My Daoist Life

Chapter 91: Giant python


I never thought that Teacher Lin would let me make such an important decision at this juncture. I turned around at the fork, and finally decided to turn,

"Let's go this way." I said, pointing to the fork.

"Then go the other way." Teacher Lin nodded.

"Mr. Lin, what if I go wrong?" I said worriedly.

"It's alright, if you went wrong, let's walk back. I've made a mark here. If you go right, it's your credit." Teacher Lin forced a smile.

I can't laugh at it. If I go wrong, I might encounter that dangerous existence. The warrior with the stone tool can't deal with it! I waved the stone weapon in my hand, very handy.

In order to explore the way, I now control two groups of vitality fire characters, one according to the environment around me, and the other placed farther in front, so that once I find that there is danger ahead, I can turn around immediately.

"Why is the cave here so smooth? It looks like it's been polished." Teacher Lin said here, looking at me.

I also looked at Teacher Lin. The only possibility that the cave is so smooth is that it is constantly rubbed. Just like the small roads in Bajiao Village, the roads that are often walked by people are not covered with thatch, and the roads are very smooth. As long as you don't walk for a while, the road will be covered with thatch. The caves here are so smooth, which means that something is often rubbing against the cave walls.

Thinking of this, I take a deep breath! It can often rub against the cave wall, how big should this thing be? There must be one thing, this thing should be a living thing. Lose yourself hey! Word! elder brother

"I'm afraid we're going the wrong way." I said worriedly.

"Should we step back?" Teacher Lin was also a little worried.

"There are living creatures here, what if it happens to lead to the outside?" I said with some worry. Since there are living creatures here, it means that there may be communication with the outside world. Otherwise, living creatures would not have survived for so many years in this isolated cave.

"Then let's move on." Teacher Lin said bravely.

"I'll go ahead." I walked ahead with a stone tool in my hand.

"No, I'll lead the way!" Teacher Lin grabbed me.

"I have a weapon in my hand." Naturally, I couldn't let Teacher Lin take risks.

"Let's go side by side." Teacher Lin couldn't let me protect her from danger.

I just hope that the unknown being doesn't stay in the cave all the time. If we just catch up with it and go out of the cave to feed, we might be able to take this opportunity to get out of the cave. However, if we happen to bump into that guy and come back from foraging, then we can only be glad that he has eaten enough.

Teacher Lin and I walked very slowly, and we had to see the front clearly before we continued to walk.

Not long after I walked, I could smell a faint fishy smell in the air. This should be the smell emanating from that thing. From this we can see that this thing doesn't go very much into the cave where we came. Because there is no food in the cave at all. Maybe it's just the place where the thing lives. My scalp tingles a little at the thought that we might have to pass this thing's lair if we're going out.

"Huang Jingyang, what do you think this thing should be?" Teacher Lin asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. But those who like to drill holes may be snakes." I thought about it and said.

"Snake?" Teacher Lin shuddered. Thinking of a snake character is enough for Teacher Lin to be afraid.

"I can't be sure," I said.


The pathfinder light ahead suddenly went out, and I also heard a low hissing sound.

"No, run!" I took Teacher Lin and ran quickly in the same direction as I was coming and going, and then threw a word of vitality in the direction of the entrance of the cave.


This burst of vitality fire quickly exploded behind us. We didn't have time to see the results, and just ran away desperately.


A loud roar came from behind him.

"Huang Jingyang, don't worry about me, run alone!" Teacher Lin's physical strength dropped so much that her running speed became slower and slower. She gasped as she ran.

"I'll carry you!" I savagely pulled Teacher Lin behind me, carried Teacher Lin on my back and ran.

Teacher Lin struggled hard: "leave me alone, neither of them can escape."

"Either die together or live together!" I roared.

Teacher Lin stopped talking and tears fell on my shoulders.

Although Teacher Lin is much taller than me, I have a lot of strength, and it doesn't seem very difficult to carry Teacher Lin on my back.

In order to create obstacles for the guys chasing us behind me, I kept throwing vitality characters backwards. It made the guy behind him suffer a lot, and it made that thing more and more violent. When the vitality in my body was about to run out, we finally ran to the fork in the road where I made a choice. I threw a fire character of vitality in the direction we came from, illuminated the road there, and then built an earthen wall with the word of vitality behind us. This completely drained all my energy. I can only hope that the guy's IQ is not high, and he will be deceived by me.

Finally, after about a minute, we finally saw the real face of the thing. It's a huge boa constrictor! Although its body was not large enough to fill the entire cave, it moved in such a way that its body rubbed against the walls of the fish cave from time to time. The python didn't even look in our direction, and chased in the direction of the vitality fire character.

"Mr. Lin, that guy shouldn't turn back all of a sudden, shall we go from there?" I suddenly had a very risky idea.

"Ah?" Teacher Lin was taken aback by my thought. But when I think about it, my idea makes perfect sense.

"Listen to you, anyway, if you hadn't left me just now, I wouldn't be able to live. My life is in your hands." Teacher Lin felt a lot more relaxed.

"Come on, I'll carry you." I squatted down in front of Teacher Lin.

"No, I seem to have recovered a bit of my stamina." Teacher Lin didn't come up.

"Come on. Save some energy to escape, maybe it will come back soon." I insisted.

Teacher Lin squeezed a bit, but still fell on my back.

I carried Teacher Lin on my back and ran quickly into the python hole. God knows when the giant python will come back. Teacher Lin and I had to escape from this place while the python came back. I ran for more than ten minutes with Teacher Lin on my back. Came to a very large cave. But most of the cave is a pool of water. I looked around and saw no way out at all. This is a dead end! Maybe the exit is in a waterhole.

"Look, there's a platform there!" Teacher Lin got down from my back and pointed to the heights of the cave.

The platform is very high and there is no way up at all. Going back now may happen to meet the python on the road. We must climb that platform, otherwise, when the python returns, we will die without a burial!