded me.

"Where are they catching bugs, they are picking peaches. I didn't notice that our peaches are already ripe. But this is no use. Those who are ripe must be eaten up by this group of plague birds. This plague bird is the most cunning, and it chooses delicious places to eat. Those peaches that are a little ripe, they must have eaten the ripest and sweetest part of the top of the peach." I went out the door angrily and quickly Climbing to a peach tree, as expected, the peaches on the tree were almost tasted by these birds. I didn't see a few whole peaches.

Teacher Lin giggled: "Really, are they really smart?"

Well, I can't explain this kind of thing to a girl. It's obviously not a good thing, but she can still laugh. Seeing me in such a hurry, she actually speaks for Xiaoniao. What kind of position is this

I tried my best to find a few ripe peaches from a few peach trees that had not been harmed by birds, and stuffed them all in my pockets. When I jumped from the tree, my clothes and pants were already bulging.

"You child, how do you put the peaches in the bag? There are a lot of hairs on the peaches. You will get itchy later, so don't cry." Teacher Lin hurried over to help.

"Mr. Lin, these are nectarines I picked." I was speechless.

"Don't I know about nectarines?" Teacher Lin patted the back of my head angrily.

I am a person who aspires to be a hero anyway. If I practice Tietou Gong well, I should consider it as practice.

Put the peaches in the pot, and then go to the water tank and scoop a spoonful of water. After washing it casually, I chose the largest one for Teacher Lin: "Mr. Lin, you can try it."

Teacher Lin took it and took a big bite, then widened his eyes: "What kind of peach is this, why does it taste so good?"

"Really delicious?" I asked.

Teacher Lin ate, but did not have time to answer, and nodded vigorously.

"Then I can eat it." I also grabbed a peach and took a bite. Oops, sweet and juicy, it tastes really good.

Mr. Lin was stunned for a moment, then he realized something was wrong, and quickly twitched my ears, "So it was you who tried Mr. Lin for poison?"

The peach trees at the back of the house are all saplings I dug up from the village. I don't know how they taste. Although I know that these little birds have very picky mouths, I don't know how they taste. Didn't expect it to taste so good. No, what does the peach tree in the village taste like, what is there that I don't know about? There is no such delicious peaches in the village!

Teacher Lin is very upset about being used by me to try peaches. All day long, as long as he sees me, he will give me an affectionate glance, and then add a sentence: Little liar.

"By the way, you have to think of a way. There are only a few of such delicious peaches left, but don't let these little birds eat them all." Teacher Lin paid more attention than me this time.

"How about we get some dead birds back and hang them on the tree. The birds thought that these birds were poisoned by eating peaches, so they wouldn't steal our peaches." I thought of a way.

"No, no, it will stink." Teacher Lin hurriedly shook his head.

Otherwise, I will go to Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong, and we will each take a slingshot and watch the birds come and kill them. If we are scared a few times, they will not dare to come.

"No, no. It's wrong for the birds to steal food, but the birds are so cute, it would be a pity to kill them. They can still catch bugs." My method was rejected by Teacher Lin again.

This doesn't work either, that doesn't work either, then it's hard to do, "Mr. Lin, why don't you come up with an idea."

As a result, Teacher Lin patted me on the head again, "If I have a way to ask you?"

ah? Is it my fault again

When Grandpa came back, he had another solution, but it was not practical.

"If you put a few cats there, they won't dare to come. Or just a kestrel. There are many in the Bajiao Mountain, but they don't fly to us."

Cats can't fly, and they certainly can't scare the birds. If you can get a kestrel back, it really works. My eyes lit up, and I was ready to go to the mountains to catch kestrels after breakfast.

A child as big as me, who doesn't tremble when he sees such a ferocious bird as the kestrel? There was a time when the eagle came to the village to grab the chicken, and the little kids were so frightened that they cried and cried. The fierceness of the eagle is really something that ordinary children cannot face. Although the kestrel is not as big as an eagle, it is not inferior in terms of ferocity. Eagles can't deal with those little birds. Birds are agile and extremely agile when flying in the air, while eagles have more strength, but less agility.

After dinner, I haven't looked for my two apprentices, but they have come over by themselves. When they heard that we were going to the Bajiao Mountain to catch the kestrel, the two of them were very excited.

"Master, can we catch the kestrel?" Huang Shulang asked worriedly.

"So what?" I still had a plan. The first is to find the kestrel, then find a way to catch it, and finally come back when it is caught.

Ma Jindong asked, "How about I go to Uncle Ming Gui to borrow a shotgun?"

As a result, Fatty and I hit him hard on the head at the same time.

"Are you stupid? Use a shotgun to come back to eat meat?" I hate that iron is not steel. Why can't I learn a little wise and martial arts from my master

"I'm going to get a cage. If I catch it, I'll have a place to put it." Huang Shulang thought about it and said.

After hearing this, I looked back at Ma Jindong, the same master called, why is there such a big difference

Birds of prey like the Kestrel are not hard to find, as this guy often circles the sky in search of prey. It can often be seen near Bajiao Mountain.

When he was near Bajiao Mountain, Huang Shulang pointed to the sky and shouted loudly: "Look, Kestrel! That's Kestrel!" The Kestrel was leisurely looking for prey, but he didn't know that it had become the prey of three little kids. . The kestrel is high above, and it should not put a few children in the eyes.

"It flew so high, how to get it down?" Ma Jindong raised his head, his feet were a little unstable, and he kept circling in place.

"What are you worrying about. Is there any way for Master?" Huang Shulang said disdainfully.

I can't wait to kick it, but Master can't help it! Using the word vigor and wind can make me fly up in the air, but I have been unable to control it. What if I fly into the air and fall down? Besides, even if I fly, can I be compared with the natural flying master of the Kestrel

"Master, hurry up! Otherwise it will fly away." Ma Jindong believed it to be true. He really thought that I, the master, were omnipotent.

In a hurry, I suddenly thought, although I can't fly, but I can control the vitality of the word to fly. The use of the words "sky" and "earth" is obviously useless, at most it is to scare the kestrel. With the word of vitality thunder, I am afraid that the kestrel will be turned into a barbecue.

Those oracles that I have just grasped for a long time flashed in my mind one by one. Suddenly, I thought of a most suitable oracle bone script.
