My Daoist Life

Chapter 55: farewell


[It's Sanjiang in the afternoon, Laoyu got the Sanjiang seal for the first time, please help to vote for Sanjiang][Open the website of the computer version of the starting point, enter the Sanjiang channel, after opening the page, pull down slightly on the far right to see the red ' Click the word "receive", you can get a free Sanjiang ticket after clicking, and then continue to pull down the web page, you can find "My Cultivation Life", click the "vote" next to it, and each reader can receive a ticket every day Free Sanjiang tickets, please support your brothers and sisters!]

"Huang Jingyang, the total amount of money saved by the teacher is 126,600 yuan. There may be some interest. If you build a house, you can almost build a good house in Bajiao Village. Now the price Once the year goes up, if you plan to build a house, you have to do it as soon as possible. It is better to put it in the bank to earn interest than to build the house before the price rises now."

The summer vacation is over, and Teacher Lin is going back to the city. She's not sure if she'll be back in the second half of the year. So I plan to deal with all the things I have here before I leave.

"Then build a house." I thought very simply.

But grandpa naturally thought it through, took a puff of cigarette, thought about it, and then said, "Building a house is a good thing. But this matter should be discussed with your parents first. After all, building a house is a big thing. "

Then I'll call them. "I said.

Dad has bought a mobile phone, and I know the number. It's just that he rarely calls back.

My grandfather and I went to the village party secretary Huang Lisheng's house.

Huang Lisheng was very enthusiastic when he saw our arrival: "Yangyang, do you want to make a phone call? Will you make a call? Feel free to call, now the phone bill is cheap."

I called my father, and a familiar and unfamiliar voice came from the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

"Dad. I'm Yangyang." I said.

"You kid, don't you know how hard your parents are working outside? Is it easy for your parents to earn food and drink for the two of you? It's not a festival, what are you calling? Are you asking for money to buy something? ? Where did Mom and Dad get the money?…”

Dad doesn't seem to want to give me a chance to talk, and I don't know what to do.

Grandpa grabbed the phone and yelled at it, "Yangyang hasn't said anything yet, why are you talking so much?"

Over there, Dad said a little embarrassedly: "Dad, I'm doing this for Yangyang, okay? You see how old he is, and he knows that he will call Mom and Dad for money. Later... "

Grandpa became even more angry: "He is your cub, what's wrong with asking you for money? When you grow up so big, have you asked Yang Yang once if he is dressed warmly and has enough to eat? How do you know that he called this time to ask? You want money? Let me tell you, when it comes to making money, the two of you can't catch up with your son! Yangyang is calling to ask you about building a house. Listen clearly, your son, Huang Jingyang, has made money and wants to build house!"

When grandpa said this, he hung up the phone, and the village chief Huang Lisheng hurried over to see what happened. After running over, Huang Lisheng said a little embarrassedly: "This Zhengyou is also outrageous. Yangyang is such a good boy, alas."

"Lisheng, let me ask you something. Yangyang wants to build a house, will you give him a foundation?" Grandpa asked.

"Second brother, what are you talking about? In terms of seniority, I am also Yangyang's grandfather. Yangyang wants to build a house, and I will definitely support it. Approval, I will approve any place you want! I will go back to your house to measure the foundation. Then I'll submit it to you for approval." Huang Lisheng agreed immediately.

Ever since I was at Huang Lisheng's house, I had a dark face and didn't say a word. Grandpa knew that I was in pain, but he didn't know how to comfort me. He took my hand and sighed along the way.

"How's it going?" Teacher Lin stopped when he saw my grandfather and I returning home.

Grandpa shook his head. Naturally, Teacher Lin knew that the result was not good, so she looked at me lovingly and pulled me into her arms. I just burst out crying.

"Alas!" Grandpa sighed, sitting by the stove and smoking a cigarette.

Teacher Lin was planning to go home in these two days. Seeing that I was in a low mood, he couldn't take it easy, so he stayed and prepared to wait for me to recover before leaving. She didn't know if she would come back here after she left this time. So, if I don't arrange my affairs, she is really worried about leaving.

Surprisingly, three days later, my parents came back from Guangdong.

Although I have seen it in my dreams many times, the appearance of my parents has become a little unfamiliar. I'm not an ordinary person, so I can still remember a lot of things before I entered the Dao. At that time, like other children, my parents regarded me as a treasure.

"Yangyang." I can feel my mother's emotion when she sees me, but I can also see her unnaturalness. I faced my mother again and was embraced in my arms, but I could not feel the familiar warmth. The voice that once cried out to me shyly when I entered the Dao seems to have drifted away.

Mom and Dad came back this time and brought me a lot of things. A few new clothes, and a lot of food.

"Your brother went to kindergarten over there in Guangdong, and this time he came back in a hurry, so I didn't bring him back. Grandma is there to take care of him. In fact, he misses your brother a lot. Grandma misses you very much, too. Do you want summer vacation? Go to Guangdong with us?" My mother stuffed the large and small bags in my travel bag into my hands.

"Hongmei, go to the kitchen to help Mr. Lin. People from the city have been taking care of our Yangyang. They also help Yangyang to study. You should also thank them." Grandpa said.

"Hey, I was thinking about how to thank Teacher Lin on the way." Mom touched my head, then got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Yangyang, you go to the fish pond and get a fish back. Your parents are back. Let's eat fish today." Grandpa wanted to let me go. I have something to tell my dad.

I put the things in my hand back in the travel bag, and then took a bucket and went out.

Although I walked to the fish pond at my house, the voice of my grandfather and father was not too loud, but I could still hear it clearly.

"What are your plans for building a house?" Grandpa asked.

"I think so. Now the villagers are going to Guangdong to find jobs. In the future, when Yangyang and Dongdong grow up, they will also leave Bajiao Village. There is absolutely no need to build houses in Bajiao Village. It's still very solid, so I won't renovate it for now. It's better to buy a commercial house in Guangdong. The money at home plus the money we have saved from working in the past few years is just enough to buy a house. With a house, we can solve the household registration. We Even if we can gain a firm foothold in Guangdong, the problem of Dongdong going to school will be solved.” My father obviously didn’t come back to build a house this time.

I was stunned for a moment, put down the bucket in my hand, and sat down under the shade of the tree by the fish pond.

"Then what about Yangyang? Are you going to take it with you, or leave it at home?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Grandpa's tone.

"The price of goods in Guangdong is much higher than at home. Both children go to school there, and we are under too much pressure. Isn't Yangyang doing very well in school at home? You are at home alone, and we are not outside. Don't worry." Dad's voice was low, with a hint of guilt in his tone.

"Dongdong is his own? Yangyang is not his own? Have you fulfilled your obligations as a father for so many years? Yangyang earned this money! How dare you use his money?" There was a sound, maybe the grandfather slammed the table in anger.

"I haven't fulfilled my obligations in the past few years, but Yang Yang was sick before. At that time, I wanted to sell blood to cure him. Later, you said that we should have another one. It's not that I don't want this son, if he is with ordinary children The same, I'm exhausted, and I have to raise him. But I'm afraid. In case... Dongdong is our only hope. I can't let Dongdong go the way of Yangyang." Dad was also very excited. .

I got up from the ground, put it into the fish pond, and knocked on the bucket. After a while, fish came swimming in the pond. , it dutifully got into the barrel. I lifted the bucket forcefully to the shore, clasped the gills of the fish with my hands, emptied more than half of the water in the bucket, and put the fish back into the bucket. The grass carp didn't struggle at all during the whole process.

When I brought the fish into the house, the house was very quiet, and I only heard my mother chatting with Teacher Lin in the kitchen. Just something ordinary. After all, the two sides are very strangers, and there is nothing to say.

Grandpa was sitting on the small bench smoking, and Dad was smoking his filter cigarette in silence.

Seeing me come in with a bucket, Dad stood up and was surprised to see such a fish in the bucket: "Yangyang, did you fish this fish out of the fish pond?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Yangyang, put the fish back in the pond, this fish is not for them to eat." Grandpa snorted.

Mom came out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "Yangyang, your grandfather is having trouble with your father. Let's go to the kitchen with your mother. Teacher Lin just praised you for being smart."

My mother was also very surprised to see the big fish in the bucket in my hand: "Yangyang, tell mother, how did you catch this fish?"

"The fish in our house is so stupid. Put the bucket in the pond and it will get in by itself," I said.

Mom thought I was joking, squeezed my cheek, picked me up with the bucket, and walked to the kitchen.

"Cub, Mom and Dad haven't come back for several years, do you resent Mom and Dad?" Mom said with a bit of sadness at this time.

"No. I just miss you so much, I dream about it." In fact, that was a long time ago. In the past six months, I don't seem to have such a dream again.

Mom picked me up and kissed me hard on the cheek, holding her hands tightly, for fear that I would lose the same: "Cub, don't resent your parents for being cruel. Don't blame..."

I felt my face wet, only to realize that my mother was crying non-stop. I don't know why, but my heart is sore.

Teacher Lin decided to go home the next day: "I am relieved that your parents are back. If there is anything in the future, I can call Teacher Lin or write a letter. No matter where Teacher Lin is, it will be hung up. And you."

My father and I went to the town to transfer money, just in time to take Mr. Lin to the station. When Mr. Lin was about to get into the car, I didn't know why I burst into tears. I feel my heart hurts.
