My Daoist Life

Chapter 70: Song Million


"Dr. Yuan, I know, is the best doctor in the hospital. My lumbar disc herniation was cured by Dr. Yuan." Someone immediately stood up and echoed.

I glanced at the man, with a sly-eyed look and a slight bow on his back. I sneered: "Really, is it really cured? Then why can't you straighten your back?"

The man was speechless as if he was being strangled by the neck. When everyone saw it, how could anyone not know that this person was actually the caregiver of the so-called Doctor Yuan

The Changshan Township Health Center has had many medical accidents in the past two years. Not long ago, a patient died from surgery, and the family members are still making trouble at the health center.

Seeing that I had debunked his trick, Yuan Liang immediately became furious: "Do you have a medical certificate here to see a doctor?"

"You are a doctor in a hospital, do you have a medical qualification certificate?" I also asked rhetorically.

Yuan Liang was at a loss for words. For example, in a small unit like the town health center, even in the county hospital, there are still many doctors who do not have physician qualification certificates, not even assistant physician qualification certificates. I've heard people say this on the street before.

"I'm a doctor in the health center, how could I not?" Seeing Yuan Liang's appearance, he was stern. No confidence at all.

I looked at Yuan Liang with a smile and said nothing. But Yuan Liang felt extremely guilty.

"You, you practice medicine illegally, I'll report you now!" Yuan Liang glared at me angrily. He obviously did not expect that a child like me could put so much pressure on him.

"I practise medicine illegally? I wrote clearly on it, ancestral skills, not medical skills. My massage and massage technique is ancestral, but this technique does have a very good effect on rheumatism. I am not a doctor, You have to figure it out." I said disdainfully.

"Then I'll go to the police station and sue you for cheating." Yuan Liang threatened again.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Or is there something wrong with the police at the police station? Do you think anyone would believe that an eight-year-old child like me can deceive an adult?" I laughed.

The onlookers couldn't help but laugh.

Yuan Liang was even more irritable: "Believe it or not, I will teach you a lesson for your family?"

"Aiya, I'm so scared. First I moved my mouth, now I have to do it. Do you have any other way out of this?" Huang Shulang asked disdainfully.

"Damn Fatty! It's none of your business here, get out of here immediately!" Yuan Liang squeezed his fist, as if he was going to maim me.

"Doctor Yuan, the family of Hou Jiachong seems to be here." Suddenly someone in the crowd called out. As a result, Yuan Liang seemed to have forgotten the trouble he was coming to me, and ran away. Let the county staff completely dumbfounded.

Yuan Liang ran out of sight, and then someone said, "The person who died in the hospital not long ago was Hou Jiachong, and Yuan Liang is the doctor."

Only then did everyone understand what was going on. That's when there was a lot of talk that this doctor is not a good thing.

After a while, Liu Huadong brought someone over.

"Xiao Huang. I brought a friend over to take care of your business. My friend is so poor that only money is left, so don't be lenient when you collect money." Liu Huadong laughed.

"Liu Huadong, you bad friend, I have been a good friend with you for so many years, but you actually helped others to harm me." The man pretended to be angry.

Liu Huadong laughed: "I don't help my relatives. Song Guanglin and Changshan Town call you Song Million. You are not so poor that only money is what?"

I don't know who Song Guanglin is, but it sounds like a very famous person. Looking up carefully, this Song Guanglin was dressed in ordinary clothes, a little cleaner and tidy than the villagers, but there was nothing special, and his clothes were not even as glamorous as the ordinary town people.

However, many people around seemed to know Song Fugui.

"Song Guanglin is not easy. He is the owner of the only jewelry store in the town, and he also runs the largest supermarket in the town. He has his first share of any money-making business. That Liu Huadong actually called him over. Simple."

"It turns out that this person is Song Million. I heard others say it before, but I didn't expect it to look so simple."

"What do you know? It's called being low-key. Don't look at how plain he wears. The clothes he wears are not cheap. Just looking at the material is not ordinary."

Song Guanglin smiled and came to my booth and sat down.

"Liu Huadong said that your massage skills are very good. I have a herniated lumbar disc and I have an old problem. Please help me. If you can help me solve this problem, I am very grateful!"

I nodded without speaking.

People in rural areas are prone to the problem of lumbar disc herniation because they often carry heavy burdens. When I was in Bajiao Village, I treated the villagers and cured several people.

The crowd gathered around again. Before, they thought Liu Huadong was my trustee, but now they know that Liu Huadong is not a simple person. Naturally, it is impossible for me to be a child in the countryside, and Song Guanglin is even less likely to be my trustee. care. So they naturally wanted to see my medical skills.

I concentrated my vitality on the palm of my hand and pressed it on Song Guanglin's lumbar disc.

"Hey, your baby's hands are so warm and comfortable." Song Guanglin couldn't help pondering comfortably.

The people around were also very surprised.

"It's effective so quickly? It seems that this child is really powerful."

"Yeah, just now this kid just pressed the surnamed Liu a few times, and the surnamed Liu was just fine. I thought they were acting to deceive people at first. I didn't expect it to really work."

"I'll take a look first. If it works, I'll let this kid treat his leg. It's only 200 yuan. After the leg is cured, I can go out to work and earn money again. It's better to stay at home and guard the two acres. Tian is stronger."

"I hurriedly called and asked my dad to come over quickly. My lumbar disc has been herniated for many years. I almost collapsed in bed some time ago. Going to the hospital for treatment is not a cure for the symptoms."

My hand moved slowly over Song Guanglin's lumbar disc, and a burst of vitality slowly penetrated into Song Guanglin's body. I could feel Song Guanglin's damaged lumbar disc slowly repairing. Some of the original protruding parts also slowly shrink back.

Song Guanglin couldn't help but said, "It's so itchy, the lumbar disc seems to be moving."

Liu Huadong smiled and said, "That's right, when Xiao Huang treated me, I felt the same way. After a while, everything was fine. Song Wan Wan, you spent a lot of time treating this lumbar disc, right? ?"

"That's needless to say? I've been to many hospitals across the country for this lumbar disc. I've seen many doctors. Naturally, I spent a lot of money, but none of them worked." Song Guanglin nodded.

"Uncle Song, how did you suffer from this lumbar disc herniation? How could you have this kind of disease when you are so rich?" I couldn't help asking.

"In our small town, the rich were defeated in those years. I also suffered when I was young. During the few years I went to the countryside, I worked harder in the educated youth camp. This problem came down in those days. "Song Guanglin did not go into detail about the events of that time, but those who were a little older on the field were no strangers to the events of that era.

While speaking, I have stopped.

"Uncle Song, stand up and give it a try. Let's see how it goes?"

Song Guanglin was very surprised: "It's done?"

"No, but it's useless to continue the treatment today. I'm still here tomorrow, and you come here to find me again," I said.

"Huh? It really feels better. It seems that I have no problem with twisting like this." Song Guanglin felt it, and immediately exclaimed.

"Song Wan, I said that Xiao Huang is still amazing, right? Don't hesitate, how about thank you?" Liu Huadong laughed.

"Wait, I'll make a call." Song Guanglin took out a very delicate mobile phone from his waist, and after the call was made, Song Guanglin said to the phone, "I'm here at Zushi Bridge, you send a sum of cash, I need it urgently. ."

Not long after, a black car drove near the Zushi Bridge. A middle-aged man in relatively plain clothes came over with a suitcase.

Song Guanglin took the box from the man and took out several bundles of brand new hundred-yuan bills. It has been many years since the hundred-yuan bills came out, and the red notes came out last year. But there are really not many people who come out with such a red ticket at once, especially in such a small town.

"Come on, don't think too little." Song Guanglin handed me the money.

I didn't reach for it: "More."

"Don't be too much. This guy didn't say it just now, I'm so poor that I only have money left." Song Guanglin took my hand and stuffed the money into my hand, "You know, I spend a lot of money to cure this disease. How many wrongful money, how many wrongful journeys, how many wrongful sins?"

Liu Huadong also said: "Xiao Huang, you can accept it with peace of mind. These tens of thousands of yuan are really not much for the treatment of such a disease. He took advantage of the boss."

I didn't say more, I took the money, I lacked the money. With this money, I can pay off the money from Huang Shulang's family.

After Song Guanglin and Liu Huadong left, Huang Shulang muttered, "It would be great if there were more patients like Song Guanglin."

With Song Guanglin and Liu Huadong starting, my business suddenly improved. Dozens of treatments a day. I made another tens of thousands of dollars, but after that I couldn't hold on any longer, so I could only push it to the next day.
