My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 56


Even the cubs in the demon world are cruel.

The chubby cub is like a ball, but it can actually stretch out small wings and small claws.

The cub who came over was picked up by the little devil for education, and then thrown away like a ball. Jiang Zheliu silently watched the "egg" bounce a few times on the ground and rolled away reluctantly.

"Blue Gourd Sword Fairy"

What a troublesome species.

Before the egg completely disappeared in front of his eyes, Jiang Zheliu was firmly held by the little devil and pulled him back to Jingshan Temple.

Wen Renye was very unhappy. He became flustered and anxious when Jiang Ziliu expressed the idea of leaving the demon world. He was clearly in a safe environment and state, and he also felt that his prototype was just around the corner, his fangs were itchy, and even his eyes were a little burning. Burning hot.

This is beyond his control, and it is difficult to restrain himself in a short period of time. While he was unhappy, he was afraid that Xiao Liushu would be worried, so he didn't say anything and didn't plan to stay tonight.

Although Wen Renye's mental state is unstable, his attitude towards Jiang Zheliu has always been on a level line - treating him as a fragile item that needs to be carefully preserved.

Wen Renye slowly let go of his hand until he reached the Jingshan Temple, checked whether the other party had been pinched by himself, and after confirming that it was all right, he pressed his shoulders and let the other party sit down, and then gave him to him without saying a word. Taking off the coat and the brocade boots, inexplicably exudes the breath of a good wife and mother.

Since Jiang Ziliu woke up, although the two sides were deeply in love and testified to each other, there was always friction on this kind of thing. In just a few days, it was the third time to feel sullen.

Love is really hard to talk about. Jiang Xianzun, who only met his first love when he was over a thousand years old, sighed softly and held the other's hand.

Wen Renye's back of his hand was held down by him. He stared at the other party's slender fingers and round and transparent nails, but he still didn't speak.

This hand is not as pale as it used to be, but it is still cold. This is Jiang Ziliu's own physical problem. The touch was cold on the back of Wen Renye's hand, with little strength, but it was able to suppress him.

Always rely on me to like him, do some things that make me sad. Wen Renye stared at his fingers and thought silently.

"Why is the little devil unhappy?" Jiang Zheliu raised his hand and pulled his cheek, "Come on, let me coax him."

Mature men naturally do not care about young lovers because of differences of opinion. He sometimes thinks that the other person's sulking appearance is cute, but he can't let it go no matter how cute he is. In the past, he could wait for him to heal himself, but now he estimates that he can't heal himself. Compensate him for such a lovely Taoist companion

He is the only one in the world who thinks Mozun is cute.

Jiang Zheliu has experienced a lot, even if there are some small emotional ups and downs, he calms down in a blink of an eye, and will not be affected by his behavior at all.

Wen Renye looked at his eyes, his eyes sank into the other's dark pupils, and after a while he said, "Don't leave the devil world, okay?"

The smile on Jiang Zheliu's lips paused for a while, but instead of answering immediately, he leaned closer to him, stared at him and said, "You think me too vulnerable."

"No." Wen Renye stubbornly said, "You are already in poor health, Zhe Liu, you must have a correct understanding of your illness."

Jiang Zheliu's rebuilding progress is only 1%. If not, he should beat him with the Lingxiao sword now, and maybe he will wake up the little devil's head at once.

"It's because you don't know enough about my situation." Jiang Zheliu said calmly, "I'm really much better, and I can share a lot of things for you."

These words of the car wheel and reel have been said back and forth many times, and the two of them have their own words, and no one can listen to them.

This may be the collision caused by the strong personalities of each other, but because both sides like each other, the damage caused by this collision is minimized.

Wen Renye didn't speak, and he trusted his own judgment even more.

It's just that his judgment is based on eighty years of hallucinations and self-deception, and he can only be convinced by himself.

The little devil lowered his head, still holding the opponent's fingers in his hand, and after a while he said, "Go to sleep, I'll go to the Xuantong giant gate to check if there are any other abnormalities."

He stood up and wanted to go, but unfortunately he couldn't. He was held by the other's fingers softly and didn't exert much force, but he couldn't shake it, and he was reluctant.

"Sleep?" Jiang Zheliu asked him, "I'm only allowed to be awake for four hours a day."

Wen Renye looked at him in confusion, and seemed to think that four hours was already very extraordinary. He even felt that the other party was consuming too much energy, which would affect the recovery of the body.

There is a kind of sleepiness that the little devil thinks he is sleepy.

"How can I prove it to you?" Jiang Ziliu said patiently, "Can you believe that I'm not that vulnerable?"

Wen Renye looked at him hesitantly, as if he couldn't think of a solution. At the moment when the two looked at each other, the dark purple left eye suddenly deepened in color, and then suddenly turned into a purple magic flame. .

The flames wafted out a distinct trace.

This is a characteristic of the royal family, and it doesn't hurt, but it shows that Wen Renye's ability to control himself is declining.

Jiang Zheliu's brows twitched, and he clenched the opponent's hand suddenly, and then slowly released it when his emotions gradually eased: "... how do you feel?"

Wen Renye realized that his left eye had turned into flames only when he noticed the change in the other party's sight. He raised his hand to cover his eyes, and the magic flame was burning from between his fingers, and it seemed that there was no temperature.

"… no feeling."

No feeling is scary.

Jiang Zheliu was silent for a while, then said: "According to the experience of the human race monks, in your situation, you can either untie the knot, or use the pure heart-like Taoism to forcibly maintain stability... I don't know if the solution is different for the demon race. , but I know it can't go on like this."

He held Wen Renye's wrist, pulled his hand away, and watched the changing depths of the flying demon flames.

"Jingshan Temple is not trapping me, in essence, he is trapping yourself."

Jiang Zheliu sighed and said slowly, "The freedom and trust you gave me is also relaxing the tension and oppression in your heart. Wen Renye, can you believe me, I'm really not that delicate anymore."

His thoughts are still difficult to change, even if Jiang Ziliu's words can shake him for a while, but it cannot remove the other's deep-rooted thoughts.

The little devil's eyes can't recover quickly, but they can recover slowly. Wen Renye restrained the flying demon flames, then looked at the other party, and said, "I believe you are slowly getting better... But I'll leave first, and I'll come to accompany you when the demon form is pressed back."

Not even Xiao Liushu's soft bed could stop him from leaving.

Too bad, it's like the newlyweds reunited after a long absence, and they were forced to sleep in separate rooms. It was indescribably miserable.

Jiang Zheliu also found it very difficult to describe his mood at the moment, but his temper came up and he didn't want to let such an unstable Demon Venerable go out. He clenched the opponent's hand tightly, but didn't let it go, then pulled him onto the bed, and said in a serious tone, "Don't go."

Good guy, looks like he's going to take it by force.

He rarely has such a serious tone. Wen Renye was stunned for a moment, and then the fragrant and soft little willow tree rushed into his arms.

What a treat!

All the great demons in the demon world may have dreamed of this scene in their dreams. Bai Yueguang, cinnabar mole, the lover in the dream, Jiang Xianzun, who can block millions of teachers with one sword, jumped into his arms without any defense and full of nostalgia. .

Ah... It's cool to think about it, it can simply stimulate the original desire of the demons to be strong and beautiful.

Wen Renye was a little stunned.

It was the first time he was treated so well. He was pushed down by Xiao Liushu's shoulders, and the other side's frosty long hair slipped past his ears.

The celestial spirit body exudes a light and soft breath, accompanied by the cold plum fragrance on Jiang Zheliu's body, hooking people to think of some messy things.

The other's long hair fell softly, touching his cheek inadvertently. Wen Renye raised his eyes and looked at Shangjiang Zheliu.

Xiao Liushu was a little angry, slightly annoyed, and his gaze was not unusually calm and soft, but brought out some emotions that could not be rejected.

After all, he used to be one of the best in the realm of self-cultivation. No matter how gentle he was, he still had a strong character in his bones.

"You give me a chance." Jiang Zheliu said, "I will prove it to you."

Prove... Prove what

Wen Renye's brain was a little short-circuited, and it took a long while to realize that the other party wanted to prove that he was recovering well. But at the moment, his eyes were completely attracted by Xiao Liushu's red eyes, and he couldn't look away.

His skin is very thin, originally white, and it is easy to see if he has a little mood swings. When he is angry, his state is not the same as when he is crying. He is more energetic than when he is crying, showing fresh vitality.

But she's actually pretty when she's crying, she's so squeamish, she hums softly wherever she touches it, so it's very touching.

Wen Renye's mind started to get out of control. His reason tried desperately to pull back, but he didn't hold back. He stared at the other party and refused, "I don't want to prove it to you..."

The word order of these words is a bit chaotic, and it is obvious that they want to refuse but they are attracted away. Jiang Zheliu frowned, raised his hand to hold his face, and said helplessly: "You... can we discuss with our brain and mouth before we speak?"

Wen Renye reacted sluggishly, and just as he was about to refuse again, he was kissed by Xiao Liushu in his arms.

... !

It's over, I forgot what to say.

Lord Mozun was a little stunned by the kiss. He suddenly felt that it was okay for his lover to be fierce and strong. This was too happy.

His lips were cold and soft, and when they touched it, they were still emotional, and he clenched his teeth and bit him. But the force was too light, it felt like seduction, slowly rubbing the lips.

Jiang Zheliu took the initiative to kiss him not many times, and even less so seriously this time. Wen Renye couldn't hold back, he wanted to take back the dominance from the other party, and then he licked it.

… the tip of the tongue is so soft.

Wet, very soft, a little tentative and unfamiliar.

If the little devil has a status bar that indicates happiness, then this bar must be full at this moment.

What kind of treatment is this, fairy treatment.

Wen Renye was licked by the other party's soft tongue, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He embraced the little willow tree that threw himself into his arms, held down the object he had thrown into the net, and stroked his thin shoulders and back with his palms. He lifted his head and kissed back.

What quarrels, disagreements, sulking, and self-control, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the person he likes is in his arms, and he kisses him and licks him.

Can't stand it, who can stand it.

Jiang Zheliu had just overwhelmed him, and was going to take some measures to make the little devil realize how powerful he was. Just as things had just started, he was pressed into his arms and kissed by the other party, fierce and unbearable, making him breathless.

He obviously couldn't play his best.

Jiang Zheliu was bitten by the other's sharp teeth, which made his lips red and swollen every time. He stepped back in embarrassment and sat on the waist of the little devil, avoiding the slightly painful kiss of the other party.

The corners of his eyes were redder, not just angry.

Jiang Zheliu raised his hand and touched the place where he was bitten. The exclusive willful attack again, stared at him and said, "You are not allowed to bite me."

affect his performance.

It was obvious that he rushed over first, and he was also the one who leaned over to kiss first, but the other party just said this with confidence.

Wen Renye had no choice, he put this person on the top of his heart, and naturally only nodded and agreed to a result.

But both of them ignored a very serious problem - Wen Renye's state at the moment was unstable, and sometimes he could hardly control the changes in his form.

This is a relatively dangerous state. The little devil's human form and half-demon body are fairly easy to deal with and won't damage people. Even if he has some demonic characteristics, it's not particularly scary, but if he suddenly becomes a prototype when he is inside... that What, I really can't get out of bed for three days.

Because three days is enough to pull it out.

Life's longing for reproduction is very strong.

Jiang Zheliu felt that he was very good, and he didn't think about it. He sat on the waist of the little devil, and the other's abdominal muscles were firm and not very comfortable, but fortunately, the proportions and lines of the body were very good, at least pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Xianzun took off his clothes forcefully and without refusal.

He had to wake up the little devil this time, let him know that he was very good, and he no longer had to hold it like a glass bottle in his hand. It's just that he thought about it, only this method is the easiest to make the other party obedient and let the other party experience it for himself.

Hopefully it won't have the opposite effect this time.

Jiang Zheliu pressed down his thoughts, put the clothes he took off to one side, and put his palms on the other's bare chest, then his fingers paused, and stopped on a sword wound in his heart.

The Demon Race has a strong recovery ability, and Wen Renye only has this wound on his body.

It seems that this sword injury is very old, and it can be recovered according to the ability of the demons. Since it is left, it means that the little devil himself does not want to recover.

Even after many years, Jiang Zheliu can still see the scars caused by Ling Xiaojian at a glance. This wound contained the breath of Ling Xiaojian, which broke open the flesh, stabbed into the chest cavity, and almost penetrated into the heart.

This depth is hard to predict, Jiang Zheliu didn't know if it really hurt his heart.

Wen Renye became more and more nervous.

He watched the other party's cold fingers brush the scar on his heart, and there was a sense of tension that not only succeeded in chasing stars, but also turned him into his own Taoist companion. He waited for a few breaths, then whispered, "... what's wrong?"

"Just because of this?" Jiang Zheliu rubbed the scars on his body.

"Not all of them." Wen Renye looked at him and said, "I have been delusional for many years. Before I saw you again, I just felt that I wanted revenge and a showdown."

Jiang Zheliu smiled: "A showdown?"

Wen Renye was inexplicably nervous, his Adam's apple rolled, and he replied, "Yes."

"There will be such a day." Jiang Zheliu said, "I'll give you a chance to defeat me, in an upright manner."

On the contrary, the little devil was very nervous and held his hand: "I don't even think about this, I just want you to stay with me and don't let anything happen..."

Jiang Zheliu pulled out his hand, lowered his head calmly and unfastened his belt, and said, "You can think about it, it doesn't matter. I also look forward to the day when I will fight with you, Lord Mozun?"

Wen Renye's throat tightened when he was called by these four words, and he felt that his beast's energy came up. He really wants to do something non-human...

Jiang Zheliu lowered his head, Momo looked at him calmly, with a hint of challenge in his eyes.

"Now," he chuckled softly, "are we going to have a fight in this matter?"


It's hard to describe what happened that night.

Chang Gan guarded for three days in a row. On the first night, he showed an expression of "as expected" outside the Jingshan Temple. He took off the scabbard and leaned it to the side, ready to listen to his uncle and brother fight until dawn.

Later, the demonic energy in Jingshan Temple got out of control.

Demonic energy from all directions was circling around the main hall, and the light and long fragrance of the heavenly spirit body slowly emerged from it. The two are intertwined, incompatible with each other.

Chang Gan felt that the two of them might have reached the most critical moment.

However, no matter how well Jiang Zheliu recovered, he would still lose to the demons' physique and the opponent's cultivation bonus. By the next morning, Chang Gan could only vaguely feel the intermittent sobbing inside. He lowered his head and looked at the open space in front of him. After thinking about it, he bullied our immortal elder brother. The little uncle was too much.

But by the time the next day noon had finished crying, Chang Gan couldn't sit still.

... this, this is not right.

Animals can't be like this, right? What should I do if I really mess up people

Chang Gan was still young, guarding the front door of the palace in a dilemma. It wasn't until he met the ginseng doll who came to deliver the medicine that he grabbed the Daotong and found the ember year.

Ruijinian didn't dare to enter when he heard the sound, but he knew that Wen Renye's mind was not working right now. His Excellency Medical Sage was heartbroken, and handed over the bottles of medicine and the jade bottle elixir to replenish physical strength to Daotong, and let the ginseng doll sneak into it.

With the help of Comrade Xiaoyu, Chang Ganzhen listened to the corner for three days. When Shi Binghen came to report the matter, he found that the other party's expression was very indescribable.

The red-clothed demon was held back by Chang Gan. He looked at the entrance of Jingshan Hall, but did not hear any movement, and then looked at the snake-eyed boy beside him.

"Don't go in." Chang Gan lowered his head and pinched his brows, as if he had been poisoned a lot, "Brother Shi, what do you think of my little uncle's character?"

Shi Binghen subconsciously thought of the adjective of the demon world, and exaggerated without thinking: "Very domineering and charismatic."

Chang Gan twitched the corners of his lips: "I feel like he's going to kill our queen on the bed."

Shi Binghen was shocked both physically and mentally, looked at him blankly, then withdrew his foot that had stepped into the hall door, and squatted at the door with him.

"...What can I do about this." The few remaining players in the demon world with brains were heartbroken, "Your lord is going to be pointed at by the veteran demon generals when he treats the demon queen like this!"