My Daoist Life

Chapter 99: mood


[The early bird catches the worm, and the old fish gets a monthly pass?]

The matter is not complicated, as long as you check it carefully, you can naturally check it very clearly. Sure enough, at the last check, the source of all the rumors was found on Romee.

"Xiao Huang, the matter has been clarified, and the person who spread rumors has also been punished by the school. Originally, this kind of thing can still be held legally responsible. However, the school considers that it is not easy for this student to study and read to this level. I hope Your sister can reconcile. Let the classmate who spread the rumors apologize to your sister in person. This matter is settled like this. After all, this matter has become a big one, and we are also worried that someone will spread the rumors, and the reputation of your sister will also have a certain degree. Influence." When I went to see Teacher Shi the next day, Teacher Shi told me the situation.

That person's tolerance is not my business, but it is related to my sister's interests, so I can't ignore it, "Since my sister has accepted it, let's stop here. But that woman has come to deal with my sister again and again. If there is a third time, I will not pass the school again."

Teacher Shi didn't care. He thought I was just childish, but he didn't think that I had already killed Luo Mei. This woman is too vicious. The elder sister just forbearance, I am afraid that it will increase her arrogance. This time she pretended to be wrong, but who can guarantee that she will not repeat the same trick next time? Maybe something even more vicious

I don't know why, but when I became violent, the energy around me immediately became chaotic.


There was a whirlwind in the room for no reason, and some materials on Teacher Shi's table were rolled up and swayed in the room. The door was slammed shut by the wind.

"Huh?" Teacher Shi hurriedly sorted out the materials scattered by the wind.

I was shocked, and I don't know why there was such a violent mood all of a sudden. As soon as my expression loosened, the raging vitality immediately calmed down, and the wind in the room calmed down immediately.

"This wind is really strange." Teacher Shi said to himself.

I also hurried over to help and cleaned up all of Teacher Shi's information.

"Here are some materials that I have compiled recently. Xiao Huang, if you are interested, you can take a look. Teacher Shi wrote a thesis on oracle bone inscriptions. Look at what I wrote, right?" Teacher Shi handed the cleaned materials to in my hands.

I took the document, glanced at it casually, and put it aside. Showing such a boring academic paper to a child under ten years old, I really don't understand what Teacher Shi thinks. Even yawned a few times. It's so hypnotizing to look at things.

Teacher Shi smiled awkwardly, "What? Isn't this too boring?"

"I don't understand it. It's not good to talk at all. How can I understand it?" I put the information in my hand on Teacher Shi's desk. Unwilling to continue to look down.

Teacher Shi laughed, "You finally look like a child now. Are you going to play at my house on Sunday? There is also a little girl about your age in my house. You must have a lot to say to her."

"No. I'm so busy." I rejected Teacher Shi's invitation.

Teacher Shi smiled bitterly.

When I was about to leave Teacher Shi's place, I was blocked by my sister.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing here with Teacher Shi?" As soon as my sister saw me, she had already guessed the matter.

"Me. I'm reading oracle bone inscriptions at Teacher Shi's place."

My elder sister pinched my ear and said, "Stinky boy, I caught him, and he told a lie. He's still a little old, and he's lying all over the place. When he grows up, will it be okay?"

"Well, coming to Teacher Shi is not a problem, and lying is not a small problem. This matter has to be taken seriously." I also counted on Teacher Shi to help me out of the siege. Who knew that the old man would fall into trouble.

"Mr. Shi. Thank you for helping me this time." My sister quickly thanked Teacher Shi.

"Lin Jing, this time you have to thank Xiao Huang. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know that you have suffered so much grievance. So are you. Why don't you come to me when something like this happens? Remember, I am your mentor, not only academically, but if you encounter problems in life, Teacher Shi will help you solve them. Fortunately, this time, things can be controlled. You should pay attention in the future.” Shi The teacher severely criticized the sister. Although he complimented me incidentally, I don't thank him at all. I'm still haunted by what he did just now.

Back to the residence. My sister taught me a good lesson again. However, she has a very good temperament. She taught me this not because I went to Teacher Shi, but because I lied.

"Sister..." I told my sister about what happened in Teacher Shi's room just now that my vitality went out of control.

Sister listen. He immediately frowned: "Jingyang, you are not an ordinary person now. You must pay attention to controlling your emotions. Otherwise, once you lose control of your emotions and cause your vitality to lose control, it will be an extremely serious problem. You know?"

I nodded vigorously. When I think of the scene in Teacher Shi's room just now, I feel very scared. Think about it, if the fire energy is tyrannical, even that giant M can't bear it.

After thinking about it for a long time, my sister said: "I think your situation is the same as those in martial arts. Your cultivation level has improved, but your mood has not improved. You need to cultivate your mind and cultivate your mind and become more enlightened. There is only a state of mind. It has also improved so that you can control your abilities.”

"However, how do you cultivate your mind, nourish your mind and understand the Tao?" I was even more confused.

"There is a way. I'll go buy you a book and come back." My sister was also very nervous, so she ran out and went to a nearby bookstore to buy a lot of books.

"Sister, what are you buying?" I looked at the pile of books, and my head was a little big.

"You have to take a good look at these books." My sister showed me the books one by one, sweating profusely, and highlighted the Tao Te Ching to me, "You must read this book carefully. "

"You let me, a child under ten years old, watch this?" I frowned a little.

"You, a child under ten years old, want to marry me as a wife!" Speaking of this, my sister couldn't help laughing.

"Then I can't see it?" I took the Tao Te Ching and opened it, and I had a heavy eyelids.

I turned a few pages and sighed sincerely: "This ancient person is really powerful."

"That's needless to say? This old man is very good." My sister thought I saw it.

"I mean he's really good. He can make a set of such a boring thing." I turned a few pages and didn't bother to read it.

My sister tapped me directly on the head, "Nonsense. This is a book written by a saint. Lao Tzu is the founder of Taoism. Don't you practice Taoism? You have to read this kind of book carefully. Improve your mood."

"But I can't understand it? If I can understand it, can I still improve my mood?" I asked.

The elder sister didn't know how to answer at once, but she immediately said, "You don't understand me. My elder sister is a graduate student of ancient literature."

Every day when I go back, my sister catches me and understands the Tao Te Ching and the South China Classic. . . Every night as soon as I lay in bed, I fall asleep, without even a dream. I worry that my young mind has been severely traumatized by this. Otherwise, how can you not even dream

Cheng Cheng collected all the tuition fees for the students of the martial arts class, a total of five people, one thousand yuan. It's all in our class. Even the monitor Wang Guixin signed up to participate.

"Originally, Li Hong also wanted to sign up. But he went against you at the beginning. I didn't agree. If there are other students in the class who want to sign up, should we accept it or not? And Li Hong, will we accept it?"

Cheng Cheng handed the money to me, and I put it in my bag at will.

"Not for the time being. I can't handle too many people. Let's bring you out first. Let's find a place this afternoon." I said.

"Didn't you go to the Taekwondo gym?" Cheng Cheng asked.

"Are you stupid? The people in the Taekwondo gym didn't pay tuition fees. Didn't we let them steal their teachers for nothing?" Fatty said immediately before I opened my mouth.

"Yeah, Fatty is right. We're looking for a place to hide." I nodded.

"I know there is a place. There is an unfinished building opposite the school gate. We will go there after school, and we will be there in ten minutes. We have been there. It turned out to be a shopping mall. Halfway through the construction, the owner lost money. , it can't be repaired. It has been stopped there. It's just right to go there." Zhou Xing said.

"Then after school today, we'll go there," I said.

As soon as school was over, the six of us got together very tacitly, carrying schoolbags and running to the unfinished building under the leadership of Zhou Xing.

The building covers a large area, with seven floors already built, and the first floor is overgrown with weeds. It looks like no one has been here for a long time. We found a very empty cubicle.

"I will teach you a set of basic boxing skills today. It's very simple. It's called Taizu Changquan. There are also some basic training. First, you need to polish your body. Only after you have a certain foundation can you practice real boxing." I said sternly.

In fact, I already know that whether they can practice well, the important thing is not the boxing itself, but that I use my vitality to quench their bodies. In fact, it's not that I haven't thought about using the ancient witch's ritual to activate the innate abilities in their bodies, so that they will have a stronger growth potential. But my sister is right, the abilities I have cannot be known casually. After all, Hu Zhenbo and others have not yet received my approval. They are just ordinary members. If one day they get my approval. I would consider giving them a ceremony.

I tried my best to drain the stamina of Fatty and the others, and then gave them a vitality massage to basically restore their stamina. The day's workout is over.

Although I did all this concealed, I couldn't hide it from my sister. first day. My sister found out.

"Jingyang, where have you been today?" My sister looked me up and down.

I knew that I couldn't escape my sister's eyes, so I quickly explained: "I recruited a few students in my class. Each one costs 200 yuan."

My sister didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "If you keep talking about money to your classmates, others will despise you in the future."

"There is no way. I have to save money." I said very deeply.

The elder sister chuckled: "Stinky boy. What are you saving money for?"

"I heard that the tuition fees in the High School Affiliated to Normal University are very expensive. It costs tens of thousands a year." I heard what Wang Guixin said. This thousand yuan tuition fee can't even make a bubble.

The sister sighed.

I put the money in the hands of my sister. My sister took the money: "I'll go to the bank tomorrow to deposit it for you."

"You came back so late, how can I teach you these books in the future?" My sister thought of another question.

"It's okay, I'll put it in my schoolbag. In the afternoon, when I teach them martial arts. Let's take a look." I put the Tao Te Ching in my school bag. (.)