My Daoist Life

Chapter 95: First day of admission


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From that day on, I became equal to Mr. Lin and his brother. Teacher Lin's sympathy towards me is not the same as before, it has gradually turned into a kind of affection.

Because I was delayed for two days in the mountains, after a day or two after I returned, it was time for the entrance exam. My sister is very nervous.

"Jingyang, check carefully. Have you brought everything you should bring? You must also bring an eraser. Bring two pens and pencils." Oh my god, my sister is endless. .

I hurriedly said, "My sister, you asked me to check it several times yesterday."

The elder sister smiled and clenched her fists: "Stinky boy, I hate elder sister for being long-winded, right?"

"No, no, I will never dislike it for the rest of my life." I pretended to be very scared.

My sister continued to teach her experience, "Be careful when answering the questions. You must get full marks in math and English. You must also get full marks in the basic part of Chinese. If you don't get full marks, come back and see how I will deal with you. Don't underestimate the questions attached to the primary school, Students from the primary school will be able to enter the middle school. Their requirements are not low. The questions are definitely not easy."

Oops, this is even more of a headache than Monk Tang's hooping spell. But I felt a kind of warmth. I grew up as a careless child. Now I finally have someone other than my grandfather who cares about me. I am naturally happy. So although my sister tends to be a little verbose, I have a sense of happiness. Only a child like me would know that it is a precious happiness that someone keeps whispering in your ear. Baidu Yixia Hey, Yan, Brother Watch the chapters for free without pop-up windows

In fact, the entrance test prepared by the attached primary school was not as complicated as my sister imagined. They just wanted to know about my study situation. This will make it easier to put me in what kind of class.

As soon as it passed, the teacher gave three sets of test questions: "If you are alone in class, you can do these three sets of questions. There is no time limit. Use your fastest speed. Our purpose is not to stumbling you. If you can’t get into the attached elementary school, we just need to know your basic situation before you enroll, so that we can arrange you to enter a suitable class according to your situation.”

My sister was dumbfounded and felt that she was not valued, but it felt better for me.

After taking the test paper from the teacher, I quickly started to work on it. Three sets of test papers are done one by one from top to bottom. It took me less than an hour in total, and I turned in the papers.

As soon as I walked out, my sister almost beat me: "I asked you to check carefully, why are you disobedient?"

The teacher was very surprised when he saw it: "Your name is Huang Jingyang, right? It's very good. Let's go to the experimental class."

The experimental class that the teacher talked about was actually the key class of the attached primary school. When my sister heard this, her eyes lit up. That's the experimental class!

My sister picked me up and gave me a hard kiss on the face.

"Your son's grades can also be considered high in the experimental class." Originally, the teacher was also a compliment, which almost didn't detonate my sister.

"Teacher, he is my brother." My sister said.

The teacher smiled awkwardly.

Compared with the Bajiao Primary School, the attached primary school has one in the sky and one on the ground. The house of Bajiao Elementary School is still a brick building built in the 1960s and 1970s. The only sports facilities in the school are a cement table tennis table older than my father and the clay basketball court. The attached primary school is a neat new teaching building with all kinds of sports facilities. There is also a garden.

The pilot class gave me a simple welcome ceremony.

"Classmates, we will have a new student joining us today. Next, I would like to ask this new student to introduce himself." The speaker was my new class teacher, Zhao Yingqi.

After all, I was also the head teacher of more than 200 students in Bajiao Primary School. How could such a scene hold me back? I strode to the podium, "My name is, that, that, Huang Jingyang. From today onwards, I will be your classmate. I hope you can give me more advice."

My host walked off the stage, but Teacher Zhao stopped me.

"Huang Jingyang, you haven't told everyone what kind of strengths you have? Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, everyone will be classmates from now on. The classmates are not allowed to laugh. Although Huang Jingyang was transferred from Shancun Primary School, his grades are not as good as yours. Poor, and his age is younger than you all. I hope everyone can learn the advantages of Huang Jingyang in the future." Mr. Zhao has naturally seen my entrance examination results, so I have a preliminary understanding of my results.

I had to bite the bullet and go to the podium again, "My specialty is, my specialty is..."

what is it then? I scratched my head and said, "My specialty is martial arts. I used to have a martial arts class in our elementary school."

Immediately, some children expressed their doubts. A fat child stood up. How could he run to the attached primary school and still be unable to escape the shadow of the fat child? I miss Huang Shulang in Bajiao Village. No matter how you look at it, it's a copy of Huang Shulang.

"Huang Jingyang, you are bragging, how do you teach a martial arts class as a primary school student?" Fatty said angrily.

"Hu Zhenbo, don't make trouble. Listen to what Huang Jingyang has to say first." Teacher Zhao said quickly.

"Then I'll prove it to you." No matter what I do, I'm still a child under ten years old, so naturally I have the will to win. I looked up at the small space behind the classroom and walked over. A whole set of Taizu Changquan came directly, and the fists were slamming. The eyes of all the children in the class lit up.

Hu Zhenbo drooped his head and sat down.

On the side, there was a short man who was not very tall and looked very smart at first glance and said to me, "My name is Cheng Cheng, can I learn martial arts with you?"

Teacher Zhao looked at me curiously.

"It's not impossible to learn martial arts, but I have to charge tuition fees to recruit students in the martial arts class at Bajiao Elementary School." As soon as I said my words, the teachers and students in the class turned into petrochemicals.

Teacher Zhao looked at me incomprehensibly and seemed to ask: What about the simplicity of rural children

"Stop making trouble. Huang Jingyang, you and Li Hong are at the same table. I hope you can learn from each other and make progress together in the future." Teacher Zhao said, pointing to an empty seat in the class. He could no longer tolerate this situation. Obviously I didn't manage to make a good impression on him.

Li Hong is taller than me, so he sits in the last row of the classroom. I am a transfer student, so naturally it is impossible for me to leave the best position. Although the entrance exam can show that my grades are not bad, it does not mean that I am better than the rest of the class. The experimental class has concentrated on the little kids who can read the most from the primary school. Being able to let me do my best in the experimental class is already an affirmation for me.

Because I just talked about charging money for teaching martial arts, my classmates began to look at me differently, including my new deskmate.

When I walked over, Li Hong, my heartmate at the table, didn't even look at me. I don't even care about him.

When the get out of class was over, Cheng Cheng ran over: "Huang Jingyang, we are all in the same class, why do you have to pay for learning martial arts with you?"

"The children in the same village of ours have to pay me tuition fees to learn martial arts with me. Why don't they charge tuition fees from my classmates?" I said confidently.

"It's a slapstick, but I'm too embarrassed to charge tuition fees." Li Hong said disdainfully.

"It's not up to you to decide whether you want to spend money or not. Whether you want to pay tuition to learn martial arts with me is your own business. In short, I won't force you." I said coldly.

I have been used to being alone since I was a child, and I am not afraid of being isolated by my classmates. Li Hong's arrogant look made me very uncomfortable. They are like flowers in a greenhouse, how can they know the difficulties of others

"You!" Li Hong stood up and stared at me with his eyes.

I also stood up and looked at Li Hong coldly.

"No, no, no, they are all classmates in the class, don't quarrel." Cheng Cheng, who was caught in the middle, was startled and quickly persuaded him.

Someone in the class immediately ran out quickly.

"Li Hong, Huang Jingyang, don't quarrel. Wang Guixin has already gone to tell Teacher Zhao." A girl said loudly.

Although Li Hong is taller than me, I have the confidence to lift him up and throw him out of the classroom. But I'm not stupid, and naturally I won't take the lead.

Li Hong didn't dare either. This guy is a thorn in the class, but his grades are very good, which makes Teacher Zhao a headache. Of course, from today onwards, Teacher Zhao will have another character who will give her a headache. That is just below.

Li Hong glared at me like an angry bull, and I naturally didn't want to be outdone, glaring at Li Hong with my eyes. A war between the two angry bulls seemed imminent.

"Sit down for me! What are you doing? You want to rebel!" Teacher Zhao rushed to kill him.

After the class calmed down, Teacher Zhao walked up to me and Li Hong: "Li Hong, Huang Jingyang, you all come to the office with me."

On the way to the office, the two were at odds with each other.

Teacher Zhao didn't speak all the way, I guess she was thinking about what to do with the two of us.

In the office, Teacher Zhao scolded me and Li Hong indiscriminately and sternly, and then left me alone. She should definitely solve the problem of my problem student in advance.

"Huang Jingyang. Can you tell the teacher, why do you charge tuition for teaching martial arts to your classmates?" Teacher Zhao asked.

"When I was in Bajiao Primary School, I had to charge tuition for teaching martial arts. Everyone in the village paid it." I said truthfully.

"You..." Teacher Zhao didn't know what to say.

"Huang Jingyang, ask your parents to come to school tomorrow." Teacher Zhao felt that it was too troublesome to talk to me.

"Well, I'll go back and tell my sister." I nodded, not at all nervous about being called a parent by a normal child.

Teacher Zhao was very surprised: "Who is your sister?"

"I came to town with my sister," I said.

"That's fine, let your sister come over tomorrow." Teacher Zhao should already feel that things are not easy to solve. (.)