My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life

Chapter 51


"Is this girl Yunyao? She has grown into a big girl after not seeing her for a few years. Looking at the style of her body, she is the daughter of the official family. It is different from others." Xu Yunyao just stepped into Wang's house Inside, a strange woman came up to meet her, holding her hand regardless.

She smiled reservedly, withdrew her hand without a trace, and turned her inquiring eyes to Nguyen.

Ruan said with a smile, "This is your aunt from the Chen family."

Chen's cousin? Xu Yunyao thought for a while, and then realized that this woman was the daughter-in-law of Qian's family, and her cousin from the big house, in her impression, her maiden name was Jiang.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, where does the little girl remember to go?" Qian Shi also said with a smile at this time.

Xu Yunyao raised her eyebrows invisibly.

After not seeing her for many years, the old woman looked at her with a lot of restraint, thinking that every time she saw her back then, which time was not referring to Sang and scolding Huai, she never had a good face towards the people in their third room.

She looked at the unfamiliar young woman sitting next to Qian's again. Ruan saw her doubts and said with a smile, "This is the Chen family's little cousin Ningzhen."

Xu Junyao understood, it seemed that this was Qian's youngest daughter. A few years ago, she heard that Qian's old clam gave birth to a daughter, so the age difference between this daughter and her elder brother is quite large, but she has never had the chance to meet them.

Just looking at this little cousin's eyebrows, there is a bit of arrogance, maybe she has suffered a loss, and she has begun to know how to restrain herself.

Xu Yunyao has always felt that it is not a bad thing to be arrogant, and he is afraid that the kind of arrogance that he deserves will inflate into conceit, such as Tang Huaixing in the big room.

That kid really has some talent for learning, and even a picky person like an old man admires him, but his arrogant attitude really makes Xu Yunyao unhappy, or maybe it is because the kid eats too much on her hands The second loss is quite jealous of her. In addition, they are getting older, so the two have been living in peace in the past few years.

Of course, the so-called quite nothing, but they both treat each other as nothing.

Lin also smiled and invited her to his side, pulled her to ask a few words, Xu Yunyao's impression of her was not bad, she pretended to be well-behaved for a while and answered any questions, seeing Qian and Jiang's mother-in-law were also involved He came in, was impatient, found a reason and went back to the house.

Ruan Shi knew her temperament, so she smiled helplessly, and hurriedly made a round.

Today is different from the past. The Chen family originally defected to Tang Mansion, and Tang Mansion was able to gain a foothold in the capital because of Tang Songnian's name, so naturally they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction face to face.

Mrs Jiang was even more slick and smooth, and followed Ruan's words and praised Xu Yunyao again and again, only to make Ruan feel guilty and happy.

"Huh? Is such a beautiful girl the third younger sister? I knew that the third younger sister must get better as she grows up, and there is no more beautiful girl in the world than her." She was walking out of the Wang's courtyard, On the other hand, he saw Brother Zhou coming with a young man who was somewhat similar to the Lin family.

The boy's mouth was like smeared with honey, Xu Yunyao couldn't help laughing at his words.

Brother Zhou glared at him angrily, and scolded, "Slippery tongue!"

Brother Mian smiled and was not annoyed, he handed a delicate sachet to Xu Yunyao like a conjuration, winked at her, and said mysteriously: "Third sister, this is for you, I will give it to you secretly. Oh, the gift prepared, but others don't have it."

This other person naturally refers to Tang Junrou and Tang Junyu sisters in the big room.

"What is this?" Xu Yunyao took it curiously, opened it, and saw that it was not filled with any spice and herbs, but a night pearl the size of a baby's fist, and immediately turned it over and over with her hands. nonstop.

"Where did you get such a big night pearl?" Zhou Ge'er asked in surprise.

"My father and I ran with the caravan a few times the year before, and we got it back. Don't worry, I don't dare to give the third sister anything that is unknown." Brother Mian assured him, and asked Xu Yunyao with a smile, "Do you like the third sister?"

"I like it, such a big bead, if you put it in the house, you don't need to light the lamp at night." Xu Yunyao might not like it.

Ever since she was accompanied by a stupid ghost Yan Wu, she was used to lighting the lights in the room when she slept at night, and it was naturally much more convenient to have this night pearl.

Seeing that she liked it, Brother Mian said with a smile: "Since you like it, why don't you call the third brother to listen?"

Xu Yunyao called without hesitation, "Third brother!"

She even called the old man father for so many years, and now it's nothing to call the third brother again.

Brother Mian grinned happily, but Brother Zhou said angrily: "She should have called you third brother, but you still have to coax her and give her such a precious gift."

"It's not worth anything, what I earn back, I will give it to whoever I am willing to give it to." Brother Mian raised his head proudly.

Tang Zhangnian is indeed a good businessman. In addition, Tang Bainian has not pointed his finger at him in these years. Tang Songnian also left some contacts for him before he went to Beijing, so he let go of his courage and did it. In just a few years, he accumulated a lot of money. The wealth, and even the value of the property that Tang Songnian entrusted to him, also doubled.

The money bag is swollen up, so it is natural to worry about the matter of 'brightness and honoring the ancestors'. At this time, those who can honor their ancestors and honor their ancestors are naturally good at studying, and they will get a good ranking in the examination room in the future.

This hope naturally fell on Tang Huaimian, the eldest son of the second room. This time, Mrs. Lin took his son to Beijing because he wanted to change his son's reading environment. Along the way, he hoped that he could use Tang Songnian's connections to find a better husband or a better academy for his son.

"Third brother, did you make an appointment with the Chen family to go to Beijing together?" Xu Yunyao asked casually.

"Che, we can't climb up their Chen family, how dare we ask them! We met on the way into the city. We will start from He'an mansion first, because we are going by water, so we will be slower. Although their family It was a later departure, but it was a land road, so I bumped into it." Brother Mian pouted.

For a moment, he looked left and right and saw that there was no one around, and waved to Brother Zhou and his sisters, signaling them to come closer.

"Do you know why they came to Beijing to join the uncle?" he asked mysteriously.

"Say something!" Brother Zhou glared at him angrily.

"It's such a quick and violent temper. The little fourth brother is not as cute as he was when he was a child." Brother Mian gave his younger cousin a resentful look, which attracted a glare from the other side, and hurriedly raised his hand in a sign of surrender, "I heard that They have offended people in Yongzhou City, and if they don't leave, they may have their lives at risk, so they defected with their whole family."

"Who offended?" Xu Yunyao asked curiously.

"It's not very clear. Our family has never communicated with their family, and I always follow my father to the south, east, and northwest, so how can I pay attention to their family's affairs. My mother stays out of the door all day long, I am When she's not at home with her father, she can't easily see outsiders, and naturally she has no way of knowing."

Xu Yunyao was thoughtful. No wonder that Qian's wife became polite! It turns out that there is such a reason.

This time, only Lin Shi and Mian Ge'er mother and son came to the second room. Tang Zhangnian wanted to stay in He'an House to take care of the business and could not get away, so he asked his wife Lin Shi to take his son to Beijing. .

The Chen family is considered to have defected to the family. Chen Guangjie brought his biological mother Qian, his wife Jiang, son Chen Zhaoyong and sister Chen Ningzhen to his cousin Tang Bainian.

Xu Junyao didn't like Tang Bainian's family, and he also didn't like the Chen family. As long as they didn't provoke her, she would not lack the proper etiquette.

Fortunately, Qian Shi also knew that she was now the princess's companion, and she was no longer someone they could provoke.

On the other hand, Chen Ningzhen came to the third house every once in a while for various reasons to find Nguyen, or to accompany Nguyen to talk, or to do needlework. Ruan's temperament is easy-going, basically he will not refuse anyone who comes, and Chen Ningzhen is deliberately trying to please, and the two gradually become familiar with each other.

There is also the exquisite Jiang Shi, Xu Yunyao also met Ruan's house a few times, and every time Jiang Shi met her, she was a good compliment, and only praised her so much The words were not repeated, but the words that occasionally floated out with relish, also made Xu Yunyao smack her tongue secretly.

Human essence is really human essence. Compared with Jiang's sharp mouth, Chen Ningzhen's is not enough to look at at all.

However, she gradually understood the reason why Chen Ningzhen was in love with Ruan. It turned out that Qian took her to Beijing with the idea of letting her marry to the capital. It is estimated that she also hoped that her daughter would be able to marry at a high level, and all of this naturally required Ruan. The lady of the waiter stepped in to help.

Xu Yunyao didn't care much about the Qian's family's idea. In the past few days, she has been looking for a suitable maid in the mansion. There are well-informed servants in the mansion, either trying to show her face in front of her, or begging Bi Wen walked in front of the back door, using all kinds of methods, but Xu Yunyao was helpless.

Because she was still following a female ghost Yanwu by her side, she didn't want to choose a maid who was too smart to follow her.

On this day, she painted in the house for half an hour, looked at the finished product left and right, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Does it look good?" She casually asked Yan Wu, who was sitting beside her with her cheeks supported.

"Good-looking, good-looking, there is nothing more beautiful." Flattery Jingyan Wu replied with a fair face.

Xu Yunyao smiled slightly, put the painting aside, squeezed her shoulders, and took Yan Wu to the garden to relax.

One person and one ghost walked slowly on the bluestone path in the garden, Xu Yunyao suddenly felt a little hungry, just happened to see a round-faced girl with a food box passing by, so she beckoned her to come over.

The girl seemed to hesitate for a while, but finally came over slowly.

"What are you carrying? Who gave it to?" Xu Yunyao asked when she approached.

"It's a snack for the third girl." The girl answered honestly.

Xu Yunyao thought, yes, Biwen usually prepares snacks for her to eat at this time, so she said, "You put it in the pavilion, and I will try it right now."

"No, my aunt said that it would be sent to the third girl's house to Qinghe girl." Who knew that the girl refused.

Qing He was the second-class girl in Xu Yunyao's house. When Bi Wen was away or was too busy to leave, she would help clean up the house.

Xu Yunyao was surprised: "Do you know who I am?"

"You are the third girl."

Xu Yunyao was even more strange: "I'm the third girl, and I also gave things to me, so why can't I use them in the pavilion now?"

"My aunt said that I would send it to the third girl's house and give it to Qinghe girl." The girl repeated it in a daze, and she would only repeat this sentence back and forth, but she refused anyway.

Yan Wu, who had been looking at her curiously, giggled when she heard the words: "You are so stupid, you are stupid!"

Xu Yunyao has always scolded her for being stupid, but now she finally has the opportunity to scold others for being stupid, which feels... very cool.

Xu Yunyao suddenly realized: It turned out to be a silly girl with few roots. She just remembered that her aunt explained that she was going to give it to Qinghe girl, even if Qinghe gave the last thing to herself, but the stupid girl who can't turn her head can't understand this. I only know that if my aunt told her to give her things to Qinghe girl, no one could give it to her.

She thought it was a little funny, so she smiled and said: "Well, I happen to be going back to the house, so I will go with you!"

The girl didn't get angry at all when she saw her smiling, and she didn't call herself stupid like the others, so she couldn't help showing her a humble grateful smile.

Xu Yunyao asked her as she walked, "What's your name? How old are you? Where are you working now?"

"My name is Han Niu, I'm thirteen years old, and now the kitchen is helping my aunt." The honest girl knew everything.

Xu Yunyao burst out laughing.

The name is so fitting.

Yan Wu giggled happily again: "Han Niu, Han Niu..."

In less than a quarter of an hour after walking to his own room, Xu Yunyao asked Han Niu's origins clearly and clearly.

It turned out that the aunt she was talking about was not her relatives, but a kind-hearted aunt from a neighbor's house. Seeing that there was no one in her family, a silly and silly child was easily bullied, so she felt sympathetic and begged the Wang family. With the permission of Nanny Xia next to her, she brought this silly girl to the Tang Mansion, giving her a place to live.

While speaking, the two returned to where Yan Wu lived.

When Qing He saw the girl came back, he came up to greet him, and when he heard that Han Niu was giving him some snacks for the third girl, his face changed, and he slapped Han Niu's head vigorously: "What a stupid girl, things are just like that. It was given to the third girl, and the third girl will use it, why don't you allow it? You have to trouble the third girl to go there in person!"

Han Niu lowered her head and didn't dare to say a word, and she didn't dare to avoid it. It seemed that she was often treated like this.

"Okay, what she did was right. She was ordered to deliver the things to you. Naturally, she couldn't give them to others anyway." Xu Yunyao frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure.

Qing He Nanaly withdrew his hand.

After completing the task given by her aunt, Han Niu didn't stay for a long time, and left with an empty food box. Xu Yunyao looked at her back with a thoughtful expression.

Isn't that what she wants is such a not-so-smart, but quite loyal girl

When the news spread that the three most promising girls in the house had picked the silly girl in the back kitchen, everyone couldn't believe what they heard. Everyone knows that stupid girl can't turn her head. Although her work is barely agile, her mouth is so stupid that she is not a suitable candidate to look at it horizontally or vertically. How could the three girls choose her

But no matter how unwilling they were, they could only watch Han Niu ascend to the sky, and moved directly to Shangfang, officially becoming the first-class big girl beside the three girls.

After seeing Han Niu herself, Mrs Ruan was also worried that the girl her daughter had picked would not serve well, but Xu Yunyao insisted, so she gave up, and then looked at the stupid girl, although her mouth was stupid, her mind could not be turned, but her hands and feet were inexorable. She is quite neat, no matter what she is told to do, she will do her best in a consistent manner, so she is relieved.

"It's just that the name Hanniu needs to be changed. It doesn't sound right after all." She urged her with her arms around her daughter.

Xu Yunyao leaned on her shoulder and said lazily, "I named her 'Chun', and because her surname is Lan, she is called Lan Chun."

"Lan Chun, Lan Chun... This name is good, and it sounds much more pleasing than Han Niu." Ruan said it a few times, and also felt that the name was good.

"That's natural, Yaoyao is the most powerful!" Flattery Jingyan Wu appeared again, proud and authentic.

It was also at this time that the house that Emperor Tianxi gave to the newly appointed Dingyuan General He Shaoting was also set. It was only half a street away from the Tang Mansion, which made Xu Yunyao overjoyed.

However, since the meeting in the palace that day, she has never had the chance to see the young general again, and He Shaoting has been very busy recently. Emperor Tianxi checked his tactics from time to time, and specially hired a martial arts master for him to guide him in an all-round way. Martial arts, vowing to reverse his flawed and desperate play on the battlefield.

He Shaoting took it silently.

"Your Majesty is treating him like a direct disciple!" Some clever courtiers could not help but sigh.

To be able to get the art of war taught by the current sage, this young general Dingyuan is really blue smoke from his ancestors' grave, but it is enough to see the talent of this young man, otherwise he will not be in the eyes of His Majesty.

For a while, I secretly envy the old He family who gave birth to such an outstanding son, and when I go back home to see their 'incomplete' sons, I can't wait to stuff them back into my wife's belly to be reborn!

As a result, recently there has been a wave of learning in the capital's various prefectures. Even the 'playful children' who could have wandered around the capital, as long as they didn't get into trouble, were basically ignored by their fathers. ' picked up the book.

Of course, for Du Chengzhong, he didn't even have the chance to put the 'unworthy son' back into his wife's stomach and be reborn.

At this moment, he absently listened to Yun's preparation for the bride price of his future daughter-in-law, perfunctory words from time to time, his thoughts had drifted to Ling Xiang, who was placed outside by him, secretly counting the days.

I don't know if there will be news in Ling Xiang's stomach this time. It is reasonable that he is in his prime, and Ling Xiang is even younger. It must not be difficult for the two to have a child.

"...I've thought about it, my daughter-in-law gave him the surname Du for the first child, what do you think?" Yun shi asked tentatively.

Du Chengzhong finally came to his senses, and when he heard her words again, his thin lips pursed.

This is to give her ex-husband's blood all the things she has worked hard for most of her life? What have you become

He stood up with a 'huh', and left without looking back after saying 'there is something else in the camp'.

Yun Shi was stunned. The couple had been married for so many years, how could they not know that he was unhappy, but for a while, he didn't understand where he had offended him? It was obvious that she was well-intentioned.

She frowned, recalling the relationship between the husband and wife during this period, and was surprised to find that the husband's "official business" has become more and more busy recently, and the time he spends in the house is less and less, and the number of times the husband and wife Dunlon is ten You can count your fingers.

Of course, she wouldn't doubt that her husband would have other people. After all, because she was only a word of temptation, he even expelled the concubine who was pregnant with his flesh and blood, and even revealed the son she had with her ex-husband. The elder brother treats him like his own, and he loves their daughter even more like a treasure.

How could she suspect that such a man would be unfaithful to her!

Xu is really busy recently! She comforted herself like that.

Feng Weiliang frowned and looked at his adoptive father who was in a hurry to go out. He suddenly thought that he had occasionally encountered Du Chengzhong drinking and having fun in a flower boat a few times earlier, and his mind moved slightly.

Father doesn't raise people outside, does he

But after thinking about it, he didn't care anymore.

It is most common for a man to act on the scene. No matter how good the mother is, she is also old after all. After so many years, she is always a little tired. It is not a big deal for my father to go out occasionally to try it out.

What's more... No matter what my father did, he couldn't possibly make a half-brother for himself.

It's just that he didn't expect that Du Chengzhong, who was going out in a bad mood, would get a great news from Ling Xiang. That means Ling Xiang is pregnant!

After many years, another woman finally became pregnant with his flesh and blood. Du Chengzhong was overjoyed and just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

Ling Xiang, who was originally a little guilty, felt relieved when he saw this.

When Xu Yunyao walked out of the palace of the Fifth Princess, she saw her lying on the couch as always, holding the words that people secretly found in her hand.

She asked casually, "I just saw the happy face of the mama next to King Yu, but I don't know what's going on?"

"Brother Wu Huang is an adult!" The Fifth Princess replied casually.

"Adult?" Xu Yunyao didn't react for a while.

The fifth princess suddenly became interested. She didn't even read the words. She recruited her to her side, and said with a thief: "You don't know what an adult is? I'll teach you, that's it!"

"The queen mother has already picked someone to send to the fifth emperor brother, and taught him that and that, that is the shameful thing between husband and wife..." Speaking of this, Rao De is the fifth princess who has always been bold, and her face is flushed at the moment, but her eyes are not It's shiny.

Xu Yunyao finally came back to her senses, but she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, let alone a member of the royal family. In her previous life, she was also one of the women around King Yu, so she didn't feel anything wrong. It's just that I don't know if I'm used to seeing the old man's high position and power in this life, but there is always only Mrs. Baozi by his side. Then I think that I will share my husband with other women in the future, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

But when she thought about it again, she felt that such a thought was really bad, but no one who gave birth to a concubine who wanted to be alone would have a good end.