My Daoist Life

Chapter 62: Active assets of my home


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The news that I am going to skip a grade next semester completely stimulated my three apprentices. The three of them all worked hard to review. Huang Shulang wanted to skip grades with me, but to be honest, his grades in the second grade were pretty good, but skipping grades was not enough. Ma Jindong’s situation was similar. On the contrary, Li Lijuan has a solid foundation, but she has not studied ahead of time. Jumping to the upper grades all at once makes it hard to keep up.

I am different. When Teacher Lin lived in my house, he systematically studied everything from elementary school to sixth grade according to my progress. My comprehension is naturally good. Teacher Lin has not finished teaching, so I read the book by myself, and it is basically the same. For the sake of safety, Principal Han is not going to make me jump too fast. I will skip to the third grade next semester, and then to the fifth grade after the first semester of the fourth grade. Jump two levels in total.

In the school, I sometimes hear teachers talking, saying that this year's students are evil, and they are all working hard at the end of the term. In this way, the education quality of Bajiao Primary School can be improved to a higher level. In a remote village primary school like Bajiao Primary School, the quality of education can be so-so, and school districts generally don’t care too much. Their focus is generally on the central primary school. Although Bajiao Primary School is also a joint school, the proportion in the school district is very small.

Principal Han has been in a good mood recently, and every time he sees me, he has the urge to pull me and talk for a long time.

"Huang Jingyang, how are you preparing for the end of the term? You must do well in the test, otherwise I will not be able to handle the matter of skipping grades. I will try to get another double hundred in the test. If you take this result to the school district, the leaders in the district will not have it. What's your opinion?" Principal Han put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay." I have far surpassed my peers. The content of the second grade is like an adult doing homework for a primary school student. After all, there won't be too many complicated topics in the second grade. I am naturally full of myself.

"We still have to study hard. Look at the recent learning atmosphere in our school. If this continues for a few years, our school will become the best school in the entire school district, and even in the entire Changshan Town." Han Xiansheng naturally looked forward to this day. As long as the quality of education is improved, he will have the opportunity to be promoted.

"The sky is high and the clouds are clear, the geese fly south, the autumn is high and the air is fresh, the mountains and rivers are magnificent..."

As soon as I entered the classroom, I could hear the hearty sound of students reading books. Huang Shulang shook his head as he read aloud. I was the last one to come. Huang Shulang became ruthless for a while, and came to school early in the morning. I have a lot of work at home and I have to get everything done. A few days ago, Huang Shulang told me that at the end of the term, he would study hard, and he would not help with things. I'd love to see it work, anyway this guy is more of a disservice. Ma Jindong and Li Lijuan have similar meanings.

I don't need to review, the things in the book are already imprinted in my mind. I don’t know why, I deal with Yuan Qi every day, and my memory is very good. I just need to read something once and I can remember it in my mind. In the second grade of elementary school, all the exams are from books. I also read a lot of books outside of class. So the final exam must be difficult for me.

People in the village are also discussing, saying that their children are on the road, and every day they come back from school and start studying after eating. The homework is also neater than before. As soon as the children moved in, the atmosphere of the whole village was a little different.

On the way home, Heidou brought three mother-in-laws to greet my driver. Hongqiu took its family and spread its wings in the sky. The Hongqiu family are all arrogant, and even if they want to show me, they are always arrogant. Heidou was a little dissatisfied, so he roared a few times thinking of the sky. Although on the ground, the Hongqiu family is definitely not the opponent of the Heidou family, but no matter how powerful the Heidou family is, they can't reach a single feather of Hongqiu. When the black beans called out, Hongqiu sang happily in the sky. The three little guys from Hongqiu's family went too far. They flew down on purpose and passed by Heidou. Heidou didn't bother to pay attention to it, but the three ladies of the Heidou family quit and ran away after Hongri, Hongxing, and Hongyue.

Lao Huang was still dull, but no one dared to mess with the three little guys from the Hongqiu family. Once Lao Huang got angry, he would let out a loud roar, which could shake the tiles off the house. Hong Ri annoyed Lao Huang one day, but Lao Huang was so angry that he stunned Hong Ri and fell to the ground, and almost didn't let the angry Lao Huang trample him to death. However, Lao Huang turned his anger back, but he also knew that these little guys were his own family.

When passing by my cow pen, Lao Huang, who was lying in the cow pen, stood up. Our family has built a new house, and the old Huang's place has also been renovated. Because Lao Huang loves cleanliness, the place where he lives is different from that of the cows in the village, and he also has glass windows for better light. I asked the carpenter in the village to design a movable latch for Lao Huang. When the old cow is hungry, he can go out for food by himself.

In the pigpen, Dahua, Erhua, and Xiaohua hugged the piglets again, and the piglets could be heard cooing from afar. Grandpa found a pure flower pig boar in the village, and now he has become Sanhua's husband. I gave it a domineering name, Marshal. The marshal was always bullied at the beginning, and Dahua, Erhua, and Xiaohua would bully him at any time. Now, its suffering has finally passed, and when it grows up, its size is twice as large as that of Sanhua. Also full of spirit.

I went into the house after reviewing these moving assets in our house. Grandpa has already prepared the meal.

"It's cold and I can't find anything to do. I'm going to have a day off at home today." Grandpa smiled at me.

"Grandpa, don't run outside when it's cold. Let's slowly repay the money we owe Uncle Kuizi. When the school starts next year, we will be able to make up the entire amount after paying the tuition for the martial arts class." Other people's accounts are like putting on a shackle. Grandpa wants to make money as soon as possible to pay off the debt.

"Grandpa is in good health now, and every cent he earns is one cent. Your money will be saved in the future. You will have to go to school in the future. You will have to rely on yourself in the future." Grandpa said that his eyes were a little wet, and he sighed.

"It's alright. I'll wait for the holiday. I'll go to the town to set up a stall and see a doctor. There are a lot of people in the town, and there are even more people during the Chinese New Year. Unlike our Bajiao Village, many people can't find a place. The last time we connected the bridge. A few people over there said they almost went to the wrong place." I said.

"Have you forgotten about Liu Tailong? If you make money in the town, you will definitely be targeted by those short-lived ghosts. Changshan Town is not like our Bajiao Village. In Bajiao Village, others dare not mess around, but when it comes to Changshan Shanzhen, you are a strong dragon who does not overwhelm the local snake." Grandpa shook his head again and again.

Although my grandfather objected, I was firmer in my opinion.

"This year's Chinese New Year, our grandfather and grandson do what other people have. It doesn't matter what others think of us, we have to live a good life ourselves." Grandpa stroked my head with his hand.

"Grandpa, sit down and I'll pack the meal." I got up and went to the kitchen.

There is a big house, but our grandfather and grandson live in it, but it is even more deserted. A black bean family can occupy a room. The Hongqiuyi family occupied the room on the fourth floor. Fortunately, these animals at home are equally smart. It made this Noda's house not look so empty.

In the mid-term exam, the second grade of Bajiao Elementary School scored several high scores, which were even better than the top students in the central elementary school in the school district. Get the school district's attention. For this final exam, the school district specially sent inspectors over. The final exam is an important part of primary school, and it is also a very basic item for evaluating school teachers.

Final exams are held in two days, the first day is for the upper grades (4th, 5th and 6th grades) and the second day is for the lower grades. Each class was split in half and tested in two classrooms. There were originally only twenty or thirty people in each class, but now they are divided into two classes, which are sparsely placed in the classroom. However, this ensures the authenticity of the test results.

But for elementary school students, the atmosphere is still very tense and dignified. But to me, it's nothing at all. The district inspectors seemed to pay the most attention to the test room I was in, standing by my side several times, watching me answer the questions.

The questions for the second grade of primary school are not difficult for me. I can finish the test papers in less than half an hour for each Chinese and mathematics test. Then spend ten minutes to check it again, and hand in the test paper.

Han Minghai had said before the exam that he would let me take the exam well, and I had to check it after the exam. But every time I handed in the test paper after about 30 minutes, which made him very helpless, but after reading my test paper, he smiled again.

Huang Shulang kept writing with a smile on his face. Obviously, he prepared well for this exam.

Although Li Lijuan finished the exam, she checked it over and over again. He waited until the bell rang before handing in the papers.

Ma Jindong looked serious, obviously attaching great importance to this test, the bell rang, and he handed in the test paper. He seemed to be still thinking about the questions on the test paper. After taking the test, immediately take out the books from the school bag and read them one by one. After the inspection was over, he breathed a sigh of relief.
