My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life

Chapter 74


She couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. She remembered that when the longevity lock was thrown into the mud by the county magistrate of Jiaping that day, Yan Wu disappeared for several days. When he came back later, he was quite weak, and his body was covered in mud.

She once suspected that she might be buried alive to death, but now it seems that although this guess is not completely correct, the key point is still grasped.

She listened to Yan Wu and continued: "I don't know what they want to do, I only know that I'm very scared, there seem to be many ropes tied to me, and they won't let me leave. I can't breathe, and I can't walk, but who is it? And ignored me. Until later you came... "

Yan Yan looked at her with tears: "After you came, those things like rope disappeared. I don't know who you are, and where you came from, why are you staying in the same body with me? But I'm not afraid at all, you are very warm by your side, as long as you are around, no one can hurt me."

The person who suddenly appeared was obviously a small ball like her, but he didn't seem to be afraid of anything, and his whole body seemed to be full of power, a power that could protect her from harm, very warm and dazzling. .

She hid in the deepest part of that body, and slept peacefully surrounded by the warm breath she exuded, just like in her mother's belly, without thinking or worrying about anything.

Occasionally when she wakes up, she just hides in the depths with sparkling eyes, looking at her with admiration, watching her grow little by little and make herself stronger little by little.

She thought that it would be great if they could do this for a lifetime. When this body gets old, dust returns to dust, and earth returns to earth, they will step into reincarnation together and become a pair of real sisters.

At that time, she will also learn to make herself stronger and learn to protect her in turn.

"I don't know who you are, but I heard them say that since Xu Tingruo and Tang Yunyao live together, they are called Xu Yunyao. Therefore, there has never been any Xu Yunyao in the world, only Xu Tingruo and Tang Yunyao. ."

Tang Junyao's heart tightened.

No wonder, no wonder she has been called Yunyao for two lifetimes. I thought it was a coincidence, but now it seems that there is no coincidence, and some are just conspiracy and malice.

Yan Wu looked at her with tears in her eyes, seeing that her face became more and more ugly, and her heart became more and more uneasy.

I don't know how long it took before she finally heard Tang Junyao ask in a low voice, "Did Concubine Xu Shu suddenly vomit blood and die because I was forcibly driven away from that body by you?"

"No, no, I didn't, I didn't do that. Yes, you are getting weaker and weaker, and you have been accidentally injured by the magic of the witch cup, there is no way to stay in it anymore..." Yan Wu's voice became lower and lower. , thinking of the scene in which Yaoyao suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground, and her soul jumped away from her body, she unknowingly tightened her handkerchief.

Injured by witchcraft? Tang Junyao was stunned, and soon remembered what Huajuan had done to her after she fell out of favor in her previous life. Huajuan was unwilling to dote on the side, and the sword was slanted, and she secretly contacted the goddess outside the palace, and performed witchcraft on her in the East Palace.

During that time, she was indeed ill, but because she never believed this, she did not associate her illness with what Huajuan did. Later, Huajuan was given death, but her condition became worse day by day. , has gradually become unbearable.

Later, Zhao Yuanyou, who had already ascended the throne as the new emperor, left her in Yu Wangfu to recuperate, and this recuperation lasted a whole year.

Is the truth about her illness really like this? She couldn't tell how it felt.

"So, then you regained control of your own body and became the real Concubine Xu Shu?" she asked again.

"No, I should have died early. It was you who continued my existence. Since you are gone, what am I still doing there? Concubine Xu Shu naturally has no need to live anymore." Yan Wu replied in a low voice.

Although Tang Junyao had guessed the result more or less, after all, the appearance of Yan Wu in this life is enough to prove that Concubine Xu Shu, who had two souls in the previous life, was indeed dead when she vomited blood and fell down.

But now that I got the exact answer, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath and asked again calmly, "Are you sure your surname is Xu, not Xun? Or maybe you remember your biological mother's surname is Xun?"

"No, my surname is Xu, I have always been Xu, my mother's surname is Qu, and my surname is not Xun." Yan Wu wiped away tears and replied.

Tang Junyao frowned. There is no doubt that Yan Wu's surname is Xu. After all, the name 'Xu Yunyao' can prove that her surname is indeed Xu.

The royal family of the previous dynasty had the surname Xun, so the possibility that Yan Wu was the royal family of the previous dynasty could be ruled out. As for whether her biological mother was a royal family of the previous dynasty, this is still up for debate.

She calmed down and asked, "You said that Xu Ting from Prince Yu's Mansion is your sister, but I remember that she was born in the same year as you and me. Could it be that she is your twin sister?"

"No, no, I am alone in my mother's belly, and there is no one else." Yan Wu denied. Even though she didn't have much memory of what happened at that time, she was quite sure that she was in her mother's womb alone and had no siblings with her.

Tang Junyao thought secretly: She is not a twin sister but is the same age as her, and her surname is Xu, so she should be her cousin. Fang Yi's identity is already very clear. For them, the remnants of the previous dynasty, the most important thing is to regain the country from the Zhao family.

They attach so much importance to Yan Wu's destiny. For them, what kind of destiny is what they need and will most help them regain the country? Feng Ming? However, it is said that the fate is nothing, and it is not completely believed that even if they are urgently ill and go to the doctor, it is impossible to put all their hopes on the so-called 'fate', at most it is just another one reserved for themselves. road.

Yes, she remembered that when His Majesty was still King Rui, he fought with his elder brother, the prince, and there were remnants of the previous dynasty who roamed the East Palace. At that time, Fangyi and the others had their minds set on that person, but unfortunately they miscalculated in the end. In the end, it was not the one they secretly supported, but King Rui, the current Emperor Tianxi.

That miscalculation, they must have lost a lot of manpower, and they were liquidated by the then King Rui, forcing them to leave the capital temporarily and dormant, so naturally they had to make good use of that fate. When she was a child, she would meet Fangyi's master and servant in Anping County, presumably when they were forced to take refuge in Beijing.

Then Tuyi and Fangyi entered the palace one after another. This time, they should have divided their troops into two groups, with Tuyi focusing on the harem and Fangyi focusing on the east palace. It's a pity that the day didn't go as expected, Tuyi failed to seduce His Majesty, and he went to the East Palace again.

It's a pity that with the abolition of Prince Zhao Yuande's position, their plans for many years have failed again, and they have been pursued by He Shaoting. Now they are like rats crossing the street. I am afraid that there will be countless casualties, so they can only temporarily cast their hopes on Xu Tingruo. Xu Tingruo made up her mind about her 'fate'.

Xu Tingruo must be equivalent to herself in a previous life, a new chess piece to replace Yan Wu in this life after her death. It's just that this chess piece is different from other chess pieces. If Fang Yi and others want to use her, they must gain her wholehearted trust, so that they have the opportunity to control her until they can control her.

Since she is a chess piece, she naturally cannot let her have her own flesh and blood. Only in this way, after she successfully ascends the throne of the queen, will they have the opportunity to steal the day.

She thought of Xu Tingruo in Prince Yu's mansion now, and of herself in her previous life, and only felt a twisting pain in her heart.

That's right, Concubine Xu Shu, who had been favored for many years in her previous life, has never been pregnant. This must be the reason.

She took a few deep breaths again, trying to ignore the tears on Yan Wu's face, and asked calmly, "A while ago, you were with your elder sister in Yu Wang's mansion?"

Yan Wu said sadly, "It's in Yu Wang's mansion, but not to be with Sister Ting Wan. There are portraits of my mother and me in Yu Wang's study. I haven't seen my mother for a long time, so I stayed there."

Tang Junyao was taken aback: "What did you say? Are there pictures of your mother and you in the study of King Yu?! Can he see you?"

Yan Wu whimpered and nodded and shook his head: "He can't see me."

Tang Junyao's heart felt like a turbulent wave, and then he quickly dropped his shoes to the ground, lit the candle again, came to the desk, spread out the paper, and sharpened the ink. Similar to her appearance, while slowly writing.

Lan Chun, who was on duty at night outside, noticed that the light was on in the room, and he put on a robe and pushed the door suspiciously. Seeing that his girl actually turned on the lamp and painted, she disapproved and said: "Girl, it's late at night, it's time to rest, what else is going to be done tomorrow. Draw!"

Tang Junyao responded casually, but the brush in his hand did not stop at all.

Lan Chun reluctantly stepped forward, stretched her neck and looked at the desk, seeing that she was drawing a strange and beautiful woman, even more puzzled.

Tang Junyao finally made the last stroke, and asked Yan Wu whether the person in the painting was similar to her mother.

Yan Wu took a closer look and was surprised and delighted: "Like, very similar, I remember that my mother looked like this, and her temperament was as gentle and amiable as Yaoyao's mother."

The picture in King Yu's study is quite old, and the ink marks are often blurred. Naturally, it is not as clearly visible as Tang Junyao's new work. In addition, because she knew that she was painting Yan Wu's biological mother, she naturally took the role of Ruan when she wrote the painting, and the charm of the characters she painted had a sense of gentleness and love.

Seeing that she had stopped writing, Lan Chun hurriedly said: "Since the girl has finished painting, let's rest early! It's almost three watch now."

Tang Junyao didn't insist either, and told her not to let anyone disturb the painting, so she went back to the bed again, and waited until Lan Chun blew out the candle again and left before she asked Yan Wu, who was still in the room. : "Since you have been in the Yu Palace for some time, do you know who your sister Tingwan can get closer to?"

"Yes, and Zhe Liu, the Zhe Liu beside you before. Sister Ting Wan seems to trust her." Yan Wu replied softly.

Tang Junyao was not surprised. To be precise, after knowing that she was only a pawn in her last life, she realized that the people she once trusted were not necessarily trustworthy.

She remembered that Zhe Liu got her trust when she was staying in Yu Wangfu to recuperate. At that time, everyone in the house knew that the once favored girl Yun Yao had been abandoned by the new emperor, and she was seriously ill and died soon, and anyone could step on her.

Those who used to be jealous of her but couldn't follow the new emperor into the palace, now that they saw the opportunity, they could naturally toss her hard. Those days were also the most difficult times in her life.

As for Zhe Liu, at that time, she was no more than a rough maid of Yu Wangfu, but she was the only one who was willing to come to take care of her who was ill. And under her meticulous care, her condition is getting better day by day.

When she returned to the harem, until her death, Zhe Liu was the most capable and trusted person by her side.

She twitched her lips in self-deprecation. She thought she was smart, but in fact she was played with applause from the beginning to the end. She fought all her life, and lived in deception and conspiracy all her life.

But it doesn't matter, now that she understands her life, she still needs to settle the account.

Yan Wu didn't speak anymore, just stared at her blankly, her expression getting more and more sad.

She knew that Yaoyao would not forgive herself, and probably would never want to see her again in the future, and she had no face to pester her again.

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry, I really didn't think about hurting you. I'm gone, you have to take care in the future..." She said softly, and took a deep look at Tang Yunyao, who was in deep thought for the last time, and finally Reluctantly turned to leave.

Tang Junyao turned back from her thoughts and was about to ask Yan Wu if it was her reason that she could return to her childhood, but when she turned around, she found that Yan Wu had left at some point.

She stared absently at the place where Fang Cai Yan Wu was standing, unconsciously recalling the bits and pieces of getting along with Yan Wu in this life, her vision gradually became a little blurry.

She knew that she couldn't blame her for everything. She was so young back then, she didn't understand anything, she didn't know anything. Even though the pain she experienced was no less than her own, the moment she knew the truth, she couldn't help but express her anger.

"A-Wu..." She murmured that name, her throat a bit blocked.

But this time, no one responded to her, and probably not in the future. In the future, there will be no more people chattering in her ears endlessly, and there will be no more flatterers like that, who will use all the nice things to praise her anytime, anywhere.

For a long time, she wiped the water in her eyes carelessly, turned over with the quilt in her arms, and said over and over in her heart: Don't think about it anymore, go to bed earlier! Tomorrow, I have to find a way to meet Brother Ting, and ask him to help me find the person in the painting; I have to find a way to lead them out through Zhe Liu Yin Fang Yi, and…

Yan Wu left the Tang Mansion sadly, looking at the quiet street. In the quiet street, apart from the sound of the evening wind blowing by and the faint sound of dogs barking in the distance, there was nothing else.

She lowered her head, her eyes filled with water vapor again, but after a while, the tears began to fall straight down.

She wiped away her tears as she walked in the direction of Prince Yu's Mansion.

There is a portrait of her mother there, Yaoyao doesn't want her anymore, her mother will definitely want her...

Somewhere in the woods on the outskirts of Beijing, Fang Yi was leaning against the wall in the cave, all over her body, Tuyi tore off her water bag and handed it to her: "Master, have a drink! We've arrived in the capital now, He Shaoting, those No one would have thought that we actually returned to the capital again."

Fang Yi poured several large saliva in succession, and finally relieved the dryness of his throat. Hearing this, he sneered: "The most dangerous place is the safest place. However, we can't take it lightly if we sail carefully."

Tuyi responded softly.

Thinking of the government's absurd sea arrest documents and He Shaoting's chasing and beating, Fang Yibian almost gnawed his silver teeth with hatred.

She took a few deep breaths before asking, "Is what happened at General Zhenyuan's Mansion true?"

"It's absolutely true! The people who sneaked into the capital before dark have already brought back the message. Although Du Chengzhong has not announced it to the public, everyone in General Zhenyuan's mansion knows that He Shaoting is their general's biological son. Change his name to the original 'eldest son' Feng Weiliang as 'liang son'." Tuyi said in a low voice.

"Very well, the dignified eldest son of the General's Mansion has really become an outsider at this moment. I think that Young Master Liang must have hated He Shaoting very much. You arrange for someone to approach him in a way, and then fan the flames and let him If the hatred in my heart is deeper, then using his hand to get rid of He Shaoting will be regarded as showing the evil spirit in my heart!" Fang Yi's face was sullen, and she took out a medicine bottle from her bosom, "This is how I help him get rid of his confidants. Big trouble!"

Tuyi understood it, took the medicine bottle and arranged it by himself.

Feng Weiliang's life has been really difficult these days. Whenever he hears the servants calling him 'Liang Gongzi', he seems to be slapped heavily, teaching him to be angry, resentful and embarrassed.

But he couldn't show anything, lest it be spread to Du Chengzhong's ears and let him know his resentment.

Those who used to be good friends with him, those with well-informed information, also knew the relationship between Du Chengzhong and He Shaoting, and also knew that he was no longer the eldest son of the General's Mansion in Zhenyuan, but became a non-host and non-guest. Young Master Liang, who always makes fun of this matter.

"That's how it should be. It's just an oil bottle. That's why Du Chengzhong is not afraid of getting green on his head, and he likes to dote on it like something."

"No, the dove occupies the magpie's nest and occupies the position of others for such a long time, and it is time to go back. I can't stand his usual madness, and I really regard myself as the eldest son of the general's mansion, dare to fight Let's sit on an equal footing, it's so fucking shameless!"

"Maybe the daughter-in-law he married also regretted it. He thought that he was married to the first young lady, but now... tsk tsk, how can I cry in my heart! What a pity for such a delicate beauty!"

"Haha, are you kidding people?"

The conversation inside became more and more unbearable, Feng Weiliang was so angry that his face was ashen and his body was shaking, and the veins on his forehead were beating frequently, but he did not dare to barge in and scold them.

"The tiger fell in Pingyang and was bullied by the dog. The eldest son is in this situation today. If he doesn't think of a way to save himself, I'm afraid that the future will be difficult. Everyone in the world loves to fall into trouble. Does the son have to wait until the day when he is trampled under his feet? ?" He suddenly heard someone sighing and talking behind him, he turned around, and saw a middle-aged man in a brocade robe, but he looked a little shy.

"Who are you? It's not your turn to talk about this son!"

The man sighed again, looking at him with pity in his eyes: "Feng Sheng Feng was such a romantic man back then, but his biological son... If he knew that his son had reached the point where he is today, he would be afraid even if he was under Jiuquan. It’s also hard to feel at ease.”

Feng Weiliang was immediately taken aback. Does he recognize his biological father? Thinking like this, he subconsciously walked after the man.

The anger and resentment in Yun's heart were no less than his. Du Chengzhong's eagerness to recognize He Shaoting and his neglect of their mother and son taught her to be colder than ever. Especially on that day, she impulsively expressed her dissatisfaction with his always going to General Zhongyong's Mansion, and Du Chengzhong blurted out: "If it wasn't for you who couldn't give birth to a son, why would I need to be so humble about my own son!"

At that moment, her few remaining feelings for this man were finally exhausted.

The man she desperately grabbed back then, the man she thought she could control for a lifetime, and the man who would be devoted to her for the rest of her life, was actually no different from other men, just as ruthless and ruthless.

It's ridiculous that she changed herself beyond recognition for this man. It's a pity that now, she has no way to turn back, there is only one way to go to the end.

Everything in the Zhenyuan General's Mansion must belong to her son!

But it was said that Tang Junyao made the painting under the guidance of Yan Wu that night. He originally planned to ask He Shaoting to help her find the person in the painting, so as to find out Yan Wu's life experience. When he sent the letter, he was told that He Shaoting was out on an errand and would not be able to return until half a month at the earliest.

She was a little disappointed, but she didn't care too much, and immediately arranged for someone to pay attention to the movements of Zhe Liu in Prince Yu's mansion, and made arrangements in secret, just waiting for Zhe Liu to go out to pay respects to her relatives like she did in her previous life.

In addition, she stayed at home obediently, and even refused the invitation of the fifth princess. After all, ever since she knew that she was the real Tang Junyao, she always felt that she didn't have enough time with her relatives, especially with the Ruan family.

As long as she thought about her 'early death' in her previous life, Nguyen was so sad that she was bedridden and passed away in less than a year. She felt both heartache and guilt. pain.

Nguyen Shi looked at her daughter who had been following her in and out like a little tail in recent days, and it was a little funny.

In this way, it is exactly the same as when I made a mistake when I was a child, clinging to myself and asking myself to give her another chance, and I almost asked "then how can you not be angry".

"Tell mother honestly, have you been so good these days, did you get into trouble?" she asked jokingly.

Tang Junyao was speechless for a while, and simply hugged her arm coquettishly: "How can there be trouble, I don't know how good it is!"

"In the past, I was like a small spinning top. I went around here and there, or I ran away without a trace. Now I'm not in trouble. How can I stay at home with my mother so obediently?" Ruan sneered.

Tang Junyao rubbed and rubbed on her arm: "I just miss my mother, and I don't want to leave her, so I stick to my mother and don't go anywhere."

Ruan's heart was very ironed, and she was coaxed into a wide-eyed smile. This little girl is like this when she urinates. Either she is naughty and she wants to be brought to her every day and reprimanded, or she is so obedient that she feels that no matter how much you hurt her, it is not enough.

Tang Junyao leaned against her and felt her gentleness and kindness that had been there for decades. Her heart was sour and warm, until she saw Lan Chunchong winking at herself outside the window, and her mind moved. slipped out.