My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 42


In the darkness, there was the faint sound of blood flowing.

Shi Binghen released the palm of his hand, and threw the crushed skull into the pile of flesh and blood, and then turned a little bit of bone powder, and the phosphorous fire was completely dyed and extinguished, leaving no trace at all.

He wiped his fingers, turned his head to look at the dizzy line of snow in the sky, stared for a moment, and then said to the other female demon beside him: "I will act with the Lord in the future, I can't defend the mountain, and the barrier has been arranged. Now, the rest is left to you."

The female demon beside him is about one meter seventy-five, tall and slender, with a high ponytail, wearing a white falcon mask diagonally on her head, named Gongyiyan, who is currently wiping the blood from the long knife in her palm. Responded: "Yeah."

The surnames of the demons are relatively rare in the cultivation world, but the common surnames in the cultivation world are very rare in the demon world. Gongyi is the surname of the devil world, and it is also one of the few families in the devil world that often produces female generals.

"A barrier can block any living creature." Shi Binghen said, "Even if you force a breakthrough like this group of people in front of you, you will definitely be aware of it before you alarm the queen, remember not to let them see Jiang Xian. Your Excellency, no matter how many people from the comprehension world come to seek help in the future, they must stop them as much as possible."

Gongyiyan's dark blue eyes glanced at him: "Well."

Shi Binghen couldn't talk to these dumb dumb people. After almost instructing him, he put his sword into the sheath, closed the blood wings, and completely returned to his human form.

He was still a little worried, but he didn't know exactly what he was worried about. He could only turn his head to look at Mount Zhongnan, and saw thin snow drifting between the peaks again.

In the second half of Mo Lanlang's night, snow fell all over his head. Shi Binghen pushed Xiaoxue off his shoulder. Before leaving, he suddenly stopped and said, "You said... Will Jiang Xianzun forgive me for waiting?"

Gongyiyan folded her arms and looked at him coldly: "No."

"Why not? The Four Immortal Sects he protected didn't bring him any benefit. For so many years, if it weren't for Jiang Xianzun, the old lord would have..."

"Neither will."

The female demon whose mask was tied by a silk rope retrieved the long knife, inserted it into the sheath, and then hung it behind her back with one hand.

She leaned on the pine wood and looked into the distance: "Even if it's a rotten dish, he made it with all his strength. If we want to lift the table, we'll grab it."

Shi Binghen made her so angry that she had nothing to say. After turning around in the same place for two times, her movements suddenly stopped, and she said, "...How long do you think he can...have?"

Gongyiyan's eyes turned to his face.

The two brave and fighting demons stared at each other for a long time, but did not speak.

The snow fell a little harder and covered the icy scabbard. The woman held the newly fallen snow on the scabbard, and the voice sounded softly.

"It won't last longer than this battle across the worlds."

Isn't that just hiding it for life

Shi Binghen took a breath and said, "We will end it as soon as possible..."

Gongyiyan looked at him and said, "A man at the age of you and your lord can easily become naive because his strength does not match the setbacks he has suffered."

She rubbed the scabbard: "The stupider the bird, the more stable it is after learning to fly. Because they will predict the worst outcome of everything... I guess the queen is such a bird that suffers so much, he won't think I can wait until this day, but I should... and I won't blame the Lord."

Neither blame nor forgiveness.

Shi Binghen didn't know why she said that, but suddenly she couldn't move.

"You keep the demons alive, you are heroes." Gongyiyan pulled the corners of her lips coldly, "Heroes always need a little flaw, for example, a prison and imprisonment that is isolated from both inside and outside."

Shi Binghen no longer felt that she was talking less, her tongue was as vicious as a knife, and she could accurately pick out every fragile and bleeding place and cut it with one stroke.

"Go." Gongyiyan stretched out her hand and pulled down the falcon mask on her head, covering half of her face, "I am the villain, what are you afraid of?"


Two days later, the little devil left Zhongnan Mountain. He seemed to have special things to do. He was very clingy when he left. He repeatedly confirmed with Jiang Ziliu if he liked him.

Jiang Xianzun said sweet words that he had never said in his life before coaxing Lord Mozun away. He looked at the snow outside through a layer of carved windows.

I'm afraid there is no time for spring in the mountains, it's been snowing all the time. Fortunately, the world is white and clean, and Jiang Zheliu still likes to watch it.

He held a hand stove covered with a layer of white rabbit soft velvet, and sat on his beloved little chair watching the snow. The wooden windows were opened, and some cold wind drifted in quietly, mixed with fine snowflakes.

The Ling Xiaojian by his knees stood beside him, silently hanging on the sword platform, like a silent guardian.

Jiang Zheliu looked at it for a long time, but didn't even see a bird, his eyes hurt, then he slowly retracted his gaze and glanced aside.

Sitting next to the young man from Xiaoyu's family, Xiaoyu calls him "little mute, little mute" every day, making it difficult for people to remember his name.

Wang Moxuan was ordered to play chess with Senior Jiang to relieve his boredom, but Wang Moxuan himself was a normal person due to the problems brought about by the cancellation of the same fate contract, and he could not speak. There are too few exchanges, only a few scattered words.

If it weren't for the two little demons, they would probably be able to suffocate people.

The scars on his body were almost healed. Only Wen Renye pressed his kiss before he left, but it still couldn't go away.

Jiang Zheliu has been bored in the house all the year round. He hasn't noticed anything strange on the mountain. He just put the Lingxiao Sword on his lap again, and rubbed the pattern on the scabbard with his fingertips.

The sound of the curtain moved slightly, and Ember went upstairs, ready to lead his little mute back, and then heard Jiang Ziliu say something low and indifferent.

"Ling Xiaojian is just placed here with me..."

With a thud in Ember Nian's heart, his footsteps slammed, obviously a bit out of line, he turned his head to look at Jiang Ziliu, and tried to speak as naturally as possible: "Maybe those people don't have the face to see you, oh, what do you want to do? This is not It's good, you didn't want to pay it back."

Jiang Zheliu raised his eyes to look at him, and noticed something was wrong from his reaction, but he didn't show it, but followed the other party's words: "They didn't do anything, how dare they not see me."

"Come on, don't look at them high." Ember Nian poured himself a cup of tea, feeling that the other party's taste gradually softened and the tea was not so bitter, "Is the Jade Soul Cultivation Pill still in use?"

Jiang Zheliu said: "Because of physical discomfort in the past few days, I have stopped for two days."

The four words of physical discomfort contain a lot of attention. It included the days when the heavenly spirit body was hot, and the days when the little devil couldn't get out of bed.

"Continue to use it, I haven't found any other elixir to replace the treasures of the demon world. The Jade Soul Cultivation Pill is the best. Although the place in the demon world is poor and earthy, it seems that it is particularly easy to find a panacea with delicious mountain and sea flavors. It's weird that you can't find it, baby."

After talking about this in Ember Year, he remembered that the third giant Xuantong gate under the demon world should be opened soon, and after thinking for a while, he laid the groundwork: "It's not easy to hear people respecting the Lord, in the environment of the demon world, the place where people can live is in a corner. So a little bit. He is still young and has to take on a family responsibility."

Jiang Zheliu looked at him thoughtfully, then narrowed his eyes, and asked calmly: "It turns out that you have a good personality, and you are still worried about the safety of the devil world, and you are no longer the medical sage who has the prerequisite for saving people. "

"That must be the heart of the doctor's parents." Yu Jinnian said casually, not really wanting to reveal more information in front of Senior Jiang, so he pulled up the little mute and went downstairs.

The bamboo curtain was lifted, bringing out the breeze that was mixed with snow.

Jiang Zheliu watched the other party leave, and put his fingertips on the ice sheath of Ling Xiaojian. His hands are very cold, which makes people with hot bodies very comfortable to hold, but the ice sheath is also cold, and the chill seeps out. When his fingers were in contact with this layer of ice for too long, the transparent pale fingers would turn red from the ice.

He curled his fingers and smiled in a self-deprecating manner, the smile was light and fleeting.

In any case, it was an irreversible joke that he wanted to use the sword he used to play now.

He put back the Lingxiao sword and took out the Jade Soul Cultivation Pill from the medicine box. Just at this moment, the little deer Achu ran up to deliver the medicine. He recently had a happy smile of "Finally knocked it down" on his face, and looked lively very.

Jiang Zheliu took the medicine bowl and took A Chu's hand.

Xiaolu's body suddenly froze, feeling that it was cold and icy holding his hand, but the breath on the other party's body was soft and sweet, wisps hooking his soul. He swallowed hard, and with great self-control put down the hoe waving at the wall, and whispered, "Brother."

"A-Chu." Jiang Zheliu looked at him and said, "When you and Chang Gan went out to collect herbs, and encountered other little monsters, pay attention to ask if anything happened in the past two days."

Ah Chu was stunned for a while, staring at each other with his eyes open, and almost got into his dark and cold eyes before he said, "...Hey, hey, good-looking... No, I see!"

He exposed the essence of his obsession with beauty and shook the antlers angrily.

Jiang Zheliu nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

He didn't think too much about it, at most he just thought that the little devil had driven back the person Ling Xiao sent to ask for the sword, or that he was motivated to kill according to his temperament...

Jiang Zheliu slowly tapped the bottle of the Jade Soul Cultivation Pill, and after a moment of calm and deep thinking, he had a severe headache in his mind, so he could only disconnect his thoughts and slowly let himself go.

The night was fleeting, and A Chu and Chang did not ask anything.

When the little deer and the little snake were talking, their expressions were a bit incredible. On the way, they didn't meet a little demon who could be questioned, as if all the demon clan were forced to make a living and disappeared.

When Jiang Ziliu heard this, he was scalded by the freshly poured tea.

In the past, he was immune to cold and heat, and he didn't have a deep sense of temperature. But after the cultivation base is completely useless, it is easy to forget the temperature difference and burn through the tea set.

The slender and slender finger pulps were all red, and the epidermis was too thin, the burns were obvious, and there was an endless pain.

He didn't speak, but was silent for a long time, looking out the window at the snow that had just stopped.

After a long while, A Chu heard his brother sigh.

"If you can't ask, then forget it." He said, "It's hard for you."

Jiang Zheliu lowered his head and curled his hot fingers into his sleeves, wondering what he was thinking.


What Jiang Xianzun was thinking, not only Achu and Chang Gan wanted to know, but also Gongyiyan, who was guarding the mountain.

There are not many demons left in the mountains. There are invisible barrier arrangements. They don't have to stay in one place. They just need to rush over when the barrier sends a message.

This formed a large-scale visiting group of the Queen of Demons.

Although they all know this arrangement, it is estimated that they cannot hide Jiang Ziliu, this Immortal Venerable may be more sensitive and smarter than all of them combined. But the demons still did not dare to go forward, and only looked at the pine wood building from a distant place.

There is a hot spring pool behind the small building, which was built by Lord Mozun, and its style is very consistent with that of the devil world. The Jade Soul Cultivation Pill melted into the spring water, and the breath gradually spread.

Gongyiyan sat on a tree, pressing her knees with one hand, carrying a long knife behind her back, looking through the layers of pine needles to the pool water not far away.

... a snow-white mass that slowly disperses in the water.

She took a breath and smelled a faint aroma of heavenly spirits in the air.

Really fragrant.

This fragrance transpired with the mist of the hot spring, making the brave and single-strand demon a little itchy. Gongyiyan wore a mask on her face and sat in a different position.

She is a little manic.

With the big demon's eyesight, you can clearly see the neatly folded clothes placed by the queen beside the queen, and the half-demon snake accompanying the queen, sleeping soundlessly there.

There are two shirts, the outside is light milky white, and the inside is pinched with gold thread. The texture is good.

With Gongyiyan here, no other demons approached. They are very familiar with the force value of the eldest sister's head, and know that she is the most ruthless general under the lord's command, and it hurts more than Shi Binghen.

Her gaze stopped on the golden thread inside, and then she looked at the figure lying by the pool. The thin coat was soaked in warm water, and the lines on the back were covered with mist, so it was not very clear to see.

Her hair was snow-white, soaked in water, and slowly spread and fluttered with the waves.

Gongyiyan stared at it for a while, and looked away from her hair in the fluttering water. The original plan was suddenly overturned, and she didn't know how to explain it to the Queen of Demons when she couldn't hide it.

He doesn't look like... he doesn't look like he can pull back the veterans of the Demon World one by one.

Not so fierce, it seems to be very fragile, but his former prestige has indeed confirmed that he was indeed so strong.

In fact, none of the new generals in the Demon Realm have played against Jiang Xianzun.

She looked at each other for a long time, not knowing whether the queen was asleep or not. Until she found that the other person's fingers resting on the edge of the pool had a red and scalded ring on the pulp. Gongyiyan stared at it for a while, but still jumped down from the pine wood.

It landed silently, like some kind of swift feline.

The masked witch walked to the hot spring pool without making any sound. Her eyes slid over the edge of Jiang Xianzun's wet hair, paused on the side cheeks for a while, then glanced at the sworn hickey on the other's fair neck, and then squatted down and touched him lightly. .

The water in the hot spring pool is very hot, but it is often only after the snow has stopped. The surrounding snow had already dried up, and a cluster of stubborn orchid buds appeared beside the crystal stone pool.

The night wind picked up.

When Jiang Ziliu opened his eyes, the effect of the Jade Soul Cultivation Pill was fully exerted. He glanced at the slight scald that was covered with medicine and bandaged with exquisite techniques, and he didn't know what to say about this group of people.

There should be more than one demon left in Zhongnan Mountain.

As soon as he woke up, Chang Gan, who was steaming hot from the hot spring next to him, also woke up. He immediately stood up alertly, stretched out his hand to help Jiang Ziliu up, and then consciously and dutifully put a heavy cloak on him. After drying his clothes, he stuffed the prepared small hand stove into him. When he pulled his hand, he realized, "? What is this, brother, is your hand hurt?"

"A girl passed by." Jiang Zheliu said concisely, "Respect the old and love the young."

Chang Gan nodded as if he didn't understand, then suddenly froze for a moment, and asked according to his long-term experience: "... I'm not here to eat swan meat... Ouch—"

He covered the forehead that Jiang Ziliu had knocked on his head, looked at him aggrievedly, saw Jiang Ziliu withdrew his hand, and said plainly: "I am here under orders, how can I guard myself against theft."

His words stopped, but his heart was not here, but a small hand stove tapped on and off in his palm, and his thoughts gradually expanded.

… so eagerly awaited.

Little devil, what are you doing