My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 49


In the first year after Xiao Liushu fell asleep, the war spread as promised, but the leader of this war came back every night, sleeping with him, holding him to talk, everything was as usual, as if he was seriously ill and stayed. Just rest and recover beside Wen Renye.

No one dared to tell the truth, the devil world and even the whole world, are accompanying the devil in this "he didn't leave me" play.

Those who dared to speak out, all died.

There was a lot of discussion in the comprehension world, thinking that Wen Renye's behavior was an insult to Immortal Venerable, but they had nothing to do.

The third year after Xiao Liushu fell asleep, Chang Gan returned to Jingshan Temple from the Demon Realm and saw his uncle and his immortal brother again. He was completely powerless, but he couldn't even utter impulsive words.

Later, Chang Gan did not stay in Jingshan Temple to take care of his brother, but entered the army of the demons and learned battle and strategy from Shi Binghen, which activated his half-demon bloodline that he had been hiding for many years, prompting him to be strong and powerful. Horrible demon body.

A Chu has not come back, he dare not look.

In the fifth year he fell asleep, Lord Mozun's mental condition seemed to be getting worse and worse, but this battle in the Netherworld had made a breakthrough. After the ink knife slashed the Styx River, the function of the Styx River to block the breath was cut off. After years of searching, Lanruo Temple finally found the trace of Mingjing through the Buddhist lamp.

Gongyiyan agreed on his behalf, because when the envoy from Lanruo Temple came, the lord was with Jiang Xianzun and could not hear any words.

It was a world that belonged to them alone. Wen Renye could even talk to Jiang Xianzun naturally, although it was only his voice.

The hallucinations in his mind are getting more and more serious, and there are signs of going crazy. Demons are just races, and the word "going into the devil" refers to his unstable state of mind.

Regardless of race, this is fatal to every practitioner.

But they were helpless.

In the tenth year that Jiang Zheliu fell asleep, he finally began to realize that the other party had slept too long.

Correspondingly, his mental problems have been serious for too long. He still didn't think of the idea of "he may be dead", but felt that the other party ignored him. Did he make his lover angry

Not only Wen Renye's brain is not normal, but Yu Jinnian and He Tan's brains are about to be forced to be abnormal.

During the 3,500th meeting between the Doctor Sage and the puppet master, the two looked at each other with grief on their faces.

"What are you doing with a sad face?" He Tan said weakly, "Wang Wenyuan's whereabouts have been exposed, and sooner or later he will be caught by the demons. Your little mute recovery is just around the corner, be happy, don't worry so much."

Ember Nian was not even interested in arguing with him, he slumped on the rattan chair and looked up at the sky, but only saw the dark dome of the Demon Realm Hall, he stayed for a while, and said with a sullen face: "That's right, why are you unhappy? "

"What am I happy about?" He Tan stretched out his short legs, "I'm a ghost repairer, I don't need to sleep, but I won't force me to take a knife to see a doctor in the middle of the night. I'm not a healer?"

He asked suspiciously.

"And the Netherworld has fought with Demon Venerable, but I'm trapped here!" He slapped the chair angrily and collapsed again, "... But it's great not to have to fight."

"I do cure diseases, but a clever woman can't cook without rice. This is not a disease, this person has..."

His words were stuck in his throat and he didn't say it.

Chinese medicine and Western medicine shared a sigh of relief.

In the year of embers, I don't know what flavor of sugar water to open today.

Just as the two of them were speechless, the door was politely knocked twice, and then pushed open. Shi Binghen came in from outside and took away today's new prescription.

The red-clothed devil's expression is even more numb than the two of them, and it has become a routine. Until his footsteps were stopped by He Tan.

He Tan's face showed a gossip expression, and his eyes were sparkling: "General Shi, is Lord Wenren's condition any better? What do the new rumors in the world of self-cultivation say..."

Shi Binghen's expression couldn't hold back anymore, he turned his head to look at him, and said, "It should be better."

Means not very good.

"As for the realm of self-cultivation," the great demon frowned, "it's all just slandering our Lord."

You can't blame others for slandering, they really did honor the Lord... It's really hard to believe.

Who would have thought that Wen Renye could really maintain this illusion in his mind, and it lasted for ten years. I don't know how many words I've spoken to the sleeping person.

But in fact, everyone present knew that all the responses Wen Renye got were from hallucinations. If this continued, his temperament would change drastically, or he would go crazy.

"Only if Jiang Xianzun is there, the Lord will not collapse." Shi Binghen said, "The collapse of a half-step Jinxian demon is terrible for the world."

After he finished speaking, he left. Bringing the prescription into the Jingshan Temple.

At this moment, the war has subsided a little. As a confidant and general of the Honored Lord, in this case, he is often inseparable from left and right, serving in the front, and will not leave Wen Renye for too long.

Because of this, Shi Binghen saw far more scenes than others.

The red-clothed demon handed the prescription to the boy who was decocting the medicine, then took off his saber and handed the robe and cape to the person waiting at the door, then stepped into the hall and looked behind the screen.

The light is shadowy, and the candles and natural light intersect to outline the figure inside.

He heard Wen Renye's low voice, but his tone was light and careful.

"Can you take care of me?"

He raised his hand and seemed to be holding Jiang Xianzun's fingers. Across a layer of translucent screen, the picture was hazy and indistinguishable.

"I'll come back earlier next time, I won't let you wait so long..."

Shi Binghen closed his eyes, exhaled heavily, and then stopped outside the screen to report the battle to Wen Renye.

The troubles in their lord's mind have not yet affected other matters, and they can quietly listen to him talk about business, and hear the mention of the place occupied and the current casualties.

In fact, enough is enough. The demons have to continue to survive, and the resources they have obtained are enough for them to develop and develop, but Wen Renye refuses to stop in front of the netherworld. The river has a natural hostility.

The source of this hostility was the battle that shattered the Great Chain.

When the business was finished, Shi Binghen should have left, but he waited in the same place for a long time without moving.

He stared at the back of the Lord, watching him pick up the lifeless body - even though Jiang Xianzun was beautiful and delicate at all times, as beautiful as carved out of cold jade.

In the gap of the screen, he saw that the well-knotted palm of the Lord did not pass the snowy hair of Xianzun, so he leaned in his arms, gathered his hair, and put on the hosta.

On the other hand, Jiang Zheliu was lying in his arms obediently, leaning on his shoulders, and the fingers on Wen Renye's jet-black shirt were frost-white and transparent, and the fingertips were slightly red, as if he was sleepy in his arms.

The lantern is still burning, and the remnant of the soul revolves around the wick.

Shi Binghen felt a chill in his heart, as if a piece of ice had formed, and slowly withdrew from the Jingshan Temple.


Thirty years later.

Wang Wenyuan, who has been planning all his life, was in the underworld when he was discovered. Between the countless chains in He Zuoxian's hands. He seemed to have been told something nerve-wracking, and it didn't seem very normal.

But it doesn't matter, the demons don't need a normal enemy. The former Tianji Pavilion Master was locked in the water prison in the secret room below the Jingshan Temple.

Mingjing was taken back to Lanruo Temple, but it was not because He Zuxian was forced to send it out under pressure, but he took the initiative to send the little monk away.

Later, he told Wen Renye about Zhu Wuxin, told the other party that he had found Jiang Ziliu, and told Wen Renye that his lover had been dead for many years.

He succeeded in provoking the other party.

The furious Demon Venerable is irrational. His great chain of seclusion was cut off and he was freed. But at the same time, He Suxi was also pierced by the bright red blood blade that specialized in cutting souls, and among the thousands of dead souls at the bottom of the Styx River, more than half of the souls were cut off.

Wen Renye is also a slaughtering Taoist species, and he will never die if he uses his hands. The hand he held the blood knife was bleeding and cracking, and the bone armor and long wings on his body were also cracking and cracking, and violent demonic energy flowed out.

He Suo seemed to be nailed to the bottom of the river, his body was full of ghost energy, two half-step golden immortals were stalemate in the river, and the murderous intentions attacked one after another.

The black-haired ghost Xiu raised his head and coughed heavily. His soul was pierced by the knife, and the pain was unbearable, but when he looked at Wen Renye, he felt that the other party was even more pathetic than himself.

"You look like this now." He grinned, "I can't get along."

Wen Ren Ye Zi looked at him with heavy eyes, half of his face ossified, covering his face like a bone mask. The purple eyes embedded in the eye sockets have gradually ignited into a faint flame, indicating the state of the demon body.

His slaughtering state is powerful, terrifying, and ferocious, full of the tyranny of predators, but at the same time, his irritable spirit is suffering, no less than what it seems at this moment.

"He is not dead." Wen Renye said.

He Zu seemed to be choked by the ghost energy he dissipated, laughed a few times, and said, "You killed me in this state, how long can you live by yourself?"

His mind that was rapidly assimilated by the slaughtering Taoist species would make him usher in a calamity of inquiries faster than Wen Renjian.

"He's not dead." The other party repeated stubbornly, as if to make He Suxiang admit it.

But He Su Xian would not admit it. He held the blood saber, and half of his palm was cut off by the Soul Chopping Knife, but he still tried his best to pull out the blade, rolled to the side and gasped for breath.

His primordial spirit was almost shattered by this demon descendant.

Wen Renye was bleeding all over his body, from between his skin and from his open wings.

His purple eyes glowed with blood, and the fireworks flying between the white-boned masks swayed a trail of light at the bottom of the Styx. As long as he moved, the bone armor, barbs, and almost shattered demon body on his body would make a sound similar to metal shattering.

Half a catty to eight taels. Wenrenye is a little better.

He Susu was paralyzed on the ground, retching and laughing, and his brain became abnormal. He glanced at the top of the Styx and said, "I finally understand what the real catastrophe Wang Wenyuan is talking about."

The two present were not mentally normal, and he also mentioned another neurosis.

He tilted his head, thinking about his own fate, and had to compromise: "He is not dead."

The blood knife in Wen Renye's hand was stuck on the ground. He stared at the black-haired Ghost Xiu intently, as if he would explode in the next moment, directly smashing the other party's primordial spirit.

Injure one thousand enemies, and self-inflict eight hundred. Right now, there is no reason in this demon's mind, and it cannot be provoked.

"He just fell asleep." He Suosi dissipated his ghostly body into mist and entered a long restorative sleep. "I hope you are not too crazy to communicate when he wakes up."

The ghosts are scattered, like a fog.

Wen Renye held the blood knife with one hand, wondering why he didn't kill him.

Perhaps it was because of the indiscriminate warnings that his body fed back to his mind. Or maybe it was the unknown result of his actions... But more importantly, he could no longer be seriously injured, he had to go back to guard Xiao Liushu, he wanted to protect the other party.

Wen Renye slowly retracted his bone wings, he stretched out his hand, his palm was full of blood, but he didn't care, but blankly covered the ossified half of his face and the purple fireworks embedded in the bones.

This time the demon body has been maintained for too long, and it will take a while for him to change back into a human form.

The demon body is too ugly, he can't let his lover see it.

The other party had already... ignored him.

Wen Renye's hand was attached to the cold bones, and he got approval and confirmation from the words of He Suxiang.

Little Willow just fell asleep.

He'll... still wake up, and forgive him.

Although Wen Renye didn't know what he did wrong.


Soon afterward, everyone from all walks of life knew what the "real catastrophe" was.

Wen Renye went completely crazy.

He destroyed the contract and bloodbathed all walks of life. Except for the human world, which had no resistance, all the other rebels died under the blood of Demon Venerable. The power of his thunder is far from the previous boiled frog in warm water, expanding the war at an unpredictable speed, and there are countless dead souls under the knife.

In just a few short decades, he was regarded as the co-owner of the six realms, and even the isolated Void Realm had a great witch to negotiate, handed over a letter of surrender, and asked the Demon Venerable's iron cavalry not to set foot on a peaceful land.

What seems to be scattered and sleeping, Qinglin retreated, and the challengers of the cultivation world fell on the road one after another, blood floating in the pestle.

In the whole world, there is only one venerable lord.

Now there is no more gossip, Jiang Zheliu's name is like a taboo, it's all wrong to mention it. No one said it, nor dared to tell the truth, only the faint light of the dim light still remained, and he did not pay attention to everything.

Even the great demons who fought side by side with Wen Renye did not dare to touch this scale. They respected the Lord and indeed fulfilled the expectations of the devil world, and also achieved achievements that others could only hope to achieve. But the Lord is still worrying.

His mental state was up and down. When it's good, I just give medicine to the queen, bathe him and change clothes, and carry him to Zhongnan Mountain to see the plum blossoms.

All the time when the queen can be contained is fine.

When it's bad, he will lose his mind with the body of the slaughtering Taoist. When it is the most serious, the slaughter aura is uncontrollable, injuring Shi Binghen and Gongyiyan, destroying the Jingshan Temple and a large number of demon generals. In the end, it was because the door of the palace collapsed and the clothes of the Queen of Demons were soiled, so they stopped.

Shi Binghen vomited blood while clutching his shattered internal organs, and looked at Gong Yiyan, who was no less injured than him, and watched as the Lord retracted his knife and turned back to change Jiang Xianzun's clothes.

He drained all his strength and collapsed to the ground. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. After a while, he wiped the corners of his lips and sighed, "I didn't expect that at this time, Jiang Xianzun would save our lives."

Gongyiyan was also in the state of a demon body, her scales and horns growing diagonally upward from behind her ears were aching, half of her arms were already feathered, and her brows twitched.

"You should study the sealing technique again."

Shi Binghen's mouth was full of blood, the blood wings behind him were retracted, he took a breath, and said, "Seal your own venerable lord, there is no subordinate in the world that is more bitter than the two of us. Even if I really figure out how to seal it Honoring the Lord's emotions, who can move it?"

Can't move. There is only one person who can hear people's bodies at night, and it is still a dead person.

Gongyiyan swung her arm, and her hands full of steel-like wings turned back together, returning to her humanoid state.

"There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain."

"Come on." Shi Binghen was devastated, "We couldn't stop if there was a road, so let the boss send us away."

The two great demons maintained the peace of the demon world with joy, studied the emotional sealing technique, and made preparations with both hands until the Zen master Mingjing came to visit.

Those who can survive the current state of the demon world are all true warriors who dare to face the bleak life.

Mingjing was not hindered in any way, or in other words, he was no threat to the Demon Race.

The little monk was dressed in white monk robes and wore a hat. The edge of the hat was surrounded by a long gauze, the gauze was like fog.

The Zen master stood next to the Jingshan Temple, waiting for Shi Binghen's report to complete before stepping into the temple and looking behind the screen.

He saw the burning lantern at a glance.

Mingjing took a few steps closer, and saw Demon Zun with black hair in a black robe, sitting on the seat beside the bed, his eyes stayed on the bed, and he didn't look here.

This demon is clearly bloody, but doesn't have any bloody aura, as if he is afraid of being hated.

The Zen master went all the way to the lamp before he caught Wen Renye's attention.

The monk stood in front of the lamp and took out the Buddhist lottery of the year in duplicate from his sleeve. He gave Jiang Xianzun a copy and kept one for himself.

The last two sentences of the Buddha's signature are: "Long candles chase after the twilight, and the body dreams of two former alliances."

Although Candlelight has pursued countless days and nights, it cannot find the former alliance between the two.

Mingjing rubbed the Buddha lottery in his hand, and after thinking for a long time, he put the Buddha lottery on top of the lantern and burned it.

Ashes fell rustling.

"Has Xianzun promised you anything before?"

Wen Renye is still normal at present, his purple eyes are gloomy, like a pool of stagnant water with slight ripples.

After a long while, the Zen master heard the other party's hoarse voice.

"I asked him if he would not abandon me or leave me." Wen Renye paused, "He agreed."

After Lord Mozun said these words, he remembered the identity of the person in front of him in his mind, but it was not a day or two that his brain was not good, and he only remembered it now, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Mingjing sighed and said, "He promised you that he should come back."

But in fact, Jiang Zheliu couldn't hear it in his left ear at that time, and the words he promised were illusory.

The Zen master stared at the lantern with only two remnants of the soul, and said in a low voice, "That is a useless oath. Venerable Lord Wenren, did the senior say anything else?"

Wen Renye looked at the lantern out of focus, and then slowly looked back on the bed, and saw that a finger was exposed from the quilt, frosty white and slender, with a soft feeling.

He felt in a trance that Xiao Liushu lifted the quilt again, but this was an illusion.

The other party didn't move at all.

Zheliu ignored him. But he didn't know what he did wrong, and he didn't know why. In his limited and awake moments, he kept thinking about it over and over again, and he was constantly questioning himself.

Later, he felt that he had done everything wrong, that he should not start a war, should not leave the other party, and should not make him wait so long... Zheliu was so angry this time that he couldn't coax him no matter what.

Wen Renye stretched out his arm and put his exposed fingers back into the quilt. The fingertips brushed his cold eyelashes and pressed against his smooth curved cheeks.

He really wanted to kiss each other, but he was afraid that Xiao Liushu would not be happy.

After a long, long time, Mingjing felt that he couldn't wait for another answer, and just as he was leaving, he heard Wenrenye's low and inaudible voice.

"He said he would accompany me."

Mingjing turned his head and looked at the ashes of the Buddha's sign in the lantern, and saw the ashes disappear in the lamp, and the causal deduction of Buddhist practice flowed into the flame, urging the wick to light up.

The soul that returned to heaven and earth seemed to be awakened by a promise.

The remnants of the stars appeared from the invisible and flowed into the lantern.

The Zen master finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know if it was for Senior Jiang or for the common people.

Because of the turmoil in the world, the elders of Lanruo Temple ordered him not to leave, so he couldn't come in time. I only found this method at this time, I don't know if it's too late.

The Mole of Bodhi between the bright and clean eyebrows was illuminated by the afterglow of the lantern. He no longer stayed, nor gave any hint, and left Jingshan Hall quietly and silently. Before leaving, he also received Shi Binghen and Gongyiyan's admiration for him to be alive, and was given a gift of friendship from the demon world.

for example-

A pair of beautiful skulls.

Kindness is difficult. The little monk returned to the temple with a pair of beautiful skulls, the more he thought about it, the less that was the case.

After living for two lifetimes, I look like an evil monk for the first time.