My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 77


There are too many enchantments and illusions under the rift.

Although these things are cumbersome and without strength, they can still temporarily hold back the footsteps of others. In particular, the technique of hallucinations and hallucinations made Wen Renye restless and irritable.

But these won't last long. These are two genuine half-step golden immortals. Although one is mentally ill, it is a sex that will suddenly ignite without knowing when, and the other has an old injury and has been trapped for many years.

To a certain extent, the top half-step Jinxian in the world is also old, weak, sick and disabled... pregnant.

The former peak of martial arts was holding the egg in his stomach, quietly listening to Chang Gan's explanation at any time. He estimated the time, and felt that with the temper of the little devil, he would no longer have the patience to dismantle the enchantment and break through the illusion one by one.

Sure enough, the moment he thought of this, there was an extremely violent fluctuation in the rift below, and the demonic energy condensed and pressed through like a front. In Jiang Zheliu's field of vision, he saw the bone wings unfold. A layer of blood splattered behind.

He was starting to get impatient. Jiang Zheliu thought.

"The enchantment is broken." The vertical pupils in Chang Gan's eyes glowed brightly, and his eyes were straight in a line, and the brilliance was cold, "Xianzun Changhe... has appeared."

Now is the opportunity.

"Go." Jiang Zheliu said, "Let's go from the rear."

The little snake believed too much in his immortal brother, and felt that the other party must have his own reasons. Without too much hesitation, he cast several layers of techniques to cover his breath, and led Jiang Zheliu into the rift valley.

The two were invisible, with the lowest breath suppression, and silently moved forward along another route. The surrounding illusion spells were all broken by the layer of blood that swayed when Wenren Ye's bone wings unfolded, and they entered the lair of Changhe Xianzun almost unimpeded—

It is an abandoned Taoist temple.

Abandoned things three thousand years later, maybe in those days, it was also a glorious and prosperous fairyland.

The closer you get, the more obvious the sound and momentum of the hands ahead. However, there is no other arrangement outside this Taoist temple, as if "Zhang Chengzhi" doesn't care about Mingjing's stay, he only needs Wen Renye to follow Jiang Zheliu.

Jinxian fighting method, under the primordial spirit, don't watch, otherwise, if there is an accidental injury, it will inevitably be seriously injured or even endangered. The farther you can avoid it, the better.

Jiang Zheliu held his breath and stepped into the depths of the Taoist temple.

He has rarely done this kind of thing since he became famous at a young age. However, when he traveled all over the world and practiced his cutting-edge skills, he often rescued the hostages on the way to the chivalrous and righteous.

It's just that most of them were graceful and lovely girls in the flower season, and they were often full of hearts, and they couldn't think of reciprocating them at every turn. But now, he only saw the little monk with blood on his clothes.

Zen Master Mingjing did not appear to be seriously injured, but there was blood on his lips.

The little monk noticed that someone was coming, looked up and looked surprised for a moment, he wiped away the remaining blood and said, "Senior Jiang..."

His voice was hoarse and muffled, and his vocal cords were damaged and had not healed on their own.

"Senior?" Jiang Zheliu felt that he couldn't accept this title, but instead of forcibly rejecting the respect and respect of the other party, he stretched out his hand and took out a small lotus flower from the storage utensil.

There is ice on the lotus, and the ice crystals are scattered in the air.

Mingjing's eyes paused slightly and stopped on the Buddha Dharma lotus platform.

"This is the possession of Lord He Zunliu." Jiang Zheliu looked at him and said, "It was originally used by me, but now the situation is critical, he also picked it up back then, it is better to return it to the original owner."

Mingjing did not speak, but raised his eyes slightly, stared at the other party's face, and said after a while: "If you don't give me something deep and full of spiritual energy, you can also bless you and return to the peak."

"I want to see the Zen master return to the top." Jiang Zheliu smiled and said, "If there are treasures like the Buddha Dharma lotus platform, if I go to become a monk, won't the little devil cry and flood the Lanruo Temple?"

This is just a joke. With Jiang Zheliu's Dao Heart, there will be no problem.

This is a pure story.

With Jiang Zheliu's spiritual power gradually loosening, the lotus slowly floated into the little monk's palm. He lowered his head and glanced at the lotus platform in the palm of his hand, and sighed: "The past is like dust, and this life should not be affected."

"But the grievances have already reached." Jiang Zheliu looked into his eyes. "Zen master, the Buddha said that people are purifying, but sometimes, it is difficult for people to cross, and it is not necessary to chant sutras to purify them. If they let their spirits disperse, turn into real spirits, and return to heaven and earth, wouldn't it be a kind of purification?"

Ming Jing hesitated for a moment, looked at him, and seemed to be thinking about this sentence.

Although Jiang Zheliu has been the first of Xianmen for many years, the way of doing things contained in these words at this moment seems to be too radical. It is not like a moderate and upright Xianmen, but it has a taste of unruly indulgence in the devil world.

The Taoist companions have been staying for a long time, and they will infect each other, I just hope that there will be no problems with the brain.

Mingjing's thinking seems to be stuck in this persuasion.

"The Buddha also has the appearance of a vajra anger. It's not that the Zen master doesn't understand it, but he has compassion in his heart."

Jiang Zheliu's words fell, and he stared at the other party for a moment, and finally sighed when he saw Mingjing, and put the Buddha Dharma Lotus Table in his palm.

There may be estrangement in the past life and this life, but it is better than the use of people who have no contact at all.

The breath on Mingjing's body was blessed by the lotus platform, and there was a brief and subtle change.

He is different from Jiang Zheliu. Although he has survived these heavenly tribulations and thunderclouds in his previous life, he still needs to go through the reincarnation again. Therefore, even if he has the spiritual power of the Buddha Dharma Lotus Platform, he will not be able to reach the level of a half-step Jinxian.

But even so, it was enough, it was originally his thing.

Mingjing bowed towards Jiang Zheliu, and then a phantom of a lotus flower appeared behind him, and in a flash, the figure disappeared in front of him.

This should be the strongest lineup in the world.

Jiang Zheliu glanced at the palm of his hand, his fingers slowly curled up and clenched, and he whispered, "Take a look."

Chang Gan was stunned for a moment, and said: "Even if the real Dao ancestors come, they have to peel off their skins. If they can't beat this, isn't it..."

"I'm worried that he will have any other tricks." Jiang Zheliu sighed, "Zhang Chengzhi, Changhe Xianzun, under his reputation, he went into chaos. I want to see with my own eyes what is going on."


The blood wave spreads.

The devilish energy was mixed with blood-colored lines, and with this rift as the center, it spread wildly and violently, and the surrounding land was pushed away layer by layer.

Even the terrain has changed.

Wenren Ye Demon's horn bone tail, wings spread in the air, the arm armor is covered with a layer of bone armor, the armor is barb, and the cold light is faint.

The destructive power of the Demon Race's body is too strong, even if the two people are banging against each other with light waves, they can feel the unstoppable, brutal and terrifying killing aura in Wenrenye's Demonic Qi.

This is the breath of the last favorite.

He was entangled in his hands and feet by the ghost energy, but he was shaken away by the power of the source of the Dao in his body. The end Su plucked the strings with his hand, and an extremely unpleasant but penetrating voice exploded from his ears, filled with an extremely terrifying feeling.

Qin Bo formed a barrier around him.

"Lord Mozun." He was too lazy to cover himself up, "Too strong will often pay the price. Don't you know?"

Once Wen Renye started to fight, he rarely talked, and the more he invested, the less he was able to answer this question: "I paid the price because I wasn't strong enough."

Typical demonic answer.

Ghost qi and devil qi overlap, full of gloomy feeling. Wen Renye raised his hand, and the black long knife condensed in his palm shone through his body, revealing the cold light of thirst for blood.

In the end, he knocked on the head of the piano, and said with a smile on his lips: "Your murderousness is so heavy, it should be very compatible with the killing Taoist species, right?"

Wen Renye licked the fangs that were eager to bite: "Yeah, the kind that kills me."

The headstock burst out with a string of invisible shattering sound waves.

At this moment, He Suxi restrained the other party's activities while observing Wen Renye's situation at all times, and transmitted a voice to his ear: "This is not Zhang Chengzhi."

Wen Renye paused for a moment, remembering several guesses that Jiang Ziliu had told him before.

"Borrowing a corpse to bring back a soul?" He Laogui smacked his tongue in shock, and then quickly rejected, "No, there is no soul... no soul?!"

What the ghost qi touches is just a body, and there is no divine soul that belongs to a natural creature at all.

But Wen Renye couldn't hear his voice clearly.

The black knife in his palm spit out saliva, and slammed into the sonic barrier in front of the end with murderous intent.

The blood gushed out, exuding a smell that irritated people's nerves.

Before he could fully appreciate the thrill of the blade piercing the flesh, a sharp and piercing piano sound hit his brain. Wen Renye retreated abruptly, and after the blood on the blade dispersed, he also swallowed a mouthful of sweetness.

His weakness is too obvious. He can't be hit by this kind of sound wave all the time, it won't weaken, but he will go crazy.

But his prototype was still flickering, and he was thoroughly excited.

This excitement is hard to reduce.

He Susu's ghost spirit not only entangled the thing occupying the old monster's body, but also pulled Wen Renye. He intuitively felt that Wen Renye was the most dangerous one at this time, rather than pressing this thing directly. If you die, it's better to have a fight, maybe the consequences will be better.

He was right.

Lord Mozun has completely boiled his blood.

It is rare for him to meet an opponent who can fight for several rounds. When he sees the sonic barrier, it is like torn and crushed into powder. When he sees the opponent's hand, he wants to cut and destroy it. I want to tear apart the other person's body, crush the soul in this person's brain alive, return it to the dust, and turn it into dust.

At this moment, Wen Renye can only be sure that he has this kind of thought, but he is not sure whether he is influenced by Taoism - his Taoism itself is unstable, and he is already crazy. .

The two knives were covered with sunlight, and they swung the knives between heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, and the breath swept across the mountains and tombs.

He split open the re-condensed sonic barrier again, crushed the violin in the end's hand, and even smashed his shoulder, and the aftermath penetrated his throat only half an inch away.

But at the same time, his destructive power is also terrifying.

At the end, staring at the bleeding blade in his hand, for some reason, his heart was also extremely excited, and he felt that he had finally seen the same kind.

He has long had the idea of destroying the Great Thousand Worlds and getting free after getting rid of the control of the source, and he is very active in doing this after winning Zhang Cheng. It's just that Zhang Chengzhi's remnant soul hadn't disappeared at that time, and it was still affecting him from time to time, and he also waited until Jiang Zheliu died, and another idea was born.

From Wen Renye's body, he noticed the possibility of awakening other Taoist species.

The so-called Dao seed is a part of the origin of the world and a part of the ladder left for practitioners to climb the clouds. Even if they do not appear, they always exist.

Finally raised his head, he stared at the black knife soaked in blood in front of him, and pointed straight to the tip of his nose, as if it would penetrate his head in the next moment,

But he doesn't care.

He restrained his excitement and asked Wen Renye, " that you?"

Wen Renye's visor appeared, and the purple eyes in his eyes evolved into magic flames.

-Is it me

What's the meaning.

He couldn't understand.

At the moment when the smile appeared at the end, a mighty Buddha light penetrated through the sky. Press down his spine straight, and the killing aura around him.

A radius of ten miles is one.

The Buddha's light is mixed with the fragrance of lotus. Although there is a slight deficiency, it is also very strong. The smile on his lips stopped abruptly at the end, and the emotions in his eyes condensed, pressing down slightly gloomily on the bottom of his eyes.

He looked at the monk in white who fell from the air.

Mingjing still had blood on his body, but his expression was still calm and peaceful. He didn't seem to be angry for any offense, and what he did was just to purify all sentient beings.

"Does it bother you?" His voice was extremely hoarse, "I haven't done it for a long time."

At the end, he pulled the corner of his lips: "Little bald man, you can't beat me."

"It's okay to hear people and benefactors." Mingjing said indifferently.

"He will become a lunatic." At the end, he was forced to retreat by the two knives slashing in the face, and suddenly smiled, "He is already a lunatic."

"As long as you can suppress you." Mingjing said, "I will transform you."

At this moment, the meaning of the word "duhua" does not seem to be as gentle as it used to be.

In the end, his face finally turned cold.

But he looked at Wen Renye, at the unstoppable murderous intent on his body, and suddenly fell into another kind of peculiar obsession, his loneliness, his hatred, the days when he woke up like walking on thin ice but became stronger every day, All were liberated in a different way.

He was facing Wen Renye's face, talking to him, or talking to his companions.

"Are you willing to disappear?"

Final question.


Not far away, Jiang Zheliu just stood beside He Suxi when he saw a beam of light descending into the sky.

He Suxi kept a distance from the main battlefield. He stared at the beam of light, sniffed the fragrance of the lotus in the air, and said sharply, "Did you clean the lotus platform?!"

Jiang Zheliu looked into the distance: "Well."

"Then I'm not coming back!"

"It wasn't yours."

He Suxi was so angry that his teeth hurt. His ghost energy spreads and scatters, weaving and overlapping all the time, almost shrouding the front into a net, which has the effect of controlling the field.

"See what that thing is?" Jiang Zheliu asked.

He has confirmed that this person is not Changhe Xianzun at all. But he came a little later, because the cultivation base has not yet recovered, and he can't hear the conversation of the few people in front of him clearly, and he can only see the battle that changes the terrain every move.

"It's... I can see it." Old Ghost He said while rubbing his chin.

"What is it?" Jiang Zheliu looked at each other.

"Maybe..." He Suxi felt even more toothache when he said these words, "The Last Dao Seed."

"Dao species?"

"Well..." He licked his lips and said suddenly, "I even put it in the main body."

Jiang Zheliu was silent for a while, and then a harsh piano sound exploded in his ears. He couldn't hold back, and turned around and vomited.

He Susu looked at him retching with a complicated expression, not knowing what the other party's condition was, and his mood was extremely complicated.

This thing sounds... so disgusting