My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life

Chapter 56


When the news of the Southwest Victory came back, Tang Junyao was extremely happy. She knew that with that person there, there had never been an invincible city or an invincible battle.

Seeing her happy appearance, the fifth princess couldn't help laughing: "Last time your father was promoted, your brother was in the middle, I didn't see how happy you were! This time General Xiao He won a few battles and was happy. With such an appearance, you honestly tell this princess, do you have a crush on General Xiao He?"

"Yaoyao didn't like Brother Ting! Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense!" Yan Wu glared at her unhappily.

Tang Junyao didn't talk nonsense with her, she blinked her black eyes and said innocently: "I'm still young, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Pretend, you continue to pretend for this princess! General Xiao He has made a great contribution this time, and the royal father will definitely promote him again. When he comes back, there will definitely be more people who want to betroth their daughter to him. If you don't It's better to strike first, I'm afraid it won't be too late to cry!" The fifth princess snorted and pinched her face hard.

Tang Junyao patted her hand away: "Don't pinch my face! It's good to say that I am, the empress has already chosen your concubine for you. I don't know if I look at it!"

The fifth princess said indifferently: "It's not a big deal to choose a concubine. I call everyone to this princess to have a look, and this princess chooses whichever is pleasing to the eye. What a simple and easy thing to do."

"How can I make you look pleasing to the eye?" Tang Junyao asked curiously.

"You look good!" The five princesses' eyes shone brightly.

Tang Junyao: "..."

I see…

She remembered that the first consort of the five princesses in her previous life, the second son of Ke Jingbo's mansion, was a famous and beautiful man in Beijing. So he was picked by the fifth princess because of his face

"It's just good-looking, wouldn't it be worse if the character is not good enough?" She felt that she had to change the silly girl's view of choosing a mate that prioritized her appearance.

The fifth princess smiled cheerfully: "What a fool, I am the princess, the most honorable girl in the world. It is his honor that I see him. If you don't like him and get tired of it, just leave and find another one. Well, how could it be so bad?"

Tang Junyao: "..."

Yes, this silly girl is a princess, the most honorable girl in the world, she has willful capital, and no one can be bad at her.

In her last life, this silly girl lived a life of arrogance. When she was unmarried, she was spoiled by the most honorable parents in the world, and when she got married, she was protected by the most honorable elder brother in the world. Her fifth emperor brother never blamed her for a while.

Everyone in the world regards the happiness of a woman's life as marrying a good man and having full children and grandchildren, but whether it is happy or not should not be said by others, but from the heart.

If the fifth princess just likes that kind of unrestrained and unrestrained life, who can say that her life is not happy

The self-righteous self who wants to reverse her view of choosing a mate is really an idiot!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile.

Yan Wu looked at her and then at the Fifth Princess, and saw that both of them were smiling so nicely. Although they didn't know what they were laughing about, in order to be consistent, they also laughed along.

On the way back to the mansion, Tang Yunyao was in a good mood, and the little pear vortex on his cheeks always appeared, and Yan Wu couldn't help but feel happy when she saw it.

"Yaoyao, look, isn't that General Zhenyuan? It's the one you said earlier that he was very dedicated to his wife." Tang Yunyao was closing his eyes and resting, when he heard Yan Wu calling out in surprise.

"What's wrong with General Zhenyuan?" She asked as she pulled out a slit in the curtain and looked out through the slit. She saw General Zhenyuan Du Chengzhong nervously helping a strange woman who was pregnant with Liujia into the carriage. .

"That doesn't seem to be his wife, right?" Yan Wu was a little confused.

Tang Junyao lowered the curtains, and his tone was somewhat mocking: "That one is indeed not Mrs. Du, I'm afraid this famous infatuated general can't stand loneliness anymore."

Just yesterday, she heard that Zheng Yan, who had been friends with Du Xingchang, came back from the General's Mansion in Zhenyuan, and she said enviously that General Du was very considerate to his wife, and that the back house of the General's Mansion was quiet and peaceful.

Today, she saw that General Du was considerate to another woman, and that woman was still pregnant, most likely with his flesh and blood.

What does this mean? This shows that although this General Du did not have a concubine to carry the room, he set up an outer room outside, and the time to watch is not short.

Yan Wu smacked her tongue: "Then isn't he a liar? How sad Mrs. Du would be if she found out..."

Her tone suddenly stopped, and she didn't know what to think, and her expression suddenly became a little confused.

Tang Junyao didn't notice her strangeness, he straightened the braids hanging down on his chest, and said indifferently: "Sadness is inevitable, if that person is really pregnant with General Du, waiting for Madam Du will not only be Just sad."

Yan Wu responded absentmindedly, glanced at her quickly for a while, and then turned her face away, frowning slightly, with an expression of indescribable distress.

what happened? A picture suddenly flashed in his mind just now - King Yu was supporting a strange woman who also had a big belly, and the self in the dream seemed a little sad

Do you want to tell Yaoyao this? The last time I told her about the dream, she seemed to be a little scary, and even scratching her hand hurts... Forget it, don't tell her, it'll be bad if she gets angry again .

After realizing this, she pursed her lips more and more tightly, but she felt guilty in the end, and her eyes were looking around in the carriage, but she didn't dare to meet the people around her.

Fortunately, Tang Junyao didn't pay attention to her either, so she didn't notice anything unusual about her.

Back in the mansion, Tang Junyao habitually planned to go to the Ruan family first to greet him, but found that the atmosphere in the mansion was a little unusual. When passing through Tang Songnian's study, he saw several servants carrying it as if they were knocked down by something. The door of the room, and walking out a distance, I saw several maids in the big room hurriedly, and their faces were not very good-looking.

"Girl!" She was walking to Ruan's courtyard when she saw Lan Chun hurriedly greeted her.

"What happened at home?" she asked casually.

Yan Wu also looked at Lan Chun curiously.

Lan Chun looked left and right, then pulled his girl aside, and said in a low voice, "Master just got so angry, he wants to chase the girl away. He's still angry now, and his wife is trying to persuade him!"

"Why does a good daddy drive people away?" Tang Junyao was surprised.

"I heard that Miss Biao entered the master's study without permission and was kicked out by the master. Aunts and the others said that they were afraid that Miss Biao wanted to climb the bed while the master was drunk, but they never thought that the master was not drunk at all. I didn't let her succeed." Lan Chun lowered his voice even lower.

Tang Junyao opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

So that Chen Ningzhen did not look at the young and promising Tinger, but instead fell in love with the old man in her family

What kind of eyes do these look like

She always likes to talk to her mother, and she sits at her mother's place for several hours. I'm afraid she also wants to see the old man more often, right

But he never thought that the old man was so old that he could still attract other girls' hearts to him, even willing to give him a hug.

He kicked someone out with one kick, and also broke the door... This old man really has no heart for pity!

She suddenly felt a little bit of a narrow mind, and made a silent motion towards Lan Chun and the maid next to Ruan's, then tiptoed to the window with her skirt up, pricked her ears and listened to the movement inside.

"Look, Madam, I'm still clean, I didn't let her touch half of my fingers, and I didn't break my promise to you." Tang Songnian burped his wine, his eyes were full of water vapor, but he still remembered to tell Madam achievement.

Ruan Shi gently wiped his face for him: "I see, I know that your husband has always been a gentleman with a lot of money. Ruan Ru's marriage is the greatest blessing in this life."

Master Tang, who was still a little sober at first, was completely drunk at the moment, so he rubbed coquettishly into her arms. Human essence is human essence after all, so he didn't forget to say a few sweet words at this time: "Me too, it's okay. Marrying a gentle and virtuous lady, and having two smart children, Brother Zhou and Baoya, is the greatest blessing in this life."

After another burp, I added, "Except my mother, my wife, and Baoya, I don't care about all the women in the world."

"I trust my husband." The smile on Ruan's face became even gentler.

Tang Yunyao outside the window shuddered, goosebumps all over his body.

They are both old and married, and they are even more powerful than young people when they talk about nasty things.

Even so, she was somewhat envious.

The unrestrained publicity of the fifth princess is a kind of happiness, and this couple in the house supports each other to spend the rest of their lives, isn't it another kind of happiness!

"Master and Madam have such a good relationship!" Lan Chun whispered.

Tang Junyao smiled slightly and whispered, "Let's go! Don't disturb them."

After a few more days, Tang Bainian was convinced that Tang Songnian had really touched the bottom line this time, and he even released the words that he would move to another house without sending people away for the third room. He did not dare to delay, forcing Qian and his wife The son Chen Guangjie hurriedly married Chen Ningzhen.

Although Chen Ningzhen was in a hurry to marry, because the Qian family had prepared for her marriage early in the morning, she chose a small official from another place, which was not too bad for the Chen family.

On the day He Shaoting returned to court after his victory, he rode a war horse into the city as usual, surrounded by cheers from the people. When passing a certain restaurant, he subconsciously looked at the second floor, and unsurprisingly saw another one there. A familiar face.

Compared to two years ago, the immaturity on that face has been slightly reduced, but the next moment the gesture of holding his face and screaming is the same as that of the past.

"Brother Ting, Brother Ting! That's great! I knew you could do it! General, general!"

A smile slowly bloomed on his face, and the sun shone on the silver-white armor on his body, radiating dazzling light, reflecting his shallow, dream-like smile.

"Miss, he's looking at you, he's looking at you!!" Lan Chun pulled Tang Yunyao's cuff excitedly.

Tang Junyao naturally saw it, and immediately shouted louder: "Brother Ting, Brother Ting! General..."

"Let me take a look, let me take a look, let me take a look too!" The two masters and servants filled the narrow window, so anxious that Yan Wu scratched her ears and scratched her cheeks, jumping and jumping, and wanted to go out to see the excitement .

Tang Junyao didn't have time to pay attention to her at this moment, and his eyes were full of that man in uniform like a god.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the heroic man bathed in the sun, raising his arm slowly and waving towards her.

Her eyes were bright, her face flushed with excitement, and she screamed more and more: "General! General! General... Oh my little heart..."

"General, general, general!" Lan Chun also followed her example and screamed.

Yan Wu stretched her neck and jumped even more behind the two of them: "Let me see, let me see too, let me see..."

Seventeen-year-old Tang Huaizhou covered his face, and no longer wanted to look at this crazy pair of master and servant.

Looking at the little girl who kept waving and screaming at him from a distance, the curvature of the corners of He Shaoting's mouth became more and more obvious, until the figure was no longer visible, he reluctantly retracted his gaze, and the smile on his lips was also Gradually converge.

Fan Guang, the personal guard behind him, finally noticed what the general seemed to be looking at, and followed his line of sight, only to see the crowd of people huddled together.

"Girl, can't see..." Lan Chun said regretfully.

Tang Junyao was very satisfied. She didn't expect that Brother Ting could recognize herself from so many people at a glance. She just felt so happy in her heart that she wanted to float.

On the other hand, Yan Wu, who didn't see anything, frowned unhappily, and glared at Lan Chun angrily.

It's all her fault, that is, she occupied her own position. It was clear that she and Yaoyao watched Brother Ting lead troops into the city together last time, but this time she occupied her position.

Hate it, Lan Chun really hates it to death, the person she hates the most is her, always arguing with others for Yaoyao!

"I don't know how excited you are, it's not that you haven't seen it before, and it's not that you won't be able to see him in the future. When he enters the palace, I will personally take you to his mansion to have a look. Jumping like a crazy girl?" Tang Huaizhou didn't understand what his sister was thinking, only thought this girl was crazy.

It's fine if she doesn't recognize someone, but she still knows that person. Does she need to rush to see him like this? I just watched it, and I screamed and danced as if I had never seen the world before, what a shame!

Tang Junyao snorted softly: "You, a nerd, won't understand."

Only at this time, seeing that person in armor, riding a warhorse, and returning with cheers one after another, under the attention of all the people, did she feel that she, who could only hide in the dark in her previous life, finally had a chance Fangfang came out, cheered with the people, and shouted his admiration for that man.

Of course, these nerds, Mr. Tang, would not understand.

Tang Huaizhou looked helpless: "Then Miss Tang San, people have seen it now, called and jumped, can you go back? If you let your mother know that I smuggled you out, it must be better. A curse."

Tang Junyao smiled and said: "What are you afraid of, it's not that you haven't been scolded before."

Tang Huaizhou said angrily, "I'm not scolding you, you naturally say that! Let's go, let's go back quickly before my mother returns to the house, maybe you can hide it."

"No, no, I have to go to the Haitang study to buy the latest book for the fifth princess! She has urged me many times, and if I don't buy it, she will be scolded by her again." Tang Junyao hurriedly said.

Tang Huaizhou became more and more helpless: "Xing Xing Xing, first go to Haitang Study and buy a script before going back."

Tang Junyao was satisfied.

"Hey, wait for me..." Yan Wu looked at the brother and sister leaving with Lan Chun, and shouted in a hurry, and flew to chase, one of them didn't pay attention, and bumped into a drunk man outside the door, straight up Passed through the body of the drunk.

"It stinks! It stinks!" The strong smell of wine made her dizzy, she quickly pinched her nose and chased in the direction where the Tang brothers and sisters left, "Oh, don't go so fast! Yaoyao Wait for me… "

Although the storefront of Haitang Study is not large, it is one of the three most popular study stores in the capital. The development momentum in the past two years is even more fierce, and it has a tendency to overwhelm the other two. The book sold in the store is the first in Beijing, attracting many fans to come to buy a few books from time to time.

"The author that the fifth princess likes seems to be called Layman Free Tan. It's a strange name. You can help me find it carefully." Tang Junyao instructed when he arrived at the study.

Tang Huaizhou's expression became a little weird: "Don't talk about layman? Are you sure it's this name?"

"Of course, I'm afraid there aren't many people who have such a bizarre name." Tang Junyao replied without looking back.

"Why is it written by a layman? I don't like his book, so let's change it." Yan Wu, who had finally caught up, complained.

Tang Junyao just pretended not to hear it, and continued to dig through the pile of books.

The fifth princess has recently become fascinated by this non-discussing layman's book, and she talks in her ear every day. Only the author who can write the story in such a tortuous and moving way without being conventional is really a genius, and he will definitely be an author in the future. To be red and purple.

She didn't care, but she was also aroused by her curiosity. She deliberately took the work of the talk-free layman to read it again. After reading it, she had only one feeling: it really is not conventional.

For example, there is a story that goes like this: a poor scholar who is in poverty has no choice but to rent a haunted house because of his money. The amorous fox demon incarnates a charming and charming woman to accompany him every night. The two spent a period of loving and lingering days. The scholar was named on the gold list, and he was recruited by the prime minister as his son-in-law. , The scholar was so happy that he looked up to the sky and laughed, laughed and laughed - he died of laughter.

Tang Junyao felt that being able to write a very conventional story in such an unconventional manner was also remarkable for that layman.

Tang Huaizhou's expression became more and more strange, and he grabbed her: "Don't look for it, I will ask him to send you the latest copy when I go back."

Tang Junyao turned around in surprise: "Do you recognize him?"

"I recognize it, not only I recognize it, but even you recognize it." Tang Huaizhou said helplessly.

"I recognize it too?" Tang Junyao's eyes widened, and even Yan Wu floated over curiously, and asked excitedly, "Who is who? Who is the layman?"

Lan Chun also pricked up his ears curiously.

"Who else besides your third brother?" Tang Huaizhou sighed.

"Ah? It's him?!" Tang Junyao was really surprised, but thinking about it again, Tang Huaimian, Mian Huai Tang, don't talk about it... Very good, really don't talk about it!

"I didn't know that the third brother had such talent, the second uncle really wronged him!" She said sighingly.

That year, Tang Huaimian once again lost his name to Sun Shan, and he is still a young talent, so Tang Zhangnian, who was full of expectations for him, is not disappointed. But that time, not only Tang Huaimian was not on the list, but Tang Huaixing, the eldest son of the eldest house, who was known as a genius, also failed in the examination room, and even the same Jinshi in the third list failed to pass the examination.

On the other hand, Lord Tang grabbed the tail of the list, which was the only happy event.

Now that the author has been found, it will be much easier for her to know what new stories he has written in the future, and she doesn't need to be urged by the Fifth Princess every time.

The two brothers and sisters decided to go back to the house. Tang Yunyao was about to get into the carriage with his brother's hand, when he heard a somewhat familiar voice from a woman in front of him: "Who is his sister?! Fuck off!"

She looked up and recognized that the woman was Du Xingchang, and standing in front of Du Xingchang was a young woman who was holding a boy about one year old in her arms.

"Huh? Isn't she the pregnant woman who was supported by General Zhenyuan at that time? The children have grown so big?" Yan Wu recognized the woman with sharp eyes, and said with a surprised expression.

"Everyone in the capital knows that General Zhenyuan raised the outer room and gave birth to a son, so Mrs. Du and Feng Weiliang are still hiding in the dark. But looking at this situation, some people can't wait to let them know about their mother and son. It exists." Tang Huaizhou couldn't hide his sarcasm.

Tang Junyao naturally recognized the woman and said indifferently, "You don't care what they think, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

"That's true." Tang Huaizhou nodded, lowered the curtain, and jumped up to sit next to the driver, "Let's go home!"

At this time, Feng Weiliang was sitting in the flower boat to have fun. Today, the imperial army returned to the court. He was impatient to see the people cheering at that He Shaoting again, so he simply found a quiet place to relax.

"Haha, is this kid a brother and a father this time? There is a real eldest son in General Zhenyuan's mansion, and you, the fake eldest son, should also be wise." Drinking deep, he Then I heard my friend get a little drunk.

"What real eldest son?" He was a little drunk and confused, and didn't turn around for a while.

"It's your father's son born in the outer room!"

"Impossible! It's impossible!" Feng Weiliang was shocked and immediately woke up.

How could a father still have a child? The medicine he personally gave him back then, drinking two bowls a day, had long ago cut off the possibility of him having children again.

The friend thought he didn't believe it, and smiled: "What are you lying about? If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. I heard that she is about to turn one year old, and Yuxue is so cute. Your own flesh and blood have been in pain for so many years, and your own is still not spoiled?"

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Feng Weiliang couldn't hold back any longer, pushed away the prostitute beside him, struggled to get up, and left in a hurry.

In the imperial study, Emperor Tianxi looked at the young Yingwei who was getting taller and taller with a look of relief.

This is a sword that he personally polished and carved, and soon he will open up a new territory for himself and for Daqi.

"I remember that you are also nineteen this year, right? A man is a family and a business, and you are at the age to marry your own son." He stroked his beard, smiled, and suddenly asked, "What do you think of the fifth princess? How about you?"

He Shaoyan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly turn to his own marriage, and hurriedly said: "The fifth princess is very good, but the minister has no intention of marrying, so I dare not delay the princess."

His tone was sincere, and he didn't mean to shirk. Emperor Tianxi was helpless: "How can you not get married... Anyway, there's still a year left, so you should keep an eye on it, if you fancy any girl, I will make the decision. marriage for you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." It was still a simple thank you, but it made the smile on Emperor Tianxi's face a little thicker.

This kid doesn't like to talk, but what he says must be the truth, the truth, which is what he appreciates.

"Okay, anyway, there is no caring person in your house waiting for you to go back, so stay and accompany me to have lunch before going back!" Emperor Tianxi said again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man who saw the next one actually pursed his thin lips, and a faint smile emerged.

"I'm afraid it won't work, the minister will have a banquet later."

Emperor Tianxi laughed dumbly and asked jokingly, "I wonder who has the honor to invite General He?"

He Shaoting replied somewhat embarrassedly, "It's a friend I've known since childhood."

Emperor Tianxi knew that it was Tang Songnian's son.

This kid is happy and quiet, and has always been alone, so he got closer to Tang Songnian's son, whom he had known since childhood. He knew this early on.

Friends who are young and acquainted have more pure and sincere feelings, no wonder he cherishes them so much.

Tang Junyao, who had long known that He Shaoting would come to the house today, said goodbye to the fifth princess early. When she hurried back home and rushed to her elder brother's courtyard, she saw Tang Huaizhou and He Shaoting drinking to the side.

"Why do you drink so much wine?" She walked over quickly and frowned.

Tang Huaizhou hiccupped, but his tone was somewhat smug: "Don't worry, your brother, I'm not drunk, it's him who is drunk."

"I'm not drunk either." He Shaoting rubbed his forehead and emphasized.

Tang Junyao said suddenly: "Junyao is a beautiful little fairy, tell me quickly."

"Jun Yao is a beautiful and kind little fairy." He Shaoting recited subconsciously.

"You're drunk." Tang Junyao said with certainty, turning around and calling someone without thinking.

Tang Huaizhou stared blankly at his friend who had a rare sluggish expression.

Can it be judged that way? My baby is so amazing!