My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 23


The thundercloud rolled.

Jiang Zheliu couldn't see it, he could only rely on his breath to feel Wen Renye appearing in front of him.

And at the moment he appeared, the surrounding sound seemed to stagnate. He heard the subtle and distinct sound of dripping water, falling drop by drop.

Jiang Ziliu instinctively felt that something was wrong.

A sweet and bloody blood swept away.

Wen Ren Ye stood in front of Jiang Zheliu. The characteristics of the demon body on his body were stronger than before. The body was covered with hard and ferocious blood-colored bone armor. The barbs that grew out of his joints had not yet converged. The whole body was covered with running demonic seal script, the demonic energy revolved around the whole body constantly, and the blood emitting hot air flowed on his bone armor, falling from the sharp and sharp edge.

In Chang Gan's perspective, they can only see a somewhat terrifying back. But in Lie Zhen's eyes, he was able to face the pair of dark purple-haired eyes, and the other half's face covered with blood-colored bone armor.

The purple horns are covered with patterns, which seem to have been injured before and experienced an indescribable battle. The surface of his double horns cracked, revealing a magma-like reddish color between the cracks.

The air was quiet, and even the sound of breathing seemed anxious.

Wen Renye held a pitch-black long knife in his hand, and the blade was dried up with blood stains and covered with rust-like dark red. The murderous aura on his body has not faded, and there is a sense of brutality and cruelty that is thick to the extreme.

Just a face-to-face, Liezhen felt that his hair was standing on end, which was similar to the feeling of seeing Jiang Zheliu Hengjian unsheathed, and even more serious.

Jiang Zheliu is cold and reserved, no matter how strong he is, he will not have the killing aura that directly oppresses his heart, while Wen Renye has a monstrous demonic energy, and when he looks at himself, it is like looking at a beast waiting to be slaughtered.

Not only Liezhen, but also the four children lying at the door were stunned. A Chu stretched out his hand to cover Chang Gan's eyes and swallowed nervously, not even daring to let out the air.

Jiang Zheliu confirmed that something was really wrong this time. He rubbed the stove between his fingers and said, "Wen Renye..."

He was answered by taking a few steps forward and then pausing.

The other party did not make a sound.

The next moment, a strong and extremely impactful demonic energy surged from the surroundings and poured into the pool. Liezhen was suddenly hit and sank into the bottom of the lake by this magical energy, and the entire lake began to vibrate together.

If possible, Suzaku's flames could evaporate the lake. But he was tightly bound by the demonic energy that Wen Renye slammed past, and in the short stalemate, he unfolded his red wings and suddenly wrapped himself.

The more Jiang Zheliu listened, the more serious he felt, not because of his friend who thought too much, but because of Wen Renye's reaction at the moment.

The phoenix feathers were scattered, and the vermilion bird floated up from the lake, and suddenly opened its wings. In the next moment, the surging demonic energy wrapped Suzaku Bird and pushed it, and Wen Renye grabbed it by the neck.

The palm temperature is scorching hot.

But the Demon Venerable in front of him didn't even blink, the pitch-black knife slid across it, inch by inch, into Suzaku's shoulder blades, breaking his hollow bones.

Jiang Zheliu smelled burnt.

He was a little anxious, and groped for a while from behind, and came across Wen Renye's black cloak. He grabbed the cape and tugged it, frowned and said, "Little devil? What are you doing?"

Wen Renye's palm froze, and his purple eyes were gloomy and gloomy. He remembered that Jiang Ziliu would not allow him to kill this bird, and the black long knife in his hand paused.

Just at this moment of lag, Lie Zhen suddenly broke free from the shackles of the demonic energy, and after being cut off by the black knife, a large piece of his wings was cut off, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a light and escaped from his palm.

The fiery red splendor dyed through the stratus clouds.

Wen Renye's palm was scalded by the temperature of Suzaku, and the smell of burnt and steaming blood dripped.

He turned around and looked at Jiang Zheliu, who was sitting on the chair blind. The blood-colored bone armor on his body converged one by one, the magic horn disappeared, and he returned to a normal humanoid body.

But the smell of blood was too strong, to the point where it could not be concealed. Wen Renye didn't want to dirty him, so he grabbed his fingers with the hand that used to hold the knife, bowed his head and said, "I drove him away."

Almost killed him.

Jiang Zheliu was rushed by the blood on his body, and before he could ask more, he was picked up from the chair by the other party.

The other party was very careful, and even the smell of blood all over his body was slowly subduing. Jiang Zheliu grabbed the front of his clothes, was carried into the room by the little devil, and put it on the edge of the bed.

"...Have you not finished dealing with the demon world yet?" Jiang Zheliu said, "The aura on your body is not right, you... are you opening the giant gate of Xuantong?"

He was fighting, but he was fighting alone. Although the xenogeneic python has no intelligence, it is terrifyingly strong, which is one of the reasons why his father gave up the resurrection stone back then. In fact, the alien guardians of almost all treasures are extremely powerful, so even the brave and skilled demons have to unite to encircle and suppress them.

Just three quarters of an hour ago, the ten li of flowers at the second Xuantong giant gate, the ground split into a cliff, and the ditch went straight into the ground more than 700 feet. The beast head of the alien giant python was slashed by Wen Renye under the knife, and the corrosive blood stains aroused the bone armor all over his body.

Wen Renye did not answer, but took out a pendant from the placket that was close to his heart. The rope that wore the stone was a simple woven rope, and the material could not be seen, while the resurrection stone in the center of the pendant floated silk from the milky white. Threads of lustrous blue, surging with vitality, even the air is clear.

He leaned down and put the resurrection stone on Jiang Zheliu's neck.

The loop behind the knot was a little difficult to buckle, and the breath of Wen Ren Ye approached Jiang Ziliu's ears, spreading, precipitating, and surging... like warm spring water.

Jiang Zheliu almost immediately felt the fusion of a vibrant breath and physique. He raised his hand and touched the resurrection stone hanging under his collarbone, already guessing what happened in his heart. He raised his hand and suddenly grabbed Wen Renye's wrist.

Jiang Zheliu couldn't see it, and he was still frowning at the moment, stroking up halfway, touching the scar on his arm where the blood stopped.

He felt a little bored in his heart, and there was pain in secret, but he couldn't see it in his expression at all, and he just continued to grope upwards.

Just on the arm, there are countless traumas, some of which have just stopped bleeding, and some have almost recovered, but even the physical quality of the demons cannot be painless.

Wen Renye couldn't understand what he meant for a while, and he touched his neck all the way, and those not-so-serious thoughts were hooked up by his sweetheart. He felt that he couldn't continue, so he held his hand and pressed close to him. Said: "What's wrong?"

"You are hurt?"

It's a question, but it doesn't need an answer. Jiang Zheliu explored the wounds on his body, his expression became more and more serious, and finally withdrew his hand, as if there was boiling water in his heart.

He pressed the hot air that sounded like boiling water, and said lightly, "Your Highness, why would you take risks for me alone."

Wen Renye felt that something was wrong when he heard only one title, he said slowly: "The Demon World is opening the giant gate of Xuantong, I'm just passing by..."

"Lied to me."

His words stopped suddenly.

Jiang Zheliu took a deep breath. He didn't know where he got such a big temper. Even the hand stove in his palm felt in the way. He put the stove aside and said in a neither light nor serious tone: "If the half-step Jinxian's demon Zun can be injured when he officially attacks the giant gate of Xuantong, and the demons can't afford to be brave and unparalleled."

He raised his hand, untied the pendant, and put it in Wen Renye's palm: "I don't want it."

Wen Renye was stunned for a moment, looking at his pale and colorless lips, he never imagined that it would become like this. He subconsciously grabbed the opponent's hand, but he forgot that his palm was scalded by Suzaku's flame before.

Jiang Zheliu paused for a while, then turned to hold the other side, he was very familiar with the burn of the Suzaku flame, he endured it for a long time, and then slowly let out a breath and said, "I don't want you to be hurt for me, not at all. do not wish."

"Zhe Liu." Wen Renye said, "It's okay, I'm very resilient, I'll be fine when you open your eyes, I won't let you see..."

"Smell the night."

Jiang Zheliu interrupted him and his tone became cold. "Doesn't it mean that it didn't happen if you don't see it? You're going to take this kind of thing without telling me, and you're going to lie to me that I'm not injured, Lord Mozun, I really hate your wishful thinking."

Wen Renye stood up, still holding the cold pendant in his hand, he looked at Jiang Ziliu for a while, the scald of the palm and the temperature of the resurrection stone blended with each other.

"Wishful giving?" he repeated in a low voice, also getting annoyed. "How many times do you want me to say that what I do to you is what I want to do. I don't think it's a sacrifice, but I think you—"

He couldn't speak for a while, and took two steps beside him repeatedly before he said angrily: "You don't dare to accept other people's kindness at all, you don't even want to accept me!"

His words were a little childish, but they were the most serious words he said to Jiang Ziliu. Wen Renye was annoyed by this rejection, and turned around in front of him again, so that he could loudly slap the pendant onto the desk case.

"Jiang Ziliu, why don't you want it? I've said it all, my injuries will be healed soon, and I've brought it all. Can you be more obedient!"

He was angry, and Jiang Zheliu was even more angry than him, but this person had no expression, so he couldn't tell on the surface. Jiang Zheliu was blindfolded with long silk, took off the cloak on his shoulders, and sat on the inside of the soft couch with his thin clothes. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then he seemed to calmly say: "You are good to me, and I can accept it. But you don't like this. I can't agree with being kind to me in a measured and unimportant way. I'm not used to being taken care of by others in this way, and I can't stand this kind of love."

"Aren't you fucking brainless?" The little devil was so angry that he wanted to smash the table, he pulled up a chair and sat in front of Jiang Ziliu, closed his eyes and calmed his tone before continuing, "Only after I treat you like this , you have the chance to get used to it. It's not up to you to endure it, it's up to me to decide."

Jiang Zheliu raised his head towards the source of the voice, was silent for a while, and said, "I'm afraid of you... you..."

He wants to say, I am afraid that you will sink into it and become a demon, that you will be criticized and challenged by the demon world, and that what you pay today is only scarred, and tomorrow you will become the common enemy of the world. If you really can't help yourself then, I'm afraid you won't be able to let go of the hands that are holding me tightly.

But he didn't say anything in the end.

He knew that he was the center of the vortex that everyone coveted, and he wanted to be freed as soon as possible, so he didn't have to worry about it, but because he was worried about it, he hoped that the sun and the moon would last longer and stay with him longer.

Wen Renye has no sense, but he has it. The other party doesn't know the seriousness, but he knows it.

He has seen from this tiny seedling that he has already mistaken his life.

Jiang Zheliu sighed and whispered, "Don't do this kind of thing again, it's not worth it."

His hand was clenched, and the other party's sight was real, and he was obsessed to the point of being stunned.

"Why do you say something like this to me again?" Wen Renye was about to be mad at him, but he didn't even dare to speak to him loudly, "I'll decide if it's worth it, you just need to accept it calmly. , if I say good to you, I will be good to you for the rest of my life..."

Before he finished speaking, the cold hand in his palm was gently pulled back.

Jiang Zheliu didn't listen, he stepped back into the bed and lay with his back to him, as if he didn't plan to say anything more.

Wen Renye really didn't understand why he was angry when he was injured, but he couldn't force this person, so he could only sit on the chair beside the bed in an air-conditioned manner, staring gloomily at the resurrection stone on the table.

After a short while, just when Wen Renye thought he was asleep, he suddenly heard the other party's voice say something very lightly.

"... Suzakuhuo's scald is iced with ice glaze powder, don't forget."

The little devil didn't answer. After a while, he answered angrily, turned around and went out.

The bead curtain was cluttered, and there was a clunky crashing sound, like a heartstring being plucked.


There is something wrong with the atmosphere of Danxinguan recently.

Not to mention the year of embers, even the two ginseng dolls can feel it. On weekdays, the Demon Lord is like something to the Immortal Venerable. He is afraid of falling off in his hand, and afraid of melting if he holds it in his mouth. As a result, the two of them didn't say a word for the past two days.

Even they felt that the living environment of A Chu and Chang Gan was even more precarious, and the atmosphere in the whole room was terrifyingly stagnant.

It's just that Jiang Zheliu's performance is not very obvious. He still drinks tea and medicine quietly, and occasionally carries his beloved little chair to go out to bask in the sun.

… Although the fish in that lake swam away from him.

Although Chang Gan was blindfolded by A Chu that day, he was actually the one who knew Wen Renye's situation best in the entire Dan Xin Guan. That day, when the little uncle appeared covered in bone armor and the magic horns had not disappeared, he was already frightened, and with his heels, he knew that the little uncle was going to open the giant gate of Xuantong.

Only the aliens who are powerful enough to break through the gate after the Xuantong giant gate can fight to this level with a half-step Jinxian. On weekdays, the demons sweeping the giant gate should have the assistance of the formation, and there are many other races to help, so even a powerful alien can be killed without injury.

There is no alien species that can fight with the little uncle to this level when the demons are out of their nests.

This guess was confirmed the moment Chang Gan saw the resurrection stone.

The whole body of the table case is milky white and fluttering blue pendant, exuding a strong vitality, Chang Gan suspects that after two days, the table made of wood will begin to sprout. Such a vital life-threatening treasure was thrown away on the desk so casually, as if no one needed it.

Chang Gan didn't dare to say it, didn't dare to ask, so he could only go to the bed as usual and ask his brother to get up and drink the medicine.

Jiang Ziliu had a faint bitter taste from the herbs. He slept longer and longer, and he was still very sleepy at this time. After sitting up for a while, he took the medicine bowl.

The little devil just sat by the window and stared at him without saying a word.

Jiang Zheliu's eyes still couldn't see it, he was about to get used to the darkness, and felt that it was no big deal, but the bowl of medicine was too bitter, he drank it intermittently, frowning all the time.

… I’m used to it, I didn’t feel bitter before, I just drink it like water.

Jiang Zheliu sighed slowly, and drank the remaining half of the bowl, his head was buzzing with pain, and before the bitter taste was fully exerted, he was suddenly stuffed with a mouthful of candied fruit.

It is a fruit marinated with honey, which seems to be a special product of the demon world. It is sour and sweet. It is sour at first, and then it becomes more and more sweet.

Jiang Zheliu dispelled the bitterness with the candied fruit, and felt that the stamina of this thing was too sweet. As soon as he swallowed what he wanted to say, he felt the other party leave like a gust of wind.

Chang Gan turned his head and glanced secretly at the little uncle who was sitting back by the window, and then heard Jiang Ziliu's voice.

"...Xiaogan, pass me the tea." Jiang Zheliu's tongue tingled, "It's a little salty."

Wen Ren Ye: "… "

Why is there so much going on here! If he can't bring him another kind of candied fruit next time, it will be fine!

Chang Gan nodded according to the words, and poured a cup from the teapot on the table, but the temperature in the porcelain cup was a little low, and it was a little cold, and the cold tea would be more bitter.

Jiang Zheliu can even drink that very bitter tea, so naturally he doesn't care about this problem. He took the porcelain cup, took a sip in his hand, and was taken away again.

After a few breaths, the warm teacup was stuffed back into his hand, and the temperature of the tea was the most suitable one.

Just as Jiang Zheliu was about to say thank you, he heard Wen Renye's restless and sullen voice.


Jiang Zheliu: "..."

… squeamish? Is that me

He took a sip in confusion, then took another sip, and couldn't help asking Chang Gan in a low voice, "What does he mean?"

Chang Gan looked at the uncle whose air pressure was very low, and at the fragile and delicate immortal beauty in front of him. He didn't know what to say to this proposition, and after a long while, he said, "It means... I like you."