My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 4


The door was closed, and the cold wind was blocked out.

Wen Renye failed to convince Jiang Ziliu immediately.

Even if the other party is in this situation, even if his expression is calm and unwavering, he can still restrain his violently beating heart with a single glance, so that he cannot be born with a single compulsive idea.

Wen Renye really became his neighbor, building a house in the blink of an eye, effortlessly. A small garden appeared out of thin air on one side of the pine wood building, and the distance between the two residences was only separated by a wall.

The sun moved down, and it gradually turned to dusk, and the sky was dark.

Chang Gan was still shocked by what happened to his little uncle, and after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out what was going on. While packing the books for the immortal brother, he muttered: "Where did he get hunted down... Where did he come homeless..."

Even Chang Gan felt that this little uncle, who had always ignored him, had a bad heart. Although he has a thin kinship with Wen Renye, the other party does not really regard him as a relative. The other party is the young master of the royal family and the new Demon Venerable. How can he be compared with him as a half-demon.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Zheliu. Although the two had only known each other for a day and a night, the other party had already saved his life and did not dislike his identity. When Chang Gan was thinking about it, he couldn't help but lean towards Jiang Zheliu, thinking that even if brother immortal was powerful, he still looked injured, how could he let such a big devil accompany him

He put the book away and turned around, just in time to see Jiang Ziliu's back.

Jiang Zheliu sat on the rattan chair, took off the cloak outside and put it over his legs, and looked at a book under the candle.

He took off his hair crown, and the long snow-white hair was a little dazzling, swaying slightly on the shoulders, revealing a peaceful and docile taste. Reading seems to be very careless, eyes do not move, as if distracted.

Chang Gan swallowed his saliva, leaned in slowly, and whispered, "Brother?"

"… Um?"

Jiang Zheliu was sluggish for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at him.

"You, you won't believe my little uncle." Chang Gan is still eleven or twelve years old, somewhere between a teenager and a child, "My little uncle is not a homeless demon at all, he is Smell the night!"

Jiang Zheliu gave a "hmm" and said calmly, "So, what is his identity?"

Chang Gan opened his eyes wide, as if he didn't expect Jiang Ziliu to know, and quickly said, "He is Wen Renjian's eldest son."

Wen Renjian... This time Jiang Zheliu finally had some impressions. He only had a little memory of this Lord of the Demon Realm. He remembered that the Lord did not have such a strong racial exclusion, but the city was deep and he was a smiling tiger. .

Jiang Zheliu nodded, which just matched the guess in his heart, and said, "It turned out to be the young master of the devil world."

Chang Gan was stunned for a while, and when he realized that the news between the two worlds was blocked, he quickly said, "No, he has already..."

Only three words were said in this sentence, the door suddenly slammed, and the footsteps of men entered the small building.

"What's wrong?" Wen Renye looked over from the door, her purple eyes dimmed, "What are you talking about."

Chang Gan was so frightened that he went out of his body, hid behind Jiang Ziliu with a swoosh, and then ran upstairs, full of the guilty conscience of a thief.

Jiang Zheliu looked at the sound and saw that the other party was wearing a black robe with a large blood-red cloak covered in frost and snow. With a flick of the cloak feathers, the snowflakes on it melted away in an instant.

Wen Ren untied the ties of his cloak while walking at night, hung the cloak on the back of the chair on the other side, and sat beside Jiang Ziliu.

"What are you doing here again, good neighbor?" Jiang Zheliu jokingly said, and then picked up the scroll under the lamp and continued to read it on his lap through the plush cloak.

"Of course I'm here to help you." Wen Renye said, "You are so pitiful, like a bereaved dog sent out by Ling Xiao."

I really can't speak.

Jiang Zheliu glanced at him: "You have a home to pay back, why are you here."

"I'm here because of you." Wen Renye said, "I want to cure you."

Jiang Zheliu stopped flipping the book for a moment, frowned slightly, and said after a while, "It can't be cured. Besides, I'm fine now, your sympathy is in the wrong place."

Wen Renye sat beside him, looking at his snow-white long eyelashes, which cast a faint shadow under the candlelight, and the very light and soft breath on his body, like a melted layer Thin cream.

"I have no sympathy for you," he said.

Wen Renye stretched out his hand, his fingertips stopped an inch before he was about to touch him, stopped for a while in mid-air, then retracted it, and said, "The first seat of Xianmen, half-step Jinxian. You are already at the peak of the road. , is it worth it to lose everything for others at one time?"

It seems that Wen Renye has already asked people to inquire about what happened in the cultivation world. Jiang Zheliu's story can't be hidden, and it will be completely spread in a few days.

Jiang Ziliu continued to read, his fingertips moved with his eyes, but did not speak.

Wen Renye took out a hand stove from the storage ring, which is also a magic tool, but this magic tool is rare and rare, it doesn't even need to be injected into the magic, even mortals can use it freely.

He put the hand stove carved with the big beasts into Jiang Zheliu's arms, and continued: "Most of the people you saved are selfish and vulgar villains, they will not care about your sacrifice, they will only ask for The benefits you can gain after sacrificing... just like your junior brother."

Zhu Wuxin's reputation is actually not too bad. He is a genius cultivator of the Lingxiao faction, but he has been crushed by Jiang Ziliu all the year round, and he ranks second in everything. Whether it is cultivation, appearance, temperament, swordsmanship, or even the appreciation of elders, he is always slightly lower.

At that time, Zhu Wenyuan was caught in the secret magic of the demon world and was in danger. When he was about to die, he called Jiang Zheliu and Zhu Wuxin to the couch together. In front of all the elders, he passed the position of head to Jiang Zheliu, not his own. son. Since then, Zhu Wuxin's character has undergone slight changes, but Jiang Zheliu will always treat him like his own younger brother, unchanged for thousands of years.

Jiang Zheliu frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Wen Renye adjusted the temperature of the magic weapon, pushed it into the other's free hand, and touched the coldness of the other's fingertips.

"Do you know how long the Lingxiao faction, and even the entire cultivation world, have been peaceful under your protection?" Wen Renye looked at him and said, "The demons are naturally ruthless and good at fighting, why would they rather make contracts every year and not pay any attention to them? No intention of aggression. Why are the two true monarchs of the demon world willing to befriend you? All conflicts between the two worlds are left to you to deal with, not even a single word, and the Netherworld, which is silent all the year round…”

He paused for a moment, then said: "Jiang Zheliu, as long as you are here, there will always be other ways. But they are not worth it."

Jiang Zheliu folded his fingers, attracted by the comfortable temperature on the magic weapon, he slowly fitted it, looked away from the book, looked at the other party, and calmly said: "I have become a waste, you should be happy, Instead of telling me whether it's worth it or not. In my opinion, it is a good thing from heaven to be able to unload a thousand jins and get rid of the endless sea of suffering, and I should be grateful."

"you… "

"I don't like demons, because you have too many ideas." Jiang Zheliu said, "I don't want to be the backing in the hearts of all beings in the world, and I don't want to hold on any longer. Is it wrong?"

Wen Renye's words paused, and his eyes looked straight at him. There was a twinkle in the dark purple eyes. After a while, he asked in a low voice, "...You don't like demons?"

Um? Is this the point

Jiang Zheliu didn't expect his focus to be like this, neither nodding nor shaking his head, he could only watch Wen Renye's vaguely hurt expression, and held his hand.

Jiang Zheliu looked at the other party's hand, and saw that the other party held him nervously first, then wrapped around his wrist and grasped it tightly, as if he had just remembered something serious, poured a wisp of demonic energy into his wrist from the fingertips and penetrated into the meridians. middle.

As the other party probed his physical condition, he continued to ask, "Then what do you like?"

Jiang Zheliu: "...I like you."

The wisp of demonic energy that penetrated into his body almost ran away, and it was dangerously and dangerously stable. The ruthless Lord Mozun's mind was blank, his ears were buzzing, he looked at Jiang Ziliu stupidly, and after a while he said, "I like me..."

He hasn't taken advantage of it, hasn't cultivated feelings, hasn't pryed away the corner of the cultivation world, how could he...

"I like you to talk less." Jiang Zheliu said lightly.

Wen Renye was already thinking about the name of the eighteenth child in the future, and then all his thoughts were split into smoke by these words, leaving only the glass residue on the ground.

The demonic energy that penetrated into his body paused for a long time, and after finishing his mood, he continued to investigate.

The more Wen Renye understood his physical condition, the more his heart sank. The meridians in Jiang Zheliu's body were chaotically tangled, and there were wounds everywhere. The Yuan Ying was so shattered that it was almost invisible, and the Yuan Shen... even if he didn't investigate, he knew it wouldn't be much better.

There was a throbbing pain in his chest, and it was hard to believe that this person would become like this - he and Zhu Wuxin had the same understanding, and he always felt that Jiang Ziliu was extremely tyrannical and unmatched, that he was omnipotent, and everyone admired him. For him, it is no different from the tiny dust in the world.

All his vigor was used in this, wanting to compete with him, beside him, or even surpass him.

but now…

Wen Renye slowly moved his hand away, looked at Shuangbai's wrist and fingertips, and said in silence, "...It's all like this, and it's still so bearable."

His words stopped, and he didn't get a response, so he turned his eyes and looked at Jiang Zheliu.

The scroll in the other's hand stopped at the page that was opened halfway through, and never moved again. He changed his posture on the rattan chair, lay on his side and closed his eyes, his white hair was softly scattered on his shoulders, and his eyelashes were long and thin.

The light shone brightly, illuminating his smooth, slightly thin chin and pale skin.

For a moment, Wen Renye suddenly felt that even if he was vulnerable, it was a gift from the world to him.

Jiang Zheliu appeared in his eyes, which should have been extremely cherished. In the past, he was the master of Ling Xiaojian, the head of the Immortal Gate that made the world bow his head, cold as the blade of a sword, as cold as ice on a blade. But now, he can just hold the melted snow at will, loose and soft, but it won't stay in anyone's fingers.

Wen Renye watched for a while, then lowered his voice and asked, "Are you asleep?"

The other party did not move.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to take away half of the book he had seen, and carried him to the bed, but got a little resistance from the book.

Jiang Zheliu put the scroll in his arms and said in a low voice, "...I'll look at it later."

"Aren't you sleepy?" Wen Renye picked up his cloak and replaced the one on his body. The large blood-colored cloak can cover him from the shoulders, but it is much lighter than the quilt and will not make people uncomfortable.

Jiang Zheliu didn't answer immediately, but when the temperature under the cloak gradually warmed, he whispered softly, "...don't talk to me...I'm so tired."

With Wen Renye's cultivation base, he could naturally hear these words clearly. He sat next to Jiang Zheliu, watching the candles shaking, listening to the night wind passing through the window, and feeling the slow breathing sound of the other party when he fell asleep.

Everything was extremely quiet.

Wen Renye didn't know where his trust in him came from, or maybe he didn't trust him at all, he just... just didn't care about anything.

All missions have been completed, and his responsibility and meaning from childhood to adulthood ends here. In the past, Jiang Zheliu seemed to live for the Lingxiao faction and the world of self-cultivation. At this point... he can finally live for himself.

Therefore, he doesn't care about anything, and being able to sleep peacefully when he is tired is the most comfortable thing in the world.

Wen Renye sat aside and looked at him.

The candles were dimly lit, and the surroundings were quiet.

infinite tenderness.