My Darling Sick Beauty

Chapter 86


Jiang Zheliu still didn't move, and even closed his eyes calmly and calmly.

Others may not have any resistance to the little devil's coquettish behavior, or they are surprised that Lord Mozun can put down his face like this. But for Jiang Zheliu, from the first day he knew him, this person didn't have much face.

Seeing him only a few times, he dared to show his extraordinary wickedness. If he hadn't been a serious person after a long-term investigation, he would probably have thought that he was flirtatious and jealous.

However, he is also starting to look up now, but he is only harming him alone.

Seeing that the other party did not move at night, Wen Ren felt even more uneasy in his heart. He deeply felt that he was walking on the brink of being abandoned, and even the sweet reward he licked yesterday was a bit unpleasant.

He took Jiang Zheliu's waist into his arms, untied his robe, hugged him from behind, put the other's back into his arms, lowered his head and rubbed the Taoist companion's ear, insisting: "It's true that I'm wrong, I I shouldn't ignore your words and force you to help you... that..."

The two big men couldn't quite say the word, but the meaning was already there.

Jiang Zheliu was itchy at the tip of his ear when he spoke, and felt that his entire ear was starting to tingle. The other party also pretended to be completely ignorant of his sensitive points, the closer he breathed, and the more he bit his ear.

… sizzle, tender from the heat.

Jiang Zheliu raised his hand and covered his ears, but his toughness was still very strong. He slowly moved out of the opponent's arms, showing his firm determination.

Wen Renye seemed to be stunned. He didn't expect it to be so serious this time, and stared blankly at his slender fingers.

The little devil is about to cry.

He was the one who tossed the Taoist companion, and he was the one who couldn't stop him from doing anything on the bed. As a result, he was the one who felt wronged every day and felt that the other party was going to kick him. Everything was cheap.

After a long time, Jiang Zheliu was no longer disturbed by other sounds, and when he was about to fall asleep, he felt that the little devil was touching him.

Wen Renye didn't do anything this time, just hugged him again, and then pressed him on his shoulder from behind, the fluffy hair rubbed his neck, together with the two magic horns that appeared out of nowhere , and rubbed against him with a little weight.

Jiang Zheliu was used to his breath and would not be affected. When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the other party's breath.

In the past, the breath was not so chaotic, and the heartbeat was also very fast. It was not the clear heartbeat of intense exercise, but the sound of the heartbeat when the mood was low and heavy.

His firm mind just now was suddenly shaken.

The so-called Dao Companion should be here to test his Dao heart. Jiang Zheliu has reached the perfect level of cultivation. If there is no filming tragedy, he should be the most promising immortal in the cultivation world within a thousand years, but now it has happened. After so many things, he accidentally got a Taoist companion, and he always changed his mind because of the other party's emotions.

It used to be Dengxian, but now it is into the dust. Every eye movement, every word and kiss of the other party can make him feel a subtle touch between his sober thoughts, make him soft-hearted, make him care, and make him fall from the top of the cold snow-capped mountain. In the lingering ten feet of soft red.

Jingshan Temple's lights flickered slightly, the copper stove was misty, and there was a moonlight incense that was calm and calm.

Falling into the sky in the clear night.

Jiang Zheliu was calm, and in the infinite silence, he listened to the slightest change in the other party, and finally he couldn't sit still.

Who would have thought that the relationship between these two people is like this. It turns out that their status is the ultimate state, and their thoughts and thoughts are no different from those of mortal lovers.

But sentient beings can turn impermanent ice and snow into spring water.

Jiang Zheliu moved a little, turned his head and glanced at him, seeing the little devil lying on his shoulders, his eyes were flushed red, although he hadn't cried yet, but it was almost too soon. There is a pitiful feeling of being abandoned soon.

Like a big dog thrown away by its owner, it doesn't mean to blame the owner, but it is particularly innocent and particularly wronged.

Wen Renye's facial features are very sharp, the lines are strong and straight, and when he doesn't smile, he has a killing intent that makes people look on the back. Others will be afraid to see him, but only Jiang Zheliu can always interpret something different from the other's micro-expressions.

The little devil seems to be a little hurt. kind of spiritual.

... I don't know why he was injured, he could be tossing and making trouble, and he was too energetic every day.

Maybe this is the age difference of hundreds of years. Jiang Zheliu sighed in his heart.

The other party seemed to notice the gaze of the Taoist companion, and opened his eyes as if feeling it, just in the eyes of Shangjiang Zheliu. Wen Renye got the attention of his eyes, and his spirit was slightly lifted, he lowered his head and leaned over to rub the tip of his nose, with a low voice: "Liu..."

I don't know when he started to like to call single characters.

Jiang Zheliu was rubbed by him for a long time, and he felt like he had some animal habits and liked to rub his breath on him.

Jiang Zheliu patted his shoulder and said, "What is wronged?"

Wen Renye was embarrassed to say that he was so sad that he was about to die, but also embarrassed to say that he was useless to commit grievances, so he could only vaguely say: "... because you ignored me."

"I ignore you," Jiang Zheliu is very reasonable, "It's for your and my face. I never get angry with you. All conflicts are on the bed. Haven't you noticed something?"

The little devil bowed his head and listened to the training honestly and obediently.

"Sometimes your instincts still take over your mind, and you look special..." Jiang Zheliu was about to scold him for being a beast, but after thinking about it, he would let the beast do it himself, and it seemed that it didn't sound right. Just for the sake of mutual respect, he didn't say, "You have to change. It's not just a problem that I can't bear, it's mainly to learn self-control."

The little devil was obediently obedient, nodding and leaning over, his purple eyes looked at him slightly brightly.

Jiang Ziliu subconsciously had a sense of crisis.

"I'm sorry—" The other guy was coquettish, and he was very effective, "I'll be obedient in the future."

Although he said that, he actually had no credibility. Jiang Ziliu was always misled by the appearance of such a cute and cute little milk dog, and as soon as he started to touch, the other party immediately became pressing him and couldn't push it. The big wolf dog that opened, asked him as if he had never eaten meat, and it was extremely useless.

But Lord Xianzun is smart and often falls in the same trick.

How could he resist Dao Compan's coquettish behavior, he couldn't help raising his hand to touch the other's horn, and then he was hugged by his eyes brightly,

Wen Renye actively posted it and whispered, "Don't say it, don't say it, and you're going to be stupid."

Jiang Zheliu raised his hand and flicked his horn: "Your brain is not too smart."

Wen Renye was slightly dissatisfied: "I'm very smart about things that have nothing to do with you. After I met you, I always cared about it and messed up."

Jiang Zheliu gave a low laugh, rubbed his horns and played with him for a while, then released his hand and said calmly, "Okay, then blame me. You... eh?"

His words were abrupt, and he watched the little devil's palm stick to his lower abdomen.

The other party's gaze was extremely serious, the palm of his hand was against his soft waist and abdomen, he felt it attentively, and then slowly rubbed his stomach, saying, "It seems to have softened."

Jiang Zheliu: "..."

Which pot is not opened to mention which pot.

"It's still a little fatter." Wen Renye gestured, "It's a little bit bigger, but I'm not fat anywhere else."

He was very jealous: "Why can't I feed you fat, so he can make you soft and fat?"

Refers to the ball in the stomach.

Jiang Zheliu felt speechless and choked. His own body shape was set when he was born, and it was difficult to change it again. How could he eat fat? Even if Wen Renye fed him 300 specialties of the devil world, it was estimated that there would not be any change.

"... What, you don't like the original feel?"

Wen Renye smelled the minefield, and avoided it precisely: "No, I like you, I like it so much, I can hold you for three days and three nights, and I can bury it all the time and never come out, and I can… "

His mouth was covered.

Jiang Zheliu blocked the other party's full mouth of "I can" expressionlessly, and said calmly: "Okay, stop."

The little devil stopped immediately, as quiet as a chicken.

He watched the Taoist lay down again and gently cradled into his arms, only then did he feel relieved, and slowly bit his ear: "Do you have anything to eat? I can't lose."

Jiang Zheliu glanced at him, ignoring the opponent's naive and unreasonable "game".

He closed his eyes and said calmly, "Wan Guchen."

Wan Guchen is the name of the previous wine.

Wen Renye choked on his words and continued to be silent for a moment, as if he was entangled with his promise.

But he didn't struggle for too long, and found a good way.

"I'll feed you." His eyes brightened, "Kiss me and I'll feed you."

What he said was extremely sincere, and Jiang Ziliu was also blinded for a while. Thinking that it was not a big deal, he leaned over and kissed the other party.

Only later did he know that it was a kiss and a bite.

This kind of behavior is really the head of the devil.


It's about the month.

In the next few months, Jiang Ziliu's pregnancy reaction became obvious, and it even interfered with his reconstruction progress. On the way, A Chu also came to Jingshan Temple, but it was not only A Chu, but also the short Xuanwu Zhenjun.

Qinglin didn't come, I don't know because he was busy with business, and he didn't dare to appear under Wen Renye's eyes. The two of them are not on good terms, and they are even a bit hostile to each other.

The short Xuanwu Zhenjun is called Xuanshuang, and his current body size has grown a little, but he is similar to A Chu.

He is the kind of demon with simple words, and this time he came here because the power of Xuanwu has the ability to protect and escort Jiang Zheliu. This is not only Qinglin's entrustment, but also the entire demon world's apology to Jiang Xianzun.

A little late, but better than never.

Xuanshuang was dressed in a blue robe, and his whole body was shivering with cold. He restrained his breath and stayed on the opposite side silently, holding the entire inner hall with the magic weapon of his life, and the power of protection shrouded it.

With his short legs, he sat on a chair and drank tea. He played chess with Jiang Ziliu while drinking. He chatted with each other a lot about the demon world indifferently. A Chu, who was boiling the medicine, suddenly said.

"His spirit is not stable, and there is a gap between his spirit and flesh, and he has only recently become fused." Xuanshuang asked, "He, isn't he from the big world?"