My Daoist Life

Chapter 93: win


[ps2: The public chapters are all updated here, and the book will be on the shelves after midnight tonight. For all Taoists, February is the New Year's month, when the whole family is reunited, happy to celebrate the reunion, and look forward to the coming year. Laoyu not only wants to accompany the elderly at home, but also struggle. After writing for six years, I naturally hope to improve. I hope brothers who like Laoyu's works can support genuine subscriptions.

The monthly new book list is a very important list. If you enter the top ten, you will get the best promotion in all channels. I hope the brothers who have monthly tickets in hand must support Laoyu!

Before the old fish is put on the shelves, I implore the brothers to give the old fish subscription and monthly ticket support! The old fish does not have the time and energy to carry out the so-called operation. But Laoyu will do his best to make the story more exciting and update as much as possible!]

After this sleep, the vitality in the body has been almost replenished. This cave is really thrilling, but it's not without its benefits. When I was about to go out, Teacher Lin grabbed me. The tree is like the website: Нёǐуапge.сОМ

"Wait, try it out first to see if the giant python really left." Teacher Lin whispered.

I nodded, took the stone tool and cut a stone on the wall of the cave.

Although I didn't use too much force, there was still a loud noise when the stone tool hit the wall of the cave.

I was so terrified that my heart almost skipped a beat. Teacher Lin also opened his mouth wide. I stopped quickly and looked back at the bottom of the water. fortunately. The guy doesn't seem to be there. While the guy wasn't there, I quickly cut a stone out with a stone tool. Suddenly I remembered that what I did was useless, since that guy is not there, there is no need to try again. The stomach growls louder, and the stomach problem needs to be solved as soon as possible.


There was a sudden sound of water from below. It scared me and Teacher Lin. He quickly probed out to see, but found that it was not the python that came back, but a fish jumping in the pool.


My eyes lit up: there is something to eat now! He quickly condensed a character of vitality and threw it directly into the pool. The vitality talisman was activated immediately, and immediately saw a bolt of lightning hitting the pool. Immediately, several fish floated up in the pool. I flew down and quickly grabbed a herring weighing about a pound or two from the water. Herring was stunned by the vitality charm. When I got back on the platform, I immediately stunned the fish with a stone tool and cut it open, cleaned the contents, and even washed the fish with water.

"How do I eat it?" Although Teacher Lin already knew that I could do some eccentric techniques, he never thought that eccentric techniques would be so useful. I was able to fly around. Can also emit lightning.

"Eat grilled fish." I laughed.

At this moment, I had forgotten that I was still out of danger.

Teacher Lin also relaxed a lot, and with a smile on his face, he nodded at me.

A sign of vitality fire condensed to activate, almost in an instant, I wrapped the herring meat completely with the fire of vitality, and it didn't take long for a seductive fragrance to permeate the cave. It stopped when the fish meat was golden brown and the fish oil was sizzling.

After removing the fire of vitality, I put the herring on the cleaned stoneware.

"Mr. Lin, the fish is ready, eat it quickly." I handed the herring to Teacher Lin.

"You can eat it too." Teacher Lin blinked.

Half of one person eats 50% full. But the food crisis is over for now.

With my stomach full, I was in no rush to act. I was a little worried about putting Teacher Lin on the platform alone. In case the python discovers the abnormality here, the python may not be able to attack here. If I'm not here, Teacher Lin is in danger. So, I want to go out while the python is away.


A series of huge sound of water sounded, and the huge head of the giant python emerged from the bottom of the water. As soon as it came out, it smelled a strange fragrance, and the head of the giant python immediately looked around. But fortunately, I threw all the scraps of fish-eating protruding into the pool. There is a smell everywhere in the cave. Although the python could smell it, it could not find the source.

The python looked around in bewilderment. Teacher Lin and I had been hiding it for a long time. The python tossed for a long time, and finally found and ate all the leftovers we ate, and then gave up. But after this incident, the python did not go out again. It appears to be aware of the presence of interlopers.

The pool slowly turned black, and the bottom of the water changed from white at the beginning to the deep darkness now. In the dim light, I could see that the python's eyes glowed dimly.

I started to regret that I wasn't able to make more food yesterday. The stomach that had eaten half full became empty again. Teacher Lin and I were both worried that the other party would slip off the platform, and the two of them hugged each other tightly. I do not know when, I have fallen into a deep sleep. The coldness of the night woke me up. Teacher Lin saw that my body moved slightly and knew that I had woken up.

"Be quiet, there is something wrong with that python's reaction, maybe it has found us." Teacher Lin whispered in my ear.

I gently probed down and looked down, and sure enough, the response of the giant python was really different from before. Its head kept turning, as if looking for something. Obviously it has realized the existence of me and Teacher Lin, but it can't find our position. And the platform is really too high for it.

The python suddenly shot itself like a bow and arrow. The python leaped high, and its target was the platform we were on! Sure enough, it has found us!

The plan cannot keep up with the changes, and our previous plan has no way to be implemented. Although it seems that the python has no way to rush to the platform at all, we are temporarily safe, but even if the python can't jump on the platform, how can we leave safely? The python just needs to stay below and trap Mr. Lin and me on the platform.

The python tried several times in a row, but was unable to touch the platform. As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet. I have suffered enough for the python before, and it has long hated us. The giant python continued to try, rushing diagonally along the wall of the cave, spreading its scales to expand the friction with the wall of the cave, and intending to rush up along the wall of the cave obliquely. But the position of the platform is really good, the walls on both sides are also very steep, and the space is smaller as it goes up, and the walls of the cave slope downward.

Seeing that there was no danger, Mr. Lin and I were more daring and stood up directly to face the python.

"Mr. Lin, they can't do anything about us. It's just that it's more troublesome for us to go out. What I'm most afraid of is that this guy will stay here forever." I pointed to the giant python and said.

Teacher Lin smiled bitterly: "Yes, this guy doesn't seem to be stupid. By the way, Huang Jinglong, can you attack it?"

"Yes. Yes. Now we can hit it, but it can't hit us. If it doesn't go, I'll hit it and go!" I laughed.

Hearing my unbridled laughter, the python jumped several times in rage. Every time Kankan hits the bottom of the platform, he falls back into the pool again.

The vitality thunder character is my most powerful attack method at present, directly condensing a vitality thunder character to hit the python. The python didn't know what that vitality thunder character was, so he swallowed it directly. The vitality type characters exploded directly in the belly of the python. A strong thunder and lightning scurried inside the python's body.

This is really enough for the giant python to suffer, the intense pain makes the giant python keep tumbling in the pool. Although its body is strong, its inside is still very fragile. Although this vitality thunder character is not enough to kill the python directly, it has already caused damage to the body of the python that cannot be healed in a short time.

Kill it while it's sick! Naturally, I wouldn't let such a good opportunity pass, the characters of vitality thunder and fire of vitality, one by one, threw them at the giant python for no money. The python is already close to madness, and the severe pain in the body makes it impossible to use its little wisdom. I only know the churning of instinct, trying to vent its pain. One after another, the thunderbolt of vitality attacked, but it didn't know how to dodge, and each time it was hit, it made it more painful.

When a character of vitality fire burned on the python, the python finally felt a fatal threat and plunged into the pool. But the vitality fire is no better than ordinary flames. Even if the giant python enters the water, the flames are still roaring, roasting the python's body. The giant python kept churning in the water, but the fire of vitality never went out. When the vitality was exhausted, the fire of vitality was slowly extinguished. At this time, the flesh on the python had turned into barbecued meat. It is a pity that the fire of vitality did not hit the deadly part of the python, otherwise, the python would be fatal at one time.

As soon as the fire of vitality on the giant python and others was extinguished, they immediately dived into the bottom of the water and quickly left the pool.

The python escaped!

Teacher Lin and I hugged each other tightly, and we were alive. Teacher Lin was already in tears.

"Let's go over and explore the cave together and see if we find anything." I took Teacher Lin and flew down from the high platform. Although I defeated the python, the crisis between me and Mr. Lin did not end there. The python was not killed by me, maybe it will be waiting for us outside the cave.

After attacking with vitality thunder characters many times in a row, many fishes of different sizes floated in the pool. I picked a few out of them and baked them, and the stomachs of both of them were bulging after eating them.