My Daoist Life

Chapter 67: into a dream


For children, the best time is when the exam has just ended and the grades have not yet come down. At this time, there is no need to study, and there is no need to face cruel transcripts, and you can enjoy the fun of childhood crazily. Probably the real childhood of many children is these days in each semester.

The heavy snow made our Bajiao Primary School children enjoy a better time. However, after today, how many people will be able to enjoy the winter vacation happily

The hard rain boots crunched and crunched on the frozen hard ice and snow, and I enjoyed the sound of this ice and snow. Huang Shulang caught up, his mouth was steaming continuously, like a teapot with boiling water.

"Master, Master, why didn't you wait for me?" Huang Shulang said with some dissatisfaction.

"We agreed to come to our house together at 8:00 in the morning, and then come over to receive the notice together. Do you think what time is it?" I continued to speed up my pace without looking back.

"It's not genius, it's only nine o'clock?" Huang Shulang scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"We've all been waiting for you for... an hour." Ma Jindong pursed his lips and smiled.

"Huang Shulang, you are late every time. Teacher Ma said that you will arrive at eight o'clock today." Li Lijuan pouted.

"What Teacher Ma said is not the imperial edict. Anyway, I just went to get the notice today, and I don't need to go to class." Huang Shulang said disapprovingly.

"Huang Shulang, what Teacher Ma said is not an imperial decree, so you don't have to listen to it. You can also ignore what I say if it is not an imperial decree. Then don't follow me. I'll keep you from doing this and that." I said. I was very displeased with what Huang Shulang said.

"Master. That's not what I meant. I mean that we have nothing to do when we go to school today. Anyway, we just get the notice. It's nothing to do sooner or later. But I definitely want to listen to Master's words. Today is my fault. I overslept. It will never be like this in the future." Huang Shulang gave Ma Jindong and Li Lijuan a blank look.

Although the four of us arrived at the school very late, Ma Baoyi saw that we did not get angry, but instead smiled.

"Huang Jingyang, did you come here after doing a lot of housework today?" Ma Baoyi asked me with concern.

Ma Baoyi's attitude surprised me, and nodded his head in a fog.

"Students, everyone is from Bajiao Village. It should be clear that Huang Jingyang has helped his grandfather with housework since he was a child. Every morning he wakes up to finish his housework before he comes to school, and in the afternoon he has to do a lot of housework when he comes home from school. But his The grades have always been the first in the class. In addition to being smart, that is hard work. I hope that the students will take Huang Jingyang as a model for us to study. Take him as the goal and follow him. The three students Huang Shulang, Ma Jindong and Li Lijuan did it Very good. They have always aimed at Huang Jingyang. In terms of learning, they are catching up. They often help Huang Jingyang with housework. Although everyone waited for a while today, it was worth the wait." Ma Baoyi said very emotionally, many The students were moved to tears.

Huang Shulang cried confusedly: "It's the first time I've been praised by my teacher when I've grown up so much."

Ma Jindong also kept wiping tears: "It's so touching, I didn't even know I worked so hard."

Li Lijuan was already teary-eyed, twitching her body while crying, very rhythmic.

I was also very moved and wanted to cry very much, but I was also confused: "That's not right. I'm here so late today, it's all because of Huang Shulang."

The class is full of joy today, because everyone's notices look very happy, which means that everyone can have a peaceful and happy winter vacation this year.

I won the first place again without any suspense. If it is another child, this certificate and notice can make parents cheer. But what about me? Can make grandpa very happy. But my heart is still melancholy. No one can replace the place of parents in anyone's heart. But my parents have stopped cheering for me. Then Teacher Lin immediately appeared in my mind. I am going to send it to Teacher Lin after Grandpa has read the notice.

The second place turned out to be Li Lijuan. Although Huang Shulang worked hard and Ma Jindong was ruthless, Li Lijuan still won by a slight advantage. In fact, Li Lijuan's grades are only slightly worse than mine.

Ma Jindong and Huang Shulang were tied. One more Chinese is 0.5 points, and one more mathematics is 0.5 points. The students in the class have also made great progress. Even the classmates who were dragging their feet all passed this time.

After Ma Baoyi finished speaking, he quickly ran out. Only then did we find out that Ma Baoyi actually went to the principal's office. Han Xiansheng decided to hold a convention.

Originally, Bajiao Elementary School has not opened a university at the end of the term for many years, but this year, Han Xiansheng is in a really good mood. If I don't express myself well at the meeting, it is estimated that this year will not be good. The main reason why the conference never started is because I, the protagonist, never came to school. Principal Han is very clear about my situation. This semester, Principal Han made a dangerous move. That is to let me do martial arts classes at school. Now it seems that this step is a good move. Principal Han was very proud of his brilliant move. You can tell it from the voice of him standing on the ping-pong table holding a microphone wrapped in red silk.

"Hey, hey. Everyone calm down, let's start the meeting now." Han Xiansheng stood on the ping-pong table, and the lingering north wind blew away the few long hairs that he used to cover the lost land on his forehead, revealing a bright and clean barren land land.

"Wow! Principal Han's head is so bright!" I don't know which brat shouted admiringly.

Principal Han almost fell down from the ping-pong table. He rolled his eyes, and Principal Han ignored the innocent children's words before: "No small talk is allowed under the stage. Thousands of miles of ice are frozen, and thousands of miles of snow drift. **. Star anise. In such a beautiful scenery, the elementary school held the second semester of 2000 to commend the university. Now, please stand up and play the national anthem!"

Ma Baoyi quickly ran forward with a tape recorder and pressed the button. The imposing national anthem was played through the two speakers of the tape recorder.

After the national anthem was played, Principal Han jumped onto the table again and continued to say loudly: "In the final exam of the second semester in 2000, our students have achieved unprecedented good results. Our average score exceeds that of Changshan Town Central Primary School. , grabbed the first place that has been occupied by Changshan Town Central Primary School for a long time. Among our students, many students achieved the first place in the entire Changshan Town!…”

Principal Han spoke on the ping-pong table for half an hour. If he hadn't considered that he might become a sculpture of our school for future memory, he could have continued to speak for an hour and a half.

This time there are not only certificates, but also bonuses and prizes. I have gained a lot.

But for me, it's a good result. Next semester, I have already decided to go to the third grade. From now on, start skipping life.

Huang Shulang and Ma Jindong have been expecting a turnaround. Now have to face such a result.

At night, I slept in bed with a very empty mind. In a trance, it seems to have entered a dream.

I seem to be in the cave behind that waterfall again. Everything is so real. The sound of the waterfall's water pouring into the pool is so clear. Some drops of water splashed into the cave and landed on my face, and the wetness felt like a real experience.

I jumped into the pool suddenly. But this time my vigor and wind words didn't work, and went straight down. When I was worried that I would fall into the water and be as embarrassed as Huang Shulang, I was surprised to find that I kept falling. It was like falling into a bottomless cave. The speed is getting faster and faster, and everything around it turns from clear to blurred, until it turns into darkness.

Suddenly, I stopped, only to find that I came to a very strange place. Generally speaking, day and night think, night dream. But wherever I go, it's where I've never been before.
